Items where Author is "Battistig, Gábor"

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Number of items: 28.

Battistig, Gábor (2024) Az ionsugaras adalékolás és analitika alkalmazása a félvezető-technológiában, avagy, Gyulai József munkásságának hatása a KFKI-ban és utódintézeteiben. FIZIKAI SZEMLE : MAGYAR FIZIKAI FOLYÓIRAT, 74 (3). pp. 88-91. ISSN 0015-3257 (nyomtatott); 1588-0540 (elektronikus)

Kiss, Rebeka Gyöngyi and Harasztosi, Lajos and Szabó, István A. and Battistig, Gábor (2024) Microhotplate as a Platform for Calorimetry. PROCEEDINGS, 97 (1). No.-175. ISSN 2504-3900

Bársony, István and Misák, Sándor and Kun, Ferenc and Battistig, Gábor (2020) 20 éves a villamosmérnök-képzés a Debreceni Egyetemen. ELEKTROTECHNIKA, 113 (5-6). pp. 42-44. ISSN 0367-0708

Rácz, Adél Sarolta and Zámbó, Dániel and Dobrik, Gergely and Lukács, István Endre and Zolnai, Zsolt and Deák, András and Battistig, Gábor and Menyhárd, Miklós (2019) Novel method for the production of SiC micro and nanopatterns. SURFACE AND COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, 372. pp. 427-433. ISSN 0257-8972

Szappanos, Miklós and Radó, János and Battistig, Gábor and Földesy, Péter and Volk, János (2018) Energy Harvesting Powered Wireless Vibration Analyser. PROCEEDINGS, 2 (13). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2504-3900

Rakovics, Vilmos and Nádas, J. and Réti, István and Dücső, Csaba and Battistig, Gábor (2017) Growth and characterization of broad spectrum infrared emitting GaInAsP/InP heterostructures. JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, 462. pp. 1-4. ISSN 0022-0248

Nádas, József and Rakovics, Vilmos and Réti, István and Dücső, Csaba and Battistig, Gábor (2017) Spatially and spectrally stable semiconductor light sources for near infrared spectroscopy. MATERIALS TODAY: PROCEEDINGS, 4 (7). pp. 7107-7113. ISSN 2214-7853

Radó, János and Battistig, Gábor and Csikósné Pap, Andrea Edit and Fürjes, Péter and Földesy, Péter (2017) Thermal Noise Limited, Scalable Multi-Piezoresistor Readout Architecture. In: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings, 2017.09.03-2017.09.06, Párizs.

Radó, János and Dücső, Csaba and Battistig, Gábor and Szebényi, Gábor and Fürjes, Péter and Nawrat, Zbigniew and Rohr, Kamil (2016) 3D force sensors for laparoscopic surgery tool. In: 2016 SYMPOSIUM ON DESIGN, TEST, INTEGRATION AND PACKAGING OF MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP), Budapest.

Radó, János and Dücső, Csaba and Battistig, Gábor and Szebényi, Gábor and Fürjes, Péter and Nawrat, Zbigniew and Rohr, Kamil (2016) 3D force sensors for laparoscopic surgery tool. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP'16). IEEE, New York, p. 7514829. ISBN 978-1-5090-1505-4

Radó, János and Dücső, Csaba and Battistig, Gábor and Szebényi, Gábor and Nawrat, Zbigniew and Rohr, Kamil and Fürjes, Péter (2016) Biocompatible packaging of vectorial micro force sensors applied in laparoscopic surgery robots. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP'16). IEEE, New York, pp. 1-4. ISBN 9781509015054

Battistig, Gábor and Zolnai, Zsolt and Németh, Attila and Panjan, P. and Menyhárd, Miklós (2016) Nanoscale SiC production by ballistic ion beam mixing of C/Si multilayer structures. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 49 (18). p. 185303. ISSN 0022-3727

Radnóczi, György Zoltán and Dodony, Erzsébet and Battistig, Gábor and Vouroutzis, N. and Kavouras, P. and Stoemenos, J. and Frangis, N. and Kovács, A. and Pécz, Béla (2016) Structural characterization of nanostructures grown by Ni metal induced lateral crystallization of amorphous-Si. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 119 (6). 065303-1. ISSN 0021-8979

Rakovics, Vilmos and Dücső, Csaba and Réti, István and Battistig, Gábor (2016) Vízben oldott motorhajtóanyagok meghatározása UV abszorpció és lumineszcencia alapján. In: Műszaki Kémiai Napok 2016. Pannon Egyetem Műszaki Informatikai Kar Műszaki Kémiai Kutató Intézet, Veszprém, pp. 89-95. ISBN 978-963-396-087-5

Battistig, Gábor and Gurbán, Sándor and Sáfrán, György and Sulyok, Attila and Németh, Attila and Zolnai, Zsolt and Menyhárd, Miklós (2016) Wafer-scale SiC rich nano-coating layer by Ar+ and Xe+ ion mixing. SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, 302. pp. 320-326. ISSN 0257-8972

