Items where Author is "Fülöp, Zsolt"

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Fülöp, Zsolt (2024) Nyelvi-logikai képességek vizsgálata a pedagógusképzésben részt vevő hallgatók esetében = Investigating the Linguistic-Logical Abilities of Students Involved in Teacher Training. MESTER ÉS TANÍTVÁNY, 2 (2). pp. 62-72. ISSN 1785-4342

Bajkó, Norbert and Lencsés, Enikő and Fülöp, Zsolt (2023) Az integráció dimenziói a magyar kis- és középvállalkozások működtetésében. STUDIA MUNDI - ECONOMICA, 10 (2). pp. 16-27. ISSN 2415-9395

Gyürky, György and Mohr, Péter and Angyal, Anikó and Halász, Zoltán and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Mátyus, Zsolt and Szegedi, Tibor Norbert and Szücs, Tamás and Fülöp, Zsolt (2023) Cross section measurement of the 144 Sm ( α , n ) 147 Gd reaction for studying the α -nucleus optical potential at astrophysical energies. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 107 (02). ISSN 2469-9985 (print); 2469-9993 (online)

Tóth, Ákos and Szücs, Tamás and Szegedi, Tibor Norbert and Gyürky, György and Halász, Zoltán and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Fülöp, Zsolt (2023) Experimental determination of the He 3 ( α , γ ) Be 7 reaction cross section above the Be 7 proton separation threshold. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 108 (2). ISSN 2469-9985 (print); 2469-9993 (online)

Skowronski, J. and Masha, E. and Piatti, D. and Aliotta, M. and Babu, H. and Csedreki, László and Fülöp, Zsolt and Szücs, Tamás (2023) Improved S factor of the C 12 ( p , γ ) N 13 reaction at E = 320 – 620 keV and the 422 keV resonance. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 107 (6). ISSN 2469-9985 (print); 2469-9993 (online)

Skowronski, J. and Boeltzig, A. and Ciani, G. F. and Csedreki, László and Piatti, D. and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Szücs, Tamás (2023) New proton-capture rates on carbon isotopes and their impact on the astrophysical 12C/13C ratio. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 131. ISSN 0031-9007

Fülöp, Zsolt (2023) A hamis feltételezések módszerének alkalmazása az általános iskolai oktatásban : Az aritmetikai módszerekről az algebrai módszerekre való áttérés az általános iskolai tanításban [Regula falsi method in lower secondary school education]. DANUBIUS NOSTER: AZ EÖTVÖS JÓZSEF FŐISKOLA TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRATA, 11 (1). pp. 5-22. ISSN 2064-1060

Gyürky, György and Halász, Zoltán and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Szücs, Tamás and Fülöp, Zsolt (2022) Activation cross section measurement of the N 14 ( p , γ ) O 15 astrophysical key reaction. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 105 (2). ISSN 2469-9985 (print); 2469-9993 (online)

Piatti, D. and Masha, E. and Aliotta, M. and Balibrea-Correa, J. and Barile, F. and Csedreki, László and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Lugaro, Maria and Szücs, Tamás and Takács, Marcell Péter (2022) First direct limit on the 334 keV resonance strength in 22 Ne(α , γ) 26 Mg reaction. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A: HADRONS AND NUCLEI, 58 (10). ISSN 1434-6001

Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Mohr, Péter and Gyürky, György and Szücs, Tamás and Csedreki, László and Halász, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Somorjai, Endre (2022) High-precision Sm 144 ( α , α ) Sm 144 scattering at low energies and the rate of the Sm 144 ( α , γ ) Gd 148 reaction. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 106 (1). ISSN 2469-9985 (print); 2469-9993 (online)

Fülöp, Zsolt and Bajkó, Norbert and Nagyné Pércsi, Kinga (2022) A magyar élelmiszerlánc mikrovállalkozásainak elemzése a koronavírus által okozott fogyasztói trendváltozásra adott válaszuk alapján. GAZDÁLKODÁS, 66 (6). pp. 559-576. ISSN 0046-5518

Palmerini, S. and Fülöp, Zsolt and Kiss, Gábor Gyula (2021) The 27Al(p, α)24Mg reaction at astrophysical energies studied by means of the Trojan Horse Method applied to the 2H(27Al, α24Mg)n reaction. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS. ISSN 2190-5444

