Items where Author is "Donkó, Tamás"
Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 30. ArticleKeszthelyi, Sándor and Gibicsár, Szilvia and Jócsák, Ildikó and Fajtai, Dániel and Donkó, Tamás (2022) Analysis of the Destructive Effect of the Halyomorpha halys Saliva on Tomato by Computer Tomographical Imaging and Antioxidant Capacity Measurement. BIOLOGY, 11 (7). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2079-7737 Cullere, Marco and Szendrő, Zsolt and Matics, Zsolt and Gerencsér, Zsolt and Kasza, Rozália and Donkó, Tamás and Dalle Zotte, Antonella (2022) Rabbits Divergently Selected for Total Body Fat Content: Changes in Proximate Composition and Fatty Acids of Different Meat Portions. ANIMALS, 12 (18). No.-2396. ISSN 2076-2615 Keszthelyi, Sándor and Sipos, Tamás and Csóka, Ádám and Donkó, Tamás (2022) X-ray based computed tomography, a non-invasive approach in order to assess the damage caused by Lamprodila festiva of hidden lifestyle. PLANT PROTECTION SCIENCE-OCHRANA ROSTLIN, 58 (1). pp. 65-69. ISSN 1212-2580 Donkó, Tamás and Petneházy, Örs and Fajtai, Dániel and Keszthelyi, Sándor (2022) A conceptualisation of computed tomography outputs in entomological research by step by step displaying trough the CT-based visualization of a wood-boring larvae. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 57 (2). pp. 127-138. ISSN 0238-1249 Csóka, Ádám and Kovács, György and Ács, Virág and Matics, Zsolt and Gerencsér, Zsolt and Szendrő, Zsolt and Nagy, István and Petneházy, Örs and Repa, Imre and Moizs, Mariann and Donkó, Tamás (2022) A general technique for the estimation of farm animal body part weights from CT scans and its applications in a rabbit breeding program. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE, 196. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0168-1699 Csóka, Ádám and Petneházy, Örs and Fajtai, Dániel and Máté, Sándor and Orsi-Gibicsár, Szilvia and Donkó, Tamás (2021) Automatic method for determining the number of lumbar and thoracic vertebrae in rabbits using Computer Tomography images. ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVÁRIENSIS, 25 (2). pp. 41-51. ISSN 1418-1789 Milisits, Gábor and Szász, Sándor and Donkó, Tamás and Budai, Zoltán and Almási, Anita and Pőcze, Olga and Ujvári, Lajosné and Farkas, Tamás Péter and Garamvölgyi, Erik and Horn, Péter and Sütő, Zoltán (2021) Comparison of Changes in the Plumage and Body Condition, Egg Production, and Mortality of Different Non-Beak-Trimmed Pure Line Laying Hens during the Egg-Laying Period. ANIMALS, 11 (2). No.-500. ISSN 2076-2615 Keszthelyi, Sándor and Binder, Antal and Csóka, Ádám and Pónya, Zsolt and Donkó, Tamás (2021) Computer tomography‐assisted visualization of the movement triggered by frost in Ostrinia nubilalis overwintering in maize stalks. PHYSIOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY, 46 (2). pp. 138-144. ISSN 0307-6962 Petneházy, Örs and Donkó, Tamás and Ellis, Rosie and Csóka, Ádám and Czeibert, Kálmán and Baksa, Gábor and Repa, Krisztina and Takács, Alíz and Repa, Imre and Moizs, Mariann (2021) Creating a cross-sectional, CT and MR atlas of the Pannon minipig. ANATOMIA HISTOLOGIA EMBRYOLOGIA, In pre. ISSN 0340-2096 Ali, Omeralfaroug and Petrási, Zsolt and Donkó, Tamás and Fébel, Hedvig and Mézes, Miklós and Szabó, András (2021) Muscle fibre membrane lipid composition in musculus bicepsfemoris of pigs reared in indoor or outdoor systems. