Items where Author is "Demény, Attila"

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Demény, Attila and Rinyu, László and Dublyansky, Yuri and Bajnóczi, Bernadett (2025) Preservation and alteration of inclusion-based calcite-water oxygen isotope and clumped isotope temperature signals in calcite veins. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 15 (1). ISSN 2045-2322

Bujtor, László and Demény, Attila and Németh, Péter and Bajnóczi, Bernadett (2024) Laevaptychi as reliable paleotemperature archives: high-resolution stable isotope compositions of Kimmeridgian (Jurassic) lamellar structured aspidoceratid lower mandibles from Zengővárkony (Mecsek Mountains, Hungary). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, 113. pp. 353-367. ISSN 1437-3254

Demény, Attila and Rinyu, László and Dublyansky, Yuri (2024) Late Cretaceous to early Cenozoic hydrothermal fluid migration and red calcite formation in the Transdanubian Range, Hungary. GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA, 75 (4). pp. 271-277. ISSN 1335-0552

Cifer, T. and Goričan, Š. and Demény, Attila and Gawlick, H. J. (2024) Radiolarian response to environmental changes at the Sinemurian–Pliensbachian transition in the Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria. PAPERS IN PALAEONTOLOGY, 10 (4). -e1581. ISSN 2056-2799

Demény, Attila and Czuppon, György and Kern, Zoltán and Hatvani, István Gábor and Topál, Dániel and Karlik, Máté and Surányi, Gergely and Molnár, Mihály and Kiss, Gabriella Ilona and Szabó, Máté and Shen, Chuan-Chou and Hu, Hsun-Ming and May, Zoltán (2024) A Speleothem Record of Seasonality and Moisture Transport Around the 8.2 ka Event in Central Europe (Vacska Cave, Hungary). QUATERNARY RESEARCH : AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL. pp. 1-45. ISSN 0033-5894 (print); 1096-0287 (online) (In Press)

Demény, Attila and Berentés, Ágnes and Rinyu, László and Kovács, Ivett and Surányi, Gergely and Virág, Magdolna (2024) Subaqueous Carbonate Speleothems as Paleotemperature Archives – Clumped Isotope Thermometry and Stable Isotope Compositions of Inclusion-hosted Water. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPELEOLOGY, 53 (1). pp. 25-37. ISSN 0392-6672 (print); 1827-806X (online)

Lázár, Anett and Molnár, Zsombor and Demény, Attila and Kótai, László and Trif, László and Béres, Kende Attila and Bódis, Eszter and Bortel, Gábor and Aradi, László Előd and Karlik, Máté and Szabó, Máté Zoltán and Pekker, Áron and Németh, Gergely and Kamarás, Katalin and Németh, Péter (2023) Insights into the amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) → ikaite → calcite transformations. CRYSTENGCOMM. pp. 2-13. ISSN 1466-8033

Gugora, Ariana and Dupras, Tosha L. and Fóthi, Erzsébet and Demény, Attila (2023) A Kenézlő-Fazekaszug I-II temetőben feltárt honfoglalás kori népesség táplálkozási szokásainak rekonstrukciója szén és nitrogén stabilizotóp-arányainak elemzésével. In: Hadak útján : A népvándorláskor kutatóinak XXIX. konferenciája : Budapest, 2019. november 15–16. Studia ad Archaeologiam Pazmaniensiae, 24.2 . Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Magyar Őstörténeti Kutatócsoport, PPKE BTK Régészettudományi Intézet, Martin Opitz Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 171-199. ISBN 9786156388353

Meister, Patrick and Frisia, Silvia and Dódony, István and Pekker, Péter and Molnár, Zsombor and Kovács, Ivett and Demény, Attila and Pósfai, Mihály (2023) Nanoscale Pathway of Modern Dolomite Formation in a Shallow, Alkaline Lake. CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 23 (5). pp. 3202-3212. ISSN 1528-7483

Demény, Attila and Gugora, Ariana and Somogyvári-Lajtár, Enikő and Farkas, Csaba and Hegyi, István and Palcsu, László and Horváth, Anikó (2023) Rézkori temetők csontvázleleteinek stabilizotóp-geokémiai elemzése. In: Késő rézkori temetkezések régészeti és bioarcheológiai elemzése. HUN-REN Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, Régészeti Intézet; Archaeolingua Alapítvány és Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 591-611. ISBN 9786155766640; 9786155766671

Demény, Attila (2023) Stable hydrogen isotope compositions of tourmalines from the Sopron metamorphic complex: Metamorphic closure temperature and fluid composition. CENTRAL EUROPEAN GEOLOGY, 65 (2). pp. 178-182. ISSN 1788-2281

