Items where Author is "Karmazsin, L."
Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Jump to: Article Number of items: 45. ArticleKiss, C. and Kovács, Ilona and Karmazsin, L. (1991) Decreased sensitivity of cytostatic drugs in glucocorticoid receptor-free acute myeloid leukaemia cells. Clinical and experimental observations. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 31 (2). pp. 223-231. Princzkel, E. and Vojcek, L. and Karmazsin, L. and Lampé, L. G. and Turnbull, A. C. (1991) Effects of prostaglandin E2 on the newborn respiratory system. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 31 (3). pp. 337-355. Oláh, V. A. and Csáthy, L. and Karmazsin, L. (1991) Erythrocyte damage in newborn babies caused by hyperbilirubinaemia and hypoxia. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 31 (3). pp. 357-364. Kiss, C. and Balázs, Margit and Kovács, Ilona and Karmazsin, L. (1990) Cell Membrane Fluidity in Blast Cells of Children with Acute Leukemia. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 30 (2). pp. 291-302. Oláh, Anna V. and Balla, G. and Balla, J. and Szabolcs, Andrea and Karmazsin, L. (1990) An In Vitro Study of the Hydroxyl Scavenger Effect of CavintonR. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 30 (2). pp. 309-316. Szabó, I. and Maródi, L. and Karmazsin, L. and Lakatos, L. (1990) Influence of D-Penicillamine on Metabolic and Functional Activities of Neutrophil Granulocytes. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 30 (3-4). pp. 449-459. Váradi, V. and György, I. and Karmazsin, L. and Porpáczy, Z. (1990) Neonatal Periventricular Leukomalacita : Diagnosis and Monitoring by Real-Time Ultrasound. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 30 (1). pp. 43-51. Karmazsin, L. and Oláh, V. A. and Balla, Gy. and Makay, A. (1990) Serum Antioxidant Activity in Premature Babies. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 30 (2). pp. 217-224. Váradi, V. and György, I. and Karmazsin, L. (1990) Sonography of Meningoencephalitis and Ventriculitis in Infancy. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 30 (1). pp. 53-62. Nagy, B. and Furka, I. and Dezső, B. and Karmazsin, L. (1989) Effect of experimental airway inflammation on bronchial hyper-responsiveness induced by Broncho-Vaxom in dogs. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 29 (3-4). pp. 271-280. Maródi, L. and Burján, Pálma and Karmazsin, L. and Rozgonyi, F. (1989) Effects of serum opsonins and intravenous immunoglobulin on phagocytosis and intracellular killing of Staphylococcus saprophyticus by human granulocytes. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 29 (1-2). pp. 147-151. Nagy, B. and Katona, Éva and Erdei, J. and Maródi, L. and Székely, E. and Márialigeti, T. and Karmazsin, L. and Fachet, J. (1989) Fibronectin on the bronchoalveolar surface in children with recurrent obstructive bronchitis. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 29 (3-4). pp. 261-269. Szabó, I. and Karmazsin, L. and Maródi, L. (1989) The role of cationic transport in the respiratory burst activation in granulocytes. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 29 (1-2). pp. 93-96. Szabó, Teréz and Oroszlán, G. and Lakatos, L. and Dvorácsek, Éva and Karmazsin, L. (1987) Antenatal corticosteroid increases serum ceruloplasmin activity in premature neonates. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 28 (3-4). pp. 179-185. Nagy, B. and Maródi, L. and Székely, E. and Márialigeti, T. and Karmazsin, L. (1987) Chemotactic activity of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from children with recurrent obstructive bronchitis. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 28 (3-4). pp. 193-200. Kiss, C. and Kovács, Ilona and Kerepesi, Teresia and Karmazsin, L. (1987) Clinical significance of glucocorticoid receptors in acute leukaemia. Preliminary observations in Hungary and review of the literature. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 28 (2). pp. 127-135. Póder, G. and Kelemen, J. and Mezei, Györgyi and Börzsönyi, L. and Karmazsin, L. (1987) Results of bronchial challenge after infantile obstructive bronchitis. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 28 (3-4). pp. 201-207. Nagy, B. and Maródi, L. and Karmazsin, L. (1986) Characterization of cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of children with recurrent obstructive bronchitis. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 27 (3). pp. 211-219. Lakatos, L. and Hatvani, I. and Oroszlán, G. and Balla, G. and Karmazsin, L. and Alaka, O. and Kincses, Éva and Szabó, I. and Lakatos, Zsuzsanna (1986) Controlled trial of D-penicillamine to prevent retinopathy of prematurity. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 27 (1). pp. 47-56. Oroszlán, G. and Lakatos, L. and Balázs, Margit and Karmazsin, L. (1986) D-Penicillamine decreases the H2O2 and phenylhydrazine induced lipid peroxidation in the erythrocyte membrane. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 27 (1). pp. 43-47. Nagy, B. and Maródi, L. and Jezerniczky, Judit and Karmazsin, L. (1986) Immunoglobulin levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of children with recurrent obstructive bronchitis. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 27 (3). pp. 205-210. Balla, G. and Karmazsin, L. (1985) Factor VIII related antigen in term and preterm newborns with severe neonatal haemorrhage. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 26 (1). pp. 11-15. Karmazsin, L. and Balla, G. (1985) Plasma hypoxanthine and xanthine levels in the early newborn period in problem-free preterm babies and those with idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 26 (1). pp. 1-9. Karmazsin, L. and Balla, G. and Misz, Maria and Beck, Piroska and Nagy, P. and Rák, K. (1984) Antithrombin III levels in term and preterm infants measured by rate nephelometry. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 25 (1-2). pp. 119-126. Balla, G. and Karmazsin, L. (1983) Evolution of serum C3, IgG, IgA and IgM levels of healthy mothers and their mature newborns during the early neonatal period. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 24 (1). pp. 41-51. Lakatos, L. and Hatvani, I. and Oroszlán, G. and Karmazsin, L. and Matkovics, B. (1982) D-penicillamine in the prevention of retrolental fibroplasia. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 23 (3). pp. 327-335. Balla, G. and Makay, Anikó and Pollár, Zsuzsa and Matkovics, B. and Lakatos, L. and Karmazsin, L. (1982) Damaging effect of free radicals liberated during the reduction of oxygen: its influencing by drugs. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 23 (3). pp. 319-325. Oroszlán, G. and Lakatos, L. and Karmazsin, L. (1982) Neonatal oxygen toxicity and its prevention : D-penicillamine offers benefits without harmful side-effects. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 23 (4). pp. 459-471. Karmazsin, L. (1982) Professor L. Kulin: 80 years. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 23 (2). pp. 253-254. Balla, Gy. and Makay, Anikó and Szabó, L. and Karmazsin, L. (1981) Superoxyd-Dismutaseaktivität der polymorplionuklearen Leukozyten der Neugeborenen. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 22 (3). pp. 201-209. Karmazsin, L. and Lakatos, L. and Balla, Gy. and Makay, Anikó and Hatvani, L. (1980) Experimental data on the prevention of retrolental fibroplasia by D-penicillcimine. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 21 (2-3). pp. 131-138. Karmazsin, L. and Balla, G. and Szőllősi, J. (1979) Cellular Esterase Activity: Estimation by Fluorescein Diacetate Hydrolysis. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 20 (2-3). pp. 249-253. Karmazsin, L. and Ambró, Irma and Stenszky, Valeria and Kozma, L. and Balázs, C. and Svetlana, Kirilina (1979) HLA-antigens and some autoimmune features of juvenile diabetes mellitus. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 20 (1). pp. 11-19. Karmazsin, L. and Makay, Anikó and Balla, G. (1978) Lymphocyte subpopulations and development of immune functions in the newborn baby. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 19 (4). pp. 303-314. Karmazsin, L. and Makay, Anikó and Rozgonyi, F. and Szövetes, Margit and Balogh, Mária (1977) Die Bedeutung des SeRUM-(Lysozym-) Spiegels im Kindesalter. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 18 (1). pp. 47-51. Karmazsin, L. and Csernyászky, Hedvig and Makay, Anikó and Szövetes, Margit (1977) LDH-Isoenzymaktivität der peripheren T- und B-Zellen bei Neugeborenen mit unterschiedlichem Gestationsalter. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 18 (3-4). pp. 227-233. Karmazsin, L. and Oláh, Éva and Szegedi, Gy. (1976) Transfer-Faktor-Behandlung der chronischen mukokutanen Candidiasis. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 17 (3). pp. 183-191. Karmazsin, L. and Ambró, Irma (1975) Über die zellgebundene Immunantwort bei juvenilem Diabetes. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 16 (3-4). pp. 317-326. Karmazsin, L. and Makay, Anikó (1967) Protein-losing Enteropathy in Twins. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 8 (4). pp. 387-392. Csorba, S. and Kávai, Mária and Karmazsin, L. (1967) Untersuchungen über die Immuneiweiss-Stoffe(IgG-, IgA-, IgM-GIobulin)* bei reif- und frühgeborenen Säuglingen in den Monaten nach der Geburt. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 8 (4). pp. 405-422. Karmazsin, L. and Csorba, S. and Kávay, Maria and Szombathy, G. (1966) Untersuchung von Serumglykoproteinen im Säuglingsalter. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 7 (3). pp. 257-268. Csorba, S. and Szabolcs, M. and Karmazsin, L. (1966) Vergleichende Ultrazentrifugenuntersuchungen des Serum-Makroglobulinspiegels bei gesunden reifen Neugeborenen. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 7 (3). pp. 269-277. Karmazsin, L. and Péter, F. and Szombathy, G. (1965) Autoimmunkrankheiten im Kindesalter. ACTA PAEDIATRICA, 6 (2). pp. 171-181. Lelkes, Gy. and Karmazsin, L. (1955) Development of Elastic Elements in Tissue Cultures. ACTA MORPHOLOGICA - A MAGYAR TUDOMÁNYOS AKADÉMIA ORVOSTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEI, 5 (1-2). pp. 149-157. Hadházy, Cs. and Lelkes, Gy. and Karmazsin, L. (1954) Postnataler Umbau Der Nebennierenrinde. ACTA MORPHOLOGICA - A MAGYAR TUDOMÁNYOS AKADÉMIA ORVOSTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEI, 4 (2). pp. 209-215. |