Items where Author is "Kovács, Levente"

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Vincze, Boglárka Nóra and Kátai, Levente and Deák, Kamilla and Nagy, Krisztina and Cseh, Sándor and Kovács, Levente (2024) Pregnancy Rates of Holstein Friesian Cows with Cavitary or Compact Corpus Luteum. VETRINARY SCIENCES, 11 (246). No.-246.

Kovács, Levente and Müller, János (2024) Chinese and Hungarian Financial Relations. ÉSZAK-MAGYARORSZÁGI STRATÉGIAI FÜZETEK. GAZDASÁG-RÉGIÓ-TÁRSADALOM : TÉRGAZDASÁGTANI ÉS ÜZLETI KUTATÁSOK LEKTORÁLT TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRATA, 21 (2). pp. 28-33. ISSN 1786-1594 (nyomtatott); 2560-2926 (elektronikus)

Zrubka, Zsombor and Hermann, Zoltán and Péntek, Márta and Kovács, Levente and Drexler, Dániel András and Békésy, Mariann and Gulácsi, László (2024) Exploring a Markov Model Framework to Quantify Societal Preferences, Concerning Age and Severity of Disease, for Health Resource Allocation. ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA, 20 (8). pp. 175-195. ISSN 1785-8860

Kovács, Levente and Terták, Elemér (2024) Financial Literacy is the Best Protection from Cybercrime. ECONOMY AND FINANCE : ENGLISH-LANGUAGE EDITION OF GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 11 (1). pp. 7-28. ISSN 2415-9379 (print); 2677-1322 (online)

Hergár, Eszter and Kovács, Levente and Németh, Erzsébet (2024) The Status and Development of Financial Literacy in Hungary. FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC REVIEW, 23 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 2415-9271

Kovács, Levente and Terták, Elemér (2024) Thematic review of financial education and financial literacy in the digital age. ACTA OECONOMICA, 74 (4). pp. 483-506. ISSN 0001-6373

Kovács, Levente and Bozzay, Kinga and Laczkó, Krisztián and Sztankó, Péter and Ladányi, Erzsébet and Wittmann, István and Laczy, Boglárka (2024) A cukorbetegség és az idült vesebetegség reprezentáltsága az online térben és összehasonlításuk egyéb népbetegségekkel. ORVOSI HETILAP, 165 (13). pp. 510-518. ISSN 0030-6002

Nyerges-Bohák, Zsófia and Farkas, Lucia and Póti, Péter and Kovács, Levente (2024) Ügetőlovak edzésének alapismeretei : Irodalmi összefoglaló. MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 146 (12). pp. 707-719. ISSN 0025-004X

Kovács, Levente and Terták, Elemér (2024) A kiberbűnözés legjobb ellenszere a pénzügyi műveltség. GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 11 (1). pp. 6-29. ISSN 2415-8909 (nyomtatott); 2677-1314 (elektronikus)

Hergár, Eszter and Kovács, Levente and Németh, Erzsébet (2024) A pénzügyi kultúra helyzete és fejlődése Magyarországon. HITELINTÉZETI SZEMLE, 23 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 1588-6883

Becsei, András and Csányi, Péter and Bógyi, Attila and Máriás, Endre and Gacsal, Márkó and Kovács, Levente (2023) Digital Citizenship, Digital Banking – Digitalization Proposals by the Hungarian Banking Association. ECONOMY AND FINANCE: ENGLISH-LANGUAGE EDITION OF GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 10 (4). pp. 369-403. ISSN 2415-9379

Becsei, András and Csányi, Péter and Bógyi, Attila and Máriás, Endre and Gacsal, Márkó and Kovács, Levente (2023) Digitális állampolgárság - digitális banki ügyintézés: a Magyar Bankszövetség digitalizációs javaslatai : A banki alapszolgáltatásoktól a lakáshitelig, avagy lakáshitel-igénylés 15 nap helyett 15 perc alatt. GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 10 (4). pp. 391-426. ISSN 2415-8909

Terták, Elemér and Kovács, Levente (2023) Financial Security in Cyberspace. ECONOMY AND FINANCE: ENGLISH-LANGUAGE EDITION OF GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 10 (1). pp. 5-19. ISSN 2415-9379

Terták, Elemér and Kovács, Levente (2023) Fókuszban a pénzügyi biztonság kibertérben is - PÉNZ7. GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 10 (1). pp. 5-20. ISSN 2415-8909

Kovács, Levente and Eigner, György and Tóth, Rebeka and Siket, Máté and Novák, Kamilla and Kocsis, Győző and Barkai, László (2023) Mesterséges hasnyálmirigy közösségi fejlesztése – kitekintés a „csináld magad” mozgalomra [Open-source artificial pancreas – An overview of the do-it-yourself movement]. DIABETOLOGIA HUNGARICA, 31 (1). pp. 27-37. ISSN 1217-372X

Kovács, Levente and Ferenci, Tamás and Gombos, Balázs and Füredi, András and Rudas, Imre and Szakács, Gergely and Drexler, Dániel András (2023) Positive Impulsive Control of Tumor Therapy—A Cyber-Medical Approach. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS: SYSTEMS. ISSN 2168-2216 (In Press)

Libis-Márta, Krisztina and Bócsi, Balázs and Szalai, Szilvia and Varga, Ferenc Bence and Pajor, Ferenc and Kovács, Levente and Bodnár, Ákos (2022) A hőtűrés javítására irányuló egyes szarvasmarha keresztezések és jelentőségük a világ szarvasmarhatartásában = Introducing of some cattle crossbreeds to improve heat tolerance, and their significance in world cattle breeding. Animal Welfare, Etológia és Tartástechnológia, 18 (1). pp. 35-50. ISSN 1786-8440

Kovács, Levente (2022) Banking Associations in a Time of Change. ECONOMY AND FINANCE: ENGLISH-LANGUAGE EDITION OF GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 9. (3.). pp. 256-258. ISSN 2415-9379

Kovács, Levente (2022) Bankszövetségek a változó világban. GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 9. (3.). pp. 264-266. ISSN 2415-8909

Kovács, Levente and Pásztor, Szabolcs (2022) Financial Culture in European Education. ECONOMY AND FINANCE: ENGLISH-LANGUAGE EDITION OF GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 9 (1). pp. 46-61. ISSN 2415-9379

Bhattacharjee, Arindam and Ürmösi, Adél and Jipa, András and Kovács, Levente and Deák, Péter and Szabó, Áron and Juhász, Gábor (2022) Loss of Ubiquitinated Protein Autophagy is Compensated by Persistent cnc/NFE2L2/Nrf2 Antioxidant Responses. AUTOPHAGY. pp. 1-35. ISSN 1554-8627 (print); 1554-8635 (online) (In Press)

Kovács, Levente and Eigner, György and Siket, Máté and Barkai, László (2022) Mesterséges hasnyálmirigy - automatizált cukorbeteg-kezelés mérnöki módszerekkel. DIABETOLOGIA HUNGARICA, 30 (2). pp. 147-150. ISSN 1217-372X

Terták, Elemér and Kovács, Levente (2022) The Motives for Issuing Central Bank Digital Currency and the Challenges of Introduction Thereof. PÉNZÜGYI SZEMLE/PUBLIC FINANCE QUARTERLY, 67. (4.). pp. 491-505. ISSN 0031-496X

Kovács, Levente and Nagy, Ernő (2022) Topical Issues of Improving Financial Culture in Hungary. ECONOMY AND FINANCE: ENGLISH-LANGUAGE EDITION OF GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 9 (1). pp. 2-18. ISSN 2415-9379

Páhi, Zoltán G. and Kovács, Levente and Szűcs, Diána and Borsos, Barbara N. and Deák, Péter and Pankotai, Tibor (2022) Usp5, Usp34, and Otu1 deubiquitylases mediate DNA repair in Drosophila melanogaster. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12 (1). ISSN 2045-2322

Páhi, Zoltán Gábor and Kovács, Levente and Szűcs, Diána and Borsos, Barbara Nikolett and Deák, Péter and Pankotai, Tibor (2022) Usp5, Usp34, and Otu1 deubiquitylases mediate DNA repair in Drosophila melanogaster. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12 (1). ISSN 2045-2322

Terták, Elemér and Kovács, Levente (2022) A digitális jegybankpénz kibocsátásának indítékai, bevezetésének kihívásai. PÉNZÜGYI SZEMLE/PUBLIC FINANCE QUARTERLY, 67 (4). pp. 491-505. ISSN 0031-496X

Kovács, Levente and Nagy, Ernő (2022) A hazai pénzügyi kultúra fejlesztésének aktuális feladatai. GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 9 (1). pp. 2-19. ISSN 2415-8909

Szalai, Szilvia and Varga, Ferenc Bence and Pajor, Ferenc and Bodnár, Ákos and Kovács, Levente (2022) A hőstressz kihívásai tejelő szarvasmarhák élettani, termelési és szaporodásbiológiai mutatóiban. ACTA AGRONOMICA ÓVÁRIENSIS, 63 (2). pp. 100-124. ISSN 1416-647X

Kovács, Levente and Pásztor, Szabolcs (2022) A pénzügyi kultúra az európai oktatásban. GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 9 (1). pp. 50-67. ISSN 2415-8909

Szigeti, Mátyás and Ferenci, Tamás and Kovács, Levente (2021) The Use of Extreme Value Statistics to Characterize Blood Glucose Curves and Patient Level Risk Assessment of Patients With Type I Diabetes. JOURNAL OF DIABETES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. ISSN 1932-3107

Győrfi, Ágnes and Szilágyi, László and Kovács, Levente (2021) A Fully Automatic Procedure for Brain Tumor Segmentation from Multi-Spectral MRI Records Using Ensemble Learning and Atlas-Based Data Enhancement. Applied Sciences, 11 (2). No.-564. ISSN 2076-3417

Müller, János and Kovács, Levente (2021) Az elkötelezett főtitkár emlékezete : Pulai Miklós tevékenysége a Bankszövetségben. GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 8 (2). pp. 218-235. ISSN 2415-8909 (nyomtatott); 2677-1314 (elektronikus)

Zrubka, Zsombor and Kincses, Áron and Gulácsi, László and Kovács, Levente and Péntek, Márta (2021) Az élettartammal és az időskori betegségteherrel kapcsolatos szubjektív várakozások = Subjective expectations concerning life expectancy and age-related health burden. ORVOSI HETILAP, 162 (23). pp. 911-923. ISSN 0030-6002

Tobisch, Borbála and Blatniczky, László and Schusterova, Ingrid and Kovács, Levente and Barkai, László (2021) Inzulinrezisztencia és következményei gyermek- és serdülőkorban. ORVOSI HETILAP, 162 (11). pp. 403-412. ISSN 0030-6002

Kovács, Levente and Kajtor-Wieland, Ildikó and Vass, Péter (2021) Pénzügyi élet a LIBOR után. GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 8 (2). pp. 172-200. ISSN 2415-8909 (nyomtatott); 2677-1314 (elektronikus)