Czuppon, György and Demény, Attila and Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs and Stieber, József and Óvári, Mihály and Dobosy, Péter (2022) Cave monitoring in Hungary: An overview. CENTRAL EUROPEAN GEOLOGY, 65 (1). pp. 26-39. ISSN 1788-2281

Temovski, Marjan and Rinyu, László and Futó, István and Molnár, Kata and Túri, Marianna and Demény, Attila and Palcsu, László (2022) Combined use of conventional and clumped carbonate stable isotopes to identify hydrothermal isotopic alteration in cave walls. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12 (1). ISSN 2045-2322

Gugora, Ariana and Demény, Attila and Fóthi, Erzsébet and Horváth, Anikó and Palcsu, László and Karlik, Máté (2022) Detection of diagenetic alteration in bones and teeth for migration and dietary studies — a combined FTIR and C-N–O-Sr isotope study on tenth century CE cemeteries in northern and northeastern Hungary. ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 14 (4). ISSN 1866-9557

Cifer, Tim and Goričan, Špela and Auer, Matthias and Demény, Attila and Fraguas, Ángela (2022) Integrated stratigraphy (radiolarians, calcareous nannofossils, carbon and strontium isotopes) of the Sinemurian–Pliensbachian transition at Mt. Rettenstein, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, 212. ISSN 0921-8181

Demény, Attila (2022) The analyses of the beads at Nemesnádudvar. In: Archaeologia Cumanica 5.: "Élőknek öröksége...” Tanulmányok V. Székely György emlékére. Kecskeméti Katona József Múzeum, Kecskemét, pp. 34-38.

Demény, Attila and Rinyu, László and Németh, Péter and Czuppon, György and Enyedi, Nóra and Makk, Judit and Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs and Kesjár, Dóra and Kovács, Ivett (2021) Bacterial and abiogenic carbonates formed in caves–no vital effect on clumped isotope compositions. PLOS ONE, 16 (1). ISSN 1932-6203

Pálfy, József and Kovács, Zsófia and Demény, Attila and Vallner, Zsolt (2021) End-Triassic crisis and “unreefing” led to the demise of the Dachstein carbonate platform: A revised model and evidence from the Transdanubian Range, Hungary. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, 199. p. 103428. ISSN 0921-8181 (print); 1872-6364 (online)

Demény, Attila and Kern, Zoltán and Hatvani, István Gábor and Torma, Csaba and Topál, Dániel and Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs and Czuppon, György and Surányi, Gergely (2021) Holocene hydrological changes in Europe and the role of the North Atlantic ocean circulation from a speleothem perspective. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, 571. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1040-6182

Bondár, Mária (Ködmönné) and Demény, Attila and Németh, Péter and Karlik, Máté and Fintor, Krisztián (2021) Különleges gyöngy egy különleges késő rézkori sírból = Special bead from a special Late Copper Age Grave. ARCHEOMETRIAI MŰHELY, 18 (2). pp. 143-156. ISSN 1786-271X

Demény, Attila and Berentés, Ágnes and Czuppon, György and Kovács, Richárd and Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs and Surányi, Gergely (2021) Nyitni vagy nem nyitni? – Pilisi barlangok szellőzöttsége a geokémiai adatok tükrében. FÖLDRAJZI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 145 (3). pp. 224-231. ISSN 0015-5411

Demény, Attila and Rinyu, László and Kern, Zoltán and Hatvani, István Gábor and Czuppon, György and Surányi, Gergely and Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs and Koltai, Gabriella (2021) Paleotemperature reconstructions using speleothem fluid inclusion analyses from Hungary. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, 563. ISSN 0009-2541

Újvári, Gábor and Bernasconi, Stefano M. and Stevens, Thomas and Kele, Sándor and Páll-Gergely, Barna and Surányi, Gergely and Demény, Attila (2021) Stadial‐interstadial temperature and aridity variations in East Central Europe preceding the Last Glacial Maximum. PALEOCEANOGRAPHY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY, 36 (8). ISSN 2572-4517

Enyedi, Nóra and Makk, Judit and Kótai, László and Berényi, Bernadett and Klébert, Szilvia and Sebestyén, Zoltán and Molnár, Zsombor and Kériné Borsodi, Andrea and Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs and Demény, Attila and Németh, Péter (2020) Cave bacteria-induced amorphous calcium carbonate formation. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 10. No.-8696. ISSN 2045-2322

