Thököly Imre és Zrínyi Ilona alakjának megjelenése a XVII. századi spanyol drámairodalomban

Törtei, Renáta (2021) Thököly Imre és Zrínyi Ilona alakjának megjelenése a XVII. századi spanyol drámairodalomban. In: Dulce et utile – Tanulmányok Pintér Márta Zsuzsanna 60. születésnapjára. Eszterházy Károly Katolikus Egyetem Líceum Kiadó, Eger, pp. 241-258. ISBN 978-963-496-221-2

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This topic is a side-research of my doctoral research. I’ve started this topic after having found multiple dramas written in Spanish where the main characters were Hungarian nobles, mainly Imre Thököly, Rákóczi, Zrínyi and other people of historical interest in Hungary. The appearence of Count Thököly in 17th and 18th century literature is not uncommon, many a researcher noted foreign countries have taken a keen interest in the ousting of the Turks and the anti-turk wars in general. However the appearece of Count Thököly in the common knowledge of the Spanish people and in the arts is a novelty and it is really interesting as the Count is mentioned in different publications – letters, dramas (of theater), poems, pamphlets, historical studies of the time or even paintings. The dramas that have been discoverd are as of yet unknown, it is of great importance and relevance in the field of literature. The basic idea is that the rebellion of Count Thököly might have some relationship or ideological influence, perhaps some political effect between the Spanish nobility and Hungary. The fact that a lord of noble origin with the continued support of other members of the nobility of Hungary rebelled against the king and emperor of The Holy Roman Empire, was unique and shocking at the same time. We know, for example that the Spanish nobility - or at least a part of the Spanish nobles - became very interested in the situation that is, in the rebellion led by a Hungarian noble against their king, and against the defender of Christianity, Leopold I. To study the reaction of the Spanish nobility to the events that occurred in Hungary, I have done research in the abundant sources in Spain, Hungary and Austria. These sources show some connections with the interests of some Spanish nobles by the situation that was forming in Eastern Europe. During the investigation carried out in the General Archive of Simancas, in the Archive of the Nobility Section of Toledo and in the National Library of Spain, I found some plays about the rebellious count. The main concern with the aforementioned plays is to define the author, the time, the date of composition or the place of origin. Generally in the case of the scripts of the time, we know who the author was, but in the case of these dramas the names of the authors are still unknown. We do not have any signature at the end, nor a name, not even a pseudonym, there is no clue, trace or indication that can guide us. The same goes for place and time. There are many questions and doubts about these dramas: where, when and who ordered them. Where did the basic information about events in Hungary come from? Also we might ask what the purpose of these literary works was. During these times such plays were used as call for some military actions against the Turks. The aim of my presentation is to shed the light on the newly discovered dramas, and to present the results of the investigation about the hungarica database concerning this topic, focusing on five plays that are still under investigation. Further studies include the research and investigation of Hungarian theater-works about Thököly. Eventually I have to emphasize that there is still a huge amount of work to do with the most professional analysis of these works. A philological, historical and literary analysis is indispensable since we must answer the numerous questions to which I referred earlier. In addition, it is necessary to mention that this study is part of a greater historical investigation. Surely these sources will bring a new point of view to the current investigation regarding the role of the Hungarians in the history of Spain and vice versa.

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: D History General and Old World / történelem > DN Middle Europe / Közép-Európa > DN1 Hungary / Magyarország
P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PQ Romance literatures / neolatin irodalmak
Depositing User: Tibor Gál
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2021 16:30
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2021 16:30

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