Becsei, András and Csányi, Péter and Bógyi, Attila and Kajtor-Wieland, Ildikó and Kovács, Levente (2021) TEN POINTS OF SUSTAINABLE BANKING. ECONOMY AND FINANCE: ENGLISH-LANGUAGE EDITION OF GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 8 (3). pp. 236-263. ISSN 2415-9379

Müller, János and Kovács, Levente (2021) The dedicated secretary general : Miklós Pulai's activities in the Hungarian Banking Association. ECONOMY AND FINANCE: ENGLISH-LANGUAGE EDITION OF GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 8 (2). pp. 210-227. ISSN 2415-9379

Becsei, András and Csányi, Péter and Bógyi, Attila and Kajtor-Wieland, Ildikó and Kovács, Levente (2021) A fenntartható bankolás 10 pontja. GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 8 (3). pp. 244-271. ISSN 2415-8909

Rácz, Olivér and Barkai, László and Eigner, György and Kovács, Levente and Bicsák, Melinda (2021) A glikációs index lehetséges magyarázata a hemoglobinglikáció biokinetikus modellje alapján = Possible explanation of the hemoglobin glycation index by the biokinetic model of glycation. ORVOSI HETILAP, 162 (41). pp. 1652-1657. ISSN 0030-6002

Tőzsér, János and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Kovács, Levente and Fazekas, Natasa (2020) Evaluation of animal-based parameters of welfare in two Hungarian dairy farms using principal component analysis. Animal Welfare, Etológia és Tartástechnológia, 16 (2). pp. 177-188. ISSN 1786-8440

Péntek, Márta and Beretzky, Zsuzsanna and Brodszky, Valentin and Szabó J., Attila and Kovács, Levente and Kincses, Áron and Baji, Petra and Zrubka, Zsombor and Rencz, Fanni and Gulácsi, László (2020) A magyarországi lakosság egészséggel összefüggő munkaképessége. Orvosi Hetilap, 161 (36). pp. 1522-1533. ISSN 0030-6002

Choukeir, Ali Ismael and Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Luca Fruzsina and Buják, Dávid and Szelényi, Zoltán and Abdelmegeid, Mohamed Kamel and Gáspárdy, András and Szenci, Ottó (2020) Evaluation of a commercial intravaginal thermometer to predict calving in a Hungarian Holstein‐Friesian dairy farm. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. ISSN 0936-6768

Choukeir, Ali and Kovács, Levente and Szelényi, Zoltán and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Albert, Ervin and Abdelmegeid, Mohamed and Andela, Baukje and Aubin-Wodala, Mária and Buják, Dávid and Szenci, Ottó (2020) Effect of monitoring the onset of calving by a calving alarm thermometer on the prevalence of dystocia, stillbirth, retained fetal membranes and clinical metritis in a Hungarian dairy farm. Theriogenology, 145. pp. 144-148. ISSN 0093-691X

Terták, Elemér and Kovács, Levente (2020) Challenges to Social Protection and Social Cohesion in Crisises in the Financial Sector. PÉNZÜGYI SZEMLE/PUBLIC FINANCE QUARTERLY, 65 (3). pp. 362-382. ISSN 0031-496X

Gbongli, Komlan and Xu, Yongan and Amedjonekou, Komi Mawugbe and Kovács, Levente (2020) Evaluation and Classification of Mobile Financial Services Sustainability Using Structural Equation Modeling and Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Methods. SUSTAINABILITY, 12 (4). ISSN 2071-1050

Kovács, Levente and Sütő, Ágnes (2020) Megjegyzések a pénzügyi kultúra fejlesztéséről. Gazdaság és Pénzügy, 7 (1). pp. 137-146. ISSN 2415-8909

Kovács, Levente and Sütő, Ágnes (2020) On improving financial literacy. Economy and Finance : English Language Edition of Gazdaság és Pénzügy, 7 (1). pp. 131-140. ISSN 2415-9379

Seller, Rudolf and Pető, Tamás and Dudás, Levente and Kovács, Levente (2020) Passzív radar II. rész. HADITECHNIKA, 54 (1). pp. 43-47. ISSN 0230-6891

Siket, Máté and Eigner, György and Drexler, Dániel András and Rudas, Imre and Kovács, Levente (2020) State and Parameter Estimation of a Mathematical Carcinoma Model under Chemotherapeutic Treatment. APPLIED SCIENCES, 10 (24). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2076-3417

Kovács, Levente and Nagy, Ágota and Pál, Margit and Deák, Péter (2020) Usp14 is required for spermatogenesis and ubiquitin stress responses in Drosophila melanogaster. JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE, 133 (2). ISSN 0021-9533

Kovács, Levente and Nagy, Ernő (2020) Életciklus és törlesztőrészlet. A reálértékben állandó törlesztőrészlet és életciklus-jövedelem alkalmazhatósága a lakáshitelezésben. KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE, 67 (10). pp. 1029-1056. ISSN 0023-4346

Péntek, Márta and Beretzky, Zsuzsanna and Brodszky, Valentin and Szabó J., Attila and Kovács, Levente and Kincses, Áron and Baji, Petra and Zrubka, Zsombor and Rencz, Fanni and Gulácsi, László (2020) A magyarországi lakosság egészséggel összefüggő munkaképessége. ORVOSI HETILAP, 161 (36). pp. 1522-1533. ISSN 0030-6002

Elemér, Terták and Kovács, Levente (2020) A szociális védelem és a társadalmi kohézió kihívásai válsághelyzetben a pénzügyi szférában. PÉNZÜGYI SZEMLE/PUBLIC FINANCE QUARTERLY, 65 (3). pp. 364-384. ISSN 0031-496X

Andela, Baukje G. and Van Eerdenburg, Frank J. C. M. and Choukeir, Ali and Buják, Dávid and Szelényi, Zoltán and Boldizsár, Szabolcs and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Molnár, László and Kovács, Levente and Szenci, Ottó (2019) Relationships among some serum enzymes, negative energy balance parameters, parity and postparturient clinical (endo)metritis in Holstein Friesian cows – Short communication. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 67 (2). pp. 241-245. ISSN 0236-6290

Dávid, Sándor and Kovács, Levente (2019) Az elszámolásforgalom fejlődése – paradigmaváltás. Gazdaság és Pénzügy, 6 (3). pp. 284-298. ISSN 2415-8909

Jurkovich, Viktor and Bakony, Mikolt and Laky, Enikő and Ruff, Ferenc and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Bende, Andrea and Kovács, Levente (2019) Cardiac vagal tone, plasma cortisol, and dehydroepiandrosterone response to an ACTH challenge in lame and nonlame dairy cows. DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY. ISSN 0739-7240 (In Press)

Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Benedek, Csaba and Kovács, Levente (2019) Content-Based Analysis of Medical Image Data for Augmented Reality Based Health Applications. ERCIM NEWS, 118. pp. 18-19. ISSN 0926-4981

Vass, Péter and Kovács, Levente (2019) Current challenges in the regulation and activities of the financial sector in the European Union (2019–2024). Economy and Finance : English Language Edition of Gazdaság és Pénzügy, 6 (4). pp. 426-444. ISSN 2415-9379

Csercsik, Dávid and Kovács, Levente (2019) Dynamic Modeling of the Angiogenic Switch and Its Inhibition by Bevacizumab. COMPLEXITY. pp. 1-18. ISSN 1076-2787

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Ruff, Ferenc and Szenci, Ottó and Bakony, Mikolt and Jurkovich, Viktor (2019) Effect of artificial shade on saliva cortisol concentrations of heat-stressed dairy calves. DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY, 66. pp. 43-47. ISSN 0739-7240

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Ruff, F. and Szenci, Ottó and Bakony, Mikolt and Jurkovich, Viktor (2019) Effect of artificial shade on saliva cortisol concentrations of heat-stressed dairy calves. DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY, 66. pp. 43-47. ISSN 0739-7240

Szenci, Ottó and Lénárt, Lea and Choukeir, Ali and Szelényi, Zoltán and Buják, Dávid and Albert, Ervin and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Kovács, Levente (2019) Ellések ellenőrzésének fontossága a halvaszületések csökkentése érdekében tejelő szarvasmarhaállományokban : Irodalmi összefoglaló = Importance of monitoring calving to decrease stillbirth rate in dairy farms : Literature review. MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 141 (1). pp. 11-23. ISSN 0025-004X

Bakony, Mikolt and Könyves, László and Hejel, Péter and Kovács, Levente and Jurkovich, Viktor (2019) Hőstressz tejelő tehenekben I. A tejtermelés-csökkenés hátterében álló élettani tényezők. Irodalmi összefoglaló. MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 141. pp. 341-350. ISSN 0025-004X

Bakony, Mikolt and Könyves, László and Hejel, Péter and Kovács, Levente and Jurkovich, Viktor (2019) Hőstressz tejelő tehenekben I. A tejtermelés-csökkenés hátterében álló élettani tényezők : Irodalmi összefoglaló = Heat stress in dairy cows Part 1. – A review on physiological factors involved in milk yield loss. MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 141 (6). pp. 341-350. ISSN 0025-004X

Bakony, Mikolt and Könyves, László and Mézes, Miklós and Kovács, Levente and Jurkovich, Viktor (2019) Hőstressz tejelő tehenekben II. Az alkalmazkodást segítő takarmányozási megoldások. Irodalmi összefoglaló. MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 141. pp. 397-408. ISSN 0025-004X

Bakony, Mikolt and Könyves, László and Mézes, Miklós and Kovács, Levente and Jurkovich, Viktor (2019) Hőstressz tejelő tehenekben II. Az alkalmazkodást segítő takarmányozási megoldások : Irodalmi összefoglaló = Heat stress in dairy cows 2. : A review on nutritional strategies to alleviate losses. MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 141 (7). pp. 397-408. ISSN 0025-004X

Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Giusti, Elisa and Berizzi, Fabrizio and Kovács, Levente (2019) Image Based Robust Target Classification for Passive ISAR. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 19 (1). pp. 268-276. ISSN 1530-437X

Kovács, Levente and Pásztor, Szabolcs (2019) Исследование мировых ипотечных рынков [Issledovanie mirovyh ipotečnyh rynkov] = An Overview of the Global Mortgage Markets. Federalizm (3). pp. 98-115. ISSN 2073-1051

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Bakony, Mikolt and Jurkovich, Viktor and Szenci, Ottó (2019) Lying down frequency as a discomfort index in heat stressed Holstein bull calves. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 8. pp. 1-4. ISSN 2045-2322

Kovács, Levente and Eigner, György and Czakó, Bence and Siket, Máté and Almássy, Zsuzsana and Kocsis, Győző and Barkai, László (2019) Mesterséges hasnyálmirigy – A cukorbetegség automatikus kezelése mérnöki megközelítéssel [Artificial pancreas – an engineering approach of diabetes treatment]. DIABETOLOGIA HUNGARICA, 27 (4). pp. 249-258. ISSN 1217-372X

