Items where Author is "Gosztolya, Gábor"
Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 87. ArticleKiss-Vetráb, Mercedes and Gosztolya, Gábor (2023) Aggregation Strategies of Wav2vec 2.0 Embeddings for Computational Paralinguistic Tasks. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, 14338. pp. 79-93. ISSN 0302-9743 Gosztolya, Gábor and Svindt, Veronika and Bóna, Judit and Hoffmann, Ildikó (2023) Extracting Phonetic Posterior-Based Features for Detecting Multiple Sclerosis From Speech. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING, 31. pp. 3234-3244. ISSN 1534-4320 José Vicente, Egas López and Gosztolya, Gábor (2023) Identifying Subjects Wearing a Mask from the Speech by Means of Encoded Speech Representations. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, 14102. pp. 131-140. ISSN 0302-9743 Svindt, Veronika and Gosztolya, Gábor and Gráczi, Tekla Etelka (2023) Narrative recall in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: A potentially useful speech task for detecting subtle cognitive changes. CLINICAL LINGUISTICS & PHONETICS, 37 (4-6). pp. 549-566. ISSN 0269-9206 José Vicente, Egas López and Balogh, Réka and Imre, Nóra and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Szabó, Martina Katalin and Tóth, László and Pákáski, Magdolna and Kálmán, János and Gosztolya, Gábor (2022) Automatic screening of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease by means of posterior-thresholding hesitation representation. COMPUTER SPEECH AND LANGUAGE, 75. ISSN 0885-2308 Gosztolya, Gábor (2022) Estimating the degree of conflict in speech by employing Bag-of-Audio-Words and Fisher Vectors. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 205. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0957-4174 Gosztolya, Gábor (2022) Optimizing class priors to improve the detection of social signals in audio data. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 107. No. 104541. ISSN 0952-1976 Csapó, Tamás Gábor and Gosztolya, Gábor and Tóth, László and Honarmandi Shandiz, Amin and Markó, Alexandra (2022) Optimizing the Ultrasound Tongue Image Representation for Residual Network-Based Articulatory-to-Acoustic Mapping. SENSORS, 22 (22). No-8601. ISSN 1424-8220 Hoffmann, Ildikó and Balogh, Réka and Kálmán, János and Pákáski, Magdolna and Gosztolya, Gábor and Imre, Nóra (2022) The Role of Silence in Verbal Fluency Tasks – A New Approach for the Detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment. JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1355-6177 Kálmán, János and Devanand, Davangere P. and Gosztolya, Gábor and Balogh, Réka and Imre, Nóra and Tóth, László and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Kovács, Ildikó and Vincze, Veronika and Pákáski, Magdolna (2022) Temporal Speech Parameters Detect Mild Cognitive Impairment in Different Languages: Validation and Comparison of the Speech-GAP Test® in English and Hungarian. CURRENT ALZHEIMER RESEARCH. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1567-2050 (print); 1875-5828 (online) (In Press) Imre, Nóra and Balogh, Réka and Gosztolya, Gábor and Tóth, László and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Várkonyi, Tamás and Lengyel, Csaba Attila and Pákáski, Magdolna and Kálmán, János (2022) Temporal Speech Parameters Indicate Early Cognitive Decline in Elderly Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. ALZHEIMER DISEASE & ASSOCIATED DISORDERS, 36 (2). pp. 148-155. ISSN 0893-0341 Kiss-Vetráb, Mercedes and Gosztolya, Gábor (2022) Using the Bag-of-Audio-Words approach for emotion recognition. ACTA UNIVERSITATIS SAPIENTIAE INFORMATICA, 14 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1844-6086 Felletár, Fanni and Gosztolya, Gábor and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Babarczy, Anna (2022) A megakadásjelenségek és a temporális paraméterek szerepe a borderline személyiségzavar felismerésében. BESZÉDTUDOMÁNY / SPEECH SCIENCE, 3 (1). pp. 188-224. ISSN 2732-3773 Gosztolya, Gábor and Balogh, Réka and Imre, Nóra and Egas López, José Vicente