Items where Author is "Aradi , Dániel"

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Number of items: 33.


Herszényi, László and Aradi, Dániel and Békássy, Szabolcs and Járai, Zoltán and Juhász, Márk and Kiss, Róbert Gábor and Kolossváry, Endre and Nardai, Sándor and Simonyi, Gábor and Szőnyi, Mihály and Tomcsányi, János and Torzsa, Péter and Tulassay, Zsolt and Vincze, Áron and Becker, Dávid (2024) Gasztroenterológiai-kardiológiai konszenzus a hatékony gasztroprotekció szükségességéről antithrombotikus kezelés alkalmazásakor : A Magyar Gasztroenterológiai Társaság és a Magyar Kardiológusok Társaságának közös állásfoglalása. MAGYAR BELORVOSI ARCHIVUM, 77 (3). pp. 133-144. ISSN 0133-5464

Herszényi, László and Aradi, Dániel and Békássy, Szabolcs and Járai, Zoltán and Juhász, Márk and Kiss, Róbert Gábor and Kolossváry, Endre and Nardai, Sándor and Simonyi, Gábor and Szőnyi, Mihály and Tomcsányi, János and Torzsa, Péter and Tulassay, Zsolt and Vincze, Áron and Becker, Dávid (2023) Gasztroenterológiai-kardiológiai multidiszciplináris konszenzus a hatékony gasztroprotekció szükségességéről antitrombotikus kezelés alkalmazásakor : A Magyar Gasztroenterológiai Társaság és a Magyar Kardiológusok Társaságának közös állásfoglalása. CARDIOLOGIA HUNGARICA, 53 (2). pp. 150-159. ISSN 0133-5596

Aradi, Dániel and Óvári, Péter and Nagy-Kardos, Cintia and Tihanyi, László and Veress, Gábor (2022) Az egyénre szabott vérlemezkegátló-kezelés szerepe PCI után. CARDIOLOGIA HUNGARICA, 52 (5-6). pp. 373-379. ISSN 0133-5596

Óvári, Péter and Veress, Gábor and Aradi, Dániel (2022) Szubokkluzív óriásthrombus a koronáriában: mi lehet a preferált kezelési stratégia? CARDIOLOGIA HUNGARICA, 52 (5-6). pp. 363-367. ISSN 0133-5596

Nagy-Kardos, Cintia and Tihanyi, László and Veress, Gábor and Merkely, Béla Péter and Aradi, Dániel (2022) A tromboembóliás események kockázata és megelőzése COVID-19 betegségben. CARDIOLOGIA HUNGARICA, 52 (5-6). pp. 392-399. ISSN 0133-5596

Kiss, Zoltán and Rokszin, György Aurél and Abonyi-Tóth, Zsolt and Jermendy, György and Kempler, Péter and Aradi, Dániel and Wittmann, István (2019) A 2-es típusú cukorbetegség kardiovaszkuláris megbetegedésre és összmortalitásra kifejtett korfüggő hatása: országos elemzés a NEAK adatbázisa alapján. DIABETOLOGIA HUNGARICA, 27 (1). pp. 19-27. ISSN 1217-372X

Aradi, Dániel (2019) Antitrombotikus kezelés pitvarfibrilláló betegeknél stentimplantáció után: eljött az idő a duális stratégia rutinszerű alkalmazására? = Antithrombotic treatment in patients with atrial fibrillation after stent implantation: is it prime time for the dual strategy in routine practice? Cardiologia Hungarica, 49 (3). pp. 198-204. ISSN 0133-5596

Aradi, Dániel and Komócsi, András and Kancz, Sándor and Nagy, Gergely György and Kiss, Róbert Gábor and Merkely, Béla (2019) Trombocitaaggregáció-gátlás akut koronária szindrómán átesett betegek magas kockázatú alcsoportjaiban = Antiplatelet treatment of high-risk patients following acute coronary syndromes: treatment guidance of the Working Group on Thrombosis of the Hungarian Society of Cardiology implementing national reimbursement protocols. Cardiologia Hungarica, 49 (4). pp. 267-277. ISSN 0133-5596

