Az 1055. évi tihanyi oklevélben említett két birtok lokalizálása : Javaslat a lacus segisti és a bagat mezee határú birtok elhelyezkedésére

Holler, László (2010) Az 1055. évi tihanyi oklevélben említett két birtok lokalizálása : Javaslat a lacus segisti és a bagat mezee határú birtok elhelyezkedésére. HELYNÉVTÖRTÉNETI TANULMÁNYOK (5). pp. 47-82. ISSN 1789-0128 (nyomtatott); 1417-958X (elektronikus)

2010 Az 1055. évi tihanyi oklevélben említett két birtok lokalizálása.pdf - Published Version

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The Latin charter dated 1055 describing the donations given by King Andrew I to the Abbey of Tihany is the earliest Hungarian charter preserved in its original form. The lengthy charter bears an outstanding significance from historical, philological and ecclesiastical perspectives, and also from the perspective of local history. Its philological significance is provided by the several dozen Hungarian words and phrases in the description of the borders of the donated estates; all these offer a glimpse into the state of the Hungarian language a millennium ago. The exact meaning of most of these words and phrases was explained by István Szamota in 1895 (A tihanyi apátság 1055-iki alapítólevele mint a magyar nyelv legrégibb hiteles és egykorú emléke [The 1055 Founding Charter of Tihany as The Oldest Authentic and Contemporary Linguistic Record of the Hungarian Language], Nyelvtudományi Közlemények 25: 129–167). There are still, however, quite a few problematic words and phrases in the charter and to find the real meaning of all these, I’m convinced that it is necessary to identify the location and the borders of the donated estates as precisely as possible. The first part of my paper is concerned with the segisti lake. By analysing charters from the 14th and 15th centuries, I refute the previously accepted location east to the River Danube. I identify the lake in the vicinity of Segesd in Somogy County. The second part is concerned with the woodland bordered by bagat mezee. In this section I introduce the deductive method of localization, using charters from the 13th–15th centuries, a 20th-century database of toponyms of Somogy County and the Google Earth program. I interpret the portus ecli phrase in the border’s description as an imprecisely abbreviated form of portus ecclesiae, consequently there are not any Hungarian common words or non-Latin names in this phrase. Relying on charters from the 13th–15th centuries I point out the surprising stability of settlement names, microtoponyms and the paths of major roads over several centuries. As a result of the analysis, this real estate is located in present-day Somogy County, very near to the segesti lake. Since the segesti lake appears in the charter following all the other real estate and even after the tax-donation, I consider its disposition in the text as a sign of a final and supplementary donation. In the third section I establish that the localization of the donated estates is a complex and iterative task; and I emphasise that place names from non-authentic charters can be applied only with extreme caution, otherwise they will lead to a false localization. The locations of the real estates discussed in this article are shown on a map at the end of the paper.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Tihany-charter from 1055, place names in the 11th century, history of Somogy County, Hungarian language in the 11th century.
Subjects: C Auxiliary Sciences of History / történeti segédtudományok > CD Diplomatics. Archives. Seals / oklevéltan, levéltárak, pecséttan > CD921 Archives / levéltár, levéltári gyűjtemény
D History General and Old World / történelem > D3 Mediaeval History / középkor története
P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > P0 Philology. Linguistics / filológia, nyelvészet > P140 Historical linguistics / nyelvtörténet, történeti nyelvtan
Depositing User: LÁSZLÓ HOLLER
Date Deposited: 03 Jul 2023 09:05
Last Modified: 03 Jul 2023 09:16

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