Mohr, Péter and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Szücs, Tamás (2021) Astrophysical reaction rates of α-induced reactions for nuclei with 26≤Z≤83 from the new Atomki-V2 α-nucleus potential. ATOMIC DATA AND NUCLEAR DATA TABLES, Articl. ISSN 0092-640X

Ciani, G. F. and Csedreki, László and Rapagnani, D. and Aliotta, M. and Balibrea-Correa J., J. and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Lugaro, Maria and Szücs, Tamás (2021) Direct Measurement of the C 13 ( α , n ) O 16 Cross Section into the s -Process Gamow Peak. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 127 (15). ISSN 0031-9007

Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Szücs, Tamás and Halász, Zoltán and Somorjai, Endre (2021) Indirect determination of the astrophysical S factor for the 6Li(p, γ) 7Be reaction using the asymptotic normalization coefficient method. PHYSICAL REVIEW C. ISSN 0556-2813

Kiss, Gábor Gyula and La Cognata, M. and Yarmukhamedov, R. and Tursunmakhatov, K. I. and Wiedenhöver, I. and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Szücs, Tamás and Halász, Zoltán and Somorjai, Endre (2021) Indirect determination of the astrophysical factor for the ( reaction using the asymptotic normalization coefficient method. Physical Review C, 104 (1). ISSN 0556-2813, ESSN: 1089-490X

Gyürky, György and Halász, Zoltán and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Szücs, Tamás and Huszánk, Róbert and Török, Zsófia and Fülöp, Zsolt (2021) Measurement of the 91 Zr(p,γ) 92m Nb cross section motivated by type Ia supernova nucleosynthesis. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 48 (10). ISSN 0954-3899, ESSN: 1361-6471

Gyürky, György and Halász, Zoltán and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Szücs, Tamás and Huszánk, Róbert and Török, Zs. and Fülöp, Zsolt (2021) Measurement of the 91Zr(p,γ) 92mNb cross section motivated by type Ia supernova nucleosynthesis. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. ISSN 0954-3899, ESSN: 1361-6471

Mossa, V. and Stöckel, K. and Cavanna, F. and Ferraro, F. and Aliotta, M. and Csedreki, László and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Lugaro, Maria and Szücs, Tamás (2020) Setup commissioning for an improved measurement of the D(p,\gamma )^3He cross section at Big Bang Nucleosynthesis energies. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A: HADRONS AND NUCLEI, 56 (5). ISSN 1434-6001

Szücs, Tamás and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Gyürky, György and Halász, Zoltán and Szegedi, Tibor Norbert and Fülöp, Zsolt (2019) Cross section of He 3 ( α , γ ) Be 7 around the Be 7 proton separation threshold. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 99 (5). ISSN 2469-9985

Szücs, Tamás and Mohr, Péter and Gyürky, György and Halász, Zoltán and Huszánk, Róbert and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Szegedi, Tibor Norbert and Török, Zsófia and Fülöp, Zsolt (2019) Cross section of alpha-induced reactions on Au-197 at sub-Coulomb energies. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 100 (6). ISSN 2469-9985

Gyürky, György and Halász, Zoltán and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Szücs, Tamás and Fülöp, Zsolt (2019) Half-life measurement of 65Ga with γ-spectroscopy. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 148. pp. 87-90. ISSN 0969-8043

Gyürky, György and Halász, Zoltán and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Szücs, Tamás and Fülöp, Zsolt (2019) Half-life measurement of Ga-65 with gamma-spectroscopy. APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 148. pp. 87-90. ISSN 0969-8043

Szegedi, Tibor Norbert and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Öksüz, Ibrahim and Szücs, Tamás and Gyürky, György and Elekes, Zoltán and Somorjai, Endre and Fülöp, Zsolt (2019) High precision half-life measurement of 125Cs and 125Xe with γ-spectroscopy. Nuclear Physics A, 986. pp. 213-222. ISSN 0375-9474

Gyürky, György and Fülöp, Zsolt and Kappeler, Franz and Kiss, Gábor and Wallner, Anton (2019) The activation method for cross section measurements in nuclear astrophysics. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A: HADRONS AND NUCLEI, 55 (41). pp. 1-31. ISSN 1434-6001

Gyürky, György and Fülöp, Zsolt and Käppeler, F. and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Wallner, A. (2019) The activation method for cross section measurements in nuclear astrophysics. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A: HADRONS AND NUCLEI, 55 (3). ISSN 1434-6001

