Items where Author is "Estók, Péter"

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Number of items: 22.


Vidovszky, Márton Z. and Kapitány, Szilvia and Gellért, Ákos and Harrach, Balázs and Görföl, Tamás and Boldogh, Sándor A. and Kemenesi, Gábor and Estók, Péter and Horváth, Anna and Kaján, Győző L. (2023) Detection and Genetic Characterization of Circoviruses in More Than 80 Bat Species from Eight Countries on Four Continents. VETERINARY RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 47 (3). pp. 1561-1573. ISSN 0165-7380 (print); 1573-7446 (online)

Görföl, Tamás and Huang, Joe Chun-Chia and Csorba, Gábor and Győrössy, Dorottya and Estók, Péter and Szabadi, Kriszta Lilla and Zsebők, Sándor (2022) ChiroVox: a Public Library of Bat Calls. PEERJ : LIFE AND ENVIROMENT, 10. pp. 1-15. ISSN 2167-8359

Kemenesi, Gábor and Tóth, Gábor E. and Mayora-Neto, Martin and Scott, Simon and Temperton, Nigel and Wright, Edward and Mühlberger, Elke and Hume, Adam J. and Suder, Ellen L. and Zana, Brigitta and Boldogh, Sándor A. and Görföl, Tamás and Estók, Péter and Szentiványi, Tamara and Lanszki, Zsófia and Somogyi, Balázs A. and Nagy, Ágnes and Pereszlényi, Csaba I. and Dudás, Gábor and Földes, Fanni and Kurucz, Kornélia and Madai, Mónika and Zeghbib, Safia and Maes, Piet and Vanmechelen, Bert and Jakab, Ferenc (2022) Isolation of infectious Lloviu virus from Schreiber’s bats in Hungary. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 13 (1). ISSN 2041-1723

Sosovicska, Bernadett and Estók, Péter (2020) A Magyar szöcskeegér (Sicista trizona trizona) hazai maradványpopulációinak kutatása bagolyköpet-analízis segítségével. Az Eszterházy Károly Egyetem tudományos közleményei (Új sorozat 45. köt.). Tanulmányok a biológiai tudományok köréből = Acta Universitatis de Carolo Eszterházy Nominatae. Sectio Biologiae, 45. pp. 73-81. ISSN 2732-0480

Hornok, Sándor and Szőke, Krisztina and Meli, Marina and Sándor, Attila D. and Görföl, Tamás and Estók, Péter and Wang, Yuanzhi and Tu, Tan Vuong and Kováts, Dávid and Boldogh, Sándor A. and Corduneanu, Alexandra and Sulyok, Kinga Mária and Gyuranecz, Miklós and Kontschán, Jenő and Takács, Nóra and Halajian, Ali and Epis, Sara and Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2019) Molecular detection of vector-borne bacteria in bat ticks (Acari: Ixodidae, Argasidae) from eight countries of the Old and New Worlds. PARASITES AND VECTORS, 12. ISSN 1756-3305

Hornok, Sándor and Szőke, Krisztina and Meli, Marina L. and Sándor, Attila D. and Görföl, Tamás and Estók, Péter and Kováts, Dávid and Boldogh, Sándor A. and Sulyok, Kinga M. and Gyuranecz, Miklós and Kontschán, Jenő and Takács, Nóra (2019) Molecular detection of vector-borne bacteria in bat ticks (Acari: Ixodidae, Argasidae) from eight countries of the Old and New Worlds. PARASITES AND VECTORS, 12. pp. 1-7. ISSN 1756-3305

Hornok, Sándor and Szőke, Krisztina and Estók, Péter and Krawczyk, Aleksandra and Haarsma, Anne-Jifke and Kováts, Dávid and Boldogh, Sándor A. and Morandini, Pál and Szekeres, Sándor and Takács, Nóra and Kontschán, Jenő and Gyuranecz, Miklós and Sulyok, Kinga M. (2018) Assessing bat droppings and predatory bird pellets for vector-borne bacteria: molecular evidence of bat-associated Neorickettsia sp. in Europe. ANTONIE VAN LEEUWENHOEK INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENERAL AND MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY, 111. pp. 1707-1717. ISSN 0003-6072

Sándor, Attila and Földvári, M. and Krawczyk, A. I. and Sprong, H. and Corduneanu, A. and Barti, Levente and Görföl, Tamás and Estók, Péter and Kováts, Dávid and Szekeres, Sándor and László, Zoltán and Hornok, Sándor and Földvári, Gábor (2018) Eco-epidemiology of Novel Bartonella Genotypes from Parasitic Flies of Insectivorous Bats. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, 27. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0962-1083

Zana, Brigitta and Kemenesi, Gábor and Urbán, Péter and Földes, Fanni and Görföl, Tamás and Estók, Péter and Boldogh, Sándor and Kurucz, Kornélia and Jakab, Ferenc (2018) Metagenomic analysis of bat guano samples revealed the presence of viruses potentially carried by insects, among others by Apis mellifera in Hungary. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 66 (1). pp. 151-161. ISSN 0236-6290

