Varieties generated by completions

Andréka, H. and Németi, I. (2019) Varieties generated by completions. ALGEBRA UNIVERSALIS, 80 (3). pp. 1-17. ISSN 0002-5240 (print); 1420-8911 (online)


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We prove that persistently finite algebras are not created by completions of algebras, in any ordered discriminator variety. A persistently finite algebra is one without infinite simple extensions. We prove that finite measurable relation algebras are all persistently finite. An application of these theorems is that the variety generated by the completions of representable relation algebras does not contain all relation algebras. This answers Problem 1.1(1) from Maddux's 2018 Algebra Universalis paper in the negative. At the same time, we confirm the suggestion in that paper that the finite maximal relation algebras constructed in M. Frias and R. Maddux's 1997 Algebra Universalis paper are not in the variety generated by the completions of representable relation algebras. We prove that there are continuum many varieties between the variety generated by the completions of representable relation algebras and the variety of relation algebras.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: COMPLETION; Ordered set; Boolean algebra with operators; Algebraic logic; Relation algebra; Discriminator varieties; Dense subalgebra
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika > QA72 Algebra / algebra
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 04 Sep 2019 11:44
Last Modified: 13 Apr 2023 13:37

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