Gter ma a hanyatlás koráról. Szerzőség és hitelesség kérdése egy tibeti szöveg kapcsán

Gelle, Zsóka (2015) Gter ma a hanyatlás koráról. Szerzőség és hitelesség kérdése egy tibeti szöveg kapcsán. In: Kéklő hegyek alatt lótuszok tava – Tanulmányok Bethlenfalvy Géza tiszteletére. L'Harmattan, Budapest, pp. 241-253. ISBN 978-963-236-973-0


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The article addresses the question of authorship and concomitant authenticity of treasure texts, a body of prophetic literature, discovered by Tibetan lamas, so-called ‘Treasure Revealers’ (gter ston), who belong to the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. After an overview of the structure and transmission of Treasures, the text titled Sbas yul spyi'i them byang (General description of Hidden Lands) is used as an example, a Treasure text of the Byang gter lugs kyi rnam thar dang ma 'ongs lung bstan (Biographies and Prophecies of the Northern Tresure tradition) collection, that gives a detailed description of the external and internal signs of decline, the time when people need to leave Tibet due to foreign invasion, civil war and moral decline. It is a visionary guide book to hidden lands, and not only suggests ways to get there, but also provides instructions of how the land could be tamed, where temples should be built, or religious communities needed to be established. By shortly presenting and analysing some parts of the text, trying to find answers why a text in spite of being a compilation is attributed to a certain author, and what reasoning the followers of the Nyingma school use to prove that Treasure texts are also authentic teachings, the words of the Buddha.

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion / filozófia, pszichológia, vallás > BL Religion / vallás
Depositing User: Zsóka Gelle
Date Deposited: 04 Feb 2016 14:48
Last Modified: 04 Feb 2016 14:48

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