Items where Author is "Fodor, Zoltán"

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Number of items: 91.

Paolo, Parotto and Borsányi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltán and Jana, N. Guenther and Ruben, Kara and Katz, Sándor and Pásztor, Attila (2022) Equation of state of QCD at finite chemical potential from an alternative expansion scheme. POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, 396. ISSN 1824-8039

Borsányi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltán and Giordano, Matteo and Katz, Sandor D. and Nógrádi, Dániel and Pásztor, Attila (2022) Lattice simulations of the QCD chiral transition at real baryon density. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 105 (5). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2470-0010

Pásztor, Attila and Borsányi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltán and Giordano, Matteo and Katz, Sándor and Nógrádi, Dániel (2022) Lattice simulations of the QCD chiral transition at real μB. SciPost Physics Proceedings, 2022 (6). ISSN 2666-4003

Pásztor, Attila and Borsányi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltán and Giordano, Matteo and Kapás, Kornél and Katz, Sándor and Nógrádi, Dániel (2022) New approach to lattice QCD at finite density: reweighting without an overlap problem. POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, 396. ISSN 1824-8039

Bellwied, Rene and Borsányi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltán and Guenther, Jana N. and Katz, Sándor and Pásztor, Attila and Szabó, Kálmán (2022) Quantifying corrections to the hadron resonance gas with lattice QCD. POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, 396. ISSN 1824-8039

Borsányi, Szabolcs and Guenther, Jana N. and Kara, Ruben and Fodor, Zoltán and Parotto, Paolo and Pásztor, Attila and Ratti, Claudia and Szabó, Kálmán (2022) Resummed lattice QCD equation of state at finite baryon density: Strangeness neutrality and beyond. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 105 (11). ISSN 2470-0010

Bellwied, Rene and Borsányi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltán and Guenther, Jana N. and Katz, Sándor and Pásztor, Attila (2021) Corrections to the hadron resonance gas from lattice QCD and their effect on fluctuation-ratios at finite density. Physical Review D, 104 (9). ISSN 2470-0010

Borsányi, S. and Fodor, Zoltán and Guenther, J.N. and Kara, R. and Katz, Sándor and Pásztor, Attila and Szabó, K.K. (2021) Lattice QCD Equation of State at Finite Chemical Potential from an Alternative Expansion Scheme. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 126 (23). ISSN 0031-9007

Bellwied, Rene and Borsányi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltán and Guenther, Jana N. and Noronha-Hostler, Jacquelyn and Parotto, Paolo and Pásztor, Attila and Ratti, Claudia and Stafford, J. M. (2020) Off-diagonal correlators of conserved charges from lattice QCD and how to relate them to experiment. Physical Review D, 101 (3). ISSN 2470-0010

Acharya, A. and Adhikary, H. and Aduszkiewicz, A. and Allison, K.K. and Andronov, E.V. and Csanád, Máté and Fodor, Zoltán and László, András and Márton, Krisztina and Nagai, Yoshikazu and Pórfy, Barnabás (2020) Measurements of π- production in 7 Be + 9 Be collisions at beam momenta from 19A to 150 AGeV/c in the NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 80 (10). ISSN 1434-6044

Pórfy, Barnabás and Aduszkiewicz, A. and Andronov, E.V. and Antićić, T. and Baatar, B. and Csanád, Máté and Fodor, Zoltán and László, András and Márton, Krisztina and Nagai, Yoshikazu (2019) NA61/SHINE results on Bose-Einstein correlations. POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, 347. ISSN 1824-8039

Fodor, Zoltán (2018) Effectiveness of Content Based Instruction for beginner bilingual science teachers. Paideia, 6 (1). pp. 17-29. ISSN 2631-1666

Holland, K. and Kuti, J. and Nógrádi, Dániel and Wong, C.H. and Fodor, Zoltán (2018) Fate of a recent conformal fixed point and β-function in the SU(3) BSM gauge theory with ten massless flavors. POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, 334. ISSN 1824-8039

Fodor, Zoltán and Holland, K. and Kuti, J. and Nógrádi, Dániel and Wong, C.H. (2018) Is SU(3) gauge theory with 13 massless flavors conformal? POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, 334. ISSN 1824-8039

Fodor, Zoltán (2018) Possible planning technique in Content Based Instruction. In: AgriaMedia 2017, 2017.10.11-13., Eger.

