Items where Author is "Honbolygó, Ferenc"

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Fülöp, Flóra and Demeter, Gyula and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csigó, Katalin (2024) Assessing obsessive-compulsive symptoms in a subclinical and clinical sample: the development of the Hungarian version of the OCI-R. Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica. ISSN 1419-8711 (In Press)

Csépe, Valéria and Honbolygó, Ferenc (2024) From psychophysiology to brain imaging : forty-five years MMN history of investigating acoustic change sensitivity. BIOLOGIA FUTURA, 75. pp. 117-128. ISSN 2676-8615

Honbolygó, Ferenc and Zulauf, Borbála and Zavogianni, Maria Ioanna and Csépe, Valéria (2024) Investigating the neurocognitive background of speech perception with a fast multi-feature MMN paradigm. BIOLOGIA FUTURA, 75. pp. 145-158. ISSN 2676-8615

Honbolygó, Ferenc and Kertész, Csaba and Nagy, Sándor Imre (2024) MTA–TTK Olvasási Nehézségek Kutatócsoport: Olvasáskutatás és zenepedagógia = MTA-TTK Reading Difficulties Research Group: Reading research and music education. ANYANYELV-PEDAGÓGIA, 17 (3). pp. 87-93. ISSN 2060-0623

Kertész, Csaba and Honbolygó, Ferenc (2023) First school year tapping predicts children's third-grade literacy skills. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 13 (1). ISSN 2045-2322

Lukács, Borbála and Asztalos, Kata and Maróti, Emese and Farnadi, Tamara and Deszpot, Gabriella and Szirányi, Borbála and Nemes, László Norbert and Honbolygó, Ferenc (2022) Movement-based music in the classroom: Investigating the effects of music programs incorporating body movement in primary school children. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. ISSN 1931-3896

Lukács, Borbála and Asztalos, Kata and Honbolygó, Ferenc (2021) Longitudinal Associations Between Melodic Auditory-Visual Integration and Reading Precursor Skills in Beginning Readers. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT. pp. 1-46. ISSN 0885-2014 (print); 1879-226X (online) (Unpublished)

Kertész, Csaba and Honbolygó, Ferenc (2021) Tapping to Music Predicts Literacy Skills of First-Grade Children. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 12. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1664-1078

German, Borbála and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csépe, Valéria and Kóbor, Andrea (2021) Working memory contributes to word stress processing in a fixed-stress language. JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY. ISSN 2044-5911

Tóth, Brigitta and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Szalárdy, Orsolya and Orosz, Gábor and Farkas, Dávid and Winkler, István (2020) The Effects of Speech Processing Units on Auditory Stream Segregation and Selective Attention in a Multi-Talker (Cocktail Party) Situation. CORTEX: A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND BEHAVIOR, 130. pp. 387-400. ISSN 0010-9452

Honbolygó, Ferenc and Kóbor, Andrea and Hermann, Petra and Kettinger, Ádám Ottó and Vidnyánszky, Zoltán and Kovács, Gyula and Csépe, Valéria (2020) Expectations about word stress modulate neural activity in speech-sensitive cortical areas. NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA, 143. ISSN 0028-3932

Honbolygó, Ferenc and Kóbor, Andrea and German, Borbála and Csépe, Valéria (2020) Word stress representations are language‐specific: Evidence from event‐related brain potentials. PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 57 (5). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0048-5772 (print); 1469-8986 (online)

Kertész, Csaba and F. Földi, Rita and Honbolygó, Ferenc (2020) A ritmikai szinkronizáció kapcsolata a fonológiai tudatossággal és az olvasással iskolakezdő gyerekeknél. MAGYAR PSZICHOLÓGIAI SZEMLE, 75 (3). pp. 455-476. ISSN 0025-0279

Honbolygó, Ferenc and Kóbor, Andrea and Csépe, Valéria (2019) Cognitive components of foreign word stress processing difficulty in speakers of a native language with non-contrastive stress. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BILINGUALISM, 23 (2). pp. 366-380. ISSN 1367-0069 (nyomtatott); 1756-6878 (online)

Maróti, Emese and Barabás, Edina and Deszpot, Gabriella and Farnadi, Tamara and Nemes, László Norbert and Szirányi, Borbála and Honbolygó, Ferenc (2019) Does moving to the music make you smarter? The relation of sensorimotor entrainment to cognitive, linguistic, musical, and social skills. Psychology of Music, 47 (5). ISSN 0305-7356 (print) ; 1741-3087 (online)

Maróti, Emese and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Weiss, Béla (2019) Neural entrainment to the beat in multiple frequency bands in 6-7-year-old children. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 141. pp. 1-35. ISSN 0167-8760