Seller, Rudolf and Pető, Tamás and Dudás, Levente and Kovács, Levente (2019) Passzív radar I. rész. HADITECHNIKA, 53 (6). pp. 51-55. ISSN 0230-6891

Eigner, György and Haidegger, Tamás and Kovács, Levente (2019) Physiological and Bioinspired Systems Development at Obuda University: Research Activities in Budapest, a Reach Across Related Fields for the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. IEEE SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS MAGAZINE, 5 (1). pp. 33-36. ISSN 2333-942X

Szelényi, Zoltán and Győri, Dorottya and Boldizsár, Szabolcs and Kovács, Levente and Répási, Attila and Molnár, László and Szenci, Ottó (2019) Pregnancy and stillbirth losses in dairy cows with singleton and twin pregnancies. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 67 (1). pp. 115-126. ISSN 0236-6290

Andela, Baukje G. and Van Eerdenburg, Frank J. C. M. and Choukeir, Ali and Buják, Dávid and Szelényi, Zoltán and Boldizsár, Szabolcs and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Molnár, László and Kovács, Levente and Szenci, Ottó (2019) Relationships among some serum enzymes, negative energy balance parameters, parity and postparturient clinical (endo)metritis in Holstein Friesian cows – Short communication. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 67 (2). pp. 241-245. ISSN 0236-6290

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Luca Fruzsina and Póti, Péter and Jurkovich, Viktor and Szenci, Ottó and Nagy, Krisztina (2019) Short communication: Heart rate variability, step, and rumination behavior of dairy cows milked in a rotary milking system. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 102. pp. 5525-5529. ISSN 0022-0302

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Póti, Péter and Jurkovich, Viktor and Szenci, Ottó and Nagy, K. (2019) Short communication: Heart rate variability, step, and rumination behavior of dairy cows milked in a rotary milking system. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 102 (6). pp. 5525-5529. ISSN 0022-0302

Becsei, András and Bógyi, Attila and Csányi, Péter and Kovács, Levente (2019) The bank of the future, the future of banks : Digitalization proposals by the Hungarian Banking Association. ECONOMY AND FINANCE: ENGLISH-LANGUAGE EDITION OF GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 6 (3). pp. 311-322. ISSN 2415-9379

Dávid, Sándor and Kovács, Levente (2019) The development of clearing services – paradigm shift. ECONOMY AND FINANCE: ENGLISH-LANGUAGE EDITION OF GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 6 (3). pp. 296-310. ISSN 2415-9379

Kovács, Levente (2019) The first three decades of the Hungarian Banking Association. Economy and Finance : English Language Edition of Gazdaság és Pénzügy, 6 (1). pp. 2-16. ISSN 2415-9379

Becsei, András and Bógyi, Attila and Csányi, Péter and Kovács, Levente (2019) A jövő bankja, a bankok jövője : A Magyar Bankszövetség digitalizációs javaslatai. GAZDASÁG ÉS PÉNZÜGY, 6 (3). pp. 299-310. ISSN 2415-8909

Kovács, Levente (2019) A magyar Bankszövetség első három évtizede. Gazdaság és Pénzügy, 6 (1). pp. 2-15. ISSN 2415-8909

Vass, Péter and Kovács, Levente (2019) A pénzügyi szektor szabályozásának aktuális kihívásai az európai unióban (2019-2024). Gazdaság és Pénzügy, 6 (4). pp. 413-430. ISSN 2415-8909

Dulf, Éva-Henrietta and Kovács, Levente (2018) Fractional order control of the cyber-physical cryogenic isotope separation columns cascade system. Proceedings of Automation, Quality, Testing and Robotics. pp. 1-6. ISSN 978-1-5386-2205-6

Dulf, Eva-H. and Șușcă, Mircea and Kovács, Levente (2018) Novel Optimum Magnitude Based Fractional Order Controller Design Method. IFAC-PAPERSONLINE, 51 (4). pp. 912-917. ISSN 2405-8963

Bohák, Zsófia and Harnos, Andrea and Joó, Kinga and Szenci, Ottó and Kovács, Levente (2018) Anticipatory response before competition in Standardbred racehorses. PLOS ONE, 13 (8). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1932-6203

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Luca Fruzsina and Ruff, Ferenc and Jurkovich, Viktor and Szenci, Ottó (2018) Assessment of heat stress in 7-week old dairy calves with non-invasive physiological parameters in different thermal environments. PLOS ONE, 13 (7). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1932-6203

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Ruff, Ferenc and Jurkovich, Viktor and Szenci, Ottó (2018) Assessment of heat stress in 7-week old dairy calves with non-invasive physiological parameters in different thermal environments. PLOS ONE, 13 (7). ISSN 1932-6203

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Ruff, Ferenc and Szenci, Ottó and Jurkovich, Viktor (2018) Association between human and animal thermal comfort indices and physiological heat stress indicators in dairy calves. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 166. pp. 108-111. ISSN 1748-9326

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Ruff, Ferenc and Szenci, Ottó and Jurkovich, Viktor (2018) Association between human and animal thermal comfort indices and physiological heat stress indicators in dairy calves. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 166. pp. 108-111. ISSN 0013-9351

Vincze, Boglárka and Gáspárdy, András and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Pálffy, M. and Bangha, Zs. and Szenci, Ottó and Kovács, Levente (2018) Fetal metacarpal/metatarsal bone thickness as possible predictor of dystocia in Holstein cows. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 101 (11). pp. 10283-10289. ISSN 0022-0302

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Ruff, Ferenc and Jurkovich, Viktor and Szenci, Ottó (2018) Heart rate, cardiac vagal tone, respiratory rate, and rectal temperature in dairy calves exposed to heat stress in a continental region. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY, 62. pp. 1791-1797. ISSN 0020-7128

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Ruff, Ferenc and Jurkovich, Viktor and Szenci, Ottó (2018) Heart rate, cardiac vagal tone, respiratory rate, and rectal temperature in dairy calves exposed to heat stress in a continental region. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY, 62 (10). pp. 1791-1797. ISSN 0020-7128

Buják, Dávid and Szelényi, Zoltán and Choukeir, Ali and Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Boldizsár, Szabolcs and Molnár, László and Szenci, Ottó (2018) A Holstein-Friesian dairy farm survey of postparturient factors influencing the days to first AI and days open in Hungary. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 66 (4). pp. 613-624. ISSN 0236-6290

Szenci, Ottó and Szelényi, Z. and Lénárt, L. and Buják, D. and Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Han, B. and Horváth, A. (2018) Importance of monitoring the peripartal period to increase reproductive performance in dairy cattle. VETERINARSKA STANICA, 49 (4). pp. 297-307. ISSN 0350-7149

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Bakony, Mikolt and Jurkovich, Viktor and Szenci, Ottó (2018) Lying down frequency as a discomfort index in heat stressed Holstein bull calves. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 8. ISSN 2045-2322

Czakó, Bence and Kovács, Levente (2018) Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Using Robust Fixed Point Transformation-Based Phenomena for Controlling Tumor Growth. MACHINES, 6 (4). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2075-1702

Czakó, Bence G. and Sápi, Johanna and Kovács, Levente (2018) Optimal PID Based Computed Torque Control of Tumor Growth Models. IFAC PAPERSONLINE, 51 (4). pp. 900-905. ISSN 2405-8963

Khan, Hamza and Tar, József and Rudas, Imre and Kovács, Levente and Eigner, György (2018) Receding Horizon Control of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus by Using Nonlinear Programming. COMPLEXITY, 2018. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1076-2787

Kovács, Levente and Eigner, György and Tar, József K. and Rudas, Imre (2018) Robust Fixed Point Transformation based Proportional-Derivative Control of Angiogenic Tumor Growth. IFAC PAPERSONLINE, 51 (4). pp. 894-899. ISSN 2405-8963

Kovács, Levente and Eigner, György (2018) Tensor Product Model Transformation-based Parallel Distributed Control of Tumor Growth. ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA, 15 (3). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1785-8860

Kovács, Levente and Pásztor, Szabolcs (2018) A globális jelzálogpiac helyzete és kihívásai. KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE, 65 (12). pp. 1225-1256. ISSN 0023-4346

Vincze, Boglárka and Gáspárdy, András and Kovács, Levente and Albert, Ervin and Kézér, Luca and Baska, Ferenc and Szenci, Ottó (2017) Applicability of fetal thoracic aortic diameter measurement in the prediction of birth weight in Holstein-Friesian cows — Short communication. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 65 (1). pp. 60-65. ISSN 0236-6290

Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Tőzsér, János and Bakony, Mikolt and Szenci, Ottó and Jurkovich, Viktor and Kovács, Levente (2017) Effect of physical activity on cardiac autonomic function of dairy cows on commercial dairy farms. JOURNAL OF DAIRY RESEARCH, 84 (4). pp. 395-400. ISSN 0022-0299

Bohák, Zsófia and Szenci, Ottó and Harnos, Andrea and Kutasi, Orsolya and Kovács, Levente (2017) Effect of temperament on cortisol response to a single exercise bout in Thoroughbred racehorses – short communication. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 65 (4). pp. 541-545. ISSN 0236-6290

Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Kovács, Levente and Márton, Dóra and Tőzsér, János and Szenci, Ottó (2017) Egyszeri NSAID-kezelés hatása nehézellésekből született borjak vegetatív idegrendszeri működést leíró szívműködési mutatóira és állással töltött idejére : Előzetes eredmények. MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 139 (7). pp. 387-395. ISSN 0025-004X

Ferenci, Tamás and Kovács, Levente (2017) Experiences with Using Bayes Factors for Regression Analysis in Biostatistical Setting. PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, 61 (3). pp. 246-252. ISSN 2064-5260

Rusz, Orsolya and Pál, Margit and Szilágyi, Éva and Rovó, László and Varga, Zoltán and Gyaponyi-Tomisa, Bernadett and Fábián, Gabriella and Kovács, Levente and Nagy, Olga and Mózes, Petra and Reisz, Zita and Tiszlavicz, László and Deák, Péter and Kahán, Zsuzsanna (2017) The Expression of Checkpoint and DNA Repair Genes in Head and Neck Cancer as Possible Predictive Factors. PATHOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY RESEARCH, 23 (2). pp. 253-264. ISSN 1219-4956

Jurkovich, Viktor and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Ruff, Ferenc and Bakony, Mikolt and Kulcsár, Margit and Kovács, Levente (2017) Heart rate, heart rate variability, faecal glucocorticoid metabolites and avoidance response of dairy cows before and after changeover to an automatic milking system. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 65 (2). pp. 301-313. ISSN 0236-6290

Pethes, Róbert and Ferenci, Tamás and Kovács, Levente (2017) Infectious hospital agents: A HAI spreading simulation framework. ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA, 14 (1). pp. 95-110. ISSN 1785-8860

Kovács, Levente (2017) Linear parameter varying (LPV) based robust control of type-I diabetes driven for real patient data. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS, 122. pp. 199-213. ISSN 0950-7051

