Items where Author is "Kmetty, Ákos"
Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 32. Tomin, Márton and Török, Dániel and Pászthy, Tamás and Kmetty, Ákos (2023) Deformation analysis in impact testing of functionally graded foams by the image processing of high-speed camera recordings. POLYMER TESTING, 122. No. 108014. ISSN 0142-9418 Litauszki, Katalin and Gere, Dániel and Czigany, Tibor and Kmetty, Ákos (2023) Environmentally friendly packaging foams: Investigation of the compostability of poly(lactic acid)-based syntactic foams. SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES, 35. e00527. ISSN 2214-9937 Tomin, Márton and Lengyel, Márton Áron and Párizs, Richárd Dominik and Kmetty, Ákos (2023) Measuring and mathematical modeling of cushion curves for polymeric foams. POLYMER TESTING, 117. No. 107837. ISSN 0142-9418 Litauszki, Katalin and Igriczné Kiserdei, Éva and Pamlényi, Krisztián and Szarka, Györgyi and Kmetty, Ákos and Kovács, Zsolt (2022) Controlled Drug Release from Laser Treated Polymeric Carrier. JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0022-3549 (print); 1520-6017 (online) (Submitted) Tomin, Márton and Kossa, Attila and Berezvai, Szabolcs and Kmetty, Ákos (2022) Investigating the impact behavior of wrestling mats via finite element simulation and falling weight impact tests. POLYMER TESTING, 108. p. 107521. ISSN 0142-9418 Tomin, Márton and Kmetty, Ákos (2022) Polymer foams as advanced energy absorbing materials for sports applications—A review. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 139 (9). p. 51714. ISSN 0021-8995 (print); 1097-4628 (online) Béky, Csenge and Tomin, Márton and Kmetty, Ákos (2021) Termoplasztikus elasztomerek és habosításuk- áttekintés. POLIMEREK, 7 (1). pp. 27-32. ISSN 2415-9492 Morlin, Bálint and Litauszki, Katalin and Petrény, Roland and Kmetty, Ákos and Mészáros, László (2021) Characterization of polylactic acid-based nanocomposite foams with supercritical CO2. MEASUREMENT, 178. pp. 1-6. ISSN 0263-2241 (print); 1873-412X (online) Péter, Tamás and Litauszki, Katalin and Kmetty, Ákos (2021) Improving the heat deflection temperature of poly(lactic acid) foams by annealing. POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY, 190. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0141-3910 (print); 1873-2321 (online) Litauszki, Katalin and Kmetty, Ákos (2021) Investigation of the damping properties of polylactic acid-based syntactic foam structures. POLYMER TESTING, 103. p. 107347. ISSN 0142-9418 Tomin, Márton and Kmetty, Ákos (2021) Különböző típusú sportszőnyegek csúszási ellenálló képességének vizsgálata. In: XII. Roncsolásmentes Anyagvizsgáló Konferencia és Kiállítás (RAKK) és 10. Anyagvizsgálat a Gyakorlatban (AGY) Konferencia, 2021. március 17-19., online. Litauszki, Katalin and Kmetty, Ákos (2021) Production of Biopolymer Foams Based on Polylactic Acid Plasticized With Lactic Acid Oligomer. ACTA MATERIALIA TRANSYLVANICA (EN), 4 (1). pp. 32-37. ISSN 2601-8799 Litauszki, Katalin and Kmetty, Ákos (2021) Tejsav oligomerrel lágyított, politejsav-alapú biopolimer habok előállítása = Production of Biopolymer Foams Based on Polylactic Acid Plasticized With Lactic Acid Oligomer. ACTA MATERIALIA TRANSYLVANICA (HU), 4 (1). pp. 32-37. ISSN 2601-1883 Kmetty, Ákos and Litauszki, Katalin (2020) Development of Poly (Lactide Acid) Foams with Thermally Expandable Microspheres. Polymers, 12 (2). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2073-4360 Tomin, Márton and Kmetty, Ákos (2020) Ejtődárdás mérési konstrukció továbbfejlesztése polimer habok dinamikus mechanikai vizsgálatához. GÉP, 71 (7-8). pp. 73-76. ISSN 0016-8572 Tomin, Márton and Kmetty, Ákos (2020) Evaluating the cell structure‐impact damping relation of cross‐linked polyethylene foams by falling weight impact tests. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. p. 49999. ISSN 0021-8995 Tomin, Márton and Kmetty, Ákos (2020) Különböző típusú birkózószőnyegek ütéscsillapítási képességének összehasonlítása a sportágban előforduló sportsérülések megelőzése céljából. In: Magyar Sporttudományi Társaság, 2020.12.05., Budapest, Magyarország. Litauszki, Katalin and Kmetty, Ákos (2020) Politejsav kémiai habképzésének lehetőségei exoterm és endoterm típusú habképzőszerek alkalmazásával. POLIMEREK, 6 (12). pp. 1138-1142. ISSN 2415-9492 Tomin, Márton and Kmetty, Ákos (2019) Polimer habok és azok sportolási célú alkalmazása – áttekintés. POLIMEREK, 5 (4). pp. 460-464. ISSN 2415-9492 Litauszki, Katalin and Kovács, Zsolt and Mészáros, László and Kmetty, Ákos (2019) Accelerated photodegradation of poly(lactic acid) with weathering test chamber and laser exposure – A comparative study. Polymer Testing, 76. pp. 411-419. ISSN 0142-9418, ESSN: 1873-234 Litauszki, Katalin and Kmetty, Ákos (2019) Extrusion foaming of Poly(Lactic Acid) with thermally expandable microspheres. In: SPE Foams 2019 Conference, 2019.10.2.-2019.10.3., Valladolid, Spanyolország. Litauszki, Katalin and Kmetty, Ákos and Bárány, Tamás (2018) Politejsav alapú bio-habok fejlesztése expandálható mikrokapszula felhasználásával. POLIMEREK, 4 (10). pp. 316-321. ISSN 2415-9492 Litauszki, Katalin and Kmetty, Ákos (2018) Characterisation of Poly(lactic Acid) Foams produced by extrusion with different chemical blowing agents. In: 4th Edition of International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology, 2018.06.04-05., London, Egyesült Királyság. Kmetty, Ákos and Litauszki, Katalin and Réti, Dániel (2018) Characterization of Different Chemical Blowing Agents and Their Applicability to Produce Poly(Lactic Acid) Foams by Extrusion. APPLIED SCIENCES, 8 (10). p. 1960. ISSN 2076-3417 Vadas, Dániel and Kmetty, Ákos and Bárány, Tamás and Marosi, György and Bocz, Katalin (2017) Flame retarded self-reinforced polypropylene composites prepared by injection moulding. POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES. ISSN 1042-7147 Lendvai, László and Kmetty, Ákos and Karger-Kocsis, József (2017) Preparation and properties of thermoplastic starch/bentonite nanocomposites. MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM, 885. pp. 129-134. ISSN 0255-5476 Halász, I. Z. and Romhány, Gábor and Kmetty, Ákos and Bárány, Tamás and Czigány, Tibor (2015) Failure of compression molded all-polyolefin composites studied by acoustic emission. Express Polymer Letters, 9 (3). pp. 321-328. ISSN 1788-618X Bocz, Katalin and Domonkos, Martina and Igricz, Tamás and Kmetty, Ákos and Bárány, Tamás and Marosi, György (2015) Flame retarded self-reinforced poly(lactic acid) composites of outstanding impact resistance. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 70. pp. 27-34. ISSN 1359-835X (Submitted) Lendvai, László and Karger-Kocsis, József and Kmetty, Ákos and Drakopoulos, Stavros X. (2015) Production and characterization of microfibrillated cellulose-reinforced thermoplastic starch composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133 (2). n/a-n/a. ISSN 0021-8995 Kmetty, Ákos and Karger-Kocsis, József and Czigány, Tibor (2015) Production and properties of micro-cellulose reinforced thermoplastic starch. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 74. 012008. ISSN 1757-8981 Karger-Kocsis, József and Kmetty, Ákos and Lendvai, László and Drakopoulos, Stavros and Bárány, Tamás (2014) Water-Assisted Production of Thermoplastic Nanocomposites: A Review. Materials, 8 (1). pp. 72-95. ISSN 1996-1944 Kmetty, Ákos and Bárány, Tamás and Karger-Kocsis, József (2012) Injection moulded all-polypropylene composites composed of polypropylene fibre and polypropylene based thermoplastic elastomer. Composites Science and Technology, 73. pp. 72-80. ISSN 02663538 (Unpublished) |