Szenthelyleírások, kolostortörténetek, zarándokutak a tibeti és mongol buddhista irodalomban

Majer, Zsuzsa (2003) Szenthelyleírások, kolostortörténetek, zarándokutak a tibeti és mongol buddhista irodalomban. In: Orientalista Nap 2003. MTA Orientalisztikai Bizottság; ELTE Orientalisztikai Intézet, Budapest, pp. 74-85. ISBN 963-463-684-5


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The present article deals with the different genres of Tibetan literature devoted to descriptions of holy places, sanctuaries, statues and other devotional objects, originated in the cult holy places. The different genres cover a great variety of topics such as histories or detailed descriptions of monasteries, stūpas and holy images; travel descriptions and guide books for pilgrims; and eulogies in verse. The purpose of such works is not merely the praise of such holy places, but they also provide data on their establishment and history and give useful information to pilgrims. In the present article I gave a list and brief description of the possible genres (Dkar-chag, Gnas-bshad, Gnas-yig, Lam-yig, (B)skor-tshad, (B)skor-tshul, Lo-rgyus, Chags-tshul, Gtam, Bkod-pa, Gnas-bstod,Gnas-brjod, Rtogs-brjod, Bsngags-brjod), thus investigating the characteristic features of such literary genres. I separately mention the names of the most prominent mongolian authors whose works written in tibetan language also included such descriptions. In addition to these tibetan language works, these genres also created their equivalents, i.e. works of similar characteristics in mongolian language as well, just as it happened in the case of copying other tibetan genres of historiography. At the end of my article I draw attention to the different mongolian genres (Garčaγ/γarčaγ, £am-un bičig, Orosil, Ergikü kem¤iye, Sayisiyal, Maγtaγal, Domoγ, Čadiγ, Namtar…) corresponding to the genres of Tibetan holy place-descriptions.

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion / filozófia, pszichológia, vallás > BQ Buddhism / buddhizmus
P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PI Oriental languages and literatures / keleti nyelvek és irodalmak
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 19 Feb 2021 07:39
Last Modified: 31 Mar 2023 07:30

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