Noc, Marko and Aradi, Dániel (2017) COOL AMI EU pilot trial: a multicentre, prospective, randomised controlled trial to assess cooling as an adjunctive therapy to percutaneous intervention in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Eurointervention, 13 (5). pp. 531-539. ISSN 1774-024X, ESSN: 1969-6213

Sibbing, Dirk and Aradi, Dániel (2017) Guided de-escalation of antiplatelet treatment in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (TROPICAL-ACS): a randomised, open-label, multicentre trial. Lancet. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0140-6736 (print), 1474-547X (online)

Dézsi, András Döme and Aradi, Dániel and Skopál, Judit and Barabás, Eszter and Várnai, Katalin and Faluközy, József and Veress, Gábor and Alotti, Nasri and Aradi, Dániel (2017) Impact of Test Conditions on ADP-Induced Platelet Function Results With the Multiplate Assay: Is Further Standardization Required? Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics. pp. 1-6. ISSN 1074-2484 (print), 1940-4034 (online)

Sibbing, Dirk and Aradi, Dániel (2017) Mortality and cancer risk on long-term antiplatelet treatment: What is known and what we still don't know. Thrombosis and haemostasis (5). pp. 823-825. ISSN 0340-6245

Koltowski, Lukasz and Aradi, Dániel (2017) Optimal aNtiplatelet pharmacotherapy guided by bedSIDE genetic or functional TESTing in elective PCI patients: A pilot study: ONSIDE TEST pilot. CARDIOLOGY JOURNAL, 24 (3). pp. 284-292. ISSN 1897-5593

Sibbing, Dirk and Aradi, Dániel (2016) A randomised trial on platelet function-guided de-escalation of antiplatelet treatment in ACS patients undergoing PCI. Rationale and design of the Testing Responsiveness to Platelet Inhibition on chronic Antiplatelet Treatment for Acute Coronary Syndromes (TROPICAL-ACS) Trial. Thrombosis and haemostasis. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0340-6245

Dézsi, Döme and Bokori, György and Faluközy, József and Bujáki, Csaba and Fogarassy, György and Veress, Gábor and Aradi, Dániel (2016) Eptifibatide-induced thrombocytopenia leading to acute stent thrombosis. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 41 (3). pp. 522-524. ISSN 0929-5305

Kosztin, Annamária and Széplaki, Gábor and Kovács, Attila and Földes, Gábor and Szokodi, István and Nagy, Vivien Klaudia and Kutyifa, Valentina and Fórizs, Éva and Végh, M. Eszter and Gellér, László and Becker, Dávid and Aradi, Dániel and Merkely, Béla (2016) Impact of CT-apelin and NT-proBNP on identifying non-responders to cardiac resynchronization therapy. Biomarkers, 21. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1354-750X (Print) 1366-5804 (Online)

Komócsi, András and Simon , Mihály and Merkely, Béla and Szűk, Tibor and Kiss, Róbert Gábor and Aradi, Dániel and Ruzsa, Zoltán and Andrássy, Péter and Nagy, Lajos and Lupkovics, Géza and Kőszegi, Zsolt and Ofner, Péter and Jánosi, András (2016) Underuse of coronary intervention and its impact on mortality in the elderly with myocardial infarction. A propensity-matched analysis from the Hungarian Myocardial Infarction Registry. International Journal of Cardiology, 214. pp. 485-490. ISSN 0167-5273

Gross, Lisa and Aradi, Dániel and Sibbing, Dirk (2016) Platelet Function Testing in Patients on Antiplatelet Medications. SEMINARS IN THROMBOSIS AND HEMOSTASIS. pp. 1-15. ISSN 0094-6176

Reny, Jean-Luc and Fontana, Pierre and Aradi, Dániel and Beigel, Roy and Campo, Gianluca and Combescure, Christophe (2016) Vascular risk levels affect the predictive value of platelet reactivity for the occurrence of MACE in patients on clopidogrel. Systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data. Thrombosis and haemostasis. pp. 685-870. ISSN 0340-6245