Fodor, Zoltán and Holland, K. and Kuti, J. and Wong, C.H. (2018) Tantalizing dilaton tests from a near-conformal EFT. POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, 334. ISSN 1824-8039

Fodor, Zoltán (2018) A teljeskörű nevelés lehetőségei : Kutatási eredmények elemzése pályakezdőknek a tanórán kívüli tanulói tevékenységek szervezéséhez, azaz a csengőszó rejtett üzenete = Possibilities of comprehensive education – An analysis of research results for beginning teachers to help in organising pupils’ activities outside the classroom. In other words: the secret message of the bell. Paideia, 6 (1). pp. 113-126. ISSN 2631-1666

Aduszkiewicz, A. and Ali, Y. and Andronov, E. V. and Antićić, T. and Baatar, B. and Fodor, Zoltán and László, András and Márton, Krisztina and Nagai, Yoshikazu (2017) Measurement of meson resonance production in π-+ C interactions at SPS energies: The NA61/SHINE Collaboration. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 77 (9). ISSN 1434-6044

Aduszkiewicz, A. and Ali, Y. and Andronov, E. and Antićić, T. and Antoniou, N. and Fodor, Zoltán and László, András and Vesztergombi, György (2017) Two-particle correlations in azimuthal angle and pseudorapidity in inelastic p + p interactions at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 77 (2). p. 59. ISSN 1434-6044

Borsányi, Szabolcs and Dierigl, M. and Fodor, Zoltán and Katz, Sándor and Mages, S. W. and Nógrádi, Dániel (2016) Axion cosmology, lattice QCD and the dilute instanton gas. PHYSICS LETTERS B, 752. pp. 175-181. ISSN 0370-2693

Piasecki, K. and Tymiński, Z. and Herrmann, N. and Averbeck, R. and Andronic, A. and Fodor, Zoltán and Kecskeméti, József and Seres, Zoltán (2016) Centrality dependence of subthreshold φ meson production in Ni + Ni collisions at 1.9A GeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 94 (1). ISSN 2469-9985

Fodor, Zoltán and Holland, K. and Kuti, J. and Mondal, Santanu and Nógrádi, Dániel (2016) Electroweak interactions and dark baryons in the sextet BSM model with a composite Higgs particle. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 94 (1). ISSN 2470-0010

Abgrall, N. and Aduszkiewicz, A. and Ali, Y. and Andronov, E. and Anticic, T. and Fodor, Zoltán and László, András and Márton, Krisztina and Vesztergombi, György (2016) Measurements of pi(+/-), K-+/-, K-S(0), Lambda and proton production in proton-carbon interactions at 31 GeV/c with the NA61/SHINE spectrometer at the CERN SPS. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 76 (2). p. 84. ISSN 1434-6044

Abgrall, N. and Aduszkiewicz, A. and Ajaz, M. and Ali, Y. and Andronov, E. and Fodor, Zoltán and László, András and Márton, Krisztina and Vesztergombi, György (2016) Measurements of π± differential yields from the surface of the T2K replica target for incoming 31 GeV/c protons with the NA61/SHINE spectrometer at the CERN SPS: NA61/SHINE Collaboration. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 76. p. 617. ISSN 1434-6044

Aduszkiewicz, A. and Ali, Y. and Andronov, E. and Antićić, T. and Antoniou, N. and Fodor, Zoltán and László, András and Márton, Krisztina and Vesztergombi, György (2016) Multiplicity and transverse momentum fluctuations in inelastic proton–proton interactions at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 76. p. 635. ISSN 1434-6044

Anticic, T. and Baatar, B. and Beck, H. and Betev, L. and Białkowska, H. and Fodor, Zoltán and László, András and Pálla, Gabriella and Siklér, Ferenc and Varga, Dezső and Veres, Gábor and Vesztergombi, György (2016) Production of deuterium, tritium, and He 3 in central Pb+Pb collisions at 20A, 30A, 40A, 80A, and 158A GeV at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 94 (4). ISSN 2469-9985