Lukács, Borbála and Honbolygó, Ferenc (2019) Task-dependent mechanisms in the perception of music and speech: domain-specific transfer effects of elementary school music education. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MUSIC EDUCATION, 67 (2). pp. 153-170. ISSN 0022-4294

Török, Ágoston and Kóbor, Andrea and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Baker, Travis (2019) A novel virtual plus-maze for studying electrophysiological correlates of spatial reorientation. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 694. pp. 220-224. ISSN 0304-3940

Kóbor, Andrea and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Becker, A. B. C. and Schild, U. and Csépe, Valéria and Friedrich, Claudia K. (2018) ERP evidence for implicit L2 word stress knowledge in listeners of a fixed-stress language. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 128. pp. 100-110. ISSN 0167-8760

Lukács, Borbála and Deszpot, Gabriella and Szirányi, Borbála and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Nemes, László Norbert (2018) Új modellek az ének-zene tanításban: aktív zenetanulási módszerek és oktatás-idegtudományi hatásvizsgálatuk = New Models in Music Education: Active Music Learning Methods and the Investigation of Their Training Effects from Educational Neuroscience Perspective. MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY, 179 (6). pp. 831-836. ISSN 0025-0325

Garami, Linda and Ragó, Anett and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csépe, Valéria (2017) Lexical influence on stress processing in a fixed-stress language. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 117. pp. 10-16. ISSN 0167-8760

Honbolygó, Ferenc and Kolozsvári, Orsolya and Csépe, Valéria (2017) Processing of word stress related acoustic information: A multi-feature MMN study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 118. pp. 9-17. ISSN 0167-8760

Kocsis, Zsuzsanna and Hajdu, Botond and Orosz, Gábor and Winkler, István and Honbolygó, Ferenc (2017) Szintaktikai sértések és a sértés nyelvtani elemei közötti távolság hatásának vizsgálata a magyar nyelvben = Effects of syntactic violations and the distance between the violated grammatical units in Hungarian. Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle, 72 (2). pp. 149-162. ISSN 0025-0279

Török, Ágoston and Kóbor, Andrea and Persa, György and Galambos, Péter and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Csépe, Valéria and Honbolygó, Ferenc (2017) Temporal dynamics of object location processing in allocentric reference frame. PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 54 (9). pp. 1346-1358. ISSN 0048-5772

Kocsis, Zsuzsanna and Hajdu, Botond and Orosz, Gábor and Winkler, István and Honbolygó, Ferenc (2016) Szintaktikai sértések és a sértés nyelvtani elemei közötti távolság hatásának vizsgálata a magyar nyelvben. Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle. ISSN 0025-0279 (In Press)

Kóbor, Andrea and Takács, Ádám and Bryce, Donna and Szucs, Dénes and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csépe, Valéria (2015) Children With ADHD Show Impairments in Multiple Stages of Information Processing in a Stroop Task: An ERP Study. Developmental Neuropsychology, 40 (6). pp. 329-347. ISSN 8756-5641 (Unpublished)

Kóbor, Andrea and Takács, Ádám and Janacsek, Karolina and Németh, Dezső and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csépe, Valéria (2015) Different strategies underlying uncertain decision making : Higher executive performance is associated with enhanced feedback-related negativity. PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 52 (3). pp. 367-77. ISSN 0048-5772

Kóbor, Andrea and Takács, Ádám and Janacsek, K. and Németh, D. and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csépe, Valéria (2015) Different strategies underlying uncertain decision making: Higher executive performance is associated with enhanced feedback-related negativity. PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 52 (3). pp. 367-377. ISSN 0048-5772

Takács, Ádám and Kóbor, Andrea and Janacsek, K. and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csépe, Valéria (2015) High trait anxiety is associated with attenuated feedback-related negativity in risky decision making. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 600. pp. 188-192. ISSN 0304-3940

Takács, Ádám and Kóbor, Andrea and Janacsek, Karolina and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csépe, Valéria and Németh, Dezső (2015) High trait anxiety is associated with attenuated feedback-related negativity in risky decision making. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 600. pp. 188-192. ISSN 0304-3940

Török, Ágoston and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csépe, Valéria (2015) It sounds real when you see it. Realistic sound source simulation in multimodal virtual environments. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces (9). pp. 323-331. ISSN 1783-8738

Török, Ágoston and Mestre, Daniel and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Mallet, P. and Pergandi, J. M. and Csépe, Valéria (2015) It sounds real when you see it. Realistic sound source simulation in multimodal virtual environments. JOURNAL ON MULTIMODAL USER INTERFACES, 9 (4). pp. 323-331. ISSN 1783-7677

Moll, Kristina and Ramus, Franck and Bartling, Jürgen and Bruder, Jennifer and Kunze, Sarah and Tóth, Dénes and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csépe, Valéria (2014) Cognitive mechanisms underlying reading and spelling development in five European orthographies. LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION, 29. pp. 65-77. ISSN 0959-4752

Török, Ágoston and Sulykos, István and Kecskés-Kovács, Krisztina and Persa, György and Galambos, Péter and Kóbor, Andrea and Czigler, István and Csépe, Valéria and Honbolygó, Ferenc (2014) Comparison between wireless and wired EEG recordings in a virtual reality lab: Case report. Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications.