Győri, Orsolya and Haas, János and Hips, Kinga and Lukoczki, Georgina and Budai, Tamás and Demény, Attila and Szőcs, Emese (2020) Dolomitization of shallow-water, mixed silicilastic-carbonate sequences: The Lower Triassic ramp succession of the Transdanubian Range, Hungary. SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY, 395. pp. 1-20. ISSN 0037-0738

Győri, Orsolya and Haas, János and Hips, Kinga and Lukoczki, Georgina and Budai, Tamás and Demény, Attila and Szőcs, Emese (2020) Dolomitization of shallow-water, mixed silicilastic‑carbonate sequences: The lower Triassic ramp succession of the Transdanubian Range, Hungary. SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY, 395. ISSN 0037-0738

Gulyás, Sándor and Nagy, Balázs and Sümegi, Pál and Schöll-Barna, Gabriella and Demény, Attila (2020) Intensified mid-Holocene floods recorded by archeomalacological data and resilience of first farming groups of the Carpathian Basin. ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 12. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1866-9557 (print); 1866-9565 (online)

Kovács, Emma Blanka and Ruhl, Micha and Demény, Attila and Fórizs, István and Hegyi, István and Horváth-Kostka, Zsófia Rita and Móricz, Ferenc and Vallner, Zsolt and Pálfy, József (2020) Mercury anomalies and carbon isotope excursions in the western Tethyan Csővár section support the link between CAMP volcanism and the end-Triassic extinction. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, 194. pp. 1-17. ISSN 0921-8181

Comas-Bru, Laia and Rehfeld, Kira and Roesch, Carla and Amirnezhad-Mozhdehi, Sahar and Harrison, Sandy P. and Demény, Attila and Hatvani, István Gábor and Kern, Zoltán (2020) SISALv2: A comprehensive speleothem isotope database with multiple age–depth models. EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA, 12 (4). pp. 2579-2606. ISSN 1866-3508 (print); 1866-3516 (online)

Comas-Bru, Laia and Harrison, Sandy P. and Werner, Martin and Rehfeld, Kira and Scroxton, Nick and Demény, Attila and Hatvani, István Gábor and Kern, Zoltán and Koltai, Gabriella (2019) Evaluating model outputs using integrated global speleothem records of climate change since the last glacial. CLIMATE OF THE PAST, 15 (4). pp. 1557-1579. ISSN 1814-9324

Demény, Attila and Kern, Zoltán and Czuppon, György and Németh, Alexandra and Schöll-Barna, G. and Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs and Serlegi, Gábor and Bajnóczi, Bernadett and Sümegi, Pál and Király, Ágnes and Kiss, Viktória and Kulcsár, Gabriella and Bondár, Mária (Ködmönné) (2019) Middle Bronze Age humidity and temperature variations, and societal changes in East-Central Europe. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, 504. pp. 80-95. ISSN 1040-6182

Kern, Zoltán and Demény, Attila and Perşoiu, Aurel and Hatvani, István Gábor (2019) Speleothem Records from the Eastern Part of Europe and Turkey—Discussion on Stable Oxygen and Carbon Isotopes. QUATERNARY, 2 (3). ISSN 2571-550X

Hatvani, István Gábor and Kern, Zoltán and Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs and Demény, Attila (2018) Speleothem stable isotope records for east-central Europe: resampling sedimentary proxy records to obtain evenly spaced time series with spectral guidance. EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA, 10 (1). pp. 139-149. ISSN 1866-3508

Németh, Péter and Mugnaioli, Enrico and Gemmi, Mauro and Czuppon, György and Demény, Attila and Spötl, Christoph (2018) A nanocrystalline monoclinic CaCO 3 precursor of metastable aragonite. SCIENCE ADVANCES, 4 (12). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2375-2548

Szabó, Péter and Kocsis, László and Vennemann, Torsten and Pandolfi, Luca and Kovács, János and Martinetto, Edoardo and Demény, Attila (2017) Pliocene–Early Pleistocene climatic trends in the Italian Peninsula based on stable oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of rhinoceros and gomphothere tooth enamel. Quaternary Science Reviews, 157. pp. 52-65. ISSN 0277-3791

Újvári, Gábor and Stevens, Thomas and Molnár, Mihály and Demény, Attila and Fabrice, Lambert and Varga, György and Páll-Gergely, Barna and Kovács, János (2017) Coupled European and Greenland last glacial dust activity driven by North Atlantic climate. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 114 (50). pp. 10632-10638. ISSN 0027-8424

Szabó, Péter and Kocsis, László and Vennemann, Torsten and Pandolfi, Luca and Kovács, János and Demény, Attila (2017) Pliocene–Early Pleistocene climatic trends in the Italian Peninsula based on stable oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of rhinoceros and gomphothere tooth enamel. Quaternary Science Reviews, 157. pp. 52-65. ISSN 0277-3791