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND FEED SCIENCES, 30 (3). pp. 238-247. ISSN 1230-1388 Keszthelyi, Sándor and Fajtai, Dániel and Pónya, Zsolt and Somfalvi-Tóth, Katalin and Donkó, Tamás (2021) A Non-Invasive Approach in the Assessment of Stress Phenomena and Impairment Values in Pea Seeds Caused by Pea Weevil. PLANTS-BASEL, 10 (7). ISSN 2223-7747 Kasza, Rozália and Szendrő, Zsolt and Matics, Zsolt and Gerencsér, Zsolt and Nagy, István and Kovács, Györgyi and Csóka, Ádám and Petneházy, Örs and Garamvölgyi, Rita and Repa, Imre and Donkó, Tamás (2021) Növendéknyulak teljes test zsírtartalmának becslése computer tomográffal (Estimation of total body fat content in growing rabbits by means of computed tomography). ÁLLATTENYÉSZTÉS ÉS TAKARMÁNYOZÁS, 70 (1). pp. 47-57. ISSN 0230-1814 Sipos, Tamás and Donkó, Tamás and Jócsák, Ildikó and Keszthelyi, Sándor (2021) Study of Morphological Features in Pre-Imaginal Honey Bee Impaired by Varroa destructor by Means of Computer Tomography. INSECTS, 12 (In pre). ISSN 2075-4450 Matics, Zsolt and Kovács, György and Csóka, Ádám and Ács, Virág and Kasza, Rozália and Petneházy, Örs and Nagy, István and Garamvölgyi, Rita and Petrási, Zsolt and Donkó, Tamás (2020) Automated Estimation of Loin Muscle Mass in Living Rabbits Using Computed Tomography. ACTA UNIVERSITATIS AGRICULTURAE ET SILVICULTURAE MENDELIANAE BRUNENSIS, 68 (1). pp. 63-71. ISSN 1211-8516 (print); 2464-8310 (online) Keszthelyi, Sándor and Sipos, Tamás and Csóka, Ádám and Donkó, Tamás (2020) CT-supported analysis of the destructive effects of Varroa destructor on the pre-imaginal development of honey bee, Apis mellifera. APIDOLOGIE, 52 (1). pp. 155-162. ISSN 0044-8435 Kasza, Rozália and Matics, Zsolt and Gerencsér, Zsolt and Donkó, Tamás and Radnai, István and Szendrő, Zsolt and Nagy, István (2020) Divergent selection for fat index in Pannon Ka rabbits: genetic parameters, selection response. WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE, 28 (3). pp. 129-133. ISSN 1257-5011 Keszthelyi, Sándor and Pónya, Zsolt and Csóka, Ádám and Bázár, György and Morschhauser, Tamás and Donkó, Tamás (2020) Non-destructive imaging and spectroscopic techniques to investigate the hidden-lifestyle arthropod pests: a review. JOURNAL OF PLANT DISEASES AND PROTECTION, 127. pp. 283-295. ISSN 1861-3829 (print); 1861-3837 (online) Keszthelyi, Sándor and Szöllősi, Dávid and Strobel, Lilla and Osváth, Szabolcs and Szigeti, Krisztián and Pónya, Zsolt and Csóka, Ádám and Donkó, Tamás (2020) Novel, X‐ray supported kinetic imaging of hidden‐lifestyle arthropods. INSECT SCIENCE, In pre. ISSN 1672-9609 Kasza, Rozália and Donkó, Tamás and Matics, Zsolt and Nagy, István and Csóka, Ádám and Kovács, György and Gerencsér, Zsolt and Szendrő, Zsolt (2020) Rabbit Lines Divergently Selected for Total Body Fat Content: Correlated Responses on Growth Performance and Carcass Traits. ANIMALS, 10 (10). No.