Items where Author is "Mucsi, Gábor"
Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Jump to: Article | Conference or Workshop Item Number of items: 23. ArticleFóris, Ildikó and Lassú, Gábor and Mucsi, Gábor and Mádai, Ferenc (2024) A kritikus és stratégiai nyersanyagok Európai Uniós szakpolitikai áttekintése. BÁNYÁSZATI ÉS KOHÁSZATI LAPOK (2023-), 173 (4). pp. 27-35. ISSN 2498-9322 Nagy Gáborné Ambrus, Mária and Mucsi, Gábor (2023) Advanced processing of high Ca fly ash for enhanced reactivity and improved high value-added application possibilities. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 18. ISSN 2214-5095 Kurusta, Tamás and Mucsi, Gábor and Kumar, Sanjay and Kristály, Ferenc (2023) Carbon-dioxide sequestration by mechanical activation of Linz-Donawitz steel slag; the effect of water on CO2 capture. FUEL, 352. ISSN 0016-2361 Abd Bakil, Siti Natrah Binti and Kristály, Ferenc and Mucsi, Gábor (2023) Preliminary study of low-grade clays as secondary raw material for geopolymer. GEOSCIENCES AND ENGINEERING: A PUBLICATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MISKOLC, 11 (1). pp. 68-84. ISSN 2063-6997 Fóris, Ildikó and Mucsi, Gábor (2021) Alternative Foaming Agents for Fabrication of Glass Foam. MULTIDISZCIPLINÁRIS TUDOMÁNYOK, 11 (5). pp. 39-49. ISSN 2786-1465 Nagy, Zsolt and Mucsi, Gábor and Simon, Andrea (2021) Az őrlési idő fröccsöntött Al2O3-üveg kerámiatermékek tulajdonságaira gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálata. MULTIDISZCIPLINÁRIS TUDOMÁNYOK: A MISKOLCI EGYETEM KÖZLEMÉNYE, 11 (2). pp. 25-31. ISSN 2062-9737 Mucsi, Gábor and Halyag, Nóra and Kurusta, Tamás and Kristály, Ferenc (2021) Control of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration by Mechanical Activation of Red Mud. WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION, 12. pp. 6481-6495. ISSN 1877-2641 Mucsi, Gábor and Papné Halyag, Nóra and Ulsen, Carina and Oliveira Figueiredo, Paula and Kristály, Ferenc (2021) Mechanical activation of construction and demolition waste in order to improve its pozzolanic reactivity. ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, 9 (9). pp. 3416-3427. ISSN 2168-0485 Ambrus, Mária and Mucsi, Gábor (2021) Possible Test Methods for the Examination of the Leaching Behaviour of a Geopolymer Raw Material. MULTIDISZCIPLINÁRIS TUDOMÁNYOK, 11 (1). pp. 15-21. ISSN 2786-1465 Kristály, Ferenc and Szabó, Roland and Mádai, Ferenc and Debreczeni, Ákos and Mucsi, Gábor (2020) Lightweight composite from fly ash geopolymer and glass foam. JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE CEMENT-BASED MATERIALS, 10. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2165-0373 Mucsi, Gábor and Szabó, Roland and Rácz, Ádám and Kristály, Ferenc and Kumar, Sanjay (2019) Combined utilization of red mud and mechanically activated fly ash in geopolymers. RUDARSKO GEOLOSKO NAFTNI ZBORNIK - MINING GELOLOGICAL PETROLEUM ENGINEERING BULLETIN, 34 (1). pp. 27-36. ISSN 0353-4529 Mucsi, Gábor and Szenczi, Ágnes and Nagy, Sándor (2018) Fiber reinforced geopolymer from synergetic utilization of fly ash and waste tire. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 2018. ISSN 0959-6526 Mucsi, Gábor (2017) Physical-chemical, mineralogical and radiological properties of red mud samples as secondary raw materials. Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection. ISSN 1451-3994, ESSN: 1452-8185 Mucsi, Gábor and Szabó, Roland and Nagy, Sándor and Bohács, Katalin and Gombkötő, Imre and Debreczeni, Ákos (2017) Development of polystyrene-geopolymer composite for thermal insulating material and its properties with special regards to flame resistance. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. ISSN 1757-8981 (In Press) Szabó, Roland and Gombkötő, Imre and Svéda, Mária and Mucsi, Gábor (2017) EFFECT OF GRINDING FINENESS OF FLY ASH ON THE PROPERTIES OF GEOPOLYMER FOAM. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 62 (2B). pp. 1257-1261. ISSN 2300-1909 Molnár, Zoltán and Szabó, Roland and Rácz, Ádám and Lakatos, János and Debreczeni, Ákos and Mucsi, Gábor (2017) Optimization of activator solution and heat treatment of ground lignite type fly ash geopolymers. IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (175). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1757-8981 Mucsi, Gábor and Szenczi, Ágnes and Molnár, Zoltán and Lakatos, János (2016) Structural formation and leaching behavior of mechanically activated lignite fly ash based geopolymer. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT. ISSN 1648-6897 Mucsi, Gábor (2016) Mechanical activation of power station fly ash by grinding – A review. ÉPÍTŐANYAG, 68 (2). pp. 56-61. ISSN 0013-970X Conference or Workshop ItemSzabó, Roland and Kristály, Ferenc and Mucsi, Gábor (2021) Altering reactivity of kaolin by classification and mechanical activation. In: IMPC 2020 - XXX International Mineral Processing Congress Proceedings, 2020.10.18-22., Cape Town, South Africa. Rácz, Ádám and Bohács, Katalin and Kristály, Ferenc and Gregus, Éva and Mucsi, Gábor (2018) Comparison of Wet and Dry Stirred Media Milling from Energetic and Mechanochemical Point of View. In: XXIX. International Mineral Processing Congress, 2018.09.15-21., Moszkva, Oroszország. Mucsi, Gábor and Ambrus, Mária (2017) RAW MATERIALS FOR GEOPOLYMERISATION. In: MicroCad 2017 International Scientific Conference, 2017.04.20-21., Miskolc, Magyarország. Mucsi, Gábor and Szabó, Roland and Kristály, Ferenc and Gombkötő, Imre (2017) Szilikát-tartalmú hulladékok együttes hasznosítása = Combined utilization of various silicate bearing wastes. In: Meddő? Hulladék? NEM! HASZONANYAG! 2017, 2017.06.08., Budapest, Magyarország. (In Press) Mucsi, Gábor and Debreczeni, Ákos and Török, Viktor (2016) Mechanical activation of supplementary cementitous materials in order to use as hydraulic binder. In: RILEM Conference MSSCE 2016, 2016. augusztus 22-24., Lyngby, Denmark. |