Ferraro, F. and Takács, Marcell Péter and Piatti, D. and Cavanna, F. and Depalo, R. and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Lugaro, Maria and Szücs, Tamás (2018) Direct Capture Cross Section and the E p = 71 and 105 keV Resonances in the Ne 22 ( p , γ ) Na 23 Reaction. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 121 (17). ISSN 0031-9007

Korkulu, Zeren and Özkan N, N. and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Szücs, Tamás and Gyürky, György and Fülöp, Zsolt and Halász, Zoltán and Rauscher, Thomas and Somorjai, Endre and Török, Zsófia (2018) Investigation of α -induced reactions on Sb isotopes relevant to the astrophysical γ process. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 97 (4). ISSN 2469-9985

Ferraro, F. and Takács, Marcell Péter and Piatti, D. and Mossa, V. and Aliotta, M. and Csedreki, László and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Lugaro, Maria and Szücs, Tamás (2018) A high-efficiency gas target setup for underground experiments, and redetermination of the branching ratio of the 189.5 keV 22Ne(p, $\gamma$ γ )23Na resonance. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A: HADRONS AND NUCLEI, 54 (3). ISSN 1434-6001

Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Szücs, Tamás and Mohr, Péter and Török, Zsófia and Huszánk, Róbert and Gyürky, György and Fülöp, Zsolt (2018) α-induced reactions on 115In: Cross section measurements and statistical model analysis. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 97 (5). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0556-2813

Slemer, A. and Marigo, P. and Piatti, D. and Aliotta, M. and Bemmerer, D. and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Szücs, Tamás and Takács, Marcell Péter (2017) 22Ne and 23Na ejecta from intermediate-mass stars: The impact of the new LUNA rate for 22Ne(p, gamma)23Na. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 465 (4). pp. 4817-4837. ISSN 0035-8711

Gyürky, György and Ornelas, Andrea and Fülöp, Zsolt and Halász, Zoltán and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Szücs, Tamás and Huszánk, Róbert and Hornyák, István and Rajta, István and Vajda, István K. (2017) Cross section measurement of the astrophysically important 17 O ( p , γ ) 18 F reaction in a wide energy range. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 95 (3). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0556-2813

Mohr, Péter and Gyürky, György and Fülöp, Zsolt (2017) Statistical model analysis of α -induced reaction cross sections of Zn 64 at low energies. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 95 (1). ISSN 2469-9985

Straniero, O. and Bruno, C.G. and Aliotta, M. and Best, A. and Boeltzig, A. and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Somorjai, Endre and Szücs, Tamás and Takács, Marcell Péter (2017) The impact of the revised 17O(p, α)14N reaction rate on 17O stellar abundances and yields. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 598. ISSN 0004-6361

Marganiec, J. and Beceiro Novo, S. and Typel, S. and Langer, C. and Wimmer, C. and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt (2016) Coulomb dissociation of P 27 at 500 MeV/u. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 93 (4). 045811. ISSN 0556-2813

Depalo, R. and Cavanna, F. and Aliotta, M. and Anders, M. and Bemmerer, D. and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Szücs, Tamás and Takács, Marcell Péter (2016) Direct measurement of low-energy 22Ne(p,γ)23Na resonances. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 94 (5). ISSN 2469-9985

Gyürky, György and Halász, Zoltán and Szücs, Tamás and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Fülöp, Zsolt (2016) An ERC Starting Grant project on p-process nucleosynthesis concluded. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONFERENCE SERIES, 665. ISSN 1742-6588

Halász, Zoltán and Somorjai, Endre and Gyürky, György and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Szücs, Tamás and Kiss, Gábor Gyula (2016) Experimental study of the astrophysical γ -process reaction Xe 124 (α,γ) Ba 128. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 94 (4). 045801. ISSN 0556-2813

Bruno, C. G. and Scott, D. A. and Aliotta, M. and Formicola, A. and Best, A. and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Somorjai, Endre and Szücs, Tamás and Takács, Marcell Péter (2016) Improved Direct Measurement of the 64.5 keV Resonance Strength in the O17 (p,α) N14 Reaction at LUNA. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 117 (14). ISSN 0031-9007