Drexler, Dániel András and Sápi, Johanna and Kovács, Levente (2017) Modeling of Tumor Growth Incorporating the Effects of Necrosis and the Effect of Bevacizumab. COMPLEXITY, 2017. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1076-2787

Ferenci, Tamás and Sápi, Johanna and Kovács, Levente (2017) Modelling Tumor Growth Under Angiogenesis Inhibition with Mixed-effects Models. ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA, 14 (1). pp. 221-234. ISSN 1785-8860

Sápi, Johanna and Drexler, Dániel András and Kovács, Levente (2017) Potential Benefits of Discrete-Time Controllerbased Treatments over Protocol-based Cancer Therapies. ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA, 14 (1). pp. 11-23. ISSN 1785-8860

Kovács, Levente (2017) Preface to the Special Issue. ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA, 14 (1). pp. 7-9. ISSN 1785-8860

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Ruff, Ferenc and Szenci, Ottó (2017) Rumination time and reticuloruminal temperature as possible predictors of dystocia in dairy cows. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 100 (2). pp. 1568-1579. ISSN 0022-0302

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Albert, Ervin and Ruff, Ferenc and Szenci, Ottó (2017) Seasonal and maternal effects on acid-base, l-lactate, electrolyte, and hematological status of 205 dairy calves born to eutocic dams. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 100 (9). pp. 7534-7543. ISSN 0022-0302

Piros, P. and Fleiner, Rita Dominika and Ferenci, Tamás and Andréka, P. and Fujita, H. and Kovács, Levente (2017) An overview of myocardial infarction registries and results from the hungarian myocardial infarction registry. FRONTIERS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND APPLICATIONS, 297. pp. 312-320. ISSN 0922-6389

Kovács, Levente (2017) A robust fixed point transformation-based approach for type 1 diabetes control. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0924-090X

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Ruff, Ferenc and Szenci, Ottó (2016) Cardiac autonomic activity has a circadian rhythm in summer but not in winter in non-lactating pregnant dairy cows. PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR, 155. pp. 56-65. ISSN 0031-9384

Takács, Árpád and Eigner, György and Kovács, Levente and Rudas, Imre and Haidegger, Tamás (2016) Development, Usability and Communities of Modular Robotic Kits for Classroom Education. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 23 (2). pp. 30-39.

Eigner, György and Tar, József and Rudas, I J. and Kovács, Levente (2016) LPV-based quality interpretations on modeling and control of diabetes. ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA, 13 (1). pp. 171-190. ISSN 1785-8860

Kovács, Levente and Eigner, György (2016) System Engineering Approach of Diabetes Treatment. International Journal of Diabetes & Clinical Diagnosis, 3 (116). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2394-1499

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Fruzsina Luca and Ruff, Ferenc and Szenci, Ottó (2016) Timing of obstetrical assistance affects peripartal cardiac autonomic function and early maternal behavior of dairy cows. PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR, 165. pp. 202-210. ISSN 0031-9384

Bíró, Miklós and Klespitz, József and Gmeiner, Johannes and Illibauer, Christa and Kovács, Levente (2016) Towards Automated Traceability Assessment through Augmented Lifecycle Space. COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 633. pp. 94-105. ISSN 1865-0929

Kovács, Levente (2016) A magyar bankszektor Európában = The Hungarian Banking Sector in Europe. GAZDASÁG ÉS TÁRSADALOM, 2016 (3). pp. 17-27. ISSN 0865-7823

Lehotsky, Ákos and Szilágyi, László and Ferenci, Tamás and Kovács, Levente and Pethes, R. and Wéber, György and Haidegger, Tamás (2015) Quantitative impact of direct, personal feedback on hand hygiene technique. JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL INFECTION, 91 (1). pp. 81-84. ISSN 0195-6701

Takács, Árpád and Kovács, Levente and Rudas, Imre and Precup, Radu-Emil and Haidegger, Tamás (2015) Models for force control in telesurgical robot systems. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 12 (8). pp. 95-114. ISSN 1785-8860

Klespitz, József and Takács, Márta and Rudas, Imre and Kovács, Levente (2015) Performance of soft computing controllers in hemodialysis machines. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUZZY SYSTEMS, 17 (3). pp. 414-422. ISSN 1562-2479

Lehotsky, Ákos and Szilágyi, L. and Ferenci, Tamás and Kovács, Levente and Pethes, R. and Wéber, G. (2015) Quantitative impact of direct, personal feedback on hand hygiene technique. JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL INFECTION, 91 (1). pp. 81-84. ISSN 0195-6701

Kolossváry, E. and Ferenci, Tamás and Kováts, T. and Kovács, Levente and Járai, Z. and Menyhei, Gábor and Farkas, Katalin (2015) Trends in major lower limb amputations related to peripheral arterial disease in Hungary : A nationwide study (2004-2012). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF VASCULAR AND ENDOVASCULAR SURGERY, 50 (1). pp. 78-85. ISSN 1078-5884

Ferenci, Tamás and Körner, Anna and Kovács, Levente (2015) The interrelationship of HbA1c and real-time continuous glucose monitoring in children with type 1 diabetes. DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE, 108 (1). pp. 38-44. ISSN 0168-8227

Kovács, Levente and Keszler, Anita and Szirányi, Tamás (2014) Component Evolution Analysis in Descriptor Graphs for Descriptor Ranking. DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING, 31. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1051-2004

Lukács, Krisztina and Ferenci, Tamás and Kovács, Levente and Balogh, Márta and H. Nagy, Katalin and Karádi, Zsuzsanna and Soós, Hajnalka and Madácsy, László and Hosszúfalusi, Nóra (2014) Glykaemiás variabilitás és anyagcsere-kontroll vizsgálatok 1-es típusú diabetesben. DIABETOLOGIA HUNGARICA, 22. pp. 101-102. ISSN 1217-372X

Kozlovszky, Miklós and Hegedűs, K. and Windisch, Gergely and Kovács, Levente and Pintér, G. (2014) Image classification optimization of high resolution tissue images. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, 8353. pp. 532-539. ISSN 0302-9743

Kovács, Levente and Kozlovszky, Miklós and Szalay, Péter and Eigner, György and Sas, Péter István and Ferenci, Tamás and Almássy, Zsuzsanna and Felszeghy, Enikő and Kocsis, Győző and Fövényi, József and Wudi, Krisztina and Körner, Anna and Kautzky, László and Soós, Hajnalka and Orbán, Andrea and Niederland, Tamás and Juhászné Tuifel, Andrea and Tóthné Sebestyén, Tímea and Hocsi, Mária and Soós, Andrea and Török, András and Barkai, László (2014) Magyar mesterséges hasnyálmirigy projekt. Eredmények és távlatok. DIABETOLOGIA HUNGARICA, 22. pp. 73-76. ISSN 1217-372X

Szeles, Annamária and Drexler, Dániel András and Sápi, Johanna and Harmati, István and Kovács, Levente (2014) Model-based Angiogenic Inhibition of Tumor Growth using Adaptive Fuzzy Techniques. PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, 58 (1). pp. 29-36. ISSN 2064-5260

Kovács, Levente and Szeles, Annamária and Sápi, Johanna and Drexler, Dániel András and Rudas, Imre and Harmati, István and Sápi, Zoltán (2014) Model-based angiogenic inhibition of tumor growth using modern robust control method. COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE, 114. pp. 98-110. ISSN 0169-2607

Gyuk, P. and Szabó, I. and Vassányi, I. and Kósa, I. and Kovács, Levente (2014) Modell alapú diabetes életmód-támogatás. DIABETOLOGIA HUNGARICA, XXII. pp. 41-43. ISSN 1217-372X


Szalay, P. and Szilágyi, L. and Benyó, Z. and Kovács, Levente (2014) Sensor Drift Compensation Using Fuzzy Interference System and Sparse-Grid Quadrature Filter in Blood Glucose Control. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, 8835. pp. 445-453. ISSN 0302-9743

Precup, Radu-Emil and Kovács, Levente and Haidegger, Tamás (2014) Stable Hybrid Fuzzy Controller-based Architecture for Robotic Telesurgery Systems. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, 1 (1). pp. 61-76. ISSN 1469-0268

Precup, R. E. and Haidegger, Tamás and Kovács, Levente (2014) Stable Hybrid Fuzzy Controller-based Architecture for Robotic Telesurgery Systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND PATTERN RECOGNITION, 1 (1). pp. 61-76. ISSN 0218-0014

Szilágyi, L. and Kovács, Levente and Szilágyi, S.M. (2014) Synthetic Test Data Generation for Hierarchical Graph Clustering Methods. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, 8835. pp. 303-310. ISSN 0302-9743

Kovács, Levente and Szalay, Péter and Almássy, Zs. and Barkai, László (2013) Applicability Results of a Nonlinear Model-Based Robust Blood Glucose Control Algorithm. JOURNAL OF DIABETES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 7 (3). pp. 708-716. ISSN 1932-3107

Ferenci, Tamás and Benyó, Balázs István and Kovács, Levente and Fisk, L. and Shaw, G M. (2013) Daily Evolution of Insulin Sensitivity Variability with Respect to Diagnosis in the Critically Ill. PLOS ONE, 8 (2). e57119. ISSN 1932-6203

Kovács, Levente and Kézér, Luca and Jurkovich, Viktor and Nagy, Krisztina and Szenci, Ottó and Tőzsér, János (2013) Heart rate variability of high producing cows in a parallel milking system. Animal welfare, etológia és tartástechnológia = Animal welfare, ethology and housing systems, 9 (1). pp. 12-17. ISSN 1786-8440

Tőzsér, János and Kovács, Levente and Nagy, Krisztina and Demény, Márton and Fóris, Borbála and Jurkovich, Viktor (2013) Néhány új, a szarvasmarhák jóllétével kapcsolatos hazai kutatási eredmény. ÁLLATTENYÉSZTÉS ÉS TAKARMÁNYOZÁS, 62 (4). pp. 426-438. ISSN 0230-1614

Kovács, Levente and Szalay, Péter and Sas, I. P. and Eigner, György and Almássy, Z. and Felszeghy, E. and Kocsis, G. and Fövényi, J. and Körner, A. and Kautzky, L. and Soós, H. and Orbán, A. and Niederland, T. and Juhászné Tuifel, A. and Tóthné Sebestyén, T. and Soós, A. and Török, A. and Barkai, L. (2013) Preliminary model-free results of a Hungarian robust artificial pancreas algorithm. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS, 15 (Suppl1). A-96. ISSN 1520-9156

Drexler, Dániel András and Sápi, Johanna and Szeles, Annamária and Harmati, István and Kovács, Levente (2012) Comparison of Path Tracking Flat Control and Working Point Linearization Based Set Point Control of Tumor Growth with Angiogenic Inhibition. BULETINUL STIINTIFIC AL UNIVERSITATI POLITEHNICA DIN TIMISOARA ROMANIA SERIA AUTOMATICA SI CALCULATORAE = SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN OF POLITECHNICA UNIVERSITY OF TIMISOARA TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, 57 (71 (2). pp. 113-120. ISSN 1224-600X