-1815. ISSN 2076-2615 Ács, Virág and Nagy, István and Donkó, Tamás (2019) A Selection Index for Improving the Carcass Traits in the Pannon Large Rabbit Breed. ACTA UNIVERSITATIS AGRICULTURAE ET SILVICULTURAE MENDELIANAE BRUNENSIS, 67 (5). pp. 1125-1129. ISSN 1211-8516 (print); 2464-8310 (online) Bajzik, Gábor and Tóth, Anett and Donkó, Tamás and Kovács, Péter and Sipos, Dávid and Pandur, Attila András and Moizs, Mariann and Hadjiev, Janaki and Repa, Imre and Kovács, Árpád (2019) A dóziscsökkentés lehetőségei CT-képalkotás során az iteratív képrekonstrukció alkalmazásával = Possibilities of dose reduction during CT imaging by application of iterative image reconstruction. Orvosi Hetilap, 160 (35). pp. 1387-1394. ISSN 0030-6002 Bajzik, Gábor and Tóth, Anett and Donkó, Tamás and Kovács, Péter and Sipos, Dávid and Pandur, Attila and Moizs, Mariann and Hadjiev, Janaki and Repa, Imre and Kovács, Árpád (2019) A dóziscsökkentés lehetőségei CT-képalkotás során az iteratív képrekonstrukció alkalmazásával = Possibilities of dose reduction during CT imaging by application of iterative image reconstruction. ORVOSI HETILAP, 160 (35). pp. 1387-1394. ISSN 0030-6002 Ács, Virág and Szendrő, Katalin and Hervé, Garreau and Donkó, Tamás and Matics, Zsolt and Nagy, István (2018) Application possibilities of selection indices in Pannon White rabbits’ breeding programme. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 17 (4). pp. 884-889. ISSN 1594-4077 Kovács, Melinda and Pósa, Roland and Tuboly, Tamás and Donkó, Tamás and Repa, Imre and Tossenberger, János and Szabó-Fodor, Judit and Stoev, Stoycho and Magyar, Tibor (2016) Feed exposure to FB1 can aggravate pneumonic damages in pigs provoked by P. multocida. RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE, 108. pp. 38-46. ISSN 0034-5288 Pósa, Roland and Stoev, Stoycho and Kovács, Melinda and Donkó, Tamás and Repa, Imre and Magyar, Tibor (2014) A comparative pathological finding in pigs exposed to fumonisin B1 and/or Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. TOXICOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL HEALTH, 30 (online). 0748233714543735. ISSN 0748-2337 Szentirmai, Eszter and Milisits, Gábor and Donkó, Tamás and Budai, Zoltán and Ujvári, Lajosné and Repa, Imre and Sütő, Zoltán (2013) Leghorn típusú tojóhibridek test- és tojásösszetétel változásának vizsgálata 20 és 60 hetes életkor között a genotípustól függően. ÁLLATTENYÉSZTÉS ÉS TAKARMÁNYOZÁS, 62 (3). pp. 209-217. ISSN 0230-1614 Magyar, Tibor and Donkó, Tamás and Kovács, Ferenc (2008) Atrophic rhinitis vaccine composition triggers different serological profiles that do not correlate with protection. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 56 (1). pp. 27-40. ISSN 0236-6290 Romvári, Róbert and Szabó, András and Andrássy, Gabriella and Petrási, Zsolt and Donkó, Tamás and Horn, Péter (2008) Cross-sectional imaging assisted selection for heart performance in pigs. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 56 (3). pp. 313-322. ISSN 0236-6290 MonographMilisits, Gábor and Dalle Zotte, Antonella and Donkó, Tamás and Sütő, Zoltán and Szabó, András (2011) A tojásösszetétel, a keltethetőség, valamint a kikelő madarak fejlődése és termelése közötti összefüggések in vivo vizsgálata komputer tomográffal kettőshasznosítású tyúk genotípusokban = In vivo examination of the correlations between hen's egg composition, hatchability and hatched chick's development and production by means of computer tomography in dual-purpose genotypes. Project Report. OTKA. Conference or Workshop ItemÁcs, Virág and Szendrő, Katalin and Hervé, Garreau and Donkó, Tamás and Nagy, István (2017) Application d’un nouvel objectif de sélection dans la lignée Pannon White = Application of a new breeding objective in the Pannon white rabbit breed. In: 17èmes Journées de la Recherche Cunicole, 2017.11.21-22., Le Mans, France. |