Aduszkiewicz, A. and Ali, Y. and Andronov, E. and Antićić, T. and Antoniou, N. and Fodor, Zoltán and László, András and Márton, Krisztina and Vesztergombi, György (2016) Production of ΛΛ-hyperons in inelastic p+p interactions at 158 GeV/c. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 76 (4). p. 198. ISSN 1434-6052

Fodor, Zoltán and Hoelbling, C. and Katz, Sándor and Lellouch, L. and Portelli, A. (2016) Quantum electrodynamics in finite volume and nonrelativistic effective field theories. PHYSICS LETTERS B, 755. pp. 245-248. ISSN 0370-2693

Fodor, Zoltán and Holland, Kieran and Kuti, Julius and Mondal, Santanu and Nógrádi, Dániel (2016) Status of a minimal composite Higgs theory. POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, 2015 (35). pp. 219-22. ISSN 1824-8039

Gasik, P. and Piasecki, K. and Herrmann, N. and Leifels, Y. and Matulewicz, T. and Fodor, Zoltán and Kecskeméti, József and Seres, Zoltán (2016) Strange meson production in Al + Al collisions at 1.9 AGeV. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A: HADRONS AND NUCLEI, 52 (6). ISSN 1434-6001

Borsányi, Szabolcs and Durr, S. and Fodor, Zoltán and Hoelbling, C. and Katz, Sándor (2015) Ab initio calculation of the neutron-proton mass difference. Science, 347 (6229). pp. 1452-1455. ISSN 0036-8075 (print) 1095-9203 (online)

Fodor, Zoltán and Holland, Kieran and Kuti, Julius and Mondal, Santanu and Nógrádi, Dániel (2015) Baryon spectrum in the composite sextet model. POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, 2014. ISSN 1824-8039

Anticic, T. and Baatar, B. and Bartke, J. and Beck, H. and Betev, L. and Fodor, Zoltán and László, András and Pálla, Gabriella and Siklér, Ferenc and Veres, Gábor and Vesztergombi, György (2015) Critical fluctuations of the proton density in A+A collisions at 158A GeV. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 75 (12). ISSN 1434-6044

László, András and Dénes, Ervin and Fodor, Zoltán and Kiss, Tivadar and Kleinfelder, Stuart and Tölyhi, Tamás and Vesztergombi, György (2015) Design and Performance of the Data Acquisition System for the NA61/SHINE Experiment at CERN. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 798. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0168-9002

Bellwied, R. and Borsányi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltán and Katz, Sándor and Pásztor, Attila (2015) Fluctuations and correlations in high temperature QCD. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 92 (11). ISSN 2470-0010

Anticic, T. and Baatar, B. and Bartke, J. and Beck, H. and Betev, L. and Fodor, Zoltán and László, András and Pálla, Gabriella and Siklér, Ferenc and Varga, Dezső and Veres, Gábor and Vesztergombi, György (2015) Measurement of event-by-event transverse momentum and multiplicity fluctuations using strongly intensive measures Δ[PT,N] and Σ[PT,N] in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 92 (4). 044905. ISSN 0556-2813

Fodor, Zoltán and Holland, K. and Kuti, J. and Mondal, Santanu and Nógrádi, Dániel (2015) New approach to the Dirac spectral density in lattice gauge theory applications. POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, 2015. pp. 310-371. ISSN 1824-8039

Bellwied, R. and Borsányi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltán and Günther, J. and Katz, Sándor (2015) The QCD phase diagram from analytic continuation. Physics Letters B, 751. pp. 559-564. ISSN 0370-2693

Borsányi, Szabolcs and Durr, Stephan and Fodor, Zoltán and Holbling, Christian and Katz, Sándor and Nógrádi, Dániel and Trombitás, Norbert (2015) QCD thermodynamics with continuum extrapolated Wilson fermions II. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 92. ISSN 2470-0010

Borsányi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltán and Hoelbling, C. and Katz, Sándor and Krieg, S. and Ratti, C. and Szabó, K. K. (2015) Recent results on the equation of state of QCD. POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, Lattic. ISSN 1824-8039