Kemenesi, Gábor and Kurucz, Kornélia and Zana, Brigitta and Tu, Vuong Tan and Görföl, Tamás and Estók, Péter and Földes, Fanni and Sztancsik, Katalin and Urbán, Péter and Fehér, Enikő and Jakab, Ferenc (2017) Highly divergent cyclo-like virus in a great roundleaf bat (Hipposideros armiger) in Vietnam. Archives of Virology, 162 (8). pp. 2403-2407. ISSN 0304-8608

Szőke, Krisztin and Sándor, Attila D. and Boldogh, Sándor A. and Görföl, Tamás and Votýpka, Jan and Takács, Nóra and Estók, Péter and Kováts, Dávid and Corduneanu, Alexandra and Molnár, Viktor and Kontschán, Jenő and Hornok, Sándor (2017) DNA of free-living bodonids (Euglenozoa: Kinetoplastea) in bat ectoparasites: potential relevance to the evolution of parasitic trypanosomatids. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 65 (4). pp. 531-540. ISSN 0236-6290

Hornok, Sándor and Szőke, Krisztina and Tan Tu, Vuong and Kontschán, Jenő and Takács, Nóra and Sándor, Attila and Földvári, Gábor and Estók, Péter and Görföl, Tamás (2017) Mitochondrial gene heterogeneity of the bat soft tick Argas vespertilionis (Ixodida: Argasidae) in the Palaearctic. PARASITES AND VECTORS, 10. No. 109. ISSN 1756-3305

Hornok, Sándor and Szőke, Krisztina and Görföl, Tamás and Földvári, Gábor and Tan Tu, Vuong and Takács, Nóra and Kontschán, Jenő and Sándor, Attila D. and Estók, Péter and Boldogh, Sándor and Kováts, Dávid (2017) Molecular investigation of the bat tick Argas vespertilionis (Ixodida: Argasidae) and Babesia vesperuginis (Apicomplexa: Piroplasmida) reflect "bat connection" between Central Europe and Central Asia. EXPERIMENTAL AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY, 72. pp. 69-77. ISSN 0168-8162

Hornok, Sándor and Szőke, Krisztina and Boldogh, Sándor A. and Sándor, Attila D. and Kontschán, Jenő and Takács, Nóra and Görföl, Tamás and Estók, Péter (2017) Phylogenetic analyses of bat-associated bugs (Hemiptera: Cimicidae: Cimicinae and Cacodminae) indicate two new species close to Cimex lectularius. PARASITES AND VECTORS, 10. No. 439. ISSN 1756-3305

Hornok, Sándor and Görföl, Tamás and Estók, Péter and Tan Tu, Vuong and Kontschán, Jenő (2016) Description of a new tick species, Ixodes collaris n. sp. (Acari: Ixodidae), from bats (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae, Rhinolophidae) in Vietnam. PARASITES AND VECTORS, 9. p. 332. ISSN 1756-3305

Tu, Vuong Tan and Estók, Péter and Csorba, Gábor and Son, Nguyen Truong and Thanh, Hoang Trung and Görföl, Tamás (2016) Recent remarkable records reveal that Phia Oac-Phia Den Nature Reserve is a priority area for bat conservation in Northern Vietnam. JOURNAL OF ASIA-PACIFIC BIODIVERSITY, 9 (3). pp. 312-322. ISSN 2287-884X

Uhrin, Marcel and Huttmeir, Ulrich and Kipson, Marina and Estók, Péter and Sachanowicz, Konrad and Görföl, Tamás (2016) Status of Savi's pipistrelle Hypsugo savii (Chiroptera) and range expansion in Central and south-eastern Europe: a review. MAMMAL REVIEW, 46 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0305-1838

Kondor, Tamás and Estók, Péter and Szentgyörgyi, Péter and Szőke, Krisztina and Cserkész, Tamás (2015) A csíkos szöcskeegér helyzete a Hernád-völgyben. TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 21. pp. 139-150. ISSN 1216-4585

Voigt, C. C. and Lehnert, L. S. and Popa-Lisseanu, A. G. and Ciechanowski, M. and Estók, Péter and Görföl, Tamás (2014) The trans-boundary importance of artificial bat hibernacula in managed European forests. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, 23 (3). pp. 617-631. ISSN 0960-3115

Estók, Péter and Gombkötő, Péter (2007) Review of the Hungarian data of Nyctalus lasiopterus (SCHREBER, 1780). Folia historico-naturalia Musei Matraensis, 31. pp. 167-172. ISSN 0134-1243

Estók, Péter (2006) Fehérszélű denevér Pipistrellus kuhlii (Kuhl, 1819) – új emlősfaj a Bükk faunájában. Folia historico-naturalia Musei Matraensis, 30. pp. 297-298. ISSN 0134-1243

Estók, Péter and Bihari, Zoltán and Gombkötő, Péter (2006) A nimfadenevér (Myotis alcathoe Helversen & Heller 2001), mint új faj a Zemplén emlősfaunájában. Folia historico-naturalia Musei Matraensis, 30. pp. 439-440. ISSN 0134-1243

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