A Mohácsi Nemzeti Emlékhely IV. tömegsírja feltárásának biológiai antropológiai megfigyelései = The National Memorial Park of Mohács Mass Grave No. IV. excavation: Biological anthropological observations

Kocsmár, Réka and Vágvölgyi, L. and Neményi, Réka and Győrffy-Villám, Zs. and Talabér, Ildikó and Simon, Zsófia and Mai, Tímea Katalin and De Andrés Montero, Marcos and Vig, Viktor and Bereczki, Zsolt and Tihanyi, Balázs and Molnár, Erika and Pálfi, György (2024) A Mohácsi Nemzeti Emlékhely IV. tömegsírja feltárásának biológiai antropológiai megfigyelései = The National Memorial Park of Mohács Mass Grave No. IV. excavation: Biological anthropological observations. ANTHROPOLOGIAI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 65. pp. 63-74. ISSN 0003-5440

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The excavation campaign of Mass Grave No. IV. started at the National Memorial Park of Mohács in June 2024. The well-organized, intensive archaeological and field anthropological work was carried out in cooperation between the Department of Archaeology, Janus Pannonius Museum and the Department of Biological Anthropology, University of Szeged. The observations of the field anthropology studies were very similar to the Mass Grave No. III. excavation (carried out between 2020 and 2022): frequently fragmented and incomplete, mixed and damaged skeletal remains, predominance of young male skeletons, abundance of perimortem cut wounds observed first on skull bones and cervical vertebrae, quite frequent occurrence of skeletal infection traces. After a period of 10 weeks, the excavation campaign was finished with the completion of the fieldwork. Immediately after that, the skeletal remains of an undetermined number of individuals (but very probably between one and two hundred) were transported to the Department of Biological Anthropology of the University of Szeged, where the washing and preliminary anthropological analysis of the skeletons was about to begin.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: 1526; Mohács battle; National Memorial Park of Mohács; Mass grave excavation; Field anthropology
Subjects: C Auxiliary Sciences of History / történeti segédtudományok > CC Archaeology / régészet
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation / földrajz, antropológia, kikapcsolódás > GN Anthropology / embertan, fizikai antropológia
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 19 Dec 2024 10:28
Last Modified: 19 Dec 2024 10:44

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