Borsányi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltán and Katz, Sándor and Pásztor, Attila and Szabo, K. K. and Török, Csaba (2015) Static QQ pair free energy and screening masses from correlators of Polyakov loops: continuum extrapolated lattice results at the QCD physical point. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (4). ISSN 1126-6708

Fodor, Zoltán and Holland, Kieran and Kuti, Julius and Mondal, Santanu and Nógrádi, Dániel (2015) Toward the minimal realization of a light composite Higgs. POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, 2014. ISSN 1824-8039

Fodor, Zoltán and Holland, K. and Kuti, J. and Mondal, Santanu and Nógrádi, Dániel (2015) The running coupling of 8 flavors and 3 colors. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 2015 (6). ISSN 1126-6708

Fodor, Zoltán and Holland, K. and Kuti, J. and Mondal, Santanu and Nógrádi, Dániel (2015) The running coupling of the minimal sextet composite Higgs model. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 2015 (9). ISSN 1126-6708

Zinyuk, V. and Kang, T. I. and Leifels, Y. and Herrmann, N. and Hong, B. and Averbeck, R. and Andronic, A. and Barret, V. and Basrak, Z. and Bastid, N. and Benabderrahmane, M. L. and Berger, M. and Buehler, P. and Cargnelli, M. and Caplar, R. and Carevic, I. and Crochet, P. and Deppner, I. and Dupieux, P. and Dzelalija, M. and Fabbietti, L. and Fodor, Zoltán and Gasik, P. and Gasparic, I. and Grishkin, Y. and Hartmann, O. N. and Hildenbrand, K. D. and Kecskeméti, József and Kim, Y. J. and Kirejczyk, M. and Seres, Zoltán (2014) Azimuthal emission patterns of K+ and of K- mesons in Ni plus Ni collisions near the strangeness production threshold. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 90 (2). ISSN 2469-9985

Fodor, Zoltán and Holland, Kieran and Kuti, Julius and Nógrádi, Dániel and Wong, Chik Him (2014) Can a light Higgs impostor hide in composite gauge models? POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, 29. ISSN 1824-8039

Borsányi, Szabolcs and Durr, Stephan and Fodor, Zoltán and Hoelbling, Christian and Katz, Sándor and Stefan, Krieg and Simon, Mages and Nógrádi, Dániel and Pásztor, Attila and Andreas, Schafer and Kalman, K. Szabo and Balint, C. Toth and Trombitás, Norbert (2014) Charmonium spectral functions from 2+1 flavour lattice QCD. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 2014 (4). ISSN 1126-6708

Borsányi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltán and Katz, Sándor and Krieg, S. and Szabo, K. (2014) Continuum EoS for QCD with N_f=2+1 flavors. POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, 2013. ISSN 1824-8039

Borsányi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltán and Katz, Sándor and Krieg, S. and Ratti, C. and Szabo, K. K. (2014) Freeze-Out Parameters from Electric Charge and Baryon Number Fluctuations: Is There Consistency? PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 113 (5). ISSN 0031-9007

Borsányi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltán and Hoelbling, C. and Katz, Sándor and Krieg, S. (2014) Full result for the QCD equation of state with 2 +/- 1 flavors. Physics Letters B, 730. pp. 99-104. ISSN 0370-2693

Hegedüs, Adrienn and Seres, András Tamás and Breuer, Hajnalka and Fodor, Zoltán (2014) Instabilitási indexek vizsgálata radarmérések és modelleredmények alapján. Természetföldrajzi Közlemények, 3 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2063-4153

Durr, S. and Fodor, Zoltán and Hoelbling, C. and Krieg, S. and Kurth, T. and Lellouch, L. and Lippert, T. and Malak, R. and Metivet, T. and Portelli, A. and Sastre, A. and Szabo, K. (2014) Lattice QCD at the physical point meets SU(2) chiral perturbation theory. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 90 (11). ISSN 2470-0010

Bali, G. S. and Bruckmann, F. and Endrödi, G. and Fodor, Zoltán and Katz, Sándor and Schäfer, A. (2014) Local CP-violation and electric charge separation by magnetic fields from lattice QCD. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (4). ISSN 1126-6708