Precup, Radu-Emil and Haidegger, Tamás and Preitl, Stefan and Benyó, Zoltán and Paul, Adrian Sebastian and Kovács, Levente (2012) Fuzzy Control Solution for Telesurgical Applications. APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS, 11 (3). pp. 378-397. ISSN 1683-3511

Kovács, Levente and Ferenci, Tamás and Sápi, Johanna and Szalay, Péter (2012) Népegészségügyi problémák számítógépes modellezése. IME: INFORMATIKA ÉS MENEDZSMENT AZ EGÉSZSÉGÜGYBEN, XI (8). pp. 49-55. ISSN 1588-6387

Benyó, Balázs István and Illyés, A. and Némedi, NS. and Le Compte, AJ. and Havas, A. and Kovács, Levente (2012) Pilot study of the SPRINT glycemic control protocol in a Hungarian medical intensive care unit. JOURNAL OF DIABETES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 6 (6). pp. 1464-1477. ISSN 1932-3107

Haidegger, Tamás and Kovács, Levente and Precup, Radu-Emil and Benyó, Balázs István and Benyó, Zoltán (2012) Simulation and control for telerobots in space medicine. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA, 81. pp. 390-402. ISSN 0094-5765

Kovács, Levente and Szentléleki, Andrea and Tőzsér, János (2012) A szívritmus-variancia kutatás szarvasmarhában - Irodalmi áttekintés. ÁLLATTENYÉSZTÉS ÉS TAKARMÁNYOZÁS, 61 (1). pp. 3-35. ISSN 0230-1814

Kovács, Levente and Szentléleki, Andrea and Tőzsér, János (2012) A szívritmus-variancia kutatása szarvasmarhában – irodalmi áttekintés. ÁLLATTENYÉSZTÉS ÉS TAKARMÁNYOZÁS, 61 (1). pp. 57-72. ISSN 0230-1814

Book Section

Ferenci, Tamás and Szigeti, Mátyás and Kovács, Levente (2022) Using non-stationary extreme value analysis to characterize blood glucose curves. In: IEEE 20th Jubilee World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Poprad, pp. 171-175. ISBN 9781665497046; 9781665497039

Eigner, György and Kovács, Levente (2020) A TP-LPV-LMI Approach to Control of Tumor Growth. In: Recent Advances in Intelligent Engineering : Volume Dedicated to Imre J. Rudas’ Seventieth Birthday. Topics in Intelligent Engineering and Informatics (14). Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, pp. 223-252. ISBN 978-3-030-14349-7; 978-3-030-14350-3

Drexler, Dániel András and Ferenci, Tamás and Lovrics, Anna and Kovács, Levente (2019) Comparison of Michaelis-Menten kinetics modeling alternatives in cancer chemotherapy modeling. In: SACI 2019 : IEEE 13th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics : PROCEEDINGS. IEEE, Temesvár, pp. 27-32. ISBN 9781728106854

Drexler, Dániel András and Ferenci, Tamás and Lovrics, Anna and Kovács, Levente (2019) Modeling of tumor growth incorporating the effect of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin. In: INES 2019 : IEEE 23nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 369-373. ISBN 9781728112138

Eigner, György and Böjthe, István and Mészárosy, Alajos and Kovács, Levente (2019) Robust H∞ controller design for T1DM based on relaxed LMI conditions. In: INES 2019 : IEEE 23nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 363-368. ISBN 9781728112138

Kovács, Levente (2019) The Role of SMEs in Developing the European Economy. In: International Conference Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam in the Context of Industrial Revolution 4.0. Nha Xuat Ban Tai Chinh, Hung Yen, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978-604-79-2247-5

Eigner, György and Kovács, Levente (2018) Control of tumor growth by modern control methodologies. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR). IEEE, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-5386-2203-2

Klespitz, József and Bíró, Miklós and Kovács, Levente (2018) Demonstration of Augmented Lifecycle Space in Heterogeneous Environment. In: SAMI 2018. IEEE, Seattle (WA), pp. 167-171. ISBN 978-1-5386-4771-4

Eigner, György and Siket, Máte and Szakál, Anikó and Rudas, Imre and Kovács, Levente (2018) Discrete LPV Modeling of Diabetes Mellitus for Control Purposes. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 2558-2563. ISBN 9781538666500

Drexler, Dániel A. and Sápi, Johanna and Kovács, Levente (2018) H∞ control of nonlinear systems with positive input with application to antiangioge therapy. In: Joint 9th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design and 2nd IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying Systems, ROCOND 2018, Preprints. IFAC, Florianopolis, pp. 146-151.

Csercsik, Dávid and Sápi, Johanna and Kovács, Levente (2018) Model-based simulation and comparison of open-loop and closed-loop combined therapies for tumor treatment. In: Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications. IEEE, New York, pp. 1383-1388. ISBN 9781538676974

Drexler, Dániel András and Nagy, Ilona and Romanovski, Valery and Tóth, János and Kovács, Levente (2018) Qualitative Analysis of a Closed-Loop Model of Tumor Growth Control. In: IEEE 18th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI 2018). IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 329-334. ISBN 9781728111162

Kovács, Levente and Eigner, György (2018) A TP-LPV-LMI Based Control for Tumor Growth Inhibition. In: Joint 9th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design and 2nd IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying Systems, ROCOND 2018, Preprints. IFAC, Florianopolis, pp. 155-160.

Eigner, György and Drexler, Dániel András and Kovács, Levente (2018) Tumor Growth Control by TP-LPV-LMI Based Controller. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). IEEE, pp. 2560-2565. ISBN 9781538666500

Garaguly, Zoltán and Kozlovszky, Miklós and Kovács, Levente (2018) The application of holographic image reconstruction in the examination of liquids. In: SAMI 2018. IEEE, Seattle (WA), pp. 125-130. ISBN 978-1-5386-4771-4

Gönczy, Tamás and Csercsik, Dávid and Sápi, Johanna and Kovács, Levente (2018) A hybrid cellular automaton model of tumor-induced angiogenesis. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9781538622032

Csercsik, Dávid and Sápi, Johanna and Gönczy, Tamás and Kovács, Levente (2017) Bi-compartmental modelling of tumor and supporting vasculature growth dynamics for cancer treatment optimization purpose. In: 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2017. IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), pp. 4698-4702. ISBN 978-1-5090-2872-6

Garaguly, Zoltán and Kozlovszky, Miklós and Kovács, Levente (2017) Comparison of numerical image reconstruction methods in holography. In: IEEE 30th Jubilee Neumann Colloquium : Neumann Colloquium 2017. Óbudai Egyetem, Budapest, pp. 65-70. ISBN 978-1-5386-4635-9

Eigner, György and Drexler, Dániel A. and Kovács, Levente (2017) Control of nolinear physiological systems via LPV framework. In: 12th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2017). IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, pp. 2085-2090. ISBN 9781509061617

Kovács, Levente (2017) Cyber-Medical Systems: Challenges and Possibilities. In: IEEE 15th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics : SISY 2017. IEEE, New York, p. 15. ISBN 978-1-5386-3855-2

Fézer, Zsolt and Kovács, Levente (2017) The Economic Impact of Diabetes. In: IEEE 15th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics : SISY 2017. IEEE, New York, pp. 77-82. ISBN 978-1-5386-3855-2

Eigner, György and Böjthe, István and Pausits, Péter and Kovács, Levente (2017) Investigation of the TP modeling possibilities of the Hovorka T1DM model. In: SAMI 2017 : IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 259-264. ISBN 978-1-5090-5654-5

Eigner, György and Varga, Árpád and Mezei, Miklós and Kovács, Levente (2017) LPV-based control of nonlinear compartmental model with input uncertainty. In: IEEE 15th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics : SISY 2017. IEEE, New York, pp. 17-22. ISBN 978-1-5386-3855-2

Eigner, György and Kovács, Levente (2017) Linear Matrix Inequality based Control of Tumor Growth. In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, New York, pp. 1734-1739. ISBN 9781538616444

Piros, Péter and Fleiner, Rita and Kovács, Levente (2017) Linked Data Generation for Courses and Events at Obuda University. In: SAMI 2017 : IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 253-258. ISBN 978-1-5090-5654-5

Czakó, Bence and Sápi, Johanna and Kovács, Levente (2017) Model-based Optimal Control Method for Cancer Treatment Using Model Predictive Control and Robust Fixed Point Method. In: INES 2017, IEEE 21st International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. IEEE, Larnaca, pp. 271-276. ISBN 978-1-4799-7678-2

Eigner, György and Koppány, Katalin and Pausitsz, Péter and Kovács, Levente (2017) Nonlinear Identification of Glucose Absorption Related to Diabetes Mellitus. In: INES 2017, IEEE 21st International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. IEEE, Larnaca, pp. 265-270. ISBN 978-1-4799-7678-2

Eigner, György and Szögi, Gábor and Pausits, Péter and Rudas, Imre and Kovács, Levente (2017) Nonlinear identification of a tumor growth model for validating cancer treatments. In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, New York, pp. 3159-3163. ISBN 9781538616444

Drexler, Daniel A. and Sapi, Johanna and Kovács, Levente (2017) Optimal discrete time control of antiangiogenic tumor therapy. In: Preprints of the 20th World Congress The International Federation of Automatic Control. IFAC, Toulouse, pp. 14046-14051.

Varga, Árpád and Eigner, György and Kovács, Levente and Felde, Imre and Mezei, Miklós (2017) Overview of taxi database from viewpoint of usability for traffic model development: a case study for Budapest. In: IEEE 15th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics : SISY 2017. IEEE, New York, pp. 105-110. ISBN 978-1-5386-3855-2

Drexler, Dániel A. and Sápi, Johanna and Kovács, Levente (2017) Positive control of a minimal model of tumor growth with bevacizumab treatment. In: 12th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2017). IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, pp. 2081-2084. ISBN 9781509061617

Drexler, Daniel A. and Sapi, Johanna and Kovács, Levente (2017) Positive nonlinear control of tumor growth using angiogenic inhibition. In: Preprints of the 20th World Congress The International Federation of Automatic Control. IFAC, Toulouse, pp. 15633-15638.

Eigner, György and Rudas, Imre and Szakál, Anikó and Kovács, Levente (2017) Tensor Product based modeling of Tumor Growth. In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, New York, pp. 900-905. ISBN 9781538616444

Csercsik, Dávid and Sápi, Johanna and Kovács, Levente (2017) A bicompartmental dynamic tumor growth model. In: Preprints of the 20th World Congress The International Federation of Automatic Control. IFAC, Toulouse, pp. 12727-12732.

