Light- and Electron-Microscopic Investigations into the Ceroma of Ducks with Particular Regard to the Herbst Corpuscles

Ábrahám, A. (1978) Light- and Electron-Microscopic Investigations into the Ceroma of Ducks with Particular Regard to the Herbst Corpuscles. ACTA BIOLOGICA (SZEGED), 24 (1-4). pp. 59-88. ISSN 0563-0592


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The ceroma consists of two layers, the external epidermis, and the internal corium. The epidermis is a stratified epithelium while the corium consists of connective tissue. The corium contains frequent mastocytes and there are several Schwanns' cells, Grandry and Herbst corpuscles. In the Herbst corpuscle, three parts can be distinguished, the inner bulb, the inner cavity and the external capsule. The inner bulb consists of two cell layers each containing 8 to 10 cells. From cells 20 to 50 laminar processes come. The laminar system of any cell is connected with that of the cells before and after it, as well as with the similar system of the row on the other side. In the axon running between the cell rows there are groups of mitochondria, dense core vesicles, clear vesicles, and neurotubuli. The axolemma is separated from the cytolemma by an easily discernible void gap. There is no synaptic organization along the membranes. The form of connection is a parallel contact. The inner cavity consists of lamellae, bordered by fiuidfilled cavities. The lamellae vary in shape and size and are characterized by long ribosome rows. The extennal capsule consists of parallel lamellae, separated from each other by collagenous fibril bundles. The cytoplasm of the lamellae is sponge-like with, frequent oviform cistern.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: S Agriculture / mezőgazdaság > SV Veterinary science / állatorvostudomány
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 24 Apr 2024 09:38
Last Modified: 24 Apr 2024 09:38

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