Abgrall, N. and Aduszkiewicz, A. and Ali, Y. and Anticic, T. and Antoniou, N. and Baatar, B. and Bay, F. and Blondel, A. and Blumer, J. and Bogomilov, M. and Bravar, A. and Brzychczyk, J. and Bunyatov, S. A. and Busygina, O. and Christakoglou, P. and Czopowicz, T. and Davis, N. and Debieux, S. and Dembinski, H. and Diakonos, F. and Di Luise, S. and Dominik, W. and Drozhzhova, T. and Dumarchez, J. and Dynowski, K. and Engel, R. and Ereditato, A. and Feofilov, G. A. and Fodor, Zoltán and Fülöp, Ágnes and Kiss, Tivadar and László, András and Márton, Krisztina and Pálla, Gabriella and Sipos, Roland and Tölyhi, Tamás and Vesztergombi, György (2014) Measurement of negatively charged pion spectra in inelastic p plus p interactions at p(lab)=20, 31, 40, 80 and 158 GeV/c. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 74 (3). ISSN 1434-6044

Abgrall, N. and Aduszkiewicz, A. and Ali, Y. and Anticic, T. and Antoniou, N. and Argyriades, J. and Baatar, B. and Blondel, A. and Blumer, J. and Bogomilov, M. and Bravar, A. and Brooks, W. and Brzychczyk, J. and Bunyatov, S. A. and Busygina, O. and Christakoglou, P. and Czopowicz, T. and Davis, N. and Debieux, S. and Dembinski, H. and Diakonos, F. and Di Luise, S. and Dominik, W. and Drozhzhova, T. and Dumarchez, J. and Dynowski, K. and Engel, R. and Ereditato, A. and Esposito, L. and Feofilov, G. A. and Fodor, Zoltán and Fülöp, Ágnes and Kiss, Tivadar and László, András and Márton, Krisztina and Pálla, Gabriella and Sipos, Roland and Tölyhi, Tamás and Vesztergombi, György (2014) Measurements of production properties of K0S mesons and Λ hyperons in proton-carbon interactions at 31 GeV/c. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 89 (2). ISSN 2469-9985

Abgrall, N. and Andreeva, O. and Aduszkiewicz, A. and Ali, Y. and Anticic, T. and Antoniou, N. and Baatar, B. and Bay, F. and Blondel, A. and Blumer, J. and Bogomilov, M. and Bogusz, M. and Bravar, A. and Brzychczyk, J. and Bunyatov, S. A. and Christakoglou, P. and Czopowicz, T. and Davis, N. and Debieux, S. and Dembinski, H. and Diakonos, F. and DiLuise, S. and Dominik, W. and Drozhzhova, T. and Dumarchez, J. and Dynowski, K. and Engel, R. and Efthymiopoulos, I. and Ereditato, A. and Fabich, A. and Fodor, Zoltán and Fülöp, Ágnes and Kiss, Tivadar and László, András and Márton, Krisztina and Pálla, Gabriella and Sipos, Roland and Vesztergombi, György (2014) NA61/SHINE facility at the CERN SPS: beams and detector system. JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, 9 (6). ISSN 1748-0221

Anticic, T. and Baatar, B. and Barna, Dániel and Bartke, J. and Beck, H. and Betev, L. and Białkowska, H. and Blume, C. and Boimska, B. and Book, J. and Botje, M. and Bunčić, P. and Christakoglou, P. and Chung, P. and Chvala, O. and Cramer, J. and Eckardt, V. and Fodor, Zoltán and Foka, P. and Friese, V. and Gaździcki, M. and Grebieszkow, K. and Höhne, C. and Kadija, K. and Karev, A. and Kolesnikov, V. and Kowalski, M. and Kresan, D. and László, András and Lacey, R. and Pálla, Gabriella and Siklér, Ferenc and Varga, Dezső and Veres, Gábor and Vesztergombi, György (2014) Phase-space dependence of particle-ratio fluctuations in Pb+Pb collisions from 20A to 158A GeV beam energy. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 89 (5). ISSN 2469-9985

