A keresztnév mint az identitás szimbolikus jele kisebbségi környezetben = First Name as a Sign of Identity in a Minority Environment

Haindrich, Helga Anna (2023) A keresztnév mint az identitás szimbolikus jele kisebbségi környezetben = First Name as a Sign of Identity in a Minority Environment. ACTA UNIVERSITATIS DE CAROLO ESZTERHÁZY NOMINATAE : SECTIO LINGUISTICA HUNGARICA, 48. pp. 79-98. ISSN 2631-0198

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Names can serve identity-marking in various ways among the community in the Nagykároly region. Results of the survey suggest that the origin (linguistic character) of a name is more important than its translatability to Romanian and the corresponding origin of given name and surname. The importance of various components among Hungarian and Swabian/ German identity criteria differs from one component to another. The most important elements of Hungarian identity are self-identification and the Hungarian native language, followed by criteria concerning cultural-national belonging. Self-identification and ethnic pride are core values of Swabian identity, along with criteria regarding origin. Given names and surnames are lesser means of identity-marking. According to the analysis of the name order, and exploring the differences between official and everyday name use, the dominance of Hungarian form and order is an observable trend in daily name usage; most informant use the Hungarian name order (given name followed by surname) even in Romanian conversations. Surveys show that most of the time official name use follows everyday name use; the rate of discrepancies is only about 13%. In these cases, the original name is usually replaced by a cognate from the official language. Swabian communities near Nagykároly are far from undergoing a shift in identity; the emergence of dual ethnic identity is a more appropriate way of describing the phenomenon.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: J Political Science / politológia > JC Political theory / politikaelmélet, államtudomány > JC312 Ethnic minorities / kisebbségkutatás, nemzetiségi kérdés
P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > P0 Philology. Linguistics / filológia, nyelvészet > P321.8-P323.5 Etimology, Onomastics / etimológia, onomasztika (névtan)
Depositing User: Tibor Gál
Date Deposited: 27 Nov 2023 10:43
Last Modified: 27 Nov 2023 10:43

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