Drexler, Dániel András and Sápi, Johanna and Kovács, Levente (2017) A minimal model of tumor growth with angiogenic inhibition using bevacizumab. In: SAMI 2017 : IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 185-190. ISBN 978-1-5090-5654-5

Klespitz, József and Bíró, Miklós and Kovács, Levente (2016) Augmented lifecycle space for traceability and consistency enhancement. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 3973-3977. ISBN 978-1-5090-1897-0

Kovács, Levente and Eigner, György (2016) Clinical decision support systems for personalized healthcare. In: AQTR 2016 – International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics. IEEE Computer Society, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 6-12. ISBN 978-1-4673-8692-0

Sápi, Johanna and Drexler, Dániel András and Kovács, Levente (2016) Comparison of protocol based cancer therapies and discrete controller based treatments in the case of endostatin administration. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 3830-3835. ISBN 978-1-5090-1819-2

Kovács, Levente (2016) Control engineering approaches at Obuda University for physiological problems. In: 20th IEEE Jubilee International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 19-20. ISBN 978-1-5090-1215-2; 978-1-5090-1216-9

Eigner, György and Pausits, Péter and Kovács, Levente (2016) Control of T1DM via Tensor Product-based framework. In: 17th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI 2016). IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 55-60. ISBN 978-1-5090-3908-1

Kovács, Levente and Eigner, György (2016) Convex Polytopic Modeling of Diabetes Mellitus: A Tensor Product based approach. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 3393-3398. ISBN 978-1-5090-1819-2

Klespitz, József and Bíró, Miklós and Kovács, Levente (2016) Cross-Tool Interoperability in Heterogeneous Application Lifecycle Management Systems. In: New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques. IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 213-220. ISBN 978-1-61499-674-3

Sápi, Johanna and Drexler, Dániel András and Kovács, Levente (2016) Discrete time state feedback with setpoint control, actual state observer and load estimation for a tumor growth model. In: Proceedings of the11th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics SACI 2016. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 111-118. ISBN 978-1-5090-2379-0

Klespitz, József and Bíró, Miklós and Kovács, Levente (2016) Enhanced traceability and consistency with Augmented Lifecycle Space. In: 20th IEEE Jubilee International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 207-212. ISBN 978-1-5090-1215-2; 978-1-5090-1216-9

Pethes, Róbert and Ferenci, Tamás and Kovács, Levente (2016) Infectious Hospital Agents: an individual-based simulation framework. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 3434-3439. ISBN 978-1-5090-1819-2

Eigner, György and Rudas, Imre J. and Kovács, Levente (2016) Investigation of the TP-based modeling possibility of a nonlinear ICU diabetes model. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 3405-3410. ISBN 978-1-5090-1819-2

Szalay, Péter and Benyó, Zoltán and Kovács, Levente (2016) Long-Term Prediction for T1DM Model During State-Feedback Control. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation. IEEE, [Piscataway, NJ], pp. 311-316.

Ferenci, Tamás and Sápi, Johanna and Kovács, Levente (2016) Modelling xenograft tumor growth under antiangiogenic inhibitation with mixed-effects models. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 3912-3917. ISBN 978-1-5090-1819-2

Kovács, Levente (2016) Physiological control systems for high-quality interdisciplinary researches. In: Proceedings of the11th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics SACI 2016. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 11-12. ISBN 978-1-5090-2379-0

Drexler, Dániel András and Kovács, Levente (2016) Second-order and implicit methods in numerical integration improve tracking performance of the closed-loop inverse kinematics algorithm. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 3362-3367. ISBN 978-1-5090-1819-2

Copot, Dana and De Keyser, Robin and Kovács, Levente and Ionescu, Clara (2016) Towards a cyber-medical system for drug assisting devices. In: 13th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis. IOP Publishing, London, pp. 1-9.

Birs, I. R. and Muresan, C. and Folea, S. and Prodan, O. and Kovács, Levente (2016) Vibration suppression with fractional-order PIλDμ controller. In: AQTR 2016 – International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics. IEEE Computer Society, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-4673-8692-0

Eigner, György and Pausits, Péter and Kovács, Levente (2016) A novel completed LPV controller and observer scheme in order to control nonlinear compartmental systems. In: IEEE 14th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics: SISY 2016. IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 85-92. ISBN 978-1-5090-2866-5

Garaguly, Z. and Kozlovszky, M. and Kovács, Levente (2016) The optimization of medical X-ray images. In: SAMI 2016 : IEEE 14th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics. IEEE, Herlany, pp. 147-152. ISBN 978-1-4673-8739-2

Eigner, György and Tar, Jozsef K. and Kovács, Levente (2015) Adaptive Control Solution for T1DM Control. In: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI 2015). Óbudai Egyetem, Budapest, pp. 215-220. ISBN 978-1-4799-9910-1

Kovács, Levente and Kurtán, B. and Eigner, Gy. and Rudas, I. and Chui, C. K. (2015) Analyzing of a Novel Time Delay Diabetes Model. In: ECC 2015 – 14th Annual European Control Conference. EUCA, Linz, pp. 13-18. ISBN 978-3-952-426-9

Eigner, György and Horváth, Péter and Tar, Jozsef K. and Rudas, Imre and Kovács, Levente (2015) Application of Robust Fixed Point control in case of T1DM. In: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2015. IEEE, Hong Kong, pp. 2459-2464. ISBN 978-1-4799-8697-2

Klespitz, József and Biró, Miklós and Kovács, Levente (2015) Aspects of improvement of software development lifecycle management. In: 16th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, CINTI 2015. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 323-327. ISBN 978-1-4673-8519-0

Ferenci, Tamás and Körner, A. and Kovács, Levente (2015) Association of autoantibody levels with the hazard of autoimmune comorbidities in children with type 1 diabetes. In: First European Biomedical Engineering Conference for Young Investigators. IFMBE Proceedings (50). Springer, Singapore, pp. 110-113. ISBN 978-981-287-572-3; 978-981-287-573-0

Ionescu, Clara M. and Mendonca, Teresa F. and Kovács, Levente (2015) Critically Safe General Anaesthesia in Closed Loop: Availability and Challenges. In: 9th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems (IFAC BMS 2015). Elsevier; IFAC, Berlin, pp. 551-556.

Eigner, György and Kurtán, Balázs and Rudas, Imre J. and Chui, Chee Kong and Kovács, Levente (2015) Examination of a novel double diabetes model. In: SAMI 2015 • IEEE 13th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics. IEEE Hungary Section, Herlany, pp. 41-46. ISBN 978-1-4799-8220-2; 978-1-4799-8221-9

Garaguly, Z. and Kozlovszky, M. and Kovács, Levente (2015) High resolution digital holographic microscope and image reconstruction. In: 19th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. IEEE, Bratislava, pp. 179-184. ISBN 978-1-4673-7938-0

Haidegger, Tamás and Varga, Viktor and Lehotsky, Ákos and Róna, Péter and Pethes, Róbert and Kovács, Levente and Szerémy, Péter and Szilágyi, László and Ferenci, Tamás (2015) Information Technology Tools Employed in Infection Control. In: 16th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, CINTI 2015. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 339-344. ISBN 978-1-4673-8519-0

Latafat, P. and Palumbo, P. and Pepe, P. and Kovács, Levente and Panunzi, S. (2015) An LMI-Based Controller for the Glucose-Insulin System. In: ECC 2015 – 14th Annual European Control Conference. EUCA, Linz, pp. 7-12. ISBN 978-3-952-426-9

Klespitz, J. and Rudas, I. and Kovács, Levente (2015) LMI-based feedback regulator design via TP transformation for fluid volume control in blood purification therapies. In: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2015. IEEE, Hong Kong, pp. 2615-2619. ISBN 978-1-4799-8697-2

Kovács, Levente (2015) Modeling and Control of Physiological Systems. In: First European Biomedical Engineering Conference for Young Investigators. IFMBE Proceedings (50). Springer, Singapore, pp. 7-10. ISBN 978-981-287-572-3; 978-981-287-573-0

Eigner, György and Tar, József K. and Kovács, Levente (2015) Novel Error Interpretation in case of Linear Parameter Varying Systems. In: 16th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, CINTI 2015. IEEE, Budapest, pp. 243-248. ISBN 978-1-4673-8519-0

Kovács, Levente and Fodor, János and Ősz, Rita and Rudas, Imre and Kozlovszky, Miklós (2015) Physiological Control Researches at Obuda University. In: Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2015: 15th International Conference, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. Springer-Verlag, Las Palmas, pp. 127-128. ISBN 978-84-606-5438-4

Kovács, Levente and Ferenci, Tamás and Sápi, J. and Eigner, Gy. and Klespitz, J. (2015) Physiological Modeling and Control at Obuda University. In: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI 2015). Óbudai Egyetem, Budapest, pp. 21-25. ISBN 978-1-4799-9910-1

Klespitz, J. and Takács, M. and Rudas, I. and Kovács, Levente (2014) Adaptive soft computing methods for control of hemodialysis machines. In: iFuzzy2014 – 2014 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications. IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, Kaohsiung, pp. 109-112.

Klespitz, József and Takács, Márta and Kovács, Levente (2014) Application of fuzzy logic in hemodialysis equipment. In: Proc. of the 18th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES 2014). IEEE Hungary Section, Tihany, pp. 169-173. ISBN 978-1-4799-4616-7

Gyuk, P. and Szabó, I. and Vassányi, I. and Kósa, I. and Kovács, Levente (2014) Combined Model for Diabetes Lifestyle Support. In: European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) Special Topic Conference. IOS Press, Budapest, pp. 77-81.

Szilágyi, L. and Dénesi, G. and Kovács, Levente and Szilágyi, S. M. (2014) Comparison of Various Improved-Partition Fuzzy c-Means Clustering Algorithms in Fast Color Reduction. In: SISY 2014. IEEE Hungary Section, Subotica, pp. 197-202. ISBN 978-1-4799-5995-2

Szalay, P. and Eigner, Gy. and Benyó, Z. and Rudas, I . and Kovács, Levente (2014) Comparison of sigma-point filters for state estimation of diabetes models. In: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC). IEEE, Piscataway, pp. 2506-2511. ISBN 978-1-4799-3840-7

Eigner, György and Sas, Péter István and Kovács, Levente (2014) Continuous glucose monitoring systems in the service of artificial pancreas. In: 9th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics ; SACI 2014. IEEE Hungary Section, Timisoara, pp. 117-122. ISBN 978-1-4799-4694-5

Ferenci, Tamás and Kovács, Levente (2014) Effects of paediatric obesity: a multivariate analysis of laboratory parameters. In: Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Food Science and Technology. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Chichester, pp. 303-320. ISBN 978-1-118-43368-3

Sápi, J. and Drexler, D.A. and Sápi, Z. and Kovács, Levente (2014) Identification of C38 colon adenocarcinoma growth under bevacizumab therapy and without therapy. In: CINTI 2014 15th IEEE International Symposium on COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE and INFORMATICS. IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 443-448.

