Kísérlet néhány magyarországi ötvösjegy feloldására XIV.

Grotte, András (2013) Kísérlet néhány magyarországi ötvösjegy feloldására XIV. Művészettörténeti Értesítő, 62 (1). pp. 67-82. ISSN 0027-5247


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Abstract Similarly to its predecessors, the 14th installment of the time-honoured series adds new goldsmith's marks to the ones known from earlier publications (Elemér Kőszeghy 1936, Ilona P. Brestyánszky 1977). On the basis of registry research it provides new data on 18–19th century goldsmiths with additional information from urban censuses. This time Pest-based goldsmiths are highlighted from the first half of the 19th century, on the basis of works by József Blettl, József Redl, János Hoser and Kristóf Holl that cropped up in the art market, followed by Eperjes-based David Schuller's and the Nagyvárad goldsmith István Nádudvary's works, the latter owned by the Calvinist diocese. After identifying marks from Besztercebánya and Rimaszombat, the paper enlarges upon the Rozsnyó master Samuel Bablirik's works in public and private collections. From former Southern Hungary (today Serbia) the masters of Nagybecskerek (Zrenjanin) and Szabadka (Subotica) are introduced, together with their clientele: Martinus Zimmerer, Johann Christian Parbs, the goldsmiths called Nikolits and the noted Vojnich family.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: N Fine Arts / képzőművészet > N Visual arts (General) For photography, see TR / vizuális művészet általában
N Fine Arts / képzőművészet > NX Arts in general / művészetek általában > NX4 Art history and criticism / művészettörténet, műkritika
Depositing User: xAnikó xZsoldos
Date Deposited: 28 Sep 2017 13:15
Last Modified: 28 Sep 2017 13:15

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