Brambilla, N. and Eidelman, S. and Foka, P. and Gardner, S. and Kronfeld, A. S. and Alford, M. G. and Alkofer, R. and Butenschoen, M. and Cohen, T. D. and Erdmenger, J. and Fabbietti, L. and Faber, M. and Goity, J. L. and Ketzer, B. and Lin, H. W. and Llanes-Estrada, F. J. and Meyer, H. B. and Pakhlov, P. and Pallante, E. and Polikarpov, M. I. and Sazdjian, H. and Schmitt, A. and Snow, W. M. and Vairo, A. and Vogt, R. and Vuorinen, A. and Wittig, H. and Arnold, P. and Christakoglou, P. and Di Nezza, P. and Fodor, Zoltán (2014) QCD and strongly coupled gauge theories: challenges and perspectives. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 74 (10). ISSN 1434-6044

Stephan, Dürr and Fodor, Zoltán and Christian, Hoelbling and Katz, Sándor and Stefan, Krieg and Simon, Mages and Nógrádi, Dániel and Pásztor, Attila and Andreas, Schäfer and Kálmán, K Szabó and Bálint, C Tóth and Trombitás, Norbert and Borsányi, Szabolcs (2014) Spectral functions of charmonium with 2+1 flavours of dynamical quarks. POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, 2014. ISSN 1824-8039

Fodor, Zoltán and Holland, Kieran and Kuti, Julius and Nógrádi, Dániel and Wong, Chik Him (2014) The chiral condensate from the Dirac spectrum in BSM gauge theories. POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, 2013. ISSN 1824-8039

Fodor, Zoltán and Holland, K. and Kuti, J. and Mondal, Santanu and Nógrádi, Dániel and Wong, C. H. (2014) The lattice gradient flow at tree-level and its improvement. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (9). ISSN 1126-6708

Rybczyński, M. and Abgrall, N. and Aduszkiewicz, A. and Ali, Y. and Anticic, T. and Antoniou, N. and Argyriades, J. and Baatar, B. and Blondel, A. and Blumer, J. and Bogomilov, M. and Bravar, A. and Brooks, W. and Brzychczyk, J. and Bubak, A. and Bunyatov, S. A. and Busygina, O. and Christakoglou, P. and Czopowicz, T. and Davis, N. and Debieux, S. and Dembinski, H. and Diakonos, F. and Di Luise, S. and Dominik, W. and Drozhzhova, T. and Dumarchez, J. and Dynowski, K. and Engel, R. and Ereditato, A. and Fodor, Zoltán and Fülöp, Ágnes and Kiss, Tivadar and László, András and Márton, Krisztina and Pálla, Gabriella and Sipos, Roland and Tölyhi, Tamás and Vesztergombi, György (2013) Energy dependence of identified hadron spectra and event-by-event fluctuations in p+p interactions from NA61/SHINE at the CERN SPS. POS - PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE, Confin. ISSN 1824-8039

Borsányi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltán and Katz, Sándor and Krieg, S. and Ratti, C. (2013) Freeze-out parameters: Lattice meets experiment. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 111 (6). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0031-9007

Fodor, Zoltán and Komlós, Ferenc (2013) Földgázkazán kiváltása geotermikus hőszivattyúval - hőszivattyú radiátoros fűtésnél. MAGYAR ÉPÜLETGÉPÉSZET, 62 (5). pp. 15-17. ISSN 1215-9913

Baatar, B. and Barr, G. and Bartke, J. and Betev, L. and Chvala, O. and Dolejsi, J. and Eckardt, V. and Fischer, H. G. and Fodor, Zoltán and Karev, A. and Kolesnikov, V. and Kowalski, M. and Makariev, M. and Malakhov, A. and Mateev, M. and Melkumov, G. and Rybicki, A. and Schmitz, N. and Seyboth, P. and Stock, R. and Tinti, G. and Varga, Dezső and Vesztergombi, György and Wenig, S. (2013) Inclusive production of protons, anti-protons, neutrons, deuterons and tritons in p+C collisions at 158 GeV/c beam momentum. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 73 (4). ISSN 1434-6044

Fodor, Zoltán and Komlós, Ferenc (2013) Ivóvíz hőhasznosítása Magyar Termék Nagydíjas® hőszivattyúval. In: XXXI. Országos Vándorgyűlés : Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság. Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság, Budapest, FZ-KF. ISBN 987-963-8172-31-0