Szalay, P. and Eigner, Gy. and Kovács, Levente (2014) Linear Matrix Inequality-based Robust Controller design for Type-1 Diabetes Model. In: IFAC WC 2014 – 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control. Elsevier - IFAC, Cape Town, pp. 9247-9252. ISBN 978-3-902823-62-5

Kovács, Levente (2014) Model-Based Disease Treatment. A Control Engineering Approach. In: Advances in Soft Computing, Intelligent Robotics and Control. Topics in Intelligent Engineering and Informatics (8). Springer, Heidelberg; London; New York, pp. 55-68. ISBN 978-3-319-05944-0

Kovács, Levente and Sápi, Johanna and Eigner, György and Ferenci, Tamás and Szalay, Péter and Klespitz, József and Kozlovszky, Miklós and Drexler, Dániel András and Harmati, István and Rudas, Imre (2014) Model-based healthcare applications at Óbuda University. In: 9th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics ; SACI 2014. IEEE Hungary Section, Timisoara, pp. 183-187. ISBN 978-1-4799-4694-5

Tar, József and Haidegger, Tamás and Kovács, Levente and Kósi, Krisztián and Botka, Balázs and Rudas, Imre (2014) Nonlinear Order-Reduced Adaptive Controller for a DC Motor Driven Electric Cart. In: 18th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems - INES 2014. IEEE Hungary Section, Tihany, pp. 73-78. ISBN 978-1-4799-4615-0

Tar, J .K . and Kovács, Levente and Takács, Á. and Takács, B. and Zentay, P. (2014) Novel Design of a Model Reference Adaptive Controller for Soft Tissue Operations. In: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC). IEEE, Piscataway, pp. 2476-2481. ISBN 978-1-4799-3840-7

Tar, J. K. and Rudas, I J. and Kovács, Levente and Haidegger, T. and Kurtán, B. (2014) Observation-Based Data Driven Adaptive Control of an Electromechanical Device. In: 2014 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control. IEEE, Piscataway, pp. 1895-1900. ISBN 978-1-4799-7405-4

Klespitz, József and Kovács, Levente (2014) Peristaltic pumps – a review on working and control possibilities. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI 2014). IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 191-194. ISBN 978-1-4799-3441-6

Takács, Árpád and Sándor, Jordán and Precup, Radu-Emil and Kovács, Levente and Tar, József and Rudas, Imre and Haidegger, Tamás (2014) Review of Tool–Tissue Interaction Models for Robotic Surgery Applications. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI 2014). IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 339-344. ISBN 978-1-4799-3441-6

Tar, József and Várkonyi, Teréz Anna and Kovács, Levente and Rudas, Imre and Haidegger, Tamás (2014) Robust Fixed Point Transformation Based Design for Model Reference Adaptive Control of a Modified TORA System. In: IROS 2014 – 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE, Piscataway, Piscataway, pp. 123-128. ISBN 978-1-4799-6933-3

Panunzi, S. and Borri, A. and Palumbo, P. and Kovács, Levente and Gaetano, A. De (2014) Simulation of insulin regimen and glucose profiles in Type 1 Diabetic Patient. In: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC). IEEE, Piscataway, pp. 2494-2499. ISBN 978-1-4799-3840-7

Szeles, A. and Drexler, D.A. and Sápi, Johanna and Harmati, I. and Kovács, Levente (2014) Study of Modern Control Methodologies Applied to Tumor Growth under Angiogenic Inhibition. In: IFAC WC 2014 – 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control. Elsevier - IFAC, Cape Town, pp. 9271-9276. ISBN 978-3-902823-62-5

Ferenci, Tamás and Kovács, Levente (2014) Using Total Correlation to Discover Related Clusters of Clinical Chemistry Parameters. In: SISY 2014. IEEE Hungary Section, Subotica, pp. 49-54. ISBN 978-1-4799-5995-2

Kozlovszky, Miklós and Kovács, Levente and Törőcsik, M. and Windisch, Gergely and Ács, S. and Prém, Dániel and Eigner, György and Schubert, Tamás and Póser, Valéria (2013) Cloud security monitoring and vulnerability management. In: IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES), 2013. IEEE, Piscataway, pp. 265-269. ISBN 978-1-4799-0830-1; 978-1-4799-0828-8

Ferenci, Tamás and Körner, A. and Kovács, Levente (2013) Correlation investigations between HbA1c and blood glucose indicators on type 1 diabetic Hungarian children. In: SACI 2013 – 8th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics. IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 443-447. ISBN 978-4673-6400-3

Klespitz, József and Kovács, Levente (2013) Identification and control of peristaltic pumps in hemodialysis machines. In: CINTI 2013 : Proceeding of the 14th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics. IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 83-87. ISBN 978-1-4799-0194-4

Kiss, Bálint and Sápi, Johanna and Kovács, Levente (2013) Imaging method for model-based control of tumor diseases. In: SISY 2013. IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 271-275. ISBN 978-1-4799-0303-0

Eigner, György and Sas, Peter Istvan and Kovács, Levente (2013) Insulin pump testing platform for robust controller. In: ICCC 2013, Proceedings of IEEE 9th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics. IEEE Hungary Section, Tihany, pp. 201-205. ISBN 978-1-4799-0061-9; 978-1-4799-0060-2

Szeles, Annamária and Drexler, Dániel András and Sápi, Johanna and Harmati, István and Kovács, Levente (2013) Model-based Angiogenic Inhibition of Tumor Growth using Feedback Linearization. In: Proceedings of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. IEEE, Piscataway, pp. 2054-2059. ISBN 978-1-4673-5716-6

Kovács, Levente and Sápi, Johanna and Ferenci, Tamás and Szalay, Péter and Drexler, Dániel András and Eigner, György and Sas, P. I. and Kiss, B. and Harmati, István and Kozlovszky, Miklós and Sápi, Z. (2013) Model-based optimal therapy for high-impact diseases. In: IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES), 2013. IEEE, Piscataway, pp. 209-214. ISBN 978-1-4799-0830-1; 978-1-4799-0828-8

Kovács, Levente (2013) Modern Robust Control in Patophysiology: From Theory to Application. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 11th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI 2013). IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 13-14. ISBN 978-1-4673-5928-3

Kozlovszky, Miklós and Hegedűs, K. and Szénási, Sándor and Kiszler, G. and Wichmann, B. and Eigner, György and Kovács, Levente (2013) Parameter assisted HE colored tissue image classification. In: IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES), 2013. IEEE, Piscataway, pp. 203-207. ISBN 978-1-4799-0830-1; 978-1-4799-0828-8

Sápi, Johanna and Drexler, Dániel András and Kovács, Levente (2013) Parameter optimization of H∞ controller designed for tumor growth in the light of physiological aspects. In: CINTI 2013 : Proceeding of the 14th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics. IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 19-24. ISBN 978-1-4799-0194-4

Jordán, S. and Haidegger, Tamás and Kovács, Levente and Felde, Imre and Rudas, Imre (2013) The Rising Prospects of Cloud Robotic Applications. In: ICCC 2013, Proceedings of IEEE 9th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics. IEEE Hungary Section, Tihany, pp. 327-332. ISBN 978-1-4799-0061-9; 978-1-4799-0060-2

Kovács, Levente and Haidegger, Tamás and Rudas, Imre (2013) Surgery from a Distance—Application of Intelligent Control for Telemedicine. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 11th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI 2013). IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 125-129. ISBN 978-1-4673-5928-3

Sápi, Johanna and Drexler, Dániel András and Harmati, István and Szeles, Annamária and Kiss, Bernadett and Sápi, Zoltán and Kovács, Levente (2013) Tumor growth model identification and analysis in case of C38 colon adenocarcinoma and B16 melanoma. In: SACI 2013 – 8th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics. IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 303-308. ISBN 978-4673-6400-3

Szalay, Péter and Eigner, György and Kozlovszky, Miklós and Rudas, Imre and Kovács, Levente (2013) The significance of LPV modeling of a widely used T1DM model. In: EMBC 2013 – 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE, Seattle, pp. 3531-3534. ISBN 978-1-4577-0214-3

Szalay, Péter and Kovács, Levente (2012) Applicability of Asymptotic Tracking in Case of Type 1 Diabetes. In: Applied Computational Intelligence in Engineering and Information Technology. Applied Computational Intelligence in Engineering and Information Technology . Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg, pp. 249-260. ISBN 978-3-642-28304-8

Pintér, Patrícia and Vajda, Lóránt and Kovács, Levente (2012) Developing a decision support system to determine carbohydrate intake of diabetic patients. In: IEEE 10th Jubilee International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, SAMI 2012. IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 427-430. ISBN 978-1-4577-0197-9

Sápi, Johanna and Drexler, Dániel András and Harmati, István and Sápi, Zoltán and Kovács, Levente (2012) Linear state-feedback control synthesis of tumor growth control in antiangiogenic therapy. In: IEEE 10th Jubilee International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, SAMI 2012. IEEE Hungary Section, Budapest, pp. 143-148. ISBN 978-1-4577-0197-9

Szeles, Annamária and Sápi, Johanna and Drexler, Dániel András and Harmati, István and Sápi, Zoltán and Kovács, Levente (2012) Model-based Angiogenic Inhibition of Tumor Growth using Modern Robust Control Method. In: Proceedings of 8th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems. Curran, New York, pp. 113-118. ISBN 9781622763719; 978-3-902823-10-6

Kovács, Levente and Szalay, Péter and Ferenci, Tamás and Sápi, Johanna and Sas, Péter István and Drexler, Dániel András and Harmati, István and Benyó, Balázs István (2012) Model-based control algorithms for optimal therapy of high-impact public health diseases. In: Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Conference International Conference on Intelligent Engineering System 2012. IEEE, Lisboa, Lisszabon, pp. 531-536. ISBN 978-1-4673-2695-7

Sas, P.I. and Lukacs, L. and Kovacs, A. and Borbély, Endre and Kovács, Levente (2012) Monitoring drivers' vital parameters. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Logistics and Industrial Informatics. IEEE, Smolenice, pp. 255-259. ISBN 978-1-4673-4519-4

Szalay, Péter and Sas, Péter István and Barkai, László and Kovács, Levente (2012) Nonlinear analysis of Type 1 Diabetes Models by Differential Geometric Approach. In: Proceedings of 8th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems. Curran, New York, pp. 55-60. ISBN 9781622763719; 978-3-902823-10-6

Kovács, Laura and Paláncz, Béla and Kovács, Levente (2012) Solving Robust Glucose-Insulin Control by Dixon Resultant Computations. In: Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC), 2012 14th International Symposium on. IEEE, Seattle, pp. 53-61. ISBN 978-1-4673-5026-6

Conference or Workshop Item

Kőble, Andrea and Győrfi, Ágnes and Csaholczi, Szabolcs and Suranyi, Bela and Dénes-Fazakas, Lehel and Kovács, Levente and Szilágyi, László (2021) Identifying the most suitable histogram normalization technique for machine learning based segmentation of multispectral brain MRI data. In: 2021 IEEE AFRICON, 2021. szeptember 13-15., Arusha, Tanzania.

