Items where Author is "den Dikken, Marcel"
Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 30. Articleden Dikken, Marcel (2023) Associative plurals and their associates : An integrated approach to the nominal plural markers of Hungarian. JOURNAL OF URALIC LINGUISTICS, 2 (1). pp. 50-73. ISSN 2772-3720 den Dikken, Marcel and Dékány, Éva (2019) Adpositions and Case: Alternative Realisation and Concord. FINNO-UGRIC LANGAUGES AND LINGUISTICS, 7 (2). pp. 39-75. ISSN 2063-8825 den Dikken, Marcel (2019) Norbert Hornstein, Howard Lasnik, Pritty Patel-Grosz and Charles Yang (eds.): Syntactic Structures after 60 years. The impact of the Chomskyan revolution in linguistics. Acta Linguistica Academica, 66 (3). pp. 429-444. ISSN 2559-8201 den Dikken, Marcel (2018) Secondary predication and the distribution of raising to object. Acta Linguistica Academica, 65 (1). pp. 87-117. ISSN 2559-8201 den Dikken, Marcel and Dékány, Éva Katalin (2018) A restriction on recursion. SYNTAX, 21 (1). pp. 1-30. ISSN 1368-0005 den Dikken, Marcel (2017) Clausal subordination and the structure of the verbal phrase. LANGUAGES, 2 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2226-471X den Dikken, Marcel and Surányi, Balázs (2017) Contrasting Contrastive Left-Dislocation Explications. LINGUISTIC INQUIRY, 48 (7). pp. 543-584. ISSN 0024-3892 den Dikken, Marcel (2017) Predication in the syntax of hyperraising and copy raising. Acta Linguistica Academica, 64 (1). pp. 3-43. ISSN 2559-8201 van der Wouden, Ton and Audring, J. and Bennis, H. and Beukema, F. and Booij, G. and den Dikken, Marcel (2016) Het Taalportaal. NEDERLANDSE TAALKUNDE, 21 (1). pp. 157-168. ISSN 1384-5845 den Dikken, Marcel (2016) Negation Topicalisation. EVEN YEARBOOK, 12. pp. 31-45. ISSN 1218-8808 den Dikken, Marcel (2015) Raising The Subject Of The ‘Object-Of’ Relation. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, 77. pp. 85-98. ISSN 1049-1058 Book Sectionden Dikken, Marcel (2024) Agreeable predicate nominals. In: A Cartesian dram. A geometrical account of syntax. In honor of Andrea Moro. Lingbuzz Press, pp. 183-190. ISBN 9782839941969 den Dikken, Marcel and Dékány, Éva (2023) Functional Architecture of Prepositional Phrases. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Comparative Syntax. Cambridge University, Cambridge, pp. 1-32. (In Press) den Dikken, Marcel (2021) Canonical and reverse predication in the syntax of the active/passive diathesis alternation. In: Smuggling in Syntax. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1-33. ISBN 9780197509869 den Dikken, Marcel (2020) Differential object marking and the structure of transitive clauses. In: Linguistic Variation: Structure and Interpretation. Studies in Generative Grammar (132). Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin, pp. 217-229. ISBN 9781501514340 (print); 9781501505201 (electronic) den Dikken, Marcel (2019) What would you rather me say? In: Mapping linguistic data : Essays in honour of Liliane Haegeman. Universiteit Gent, Ghent, pp. 99-104. den Dikken, Marcel and O'Neill, Theresa (2017) Copular constructions in syntax. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1-31. den Dikken, Marcel (2017) Overtly Marked Wh-Paths. In: The Blackwell Companion to Syntax (second edition). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, 10.1002/9781118358733.wbsyncom010. ISBN 978-1-118-35872-6 den Dikken, Marcel (2017) Pseudoclefts and other specificational copular sentences. In: The Blackwell Companion to Syntax (second edition). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, 10.1002/9781118358733.wbsyncom001. ISBN 978-1-118-35872-6 den Dikken, Marcel (2017) Quantifier float and predicate inversion. In: Elements of comparative syntax: Theory and description. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 47-55. den Dikken, Marcel (2017) Stacking up for the long way down. In: Crossroads Semantics. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 207-225. ISBN 9789027212481 den Dikken, Marcel (2016) What do I know?! : Reflections on a rhetorical question. In: Webschrift for Ádám Nádasdy. ELTE BTK Angol-Amerikai Intézet, Budapest, pp. 1-10. den Dikken, Marcel (2015) On the morphosyntax of (in)alienably possessed noun phrases. In: Approaches to Hungarian. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 121-145. ISBN 9789027204844 den Dikken, Marcel (2014) On feature interpretability and inheritance. In: Minimalism and beyond: Radicalizing the interfaces. John Benjamins, Amsterdam. den Dikken, Marcel (2013) Predication and specification in the syntax of cleft sentences. In: Cleft structures. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 35-70. den Dikken, Marcel (2010) On the functional structure of locative and directional PPs. In: Mapping spatial PPs. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 74-126. den Dikken, Marcel (2009) Comparative correlatives and successive cyclicity. In: Correlatives cross-linguistically. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 263-306. Conference or Workshop Itemden Dikken, Marcel and Dékány, Éva (2023) Silent Nouns in the Syntax of Personal Proper Names in Reference to Works of Art. In: North East Linguistic Society 53 (NELS 53), 2023.01.12. - 2023.01.14., Göttingen (Germany). den Dikken, Marcel and Dékány, Éva (2021) On the Internal and External Syntax of Depictive Secondary Predication. In: The International Workshop on Secondary Predication 2021, 2021.10.30. - 2021.10.31., Tokyo (Japan). BookBroekhuis, Hans and den Dikken, Marcel (2012) Syntax of Dutch. Nouns and noun phrases, Vol. 2. Comprehensive Grammar Resources . Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam. ISBN 978 90 4851 760 2 |