Un humaniste portugais à Cracovie

Ziejka, Franciszek (2004) Un humaniste portugais à Cracovie. Studia Slavica, 49 (1-2). pp. 99-102. ISSN 0039-3363


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Taking as a point of departure the record included in 'Crónica do Felicissimo Rei D. Manuel' (1566), the paper is focused on the description and analysis of the historical, geographical, political, cultural, intellectual, as well as personal dimension of the visit paid to Kraków by a famous Portuguese humanist Damiao de Gois. It is also a contribution to the panorama of the Polish-Portuguese cultural relations during the Renaissance, when Kraków was an important centre not only of the local but also of the European intellectual pursuits.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PG Slavic, Baltic, Albanian languages and literature / szláv, balti, albán nyelvek és irodalom
Depositing User: xEndre xSarvay
Date Deposited: 12 Jul 2018 07:21
Last Modified: 30 Jun 2024 23:15

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