Demény, Attila and Németh, Alexandra and Kern, Zoltán and Czuppon, György and Molnár, Mihály and Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs and Óvári, Mihály and Stieber, József (2017) Recently forming stalagmites from the Baradla Cave and their suitability assessment for climate–proxy relationships. Central European Geology, 60 (1). pp. 1-34. ISSN 1788-2281

Demény, Attila and Kern, Zoltán and Czuppon, György and Németh, Alexandra and Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs (2017) Stable isotope compositions of speleothems from the last interglacial e Spatial patterns of climate fluctuations in Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews, 161. pp. 68-80. ISSN 0277-3791

Haas, János and Hips, Kinga and Budai, Tamás and Győri, Orsolya and Lukoczki, Georgina and Kele, Sándor and Demény, Attila and Poros, Zsófia (2016) Processes and controlling factors of polygenetic dolomite formation in the Transdanubian Range, Hungary: a synopsis. International Journal of Earth Sciences. ISSN 1437-3254

Vető, István and Báldi, Katalin and Ćorić, Stjepan and Hetényi, Magdolna and Demény, Attila and Futó, István (2016) Benthic algae as major precursors of oil-prone kerogen – A case study from the Hungarian Middle Miocene. Central European Geology, 59 (1-4). pp. 87-107. ISSN 1788-2281

Demény, Attila and Czuppon, György and Kern, Zoltán and Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs and Németh, Alexandra and Szabó, Máté Zoltán and Tóth, Mária and Németh, Tibor and Óvári, Mihály (2016) Recrystallization-induced oxygen isotope changes in inclusion-hosted water of speleothems - Paleoclimatological implications. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, 415. pp. 25-32. ISSN 1040-6182

Haas, János and Lukoczki, Georgina and Budai, Tamás and Demény, Attila (2015) Genesis of Upper Triassic peritidal dolomites in the Transdanubian Range, Hungary. Facies, 61 (8). ISSN 0172-9179

Kovács, István János and Demény, Attila and Czuppon, György and Lécuyer, Christophe and Fourel, Francois and Xia, Qunke and Liu, Jia and Pintér, Zsanett and Király, Edit and Török, Kálmán and Szabó, Ábel and Deloule, Etienne and Falus, György and Fancsik, Tamás and Zajacz, Zoltán and Sándorné Kovács, Judit (2015) Water concentrations and hydrogen isotope compositions of alkaline basalt hosted clinopyroxene megacrysts and amphibole clinopyroxenites: the role of structural hydroxyl groups and molecular water. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. ISSN 1432-0967 (Submitted)

Hladilová, S. and Nehyba, S. and Zágoršek, K. and Tomanová Petrová, P. and Bitner, MA. and Demény, Attila (2014) Early Badenian transgression on the outer flank of Western Carpathian Foredeep, Hluchov area, Czech Republic. ANNALES SOCIETATIS GEOLOGORUM POLONIAE, 84 (3). pp. 259-279. ISSN 0208-9068

Haas, János and Budai, Tamás and Demény, Attila (2014) Partial dolomitization of foreslope and toe-of-slope facies of a Carnian carbonate platform, Transdanubian Range, Hungary. CENTRAL EUROPEAN GEOLOGY, 57 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 1788-2281

Haas, János and Budai, Tamás and Demény, Attila (2014) Partial dolomitization of foreslope and toe-of-slope facies of a Carnian carbonate platform, Transdanubian Range, Hungary. Central European Geology, 57 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 1788-2281

Downes, Peter J. and Demény, Attila and Czuppon, György and Jaques, A. Lynton and Verrall, Michael (2014) Stable H–C–O isotope and trace element geochemistry of the Cummins Range Carbonatite Complex, Kimberley region, Western Australia : implications for hydrothermal REE mineralization, carbonatite evolution and mantle source regions. MINERALIUM DEPOSITA, 49 (8). pp. 905-932. ISSN 0026-4598

Demény, Attila and Schöll-Barna, Gabriella and Fórizs, István and Osán, János and Sümegi, Pál and Bajnóczi, Bernadett (2012) Stable isotope compositions and trace element concentrations in freshwater bivalve shells (Unio sp.) as indicators of environmental changes at Tiszapüspöki, eastern Hungary. Central European Geology, 55 (4). pp. 441-460. ISSN 1788-2281