Ragó, Anett and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Róna, Zs. and Beke, Anna Mária and Csépe, Valéria (2014) Effect of maturation on suprasegmental speech processing in full- and preterm infants: A mismatch negativity study. RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, 35 (1). pp. 192-202. ISSN 0891-4222

Török, Ágoston and Kolozsvári, Orsolya and Virágh, Tamás and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csépe, Valéria (2014) Effect of stimulus intensity on response time distribution in multisensory integration. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 8 (2). pp. 209-216. ISSN 1783-8738

Persa, György and Török, Ágoston and Galambos, Péter and Sulykos, István and Kecskés-Kovács, Krisztina and Czigler, István and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Csépe, Valéria (2014) Experimental Framework for Spatial Cognition Research in Immersive Virtual Space. . Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications,.

Kóbor, Andrea and Takács, Ádám and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csépe, Valéria (2014) Generalized lapse of responding in trait impulsivity indicated by ERPs: the role of energetic factors in inhibitory control. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 92 (1). pp. 16-25. ISSN 0167-8760

Becker, J. and Czamara, D. and Scerri, T. S. and Ramus, Franck and Csépe, Valéria and Tóth, Dénes and Honbolygó, Ferenc (2014) Genetic analysis of dyslexia candidate genes in the European cross-linguistic NeuroDys cohort. European Journal of Human Genetics, 22 (5). pp. 675-680. ISSN 1018-4813; E-ISSN 1476-5438

Honbolygó, Ferenc and Babik, Anna and Török, Ágoston (2014) Location learning in virtual environments: The effect of saliency of landmarks and boundaries. 5th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications .

Landerl, Karin and Ramus, Franck and Moll, Kristina and Tóth, Dénes and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csépe, Valéria (2013) Predictors of developmental dyslexia in European orthographies with varying complexity. JOURNAL OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY, 54 (6). pp. 686-694. ISSN 0021-9630

Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csépe, Valéria (2013) Saliency or template? ERP evidence for long-term representation of word stress. International Journal of Psychophysiology (87). pp. 165-172. ISSN 0167-8760

Lohvansuu, Kaisa and Hämäläinen, Jarmo A. and Tanskanen, Annika and Bartling, Jürgen and Bruder, Jennifer and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csépe, Valéria (2013) Separating mismatch negativity (MMN) response from auditory obligatory brain responses in school-aged children. PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 50 (7). pp. 640-652. ISSN 0048-5772

Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csépe, Valéria (2007) A beszéd szupraszegmentális jellemzőinek automatikus észlelése : Eseményhez kötött agyi potenciál vizsgálat. PSZICHOLÓGIA (MTA PSZICHOLÓGIAI INTÉZET), 27. pp. 69-83. ISSN 0230-0508

Honbolygó, Ferenc (2004) A feldolgozott idő nyomában, avagy a negyedik dimenzió pszichológiája. PSZICHOLÓGIA (MTA PSZICHOLÓGIAI INTÉZET), 24 (4). pp. 453-465. ISSN 0230-0508


Csépe, Valéria and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Jolsvai, Hajnal and Ragó, Anett (2012) Konzorcium, társ p.: A rekurzió interdiszciplináris vizsgálata a nyelvben Alcím: pszichológiai alapok = Consortional assoc.: The study of recursion in language: psychological foundations. Project Report. OTKA.

Hunyadi, László and Bánréti, Zoltán and Bódog, Alexa and Csépe, Valéria and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Jolsvai, Hajnal and Mészáros, Éva and Tóth, Enikő (2012) A rekurzió interdiszciplináris vizsgálata a nyelvben = An interdisciplinary study of recursion in language. Project Report. OTKA.

Csépe, Valéria and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Ragó, Anett and Szucs, Dénes (2008) Neurokognitív integrációs folyamatok, nyelvfejlődés és nyelvi zavarok = Neurocognitive integration processes, language development and language disorders. Project Report. OTKA.

Conference or Workshop Item

Török, Ágoston and Asbóth, K. and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Csépe, Valéria (2012) Intensity dependent interaction in audiovisual integration. In: CogInfoCom 2012: 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, 2012.

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