A hallgató-oktató írásbeli kapcsolattartás nyelvi problémái internetes fórumok metadiskurzusaiban : Language problems in written student-teacher interaction in meta-discourses on online forums

Ludányi, Zsófia (2018) A hallgató-oktató írásbeli kapcsolattartás nyelvi problémái internetes fórumok metadiskurzusaiban : Language problems in written student-teacher interaction in meta-discourses on online forums. ALKALMAZOTT NYELVÉSZETI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 13 (2). pp. 76-97. ISSN 1788-9979


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One of the most problematic scenes in student-teacher interactions is probably constituted by the written communication practices of the students, which mostly takes place in the form of e-mails or somewhat more infrequently via immediate messaging technologies or other online channels. This becomes manifest also in the fact that the issue is a relatively frequent topic of spontaneous everyday meta-discourse, probably even more often than other questions of linguistic politeness. By applying the framework of Language Management Theory, the aim of the present paper is (i) to identify the typical problems arising in the practices of written communication between students and teachers based on reflections on language use collected from online forums and (ii) to uncover the ways of handling these language problems. What the members of a given community perceive as a language problem is strongly dependent on the ideologies, in the light of which the linguistic situations at hand are interpreted. For this very reason, my research also addresses the role and functioning of language ideologies manifest in the meta-texts concerned with the written forms of communication.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > P0 Philology. Linguistics / filológia, nyelvészet > P40 Sociolinguistics / szociolingvisztika
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 14 Apr 2020 11:50
Last Modified: 31 Mar 2023 06:45

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