Demény, Attila and Schöll-Barna, Gabriella and Sümegi, Pál and Sipos, Péter and Fórizs, István and Balázs, Brigitta Réka and Bajnóczi, Bernadett and Cook, Gordon (2012) Stable isotope compositions of bivalve shells and geochemistry of bulk sediments in a 5–20 ky fluvial section at Körösladány, SE Hungary: Sedimentary changes vs. climate signals. Central European Geology, 55 (4). pp. 417-439. ISSN 1788-2281

Deák, József and Kele, Sándor and Fórizs, István and Demény, Attila and Scheuer, Gyula (2011) Calculation of temperature and δ18O of depositing water by measured δ18O of recent travertines deposited from the Budapest thermal karst water. Central European Geology, 54 (1-2). pp. 157-165. ISSN 1788-2281

Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs and Demény, Attila and Fórizs, István and Haszpra, László and Siklósy, Zoltán (2011) Hazai holocén cseppkövek paleoklimatológiai elemzése uránsorozatos korhatározás és stabil izotóp vizsgálatok alapján = Paleoclimatology of Hungarian Holocene dripstones based on U-series dating and stable isotope analyses. Project Report. OTKA.

Demény, Attila and Nagy, Géza and Bajnóczi, Bernadett and Németh, Tibor and Garai, József and Drozd, Vadym and Hegner, Ernst (2011) Hydrogen isotope compositions in carbonado diamond: constraints on terrestrial formation. Central European Geology, 54 (1-2). pp. 51-74. ISSN 1788-2281

Demény, Attila and Fórizs, István (2011) Isotope Workshop XI, 4th–8th July 2011, Budapest, Hungary—Editorial. Central European Geology, 54 (1-2). pp. 1-2. ISSN 1788-2281

Demény, Attila and Schöll-Barna, Gabriella and Sümegi, Pál and Sipos, Péter and Balázs, Brigitta Réka (2011) Sedimentary changes vs. climate signals in bivalve shell and bulk rock compositions in a Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene fluvial section at Körösladány, SE-Hungary. Central European Geology, 54 (1-2). pp. 167-171. ISSN 1788-2281

Demény, Attila and Schöll-Barna, Gabriella and Siklósy, Zoltán and Bondár, Mária and Sümegi, Pál and Serlegi, Gábor and Fábián, Szilvia and Fórizs, István (2010) Az elmúlt ötezer év éghajlat-változási eseményei a Kárpát-medencében és társadalmi hatásaik. KLÍMA 21 FÜZETEK, 59. pp. 82-94. ISSN 1789-428X

Pálfy, József and Bókáné Barbacka, Mária and Császár, Géza and Demény, Attila and Vörös, Attila and Zajzon, Norbert (2009) A triász végi kihalás és környezetváltozások oknyomozó vizsgálata = The end-Triassic mass extinction, coeval environmental change, and their driving forces. Project Report. OTKA.

Siklósy, Zoltán and Demény, Attila and Vennemann, Torsten W. and Pilet, S. and Kramers, J. and Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs and Bondár, Mária (2009) Bronze Age volcanic event recorded in stalagmites by combined isotope and trace element studies. RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, 23 (6). pp. 801-808. ISSN 0951-4198

Kele, Sándor and Scheuer, Gyula and Demény, Attila and Shen, Chuan-Cou and Chiang, Hong-Wei (2009) U-series dating and isotope geochemical study of the Gellért Hill (Budapest) travertine. Central European Geology, 52 (3-4). pp. 199-224. ISSN 1788-2281

Demény, Attila and Vennemann, Torsten W. and Koller, Friedrich (2007) Stable isotope compositions of the Penninic ophiolites of the Kõszeg-Rechnitz series. Central European Geology, 50 (1). pp. 29-46. ISSN 1788-2281

Demény, Attila and Nagy, Géza (2007) Óceáni kéregmaradványok stabilizotópos vizsgálata = Stable isotope studies on ocean crust remnants. Project Report. OTKA.

Raucsik, Béla and Demény, Attila and Borbély-Kiss, Ildikó and Szabo, Gyula (2001) Monsoon-like climate during the Bajocian Clay mineralogical and geochemical study on a limestone/marl alternation (Komló Calcareous Marl Formation, Mecsek Mountains, Southern Hungary). Hantkeniana, 3. pp. 149-176. ISSN 1219-3933

Demény, Attila and Gatter, István and Kázmér, Miklós (1997) The genesis of Mesozoic red calcite dikes of the Transdanubian Range (Hungary): fluid inclusion thermometry and stable isotope compositions. GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA, 48 (5). pp. 315-323. ISSN 1335-0552

Demény, Attila and Kázmér, Miklós (1994) A stable isotope study on Cretaceous magmatic influences in the Transdanubian Mid-Mountains. Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Szeged, 35. pp. 47-52.

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