Constantinus i Victoria: Prića o prvom braku Nikole Zrinskoga

Bene, Sándor (2015) Constantinus i Victoria: Prića o prvom braku Nikole Zrinskoga. In: A magyar-horvát együttélés fordulópontjai. Intézmények, társadalom, gazdaság, kultúra / Prekretnice u suživotu Hrvata i Mađara. Ustanove, društvo, gospodarstvo i kultura. MTA BTK - Horvát Történettudományi Intézet, Budapest, pp. 654-665. ISBN 978-963-416-019-9

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CONSTANTINUS AND VICTORIA: THE STORY OF MIKLÓS ZRÍNYI’S FIRST MARRIAGE The first marriage of Miklós Zrínyi (Nikola Zrinski) with Mária Eusébia Draskovich plays an exceptionally important role in the history of Hungarian literature since Eusébia was the muse of the poetry Siren of the Adriatic Sea (Adriai tengernek Sirenaia), published in 1651, and the love poems in the book are addressed to her. Therefore, the context of their romance—the long courting and the wedding—is quite underresearched. This study approaches the context utilizing new archival sources and explains this marriage as part of Zrínyi’s conscious strategies for estate acquisition. His actions were therefore attacked by the Draskovich family who initiated litigation. After the untimely death of Eusébia, this conflict escalated into an armed one between Zrínyi (already Croatian ban at that time) and his father-in-law. This conflict gives, on the one hand, a fitting context to the publication of the poetry that addresses the beloved wife whom he had lost. On the other hand, it demonstrates the close links between the Draskovich–Zrínyi circle and the drama Constantine and Victoria, the latter being a jewel of early Hungarian literature whose author has not been identified yet.

Item Type: Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords: Miklós Zrínyi (Nikola Zrinski), Maria Eusebia Draskovich, Draskovich family, debates over land ownership, Constantine and Victoria, Siren of the Adriatic Sea
Subjects: C Auxiliary Sciences of History / történeti segédtudományok > CS Genealogy / genealógia > CS1 Families / családtörténet
C Auxiliary Sciences of History / történeti segédtudományok > CT Biography / életrajz
D History General and Old World / történelem > DN Middle Europe / Közép-Európa
D History General and Old World / történelem > DN Middle Europe / Közép-Európa > DN1 Hungary / Magyarország
H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HQ The family. Marriage. Woman / család, házasság, nőpolitika
P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PH Finno-Ugrian, Basque languages and literatures / finnugor és baszk nyelvek és irodalom > PH04 Hungarian language and literature / magyar nyelv és irodalom
Depositing User: Sándor Bene
Date Deposited: 29 Feb 2016 08:04
Last Modified: 04 Apr 2023 11:23

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