Szilágyi, Edit and Bányász, István and Kótai, Endre and Németh, Attila and Major, Csaba and Fried, Miklós and Battistig, Gábor (2015) Determination of migration of ion-implanted Ar and Zn in silica by backscattering spectrometry. RADIATION EFFECTS AND DEFECTS IN SOLIDS, 170 (3). pp. 229-237. ISSN 1042-0150

Radnóczi, György Zoltán and Dodony, Erzsébet and Battistig, Gábor and Vouroutzis, N. and Stoemenos, J. and Kovács, András and Pécz, Béla (2015) Electron microscopy study of Ni induced crystallization in amorphous Si thin films. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES AND EXHIBITION ON NANOTECHNOLOGIES & ORGANIC ELECTRONICS (NANOTEXNOLOGY 2014). AIP Publishing, Thessaloniki, pp. 31-37. ISBN 978-0-7354-1285-9

Battistig, Gábor (2015) Introduction: REM7 - 2014. RADIATION EFFECTS AND DEFECTS IN SOLIDS, 170 (3). pp. 153-154. ISSN 1042-0150

Bársony, István and Dücső, Csaba and Fürjes, Péter and Riesz, Ferenc and Hajnal, Zoltán and Battistig, Gábor (2014) Membrane Platforms for Sensors. PROCEDIA ENGINEERING, 87. pp. 871-878. ISSN 1877-7058

Kárpáti, Tamás and Kulinyi, S. and Végvári, P. and Ferencz, J. and Nagy, A. and Csikósné Pap, Andrea Edit and Battistig, Gábor (2013) Packaging of a 3-axial piezoresistive sensor with backside contacts. MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES. ISSN 0946-7076

Bársony, István and Baji, Zsófia and Basa, Péter and Battistig, Gábor and Czigány, Zsolt and Csík, Attila and Dücső, Csaba and Horváth, Zsolt József and Kövér, László and Lábadi, Zoltán and Menyhárd, Miklós and Mizsei, János and Molnár, György and Németh, Ágoston and Plesz, Balázs and Rakovics, Vilmos and Simon, Alíz and Szentpáli, Béla and Timárné Horváth, Veronika and Vad, Kálmán and Zolnai, Zsolt (2013) Együtt-párologtatott négykomponensű félvezető vékonyréteg fotovoltaikus célra = Co-evaporated four-component semiconductor thin films for photovoltaics. Project Report. OTKA.

Márton, Gergely and Fekete, Zoltán and Fiáth, Richárd and Baracskay, Péter and Ulbert, István and Juhász, György and Battistig, Gábor and Pongrácz, Anita (2013) In vivo measurements with robust silicon-based multielectrode arrays with extreme shaft lengths. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 13 (9). pp. 3263-3269. ISSN 1530-437X

Molnár, D. and Pongrácz, A. and Ádám, M. and Hajnal, Z. and Tímárné, V. and Battistig, Gábor (2012) Sensitivity tuning of A 3-axial piezoresistive force sensor. MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 90. pp. 40-43. ISSN 0167-9317

Kádár, György and Balázs, János and Bársony, István and Battistig, Gábor and Gyulai, József and Hámori, András and Nagy, Norbert and Szabó, Zsolt and Szentpáli, Béla and Tóth, Attila Lajos and Varga, Péter and Volk, János (2007) Elektromágneses hullámok mesterséges periodikus szerkezetekben = Electromagnetic waves in artificial periodical structures. Project Report. OTKA.

Gyulai, József and Arató, Péter and Balázsi, Csaba and Battistig, Gábor and Biró, László Péter and Hárs, György and Lábadi, Zoltán and Lohner, Tivadar and Makkai, Zsolt and Menyhárd, Miklós and Nguyen, Quoc Khanh and Pászti, Ferenc and Petrik, Péter and Ster, András and Tóth, Lajos and Vargáné dr. Josepovits, Katalin (2007) Ionsugaras módszerek a fizikai nanotechnológiában (IONNANO) = Ion beam modifications in near-to-physics nanotechnology. Project Report. OTKA.

Pászti, Ferenc and Szilágyi, Edit and Horváth, Zsolt Endre and Manuaba, Asrama and Battistig, Gábor and Hajnal, Zoltán and Vázsonyi, Éva (1998) Morphological investigation of porous samples by resonant backscattering spectrometry. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 136-38. pp. 533-539. ISSN 0168-583X

Hajnal, Zoltán and Battistig, Gábor and Amsel, G. and Ortega, C. (1997) Fluctuations des quantités de matiere rencontrées le long de leur trajectoires par des particules chargées dans le silicium poreux. In: Journées simulation numérique, matière condensée et désordre No 3, 1997.06.05-1997.06.06, Paris.

Hajnal, Zoltán and Szilágyi, Edit and Pászti, Ferenc and Battistig, Gábor (1996) Channeling-like effects due to the macroscopic structure of porous silicon. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 118 (1-4). pp. 617-621. ISSN 0168-583X

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