Iclanzan, David and Lung, Iona Rodica and Kucsván, Zsolt Levente and Suranyi, Bela and Kovács, Levente and Szilágyi, László (2021) The role of atlases and multi-atlases in brain tissue segmentation based on multispectral magnetic resonance image data. In: 2021 IEEE AFRICON, 2021. szeptember 13-15., Arusha, Tanzania.

Csaholczi, Szabolcs and Kovács, Levente and Szilágyi, László (2021) Automatic Segmentation of Brain Tumor Parts from MRI Data Using a Random Forest Classifier. In: IEEE 19th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), 21-23 January 2021, Herl'any, Slovakia.

Suranyi, Bela and Kovács, Levente and Szilágyi, László (2021) Segmentation of Brain Tissues from Infant MRI Records Using Machine Learning Techniques. In: IEEE 19th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), 21-23 January 2021, Herl'any, Slovakia.

Dénes-Fazakas, Lehel and Szilágyi, László and Tasic, Jelena and Kovács, Levente and Eigner, György (2021) Detection of physical activity using machine learning methods. In: 20th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 2020.11.05. - 2020.11.07., Budapest, Hungary.

Czakó, Bence Géza and Drexler, Dániel András and Kovács, Levente (2020) Impulsive Control of Tumor Growth via Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Using Direct Multiple Shooting. In: European Control Conference (ECC), 2020.05.12. - 2020.05.15., St. Petersburg, Russia.

Eigner, György and Nagy, Miklós and Kovács, Levente (2020) Machine learning application development to predict blood glucose level based on real time patient data. In: 2020 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies, 2020.04.06. - 2020.04.07., Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.

Péceli, Bálint and Drexler, Dániel András and Kovács, Levente (2020) Optimal scheduling of low-dose metronomic chemotherapy: an in-silico analysis. In: IEEE 15th International Conference of System of Systems Engineering, 2020.06.02. - 2020.06.04., Budapest, Hungary.

Siket, Máté and Eigner, György and Kovács, Levente (2020) Sensitivity and identifiability analysis of a third-order tumor growth model. In: 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference of System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), 2020.06.02. - 2020.06.04., Budapest, Hungary.

Szigeti, Mátyás and Ferenci, Tamás and Kovács, Levente (2020) The use of block maxima method of extreme value statistics to characterise blood glucose curves. In: 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference of System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), 2020.06.02. - 2020.06.04., Budapest, Hungary.

Szigeti, Mátyás and Ferenci, Tamás and Kovács, Levente (2020) The use of peak over threshold methods to characterise blood glucose curves. In: 2020 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), 2020.05.21. - 2020.05.23., Timisoara, Romania.

Győrfi, Ágnes and Kovács, Levente and Szilágyi, László (2019) Brain tumor segmentation from multispectral MR image data using ensemble learning methods. In: Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP 2019), 28-31 Oct 2019, La Habana, Cuba. (In Press)

Győrfi, Ágnes and Karetka-Mezei, Zoltán and Iclanzan, David and Kovács, Levente and Szilágyi, László (2019) A study on histogram normalization for brain tumor segmentation from multispectral MR image data. In: Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP 2019), 28-31 Oct 2019, La Habana, Cuba. (In Press)

Győrfi, Ágnes and Kovács, Levente and Szilágyi, László (2019) A feature ranking and selection algorithm for brain tumor segmentation in multi-spectral magnetic resonance image data. In: Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 23-27 Jul 2019, Berlin.

Győrfi, Ágnes and Kovács, Levente and Szilágyi, László (2019) Brain Tumor Detection and Segmentation from Magnetic Resonance Image Data Using Ensemble Learning Methods. In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), 2019.10.06. - 2019.10.09., Bari, Italy.

Győrfi, Ágnes and Kovács, Levente and Szilágyi, László (2019) Brain Tumour Segmentation from Multispectral MR Image Data Using Ensemble Learning Methods. In: 24th Iberoamerican Congress (CIARP 2019), 2019.10.28. - 2019.10.31., Havana, Cuba.

Drexler, Dániel András and Ferenci, Tamás and Lovrics, Anna and Kovács, Levente (2019) Comparison of Michaelis-Menten kinetics modeling alternatives in cancer chemotherapy modeling. In: IEEE 13th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 2019.05.29. - 2019.05.31., Timişoara, Romania.

Czakó, Bence Géza and Drexler, Dániel András and Kovács, Levente (2019) Continuous time Robust Fixed Point Transformations based control. In: AFRICON Conference, 2019.09.25 - 2019.09.27., Accra.

Kovács, Levente and Siket, Máté and Rudas, Imre and Szakál, Anikó and Eigner, György (2019) Discrete LPV Based Parameter Estimation for TIDM Patients by Using Dual Extended Kalman Filtering Method. In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), 2019.10.06. - 2019.10.09., Bari, Italy.

Drexler, Dániel András and Ferenci, Tamás and Kovács, Levente (2019) Extended tumor growth model for combined therapy. In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2019.10.06. - 2019.10.09., Bari, Italy.

Varga, Árpád and Kovács, Levente and Eigner, György and Kocur, Dusan and Tar, József K. (2019) Fixed Point Iteration-based Adaptive Control for a Delayed Differential Equation Model of Diabetes Mellitus. In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2019.10.06. - 2019.10.09., Bari, Italy.

Drexler, Dániel András and Ferenci, Tamás and Lovrics, Anna and Kovács, Levente (2019) Modeling of tumor growth incorporating the effect of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin. In: IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, 2019.04.25. - 2019.04.27., Gödöllő, Hungary.

Nagy, Balázs and Kovács, Levente and Benedek, Csaba (2019) Online Targetless End-to-End Camera-LIDAR Self-calibration. In: 16th International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), 27-31 May 2019, Tokyo, Japan.

Drexler, Dániel András and Kovács, Levente (2019) Optimization of impulsive discrete-time tumor chemotherapy. In: Societal Automation : Technological & Architectural Frameworks: First International Conference, 2019.09.04. - 2019.09.06., Krakow, Poland.

Tašić, Jelena and György, Eigner and Kovács, Levente (2019) Review of Algorithms for Improving Control of Blood Glucose Levels. In: 18th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, 2019.09.17. - 2019.09.19., Subotica, Serbia.

Eigner, György and Böjthe, István and Mészáros, Alajos and Kovács, Levente (2019) Robust H∞ controller design for T1DM based on relaxed LMI conditions. In: IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, 2019.04.25. - 2019.04.27., Gödöllő, Hungary.

Nagy, Balázs and Kovács, Levente and Benedek, Csaba (2019) SFM and Semantic Information Based Online Targetless Camera-LIDAR Self-Calibration. In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2019. szeptember 22-25., Taipei, Taiwan.

Szigeti, Mátyás and Kovács, Levente and Ferenci, Tamás (2019) Stability of Relative and Absolute Metrics: Empirical Evidence from Pulmonology. In: 2019 IEEE 17th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), 2019. január 24. - 2019. január 26., Herlany (Slovakia).

Győrfi, Ágnes and Karetka-Mezei, Zoltán and Iclănzan, David and Kovács, Levente and Szilágyi, László (2019) A Study on Histogram Normalization for Brain Tumour Segmentation from Multispectral MR Image Data. In: 24th Iberoamerican Congress (CIARP 2019), 2019.10.28. - 2019.10.31., Havana, Cuba.

Kovács, Levente and Eigner, György and Czakó, Bence and Siket, Máté and Tar, József K. (2019) An opportunity of using Robust Fixed Point Transformation-based controller design in case of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. In: Societal Automation : Technological & Architectural Frameworks: First International Conference, 2019.09.04. - 2019.09.06., Krakow, Poland.

Kovács, Levente (2017) Cyber-Medical Systems: the Digitalized Healthcare Approach and Its Trends. In: MACRo 2017: 6th International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Science and Robotics, 2017.10.27-2017.10.28, Marosvásárhely.

Klespitz, József and Bíró, Miklós and Kovács, Levente (2016) Evaluation criteria for application life cycle management systems in practice. In: 2016 IEEE 11th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), 2016.05.12-2016.05.14, Timisoara.

Kozlovszky, Miklós and Mészáros, D. and Bognár, G. and Jókay, B. A. and Altsach, Ádám and Pálos, N. and Kovács, Levente (2014) Protocol based intervention plan analyser. In: IMIT 2014 - International Medical Informatics and Telemedicine, 2014.04.13-2014.04.15, Genf, Svájc.

Ferenci, Tamás and Kovács, Levente and Körner, A. (2013) Az életkor, diabetestartam, HBA1C és a vércukorszint alakulásának jellemzői közti összefüggések CGM adatok alapján. In: A Magyar Gyermekorvosok Társasága és a Magyar Diabétesz Társaság XXX. Gyermekdiabétesz tudományos ülése, 2013.10.03-2013.10.05, Balatonfüred, Magyarország.

Kovács, Levente and Ferenci, Tamás and Benyó, Balázs István and Kovács, Adalbert and Chase, Geoffrey J. (2013) Short- and long-term evolution of insulin sensitivity variability in critically ill patients. In: Proceedings of the XIIIth Conference on Mathematics and its Applications, 2012.11.01-2012.11.03, Temesvár.

Kovács, A. and Kovács, L. and Kovács, Levente (2013) The boundary element method in the study of the fluid’s non-stationary motion through network profiles. In: Proceedings of the XIIIth Conference on Mathematics and its Applications, 2012.11.01-2012.11.03, Temesvár.

Kovács, Levente and Kozlovszky, Miklós and Szalay, Péter and Eigner, György and Sas, P. I. (2013) A magyar mesterséges hasnyálmirigy projekt legújabb eredményei. In: A Magyar Gyermekorvosok Társasága és a Magyar Diabétesz Társaság XXX. Gyermekdiabétesz tudományos ülése, 2013.10.03-2013.10.05, Balatonfüred.

Kovács, Levente and Almássy, Zsuzsanna and Felszeghy, Enikő and Soós, Hajnalka and Niederland, Tamás and Barkai, László (2012) Magyar mesterséges hasnyálmirigy algoritmusának előzetes modell-független eredményei. In: A Magyar Gyermekorvosok Társasága és a Magyar Diabétesz Társaság XXIX. Gyermekdiabétesz tudományos ülése, 2012.11.21-2012.11.22, Debrecen, Magyarország.

Kovács, Levente and Haidegger, Tamás (2012) Telesurgery: a control theory approach. In: MAVE–BME 1st International Workshop on Computer-Integrated Surgery, 2011.06.07-2011.06.14, Budapest, Magyarország.

Kovács, Levente and Szalay, Péter and Sas, Péter István and Németh, Máté and Almássy, Zsuzsanna and Benyó, Balázs István (2012) Validation results of a Hungarian artificial pancreas algorithm. In: 5th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatment for Diabetes, 2012.02.08-2012.02.11, Barcelona.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 18 10:29:23 2025 CET.