Fodor, Zoltán and Komlós, Ferenc (2013) Ivóvíz hőhasznosítása hőszivattyúval. MAGYAR ÉPÜLETGÉPÉSZET, 62 (7-8). pp. 12-16. ISSN 1215-9913

Fodor, Zoltán and Komlós, Ferenc and Balikó, Sándor (2013) Ivóvíz hőjének hasznosítása. ENERGIAGAZDÁLKODÁS, 54 (5). pp. 17-19. ISSN 0021-0757

Borsányi, Szabolcs and Dürr, S. and Fodor, Zoltán and Krieg, S. and Schäfer, A. and Scholz, E. E. and Szabó, K. K. (2013) SU(2) chiral perturbation theory low-energy constants from 2+1 flavor staggered lattice simulations. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 88 (1). ISSN 2470-0010

Anticic, T. and Baatar, B. and Barna, Dániel and Bartke, J. and Beck, H. and Betev, L. and Bialkowska, H. and Blume, C. and Bogusz, M. and Boimska, B. and Book, J. and Botje, M. and Buncic, P. and Cetner, T. and Christakoglou, P. and Chung, P. and Chvala, O. and Cramer, J. G. and Eckardt, V. and Fodor, Zoltán and Foka, P. and Friese, V. and Gazdzicki, M. and Grebieszkow, K. and Hohne, C. and Kadija, K. and Karev, A. and Kolesnikov, V. I. and Kollegger, T. and Kowalski, M. and László, András and Pálla, Gabriella and Siklér, Ferenc and Varga, Dezső and Veres, Gábor and Vesztergombi, György (2013) System-size dependence of particle-ratio fluctuations in Pb+Pb collisions at 158A GeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 87 (2). ISSN 2469-9985

Fodor, Zoltán and Komlós, Ferenc (2012) Hőszivattyú radiátoros fűtéshez. MAGYAR INSTALLATEUR, 22 (11-12). pp. 22-23. ISSN 0866-6024

Borsányi, Szabolcs and Endrődi, G. and Fodor, Zoltán and Katz, Sándor and Krieg, S. (2012) QCD equation of state at nonzero chemical potential: continuum results with physical quark masses at order mu(2). JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (8). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1126-6708

Fodor, Zoltán and Komlós, Ferenc (2012) Sátoraljaújhelyi bölcsőde hőszivattyúval. VÍZ GÁZ FŰTÉSTECHNIKA, 13 (7-8 sz). p. 40. ISSN 1786-8238

Fodor, Zoltán and Komlós, Ferenc (2012) A nagykőrösi strand energiatudatos bővítése. MAGYAR ÉPÜLETGÉPÉSZET, 61 (3). pp. 22-26. ISSN 1215-9913

Komlós, Ferenc and Fodor, Zoltán (2011) Elfolyó hidrotermikus energia hasznosítása hőszivattyúval távfűtési rendszerekhez. VÍZ GÁZ FŰTÉSTECHNIKA, 12 (3). pp. 70-74. ISSN 1786-8238

Fodor, Zoltán and Komlós, Ferenc (2011) Hidrotermikus hő hőszivattyúzási lehetőségei a Duna vízgyűjtőjén. In: Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság XXIX. Országos Vándorgyűlése. Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság, Budapest, FZ-KF_Duna. ISBN 978-963-8172-28-0

Fodor, Zoltán and Komlós, Ferenc (2011) Minőségi fordulat! - érvek, számítások a hőszivattyús rendszer mellett. MAGYAR INSTALLATEUR, 21 (2-3). pp. 76-78. ISSN 0866-6024

Lévai, Péter and Barnaföldi, Gergely Gábor and Boldizsár, László and Dénes, Ervin and Doleschall, Pál and Fodor, Zoltán and Futó, Endre and Lukács, Béla and Molnár, Levente and Pálla, Gabriella and Révai, János and Varga, Dezső (2011) Nehézion ütközésekben nagy transzverzális impulzussal keletkezett töltött hadronok azonosítása és vizsgálata a CERN LHC ALICE kísérletben = Identification and investigation of charged hadrons produced with large transverse momenta in heavy ion collisions at the CERN LHC ALICE experiment. Project Report. OTKA.

