Mit gondolnak a műfordítók a műfordítói kompetenciákról? : Egy felmérés eredményei 3.

Sohár, Anikó (2023) Mit gondolnak a műfordítók a műfordítói kompetenciákról? : Egy felmérés eredményei 3. In: Új kihívások, új módszerek. Nyomárkay István-emléksorozat (3). MTA Modern Filológiai Társaság, Budapest, pp. 190-201. ISBN 9786156448231

SoharAnikomft2023.pdf - Published Version

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Based on the results of an online survey conducted in May 2018, this essay explores what Hungarian literary translators consider important/unimportant competences from a professional viewpoint and discusses the possible reasons behind their choices together with the potential consequences. These choices also influence their professional attitudes and self-image, and most probably the quality of the literary translations themselves. The consensus is that literary translators need to have a talent for literary translation, a few textual-cultural competences, and some language skills, while they can do without a profound knowledge of translation theory, any preparation for the task in question and having a translation strategy. However, it seems that younger generations focus more on the trainable aspects of the profession, and professionalisation of literary translation is under way in Hungary.

Item Type: Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords: literary translator competences, professionalism, self-image, PETRA-E Framework
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > P0 Philology. Linguistics / filológia, nyelvészet
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 17 Jul 2024 02:47
Last Modified: 17 Jul 2024 02:47

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