Shiga, Y. and Yoneda, K. and Steppenbeck, D. and Aoi, N. and Doornenbal, P. and Dombrádi, Zsolt and Fülöp, Zsolt and Kunné Sohler, Dorottya and Vajta, Zsolt (2016) Investigating nuclear shell structure in the vicinity of 78 Ni: Low-lying excited states in the neutron-rich isotopes 80, 82 Zn. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 93 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0556-2813

Lugaro, Maria and Pignatari, Marco and Ott, Ulrich and Zuber, K. and Travaglio, C. and Gyürky, György and Fülöp, Zsolt (2016) Origin of the p-process radionuclides 92Nb and 146Sm in the early solar system and inferences on the birth of the Sun. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 113 (4). pp. 907-912. ISSN 0027-8424

Gervino, G. and Gustavino, C. and Trezzi, D. and Aliotta, M. and Anders, M. and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Szücs, Tamás (2016) Ultra-sensitive γ-ray spectroscopy set-up for investigating primordial lithium problem. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 824. pp. 617-619. ISSN 0168-9002

Best, A. and Caciolli, A. and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Laubenstein, M. and Szücs, Tamás (2016) Underground nuclear astrophysics: Why and how. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A: HADRONS AND NUCLEI, 52 (4). ISSN 1434-6001

Ornelas, A. and Mohr, Péter and Gyürky, György and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Halász, Zoltán and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Somorjai, Endre and Szücs, Tamás (2016) α scattering and α -induced reaction cross sections of Zn 64 at low energies. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 94 (5). 055807. ISSN 0556-2813

Ornelas, Andrea and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Mohr, Péter and Galaviz, D. and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Máté, Zoltán and Somorjai, Endre (2015) The 106Cd(α, α)106Cd elastic scattering in a wide energy range for γ process studies. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 940. pp. 194-209. ISSN 0375-9474

Szücs, Tamás and Bemmerer, D. and Caciolli, A. and Fülöp, Zsolt and Massarczyk, R. and Takács, Marcell Péter (2015) Determination of γ-ray widths in 15N using nuclear resonance fluorescence. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 92 (1). ISSN 2469-9985

Mei, B. and Aumann, T. and Bishop, S. and Blaum, K. and Boretzky, K. and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Szücs, Tamás (2015) First Measurement of the 96Ru(p, γ)97Rh Cross Section for the p-Process with a Storage Ring. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 92 (3). ISSN 2469-9985

Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Szücs, Tamás and Rauscher, T and Török, Zsófia and Csedreki, László and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Halász, Zoltán (2015) Measurement of (α,n) reaction cross sections of erbium isotopes for testing astrophysical rate predictions. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS, 42 (5). ISSN 0954-3899

Güray, R.T. and Özkan, N. and Yalçln, C. and Rauscher, T. and Gyürky, György and Farkas, János and Fülöp, Zsolt and Halász, Zoltán and Somorjai, Endre (2015) Measurements of 152Gd(p,γ)153Tb and 152Gd(p,n)152Tb reaction cross sections for the astrophysical γ process. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 91 (5). ISSN 2469-9985

Caceres, L. and Lepailleur, A. and Sorlin, O. and Stanoiu, M. and Kunné Sohler, Dorottya and Dombrádi, Zsolt and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Krasznahorkay, Attila and Podolyák, Zsolt and Timár, János and Vajta, Zsolt (2015) Nuclear structure studies of 24F. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 92 (1). ISSN 2469-9985

YalçIn, C. and Gyürky, György and Rauscher, T. and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Özkan, N. and Halász, Zoltán and Szücs, Tamás and Fülöp, Zsolt and Farkas, János and Korkulu, Zeren and Somorjai, Endre (2015) Test of statistical model cross section calculations for α-induced reactions on 107Ag at energies of astrophysical interest. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 91 (3). ISSN 2469-9985

Cavanna, F. and Depalo, R. and Aliotta, M. and Anders, M. and Bemmerer, D. and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Somorjai, Endre and Szücs, Tamás and Takács, Marcell Péter (2015) Three New Low-Energy Resonances in the Ne-22(p,gamma)Na-23 Reaction. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 115 (25). ISSN 0031-9007

Vajta, Zsolt and Dombrádi, Zsolt and Elekes, Zoltán and Aiba, T. and Aoi, N. and Fülöp, Zsolt and Kiss, Ádám and Kunné Sohler, Dorottya (2015) γ-ray spectroscopy of C19 via the single-neutron knock-out reaction. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 91 (6). ISSN 2469-9985