and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Vincze, Veronika and Tóth, László and Pákáski, Magdolna and Kálmán, János (2021) Cross-lingual detection of mild cognitive impairment based on temporal parameters of spontaneous speech. COMPUTER SPEECH AND LANGUAGE, 69. pp. 1-15. ISSN 0885-2308 (print); 1095-8363 (online) (In Press) Gosztolya, Gábor and Busa-Fekete, Róbert (2021) Ensemble Bag-of-Audio-Words Representation Improves Paralinguistic Classification Accuracy. IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO, SPEECH, AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, 29. pp. 477-488. ISSN 2329-9290 (print); 2329-9304 (online) Vincze, Veronika and Szabó, Martina Katalin and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Tóth, László and Pákáski, Magdolna and Kálmán, János and Gosztolya, Gábor (2021) Linguistic Parameters of Spontaneous Speech for identifying Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease. COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS, 47 (3). pp. 1-34. ISSN 0891-2017 José Vicente, Egas López and Gosztolya, Gábor (2021) Using the Fisher Vector Approach for Cold Identification. ACTA CYBERNETICA, 25 (2). pp. 223-232. ISSN 0324-721X (print); 2676-993X (online) Gosztolya, Gábor and Grósz, Tamás and Tóth, László and Markó, Alexandra and Csapó, Tamás Gábor (2020) Applying DNN Adaptation to Reduce the Session Dependency of Ultrasound Tongue Imaging-based Silent Speech Interfaces. ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA, 17 (7). pp. 109-128. ISSN 1785-8860 Gosztolya, Gábor and Grósz, Tamás and Tóth, László (2020) Social Signal Detection by Probabilistic Sampling DNN Training. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING, 11 (1). pp. 164-177. ISSN 1949-3045 Somoskeöy, Szabolcs and Kovács, Ildikó and Mezei, Márton and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Tóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor and Imre, Nóra and Balogh, Réka and Pákáski, Magdolna and Kálmán, János (2020) Szemmozgások elemzése tradicionális és újszerű vizuális tesztkörnyezetben: a háttérkép disztraktor hatása a szakkádikus paraméterekre. MAGYAR PSZICHOLÓGIAI SZEMLE, 75 (3). pp. 367-389. ISSN 0025-0279 Vincze, Veronika and Szatlóczki, Gréta and Tóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor and Pákáski, Magdolna and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Kálmán, János (2020) Telltale silence: temporal speech parameters discriminate between prodromal dementia and mild Alzheimer's disease. CLINICAL LINGUISTICS & PHONETICS. pp. 1-16. ISSN 0269-9206 (print); 1464-5076 (online) Gosztolya, Gábor (2020) Using the Fisher Vector Representation for Audio-based Emotion Recognition. ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA, 17 (6). pp. 7-23. ISSN 1785-8860 Gosztolya, Gábor and Busa-Fekete, Róbert (2019) Calibrating AdaBoost for phoneme classification. SOFT COMPUTING, 23 (1). pp. 115-128. ISSN 1432-7643 Gosztolya, Gábor (2019) Posterior-thresholding feature extraction for paralinguistic speech classification. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS, 186. ISSN 0950-7051 Gosztolya, Gábor and Tóth, László (2018) A Feature Selection-Based Speaker Clustering Method for Paralinguistic Tasks. PATTERN ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 21 (1). pp. 193-204. ISSN 1433-7541 Tóth, László and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Gosztolya, Gábor and Vincze, Veronika and Szatlóczki, Gréta and Bánréti, Zoltán and Pákáski, Magdolna and Kálmán, János (2018) A Speech Recognition-based Solution for the Automatic Detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment from Spontaneous Speech. CURRENT ALZHEIMER RESEARCH, 15 (2). pp. 130-138. ISSN 1567-2050 Gosztolya, Gábor and Tóth, László (2017) DNN-based Feature Extraction for Conflict Intensity Estimation from Speech. IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, 24 (12). pp. 1837-1841. ISSN 1070-9908 Gosztolya, Gábor and Beke, András and Neuberger, Tilda and Tóth, László (2016) Laughter Classification Using Deep Rectifier Neural Networks with a Minimal Feature Subset. ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 41 (4). pp. 669-682. ISSN 0137-5075 Hoffmann, Ildikó and Vincze, Veronika and Szatlóczki, Gréta and Tóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor and Pákáski, Magdolna and Kálmán, János (2015) An internet-based screening test for Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) from spontaneous speech. Current Alzheimer Research. ISSN 1567-2050 (Unpublished) Hoffmann, Ildikó and Vincze, Veronika and Szatlóczki, Gréta and Tóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor and Bánréti, Zoltán and Pákáski, Magdolna and Kálmán, János (2015) An internet-based screening test for Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) from spontaneous speech. Current Alzheimer Research. ISSN 1567-2050 (Unpublished) Vincze, Veronika and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Szatlóczki, Gréta and Bíró, Edit and Gosztolya, Gábor and Tóth, László and Pákáski, Magdolna and Kálmán, János (2014) Az enyhe kognitív zavar automatikus azonosítása beszédátiratok alapján. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia. Book SectionGosztolya, Gábor and Svindt, Veronika and Bóna, Judit and Hoffmann, Ildikó (2024) Automatic Longitudinal Investigation of Multiple Sclerosis Subjects. In: 25th Interspeech Conference (Interspeech 2024). International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), Dublin, pp. 942-946. Ibrahimov, Ibrahim and Gosztolya, Gábor and Csapó, Tamás Gábor (2023) A Comparison of Data Augmentation Methods on Ultrasound Tongue Images for Articulatory- to-Acoustic Mapping towards Silent Speech Interfaces. In: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Intelligent Infocommunication Networks, Systems and Services (WI2NS2). Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Villamosmérnöki és Informatikai Kar, Budapest, pp. 59-64. ISBN 9789634219026 Ibrahimov, Ibrahim and Gosztolya, Gábor and Csapó, Tamás Gábor (2023) Data Augmentation Methods on Ultrasound Tongue Images for Articulation-to-Speech Synthesis. In: 12th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW2023). ISCA, [s.l.], pp. 230-235. José Vicente, Egas López and Kiss, Gábor and Sztahó, Dávid and Gosztolya, Gábor (2022) Automatic Assessment of the Degree of Clinical Depression from Speech Using X-Vectors. In: ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). s. n., pp. 8502-8506. ISBN 9781665405409 Kiss-Vetráb, Mercedes and José Vicente, Egas López and Balogh, Réka and Imre, Nóra and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Tóth, László and Pákáski, Magdolna and Kálmán, János and Gosztolya, Gábor (2022) Enyhe kognitív zavar automatikus felismerése szekvenciális autoenkóder használatával. In: XVIII. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia. Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Informatikai Intézet, Szeged, pp. 175-184. ISBN 9789633068489 Egas López, José Vicente and Gosztolya, Gábor (2022) Identification of Subjects Wearing a Surgical Mask from Their Speech by Means of X-vectors and Fisher Vectors. In: Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 1-11. José Vicente, Egas López and Busa-Fekete, Róbert and Gosztolya, Gábor (2022) On the Use of Ensemble X-Vector Embeddings for Improved Sleepiness Detection. In: Speech and Computer : 24th International Conference, SPECOM 2022, Gurugram, India, November 14–16, 2022, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13721 . Springer, Cham, pp. 178-187. ISBN 9783031209796; 9783031209802 Gosztolya, Gábor and Tóth, László and Svindt, Veronika and Bóna, Judit and Hoffmann, Ildikó (2022) Sclerosis Multiplex hangalapú felismerése akusztikai alapú beágyazások használatával. In: XVIII. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia. Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Informatikai Intézet, Szeged, pp. 151-160. ISBN 9789633068489 Gosztolya, Gábor and Tóth, László and Svindt, Veronika and Bóna, Judit and Hoffmann, Ildikó (2022) Using Acoustic Deep Neural Network Embeddings to Detect Multiple Sclerosis From Speech. In: ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). s. n., pp. 6927-6931. ISBN 9781665405409 Kiss-Vetráb, Mercedes and José Vicente, Egas López and Balogh, Réka and Imre, Nóra and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Tóth, László and Pákáski, Magdolna and Kálmán, János and Gosztolya, Gábor (2022) Using Spectral Sequence-to-Sequence Autoencoders to Assess Mild Cognitive Impairment. In: ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). s. n., pp. 6467-6471. ISBN 9781665405409 Tóth, László and Honarmandi Shandiz, Amin and Gosztolya, Gábor and Zainkó, Csaba and Markó, Alexandra and Csapó, Tamás Gábor (2021) 3D konvolúciós neuronhálón és neurális vokóderen alapuló némabeszéd-interfész. In: XVII. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia. Szegedi Tudományegyetem TTIK, Informatikai Intézet, Szeged, pp. 123-137. ISBN 978-963-306-781-9 Zainkó, Csaba and Tóth, László and Honarmandi Shandiz, Amin and Gosztolya, Gábor and Markó, Alexandra and Németh, Géza and Csapó, Tamás Gábor (2021) Adaptation of Tacotron2-based Text-To-Speech for Articulatory-to-Acoustic Mapping using Ultrasound Tongue Imaging. In: Proceedings of SSW 2021 (11th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop). ISCA, Gárdony, pp. 54-59. Egas-López, José Vicente and Gosztolya, Gábor (2021) Deep Neural Network Embeddings for the Estimation of the Degree of Sleepiness. In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing : Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Signal Processing Society, Toronto, pp. 7288-7292. ISBN 978-1-7281-7605-5 Egas-López, José Vicente and Balogh, Réka and Imre, Nóra and Tóth, László and Vincze, Veronika and Pákáski, Magdolna and Kálmán, János and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Gosztolya, Gábor (2021) Enyhe kognitív zavar detektálása beszédhangból x-vektor reprezentáció használatával. In: XVII. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia. Szegedi Tudományegyetem TTIK, Informatikai Intézet, Szeged, pp. 147-156. ISBN 978-963-306-781-9 Egas López, José Vicente and Kiss-Vetráb, Mercedes and Tóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor (2021) Identifying Conflict Escalation and Primates by Using Ensemble X-Vectors and Fisher Vector Features. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2021. ISCA, Brno, pp. 476-480. Honarmandi Shandiz, Amin and Tóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor and Markó, Alexandra and Csapó, Tamás Gábor (2021) Improving Neural Silent Speech Interface Models by Adversarial Training. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision (AICV2021). Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 430-440. Honarmandi Shandiz, Amin and Tóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor and Markó, Alexandra and Csapó, Tamás Gábor (2021) Neural Speaker Embeddings for Ultrasound-Based Silent Speech Interfaces. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2021. ISCA, Brno, pp. 1932-1936. Csapó, Tamás Gábor and Tóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor and Markó, Alexandra (2021) Speech Synthesis from Text and Ultrasound Tongue Image-based Articulatory Input. In: Proceedings of SSW 2021 (11th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop). ISCA, Gárdony, pp. 31-36. Vetráb, Mercedes and Gosztolya, Gábor (2020) Az akusztikus szózsák eljárás korpuszfüggetlenségének vizsgálata. In: XVI. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia. Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Informatikai Intézet, Szeged, pp. 219-231. ISBN 9789633067192 Vetráb, Mercedes and Gosztolya, Gábor (2020) Investigating the Corpus Independence of the Bag-of-Audio-Words Approach. In: Text, Speech, and Dialogue : 23rd International Conference, TSD 2020, Brno, Czech Republic, September 8–11, 2020, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (12284). Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, pp. 285-293. ISBN 978-3-030-58322-4 (print); 978-3-030-58323-1 (online) Gosztolya, Gábor and Bagi, Anita and Szalóki, Szilvia and Szendi, István and Hoffmann, Ildikó (2020) Making a Distinction Between Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Based on Temporal Parameters in Spontaneous Speech. In: Proceddings of the Interspeech 2020. International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), Sanghaj, pp. 4566-4570. Pintér, Ádám and Tóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor (2020) Mély neuronhálós akusztikus modellek súlyinicializálásának vizsgálata. In: XVI. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia. Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Informatikai Intézet, Szeged, pp. 313-321. ISBN 9789633067192 Egas-López, José Vicente and Gosztolya, Gábor (2020) Predicting a Cold from Speech Using Fisher Vectors; SVM and XGBoost as Classifiers. In: Speech and Computer : 22nd International Conference, SPECOM 2020, St. Petersburg, Russia, October 7–9, 2020, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (12335). Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, pp. 145-155. ISBN 978-3-030-60275-8 (print); 978-3-030-60276-5 (online) Csapó, Tamás Gábor and Zainkó, Csaba and Tóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor and Markó, Alexandra (2020) Ultrasound-Based Articulatory-to-Acoustic Mapping with WaveGlow Speech Synthesis. In: Proceedings of the Interspeech 2020. International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), Sanghaj, pp. 2727-2731. Gosztolya, Gábor (2020) Very Short-Term Conflict Intensity Estimation Using Fisher Vectors. In: Proceedings of the Interspeech 2020. International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), Sanghaj, pp. 3127-3131. Egas López, José Vicente and Orozco-Arroyave, Juan Rafael and Gosztolya, Gábor (2019) Assessing Parkinson’s Disease from Speech Using Fisher Vectors. In: The 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2019). ISCA-INT SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOC, Graz, pp. 3063-3067. ISBN 9781510896833 Gosztolya, Gábor and Pintér, Ádám and Tóth, László and Grósz, Tamás and Markó, Alexandra and Csapó, Tamás Gábor (2019) Autoencoder-Based Articulatory-to-Acoustic Mapping for Ultrasound Silent Speech Interfaces. In: 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). IEEE, Piscataway (NJ). ISBN 9781728119854 Tóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor (2019) Beszélőinvariáns akusztikus modellek létrehozása mély neuronhálók ellenséges multi-taszk tanításával. In: XV. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia. Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Informatikai Intézet, Szeged, pp. 3-11. ISBN 9789633153932 Gosztolya, Gábor and Tóth, László (2019) Calibrating DNN Posterior Probability Estimates of HMM/DNN Models to Improve Social Signal Detection from Audio Data. In: The 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2019). ISCA-INT SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOC, Graz, pp. 515-519. ISBN 9781510896833 Tóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor (2019) Reducing the Inter-speaker Variance of CNN Acoustic Models Using Unsupervised Adversarial Multi-task Training. In: SPECOM 2019. Springer Nature, Istanbul, pp. 481-490. ISBN 9783030260613; 9783030260606 Bagi, Anita and Gosztolya, Gábor and Szalóki, Szilvia and Szendi, István and Hoffmann, Ildikó (2019) Szkizofrénia azonosítása spontán beszéd temporális paraméterei alapján -- egy pilot kutatás eredményei. In: XV. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia. Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Informatikai Intézet, Szeged, pp. 189-201. ISBN 9789633153932 Csapó, Tamás Gábor and Al-Radhi, Mohammed Salah and Németh, Géza and Gosztolya, Gábor and Grósz, Tamás and Tóth, László and Markó, Alexandra (2019) Ultrasound-Based Silent Speech Interface Built on a Continuous Vocoder. In: The 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2019). ISCA-INT SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOC, Graz, pp. 894-898. ISBN 9781510896833 Gosztolya, Gábor (2019) Using Fisher Vector and Bag-of-Audio-Words Representations to Identify Styrian Dialects, Sleepiness, Baby & Orca Sounds. In: The 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2019). ISCA-INT SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOC, Graz, pp. 2413-2417. ISBN 9781510896833 Gosztolya, Gábor (2019) Using the Bag-of-Audio-Word Feature Representation of ASR DNN Posteriors for Paralinguistic Classification. In: The 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2019). ISCA-INT SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOC, Graz, pp. 3940-3944. ISBN 9781510896833 Gosztolya, Gábor and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Tóth, László and Vincze, Veronika and Pákáski, Magdolna (2018) Az enyhe kognitív zavar és korai Alzheimer-kór automatikus azonosítása spontán beszédből akusztikus jellemzők segítségével. In: XIV. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia (MSZNY 2018). Szegedi Tudományegyetem Informatikai Tanszékcsoport, Szeged, pp. 219-230. ISBN 978-963-306-578-5 Tóth, László and Grósz, Tamás and Gosztolya, Gábor (2018) Beszédfelismerők mély neuronhálós állapotkapcsolási algoritmusainak kísérleti összehasonlítása. In: XIV. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia (MSZNY 2018). Szegedi Tudományegyetem Informatikai Tanszékcsoport, Szeged, pp. 171-182. ISBN 978-963-306-578-5 Grósz, Tamás and Gosztolya, Gábor and Tóth, László and Csapó, Tamás and Markó, Alexandra (2018) F0 Estimation for DNN-Based Ultrasound Silent Speech Interfaces. In: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE Signal Processing Society, Piscataway (NJ), pp. 291-295. ISBN 978-1-5386-4658-8 Gosztolya, Gábor and Grósz, Tamás and Tóth, László (2018) General Utterance-Level Feature Extraction for Classifying Crying Sounds, Atypical & Self-Assessed Affect and Heart Beats. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2018. International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), Dublin, pp. 531-535. Gosztolya, Gábor and Bagi, Anita and Szalóki, Szilvia and Szendi, István and Hoffmann, Ildikó (2018) Identifying Schizophrenia Based on Temporal Parameters in Spontaneous Speech. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2018. International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), Dublin, pp. 3408-3412. Grósz, Tamás and Tóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor and Csapó, Tamás Gábor and Markó, Alexandra (2018) Kísérletek az alapfrekvencia becslésére mély neuronhálós, ultrahang-alapú némabeszéd-interfészekben. In: XIV. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia (MSZNY 2018). Szegedi Tudományegyetem Informatikai Tanszékcsoport, Szeged, pp. 196-205. ISBN 978-963-306-578-5 Kovács, György and Tóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor (2018) Multi-Band Processing with Gabor Filters and Time Delay Neural Nets for Noise Robust Speech Recognition. In: 2018 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT 2018). IEEE, Piscataway, pp. 242-249. ISBN 9781538643358 Tündik, Máté Ákos and Szaszák, György and Gosztolya, Gábor and Beke, András (2018) User-centric Evaluation of Automatic Punctuation in ASR Closed Captioning. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2018. International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), Dublin, pp. 2628-2632. Grósz, Tamás and Gosztolya, Gábor and Tóth, László (2017) Mély neuronhálós beszédfelismerők GMM-mentes tanítása. In: XIII. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia (MSZNY2017). Szegedi Tudományegyetem Informatikai Tanszékcsoport, Szeged, pp. 170-180. ISBN 9789633065181 Gosztolya, Gábor and Grósz, Tamás and Tóth, László and Beke, András and Neuberger, Tilda (2017) Neurális hálók tanítása valószínűségi mintavételezéssel nevetések felismerésére. In: XIII. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia (MSZNY2017). Szegedi Tudományegyetem Informatikai Tanszékcsoport, Szeged, pp. 136-145. ISBN 978-963-306-518-1 Gosztolya, Gábor (2017) Optimized time series filters for detecting laughter and filler events. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH. International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), Dublin, pp. 2376-2380. Vincze, Veronika and Gosztolya, Gábor and Tóth, László and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Szatlóczki, Gréta (2016) Detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment by Exploiting Linguistic Information from Transcripts. In: Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Association for Computational Linguistics, Berlin, pp. 181-187. ISBN 978-1-945626-01-2 Gosztolya, Gábor (2016) Detecting laughter and filler events by time series smoothing with genetic algorithms. In: Speech and Computer. Springer International Publishing, Cham (Svájc), pp. 232-239. ISBN 9783319439570 Vincze, Veronika and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Szatlóczki, Gréta and Bíró, Edit and Gosztolya, Gábor and Tóth, László and Pákáski, Magdolna and Kálmán, János (2015) Az enyhe kognitív zavar automatikus azonosítása beszédátiratok alapján. In: XI. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia (MSZNY 2015). Szegedi Tudományegyetem Informatikai Tanszékcsoport, Szeged, pp. 249-256. ISBN 978-963-306-359-0 Conference or Workshop ItemTóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor and Grósz, Tamás and Markó, Alexandra and Csapó, Tamás Gábor (2018) Multi-Task Learning of Speech Recognition and Speech Synthesis Parameters for Ultrasound-based Silent Speech Interfaces. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2018, 2018.09.02-2018.09.06, Hyderabad. Gosztolya, Gábor and Busa-Fekete, Róbert (2018) Posterior Calibration for Multi-Class Paralinguistic Classification. In: IEEE SLT 2018 (Workshop on Spoken Language Technology), 2018.12.18-2018.12.21, Athén. Gosztolya, Gábor and Busa-Fekete, Róbert and Grósz, Tamás and Tóth, László (2017) DNN-based feature extraction and classifier combination for child-directed speech, cold and snoring identification. In: 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2017, 2017.08.20-2017.08.24, Stockholm. Csapó, Tamás Gábor and Grósz, Tamás and Gosztolya, Gábor and Tóth, László and Markó, Alexandra (2017) DNN-based ultrasound-to-speech conversion for a silent speech interface. In: 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2017, 2017.08.20-2017.08.24, Stockholm. Grósz, Tamás and Gosztolya, Gábor and Tóth, László (2017) Training context-dependent DNN acoustic models using probabilistic sampling. In: 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2017, 2017.08.20-2017.08.24, Stockholm. Grósz, Tamás and Gosztolya, Gábor and Tóth, László (2017) A comparative evaluation of GMM-free state tying methods for ASR. In: 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2017, 2017.08.20-2017.08.24, Stockholm. Tóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor and Vincze, Veronika and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Szatlóczki, Gréta (2015) Automatic Detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment from Spontaneous Speech using ASR. In: Interspeech 2015 - Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2015.09.06-2015.09.10, Drezda. BookSurányi, Balázs and Madarász, Levente and Gyuris, Beáta and Molnár, Cecília Sarolta and Mády, Katalin and Reichel, Uwe D. and Szalontai, Ádám and Káldi, Tamás and Babarczy, Anna and Bíró, Tamás and Hunyadi, László and Varga, Vera and Perlusz, Andrea and Csépe, Valéria and Gervain, Judit and Winkler, István and Lukács, Ágnes and Tauzin, Tibor and Gergely, György and Pintér, Lilla and Bánréti, Zoltán and Pajkossy, Péter and Kemény, Ferenc and Zimmer, Márta and Kas, Bence and Józsa, Fruzsina and Hoffmann, Ildikó and Tóth, László and Gosztolya, Gábor and Szatlóczki, Gréta and Vincze, Veronika and Kárpáti, Eszter and Pákáski, Magdolna and Kálmán, János and Mészáros, Éva (2017) Általános nyelvészeti tanulmányok XXIX. - Kísérletes nyelvészet. Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok, 29. . Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest. ISBN 978 963 45 4072 4 |