Új edzéseszközökkel és mozgásformákkal a középiskolások elhízása ellen

Szerb, Katalin and Szerb, György (2023) Új edzéseszközökkel és mozgásformákkal a középiskolások elhízása ellen. DANUBIUS NOSTER: AZ EÖTVÖS JÓZSEF FŐISKOLA TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRATA, 11 (3). pp. 85-100. ISSN 2064-1060


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In Hungary overweight is a widespread disease now. Overweight is the sourse of numerous illnesses, which puts a burden on the individual as well, but causes more and more social, economic and health problems too. In the background of overweight we can often find a lifestyle short of physical exercise. Teaching a healthy lifestyle plays an important role in the development of secondary school children. In an effort for us to increase efficiency it is worth seeking the methods that can improve the healthy bodily development of the students. We need to plan and build strategies where we can take into consideration the differentiation of activities and the individual peculiarities. The goal of this research is to show through the examination of a secondary school class with the help of new and popular trainings and exercises taking into account the individual performance and ability how it is possible to efficiently improve the young and rectify the possible overweight through regular exercise. Our goal is that through the application of a pulsiometer system we should improve that the efficiency of the physical exercise of the young be in harmony with their individual fitness level. With the application of the optic pulsiometer Polar OH1 which we used in the reasearch sports trainings can be made more interesting and efficient and it is possible to objectively measure the stamina and the workload and motivation can be easily boosted. On the basis of the results of measure and the consultations with those concerned we assembled an individual training program for the benefit of the students struggling with overweight.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: overweight, a lifestyle short of physical exercise, taking the pulse, efficient development, optimal workload, individual training program
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation / földrajz, antropológia, kikapcsolódás > GV Recreation Leisure / szabadidő, szórakozás > GV557-GV558 Sport and fitness sciences / Sport és fitnessztudományok
L Education / oktatás > LB Theory and practice of education / oktatás elmélete és gyakorlata > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools / középfokú oktatás
R Medicine / orvostudomány > RA Public aspects of medicine / orvostudomány társadalmi szerepe > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine / közegészségügy, higiénia, betegség-megelőzés
R Medicine / orvostudomány > RA Public aspects of medicine / orvostudomány társadalmi szerepe > RA427.9 Health care / egészségvédelem
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 06 May 2024 13:46
Last Modified: 06 May 2024 13:46

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