Rébay, Magdolna (2016) Négy erdélyi arisztokrata család/nemzetség (Jósika, Klebelsberg, Majthényi, Mikes) tagjai a kalksburgi jezsuita kollégiumban és a bécsi Theresianumban a dualizmus korában. In: A PEDAGÓGUSKÉPZÉS XXI. SZÁZADI PERSPEKTÍVÁI. Babeş-Bolyai Tudományegyetem Pedagógia és Alkalmazott Didaktika Intézet, Doceo Egyesület, Kolozsvár. (Submitted)
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In our research we focus on the education of high rank families in Hungary. By doing a prosopographical investigation we see the connection between home and school education in dualism; expectations and requirements needed to meet by schools and how they wanted to realize them. The two inspected grammar schools were chosen by surprisingly many Transylvanian families – for their elite nature and colourful educational programs adopting to the aristocratic traditions. Earlier we had members of four families inspected and now we take members from four other Transylvanian aristocratic families (Barons Jósika and Majthényi, Counts Klebelsberg and Mikes). Our resources were school and admission reports, lists of students. Our questions of research: how many years the students spent in the schools in what status; which subjects they chose to learn and what things we know about their previous and later studies. Our results show that the aristocratic boys applied for the secondary schools typically after their private studies but there were exceptions as well. They had three paths: stayed in the firstly chosen institution until finishing the last class; they finished either the lower classes or the higher classes or one of those in one of the schools. The tradition of learning French prevailed in these families, too. For a complete education they put a great emphasis on teaching music and doing sports, too. Often learning Hungarian was a primary requirement. Parents gave a futile description of their children and we can observe adaptation to the individuality during the training and education.
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