Komlós, Ferenc and Fodor, Zoltán (2011) Nem szívás!: érvek, számítások a hőszivattyús rendszer mellett. MÉRNÖK ÚJSÁG, 18 (2). pp. 24-26. ISSN 1218-5450

Endrődi, G. and Fodor, Zoltán and Katz, Sándor and Szabó, K. K. (2011) The QCD phase diagram at nonzero quark density. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 2011 (4). 001. ISSN 1126-6708

Fodor, Zoltán and Komlós, Ferenc (2011) Termálvizes fürdő bővítése hőszivattyúk alkalmazásával. ENERGIAGAZDÁLKODÁS, 52 (6). pp. 17-20. ISSN 0023-0757

Fodor, Zoltán and Komlós, Ferenc (2011) Városok hőszivattyús fűtése - Átfogó tervre lenne szükség! MAGYAR ÉPÜLETGÉPÉSZET, 60 (5). pp. 18-21. ISSN 1215-9913

Csikor, Ferenc and Fodor, Zoltán and Katz, Sándor and Kovács, Tamás and Szabó, Kálmán and Tóth, Bálint (2011) A rácselmélet részecskefizikai alkalmazásai = Particle physics applications at lattice field theory. Project Report. OTKA.

Borsányi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltán and Hoelbling, C. and Katz, Sándor and Krieg, S. and Szabó, Kálmán K. (2010) Is there still any T-c mystery in lattice QCD? Results with physical masses in the continuum limit III. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 2010 (9). pp. 1-25. ISSN 1126-6708

Kecskeméti, József and Deák, Ferenc and Fodor, Zoltán and Kiss, Ádám and Seres, Zoltán (2009) Nagy sűrűségű maganyag vizsgálata SIS energiákon = Investigation of high density nuclear matter at SIS energies. Project Report. OTKA.

Lévai, Péter and Barnaföldi, Gergely Gábor and Boldizsár, László and Fodor, Zoltán and Futó, Endre and Molnár, Levente (2009) Nehézion ütközésekben nagy transzverzális impulzussal keletkezett töltött hadronok megfigyelése a CERN LHC ALICE kísérletben = Triggering on charged hadrons produced with large transverse momenta in heavy ion collisions at the CERN LHC ALICE experiment. Project Report. OTKA.

Aoki, Y. and Borsányi, Szabolcs and Durr, S. and Fodor, Zoltán and Katz, Sándor (2009) The QCD transition temperature: results with physical masses in the continuum limit II. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 2009 (6). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1126-6708

Durr, S. and Fodor, Zoltán and Frison, J. and Hoelbling, C. and Hoffmann, R. and Katz, Sándor (2008) Ab Initio Determination of Light Hadron Masses. SCIENCE, 322 (5905). pp. 1224-1227. ISSN 0036-8075

Komlós, Ferenc and Fodor, Zoltán and Kapros, Zoltán and Vaszil, Lajos (2008) Hőszivattyúzás. Csináljuk Jól! : Energiahatékonysági sorozat (22). Energia Központ Kht., Budapest.

Fodor, Zoltán and Csikor, Ferenc and Katz, Sándor (2007) Kvantumszíndinamika téridő rácson dinamikus fermionokkal = Lattice quantum chromodynamics with dynamical fermions. Project Report. OTKA.

Tél, Tamás and Bajnok, Zoltán and Bántay, Péter and Benczik, Izabella Júlia and Bene, Gyula and Borsányi, Szabolcs and Csikor, Ferenc and Egri, Győző and Eisler, Viktor and Farkas, Szilárd and Fodor, Zoltán and Györgyi, Géza and Horváth, Zalán and Horváth, Viktor and Jánosi, Imre Miklós and Katz, Sándor and Kovács, Péter and Palla, László and Papp, Gábor and Patkós, András and Rácz, Zoltán and Sexty, Dénes and Szép, Zsolt and Takács, Gábor and Tóth, Gábor Zsolt and Varga, Tamás and Wágner, Ferenc (2007) Struktúrák dinamikája nagyszabadsági fokú rendszerekben (nagyenergiás és klasszikus makroszkopikus folyamatok) = Dynamics of structures in systems with large degrees of freedom (high energy and classical macroscopic processes). Project Report. OTKA.

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