Gyürky, György and Vakulenko, M. and Fülöp, Zsolt and Halász, Zoltán and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Somorjai, Endre and Szücs, Tamás (2014) Cross section and reaction rate of Mo92(p,γ)Tc93 determined from thick target yield measurements. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 922. pp. 112-125. ISSN 0375-9474

Gyürky, György and Fülöp, Zsolt and Halász, Zoltán and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Szücs, Tamás (2014) Direct study of the α-nucleus optical potential at astrophysical energies using the Zn64(p,α)Cu61 reaction. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 90 (5). ISSN 2469-9985

Vajta, Zsolt and Stanoiu, M. and Kunné Sohler, Dorottya and Jansen, G. R. and Azaiez, F. and Dombrádi, Zsolt and Sorlin, O. and Brown, B. A. and Belleguic, M. and Borcea, C. and Bourgeois, C. and Dlouhy, Z. and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Grévy, S. and Guillemaud-Mueller, D. and Hagen, G. and Hjorth-Jensen, M. and Ibrahim, F. and Kerek, A. and Krasznahorkay, Attila and Lewitowicz, M. and Lukyanov, S. M. and Mandal, S. and Mayet, P. and Mrázek, J. and Negoita, F. and Penionzhkevich, Y. -E. and Podolyák, Zsolt and Roussel-Chomaz, P. and Timár, János (2014) Excited states in the neutron-rich nucleus 25F. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 89 (5). ISSN 2469-9985

Dillmann, I. and Szücs, Tamás and Plag, R. and Fülöp, Zsolt and Kaeppeler, F. and Mengoni, A. and Rauscher, Thomas (2014) The Karlsruhe Astrophysical Database of Nucleosynthesis in Stars Project - Status and Prospects. NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS, 120. pp. 171-174. ISSN 0090-3752

Cavanna, F. and Depalo, R. and Menzel, M. -L. and Aliotta, M. and Anders, M. and Bemmerer, D. and Broggini, C. and Bruno, C. G. and Caciolli, A. and Corvisiero, P. and Davinson, T. and di, Leva A. and Elekes, Zoltán and Ferraro, F. and Formicola, A. and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gervino, G. and Guglielmetti, A. and Gustavino, C. and Gyürky, György and Imbriani, G. and Junker, M. and Menegazzo, R. and Prati, P. and Alvarez, C. Rossi and Scott, D. A. and Somorjai, Endre and Straniero, O. and Strieder, F. and Szücs, Tamás (2014) A new study of the 22Ne(p,γ)23Na reaction deep underground: Feasibility, setup, and first observation of the 186 keV resonance. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A: HADRONS AND NUCLEI, 50 (11). ISSN 1434-6001

Bordenau, Christine and Gyürky, György and Halász, Zoltán and Szücs, Tamás and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Elekes, Zoltán and Farkas, János and Fülöp, Zsolt and Somorjai, Endre (2013) Activation measurement of the 3He(α, γ)7Be reaction cross section at high energies. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 908. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0375-9474

Rauscher, Thomas and Dauphas, N. and Dillmann, I. and Fröhlich, C. and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György (2013) Constraining the astrophysical origin of the p-nuclei through nuclear physics and meteoritic data. REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS, 76 (6). ISSN 0034-4885

Izsák, Rudolf and Horváth, Ákos and Kiss, Ádám and Seres, Zoltán and Galonsky, A. and Bertulani, C. A. and Fülöp, Zsolt and Baumann, T. and Bazin, D. and Ieki, K. and Bordeanu, C. and Carlin, N. and Csanád, Máté and Deak, F. and DeYoung, P. and Frank, N. and Fukuchi, T. and Gade, A. and Galaviz, D. and Hoffman, C. R. and Peters, W. A. and Schelin, H. and Thoennessen, M. and Veres, Gábor (2013) Determining the 7Li(n,γ) cross section via Coulomb dissociation of 8Li. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 88 (6). ISSN 2469-9985

Mohr, Péter and Kiss, Gábor Gyula and Fülöp, Zsolt and Galaviz, D. and Gyürky, György and Somorjai, Endre (2013) Elastic alpha scattering experiments and the alpha-nucleus optical potential at low energies. ATOMIC DATA AND NUCLEAR DATA TABLES, 99 (6). pp. 651-679. ISSN 0092-640X