Sibbing, Dirk and Gross, Lisa and Aradi, Dániel (2016) Prevention of cardiovascular events with antiplatelet treatment: does time of intake matter for aspirin and ADP receptor blockers? Thrombosis and haemostasis, 115 (1). pp. 3-6. ISSN 0340-6245

Kupó, Péter and Aradi, Dániel (2016) Assessment of platelet function in patients receiving tirofiban early after primary coronary intervention. INTERVENTIONAL MEDICINE AND APPLIED SCIENCE, 8 (4). pp. 135-140. ISSN 2061-1617

Koltowski, Lukasz and Aradi , Dániel and Hucek, Zenon and Tomaniak, M. and Sibbing, D. and Filipiak, K.J. and Kochman, J. and Balsam, P. and OPolski, G. (2016) Study design and rationale for Optimal aNtiplatelet pharmacotherapy guided by bedSIDE genetic or functional TESTing in elective percutaneous coronary intervention patients (ONSIDE TEST): a prospective, open-label, randomised parallel-group multicentre trial (NCT01930773). Kardiologia Polska, 74 (4). pp. 372-379. ISSN 0022–9032

Aradi, Dániel and Merkely, Béla and Komócsi, András (2015) Platelet Reactivity: Is There a Role to Switch? Progress In Cardiovascular Diseases, 58 (3). pp. 278-284. ISSN 0033-0620

Aradi, Dániel and Sibbing, Dirk (2015) ATLANTIC: another reason to investigate the disconnect between stent thrombosis and mortality? Thrombosis and haemostasis, 114. pp. 7-8. ISSN 0340-6245

Tornyos, Adrienn and Vorobcsuk, András and Kupó, Péter and Aradi, Dániel (2015) Apixaban and risk of myocardial infarction: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 40. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0929-5305

Aradi, Dániel (2015) Bleeding and stent thrombosis on P2Y12-inhibitors: collaborative analysis on the role of platelet reactivity for risk stratification after percutaneous coronary intervention. European Heart Journal, 36 (27). pp. 1762-71. ISSN 0195-668X (print), 1522-9645 (online)

Winter, Max-Paul and Kozinski, Marek and Kubica, Jacek and Aradi, Dániel and Siller-Matula, Jolanta (2015) Personalized antiplatelet therapy with P2Y12 receptor inhibitors: benefits and pitfalls. Postepy w Kardiologii Interwencyjnej, 11 (4). pp. 259-280. ISSN 1734-9338, ESSN: 1897-4295

Aradi, Dániel (2015) Platelet function testing in acute cardiac care – is there a role for prediction or prevention of stent thrombosis and bleeding? Thrombosis and haemostasis, 113. pp. 221-230. ISSN 0340-6245


Szokodi, István and Aradi, Dániel and Horváth, Iván Gábor and Komócsi, András and Kónyi, Attila and Solymos, Andor (2012) A szívizom-kontraktilitás endogén peptiderg szabályozó mechanizmusainak vizsgálata = Studies on endogenous peptidergic regulation of myocardial contractility. Project Report. OTKA.

Conference or Workshop Item

Aradi, Dániel (2015) Therapeutic window for P2Y12-Receptor inhibition: a collaborative analysis of the relation between platelet reactivity, stent thrombosis and bleeding. In: ACC Scientfic Sessions 2015, 2015.03.15, San Diego, CA.

Aradi, Dániel (2015) PrasugRel versus adjusted high-dose clopidogrel in patients with high on- clopidogrel platelet reactivity: the PECS-HPR randomized, multicenter study. In: ACC Scientific Sessions 2015, 2015.03.14., San Diego, CA.

Aradi, Dániel (2015) Bleeding and stent thrombosis with P2Y12-inhibitors: a collaborative analysis on the role of platelet reactivity for risk stratification after PCI. In: EuroPCR 2015, 2015. 05. 19-22., Paris, France.

Aradi, Dániel (2015) Prasugrel versus adjusted high-dose clopidogrel in patients with high-on- clopidogrel platelet reactivity: the PECS-HPR randomised, multicentre study. In: EuroPCR 2015, 2015. 05. 19-22., Paris.

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