Straniero, O. and Imbriani, G. and Strieder, F. and Bemmerer, D. and Broggini, C. and Caciolli, A. and Corvisiero, P. and Costantini, H. and Cristallo, S. and Dileva, A. and Formicola, A. and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gervino, G. and Guglielmetti, A. and Gustavino, C. and Gyürky, György and Junker, M. and Lemut, A. and Limata, B. and Marta, M. and Mazzocchi, C. and Menegazzo, R. and Piersanti, L. and Prati, P. and Roca, V. and Rolfs, C. and Rossi, Alvarez C. and Somorjai, Endre and Terrasi, F. (2013) Impact of a revised 25Mg(p,γ)26Al reaction rate on the operation of the Mg-Al cycle. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 763 (2). ISSN 1538-4357

Anders, M. and Trezzi, D. and Bellini, A. and Aliotta, M. and Bemmerer, D. and Broggini, C. and Caciolli, A. and Costantini, H. and Corvisiero, P. and Davinson, T. and Elekes, Zoltán and Erhard, M. and Formicola, A. and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gervino, G. and Guglielmetti, A. and Gustavino, C. and Gyürky, György and Junker, M. and Lemut, A. and Marta, M. and Mazzocchi, C. and Menegazzo, R. and Prati, P. and Rossi, Alvarez C. and Scott, D. and Somorjai, Endre and Straniero, O. and Szücs, Tamás (2013) Neutron-induced background by an α-beam incident on a deuterium gas target and its implications for the study of the 2H(α,γ)6Li reaction at LUNA. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A: HADRONS AND NUCLEI, 49 (2). ISSN 1434-6001

Schmidt, K and Akhmadaliev, S and Anders, M and Bemmerer, D and Boretzky, K and Caciolli, A and Degering, D and Dietz, M and Dressler, R and Elekes, Zoltán and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Hannaske, R and Junghans, AR and Marta, M and Menzel, M-L and Munnik, F and Schumann, D and Schwengner, R and Szücs, Tamás and Wagner, A and Yakorev, D and Zuber, K (2013) Resonance triplet at Eα=4.5 MeV in the 40Ca(α,γ)44Ti reaction. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 88 (2). ISSN 2469-9985

Book Section

Bajkó, Norbert and Fülöp, Zsolt and Dunay, Anna and Lencsés, Enikő (2020) A mezőgazdasági szektor kis- és középvállalkozásainak innovációs potenciálja az EU jövőjében. In: Menedzsment válaszok a XXI. század gazdasági és társadalmi kihívásaira. Inform Kiadó és Nyomda Kft., Budapest, pp. 51-63. ISBN 978-615-5666-43-8


Somorjai, Endre and Dombrádi, Zsolt and Elekes, Zoltán and Farkas, János and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György and Kiss, Gábor (2011) Mag-asztrofizika indirekt módszerekkel = Nuclear Astrophysics with indirect methods. Project Report. OTKA.

Kiss, Ádám and Csanád, Máté and Fülöp, Zsolt and Horváth, Ákos and Kecskeméti, József and Veres, I. Gábor (2011) Neutron-gazdag atommagok Coulomb-felbomlási folyamatai dinamikájának vizsgálata = Investigation of the dynamics of Coulomb-breakup of neutron-rich nuclei. Project Report. OTKA.

Somorjai, Endre and Dombrádi, Zsolt and Elekes, Zoltán and Farkas, János and Fülöp, Zsolt and Gyürky, György (2010) Ritka nemesgáz izotópokon lejátszódó nukleáris asztrofizikai reakciók vizsgálata = Study of nuclear reactions on rare noble gas isotopes relevant to nuclear astrophysics. Project Report. OTKA.

Matolcsy, András and Bognár, Ágnes and Csernus, Balázs and Fülöp, Zsolt and Szepesi, Ágota and Timár, Botond (2008) Az aberráns hipermutáció okozta genetikai instabilitás szerepe a B-sejtes non-Hodgkin lymphomák kialakulásában és transzformációjában = The role of genetic instability caused by aberrant hypermutation in the development and transformation of B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Project Report. OTKA.

Fülöp, Zsolt and Elekes, Zoltán and Gyürky, György and Kalinka, Gábor and Somorjai, Endre (2008) Az elemek nukleoszintézise lassú és robbanásos folyamatokban = Stellar and explosive nucleosynthesis. Project Report. OTKA.

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