Items where Author is "Némethi, András"

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Number of items: 39.

Némethi, András and Schefler, Gergő (2024) Categorification of the plurigenera of Gorenstein normal surface singularities. MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT, 307 (4). No.-68. ISSN 0025-5874

Cogolludo-Agustín, José Ignacio and László, Tamás and Martín-Morales, Jorge and Némethi, András (2024) Duality for Poincaré series of surfaces and delta invariant of curves. RESEARCH IN THE MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, 11. No. 47. ISSN 2522-0144

Némethi, András and Ágoston, Tamás (2024) Lattice Cohomology. In: Singularities and Low Dimensional Topology. Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies (30). Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, pp. 107-138. ISBN 9783031566103; 9783031566110; 9783031566134

Ágoston, Tamás and Némethi, András (2024) Lattice cohomology of partially ordered sets. STUDIA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM HUNGARICA, 61 (2). pp. 185-202. ISSN 0081-6906

Kubasch, Alexander A. and Némethi, András and Schefler, Gergő (2024) Multiplicity and lattice cohomology of plane curve singularities. REVUE ROUMAINE DE MATHÉMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQUÉES / ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 69 (2). pp. 191-234. ISSN 0035-3965

Nagy, János and Némethi, András and Tomohiro, Okuma (2023) Normal reduction number of normal surface singularities. In: Varieties, polyhedra, algorithms. European Mathematical Society Press, Berlin, &.

Cogolludo-Agustín, José Ignacio and László, Tamás and Martín-Morales, Jorge and Némethi, András (2022) Delta invariant of curves on rational surfaces I. The analytic approach. COMMUNICATIONS IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS, 24 (7). ISSN 0219-1997

Némethi, András and Szabó, Szilárd (2022) The Geometric P=W Conjecture in the Painlevé Cases via Plumbing Calculus. INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1073-7928 (print); 1687-0247 (online)

Nagy, János and Némethi, András (2022) Motivic Poincaré series of cusp surface singularities. CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS, 778. pp. 259-277. ISSN 0271-4132

Belotto da Silva, André and Fantini, Lorenzo and Némethi, András and Pichon, Anne (2022) Polar exploration of complex surface germs. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 375 (9). pp. 6747-6767. ISSN 0002-9947

Nagy, János and Némethi, András (2022) The dimension of the image of the Abel map associated with normal surface singularities. SELECTA MATHEMATICA - NEW SERIES, 28 (3). ISSN 1022-1824

Nagy, János and Némethi, András (2020) The Abel map for surface singularities II. Generic analytic structure. ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS, 371. ISSN 0001-8708

Nagy, János and Némethi, András (2020) On the topology of elliptic singularities. PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS QUARTERLY. ISSN 1558-8599

Gyenge, Ádám and Némethi, András and Szendrői, Balázs (2018) Euler characteristics of Hilbert schemes of points on simple surface singularities. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 4 (2). pp. 439-524. ISSN 2199-675X

Némethi, András (2018) Linear subspace arrangements associated with normal surface singularities. JOURNAL OF SINGULARITIES, 18. pp. 464-476. ISSN 1949-2006

Gorsky, Eugene and Némethi, András (2018) On the set of L-space surgeries for links. ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS, 333. pp. 386-422. ISSN 0001-8708

Némethi, András and Pintér, Gergő (2018) The boundary of the Milnor fibre of certain non-isolated singularities. PERIODICA MATHEMATICA HUNGARICA, 77 (1). pp. 37-54. ISSN 0031-5303


Kollár, J. and Némethi, András and De Fernex, T. (2017) Durfee's conjecture on the signature of smoothings of surface singularities. ANNALES SCIENTIFIQUES DE L ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE, 50 (3). pp. 787-798. ISSN 0012-9593

Kerner, D. and Némethi, András (2017) Durfee-type bound for some non-degenerate complete intersection singularities. MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT. pp. 1-17. ISSN 0025-5874 (In Press)

Némethi, András (2017) Links of rational singularities, L-spaces and LO fundamental groups. INVENTIONES MATHEMATICAE, 210 (1). pp. 69-83. ISSN 0020-9910

Kerner, D. and Némethi, András (2017) A generalized FKG-inequality for compositions. JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A, 146. pp. 184-200. ISSN 0097-3165

Gyenge, Ádám and Némethi, András and Szendrői, Balázs (2016) Euler Characteristics of Hilbert Schemes of Points On Surfaces with Simple Singularities. INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES. ISSN 1073-7928

Bodnár, József and Némethi, András (2016) Lattice cohomology and rational cuspidal curves. MATHEMATICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 23 (2). pp. 339-375. ISSN 1073-2780

Gorsky, Eugene and Némethi, András (2016) Links of plane curve singularities are L-space links. ALGEBRAIC AND GEOMETRIC TOPOLOGY, 16 (4). pp. 1905-1912. ISSN 1472-2739

Borodzik, Maciej and Némethi, András and Ranicki, Andrew (2016) Morse theory for manifolds with boundary. ALGEBRAIC AND GEOMETRIC TOPOLOGY, 16 (2). pp. 971-1023. ISSN 1472-2739

Némethi, András and Sigurdsson, B. (2016) The geometric genus of hypersurface singularities. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 18 (4). pp. 828-851. ISSN 1435-9855

Kollár, János and Némethi, András (2015) Holomorphic arcs on singularities. Inventiones mathematicae, 200 (1). pp. 97-147. ISSN 0020-9910 (print), 1432-1297 (online)

Némethi, András and Pintér, Gergő (2015) Immersions associated with holomorphic germs. COMMENTARII MATHEMATICI HELVETICI, 90 (3). pp. 513-541. ISSN 0010-2571

Némethi, András and Gorsky, Eugene (2015) Lattice and Heegaard Floer Homologies of Algebraic Links. INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES, 23. pp. 12737-12780. ISSN 1073-7928

Némethi, András and Borodzik, Maciej and Ranicki, Andrew (2015) On the semicontinuity of the mod 2 spectrum of hypersurface singularities. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY, 24 (2). pp. 379-398. ISSN 1056-3911

László, Tamás and Némethi, András (2015) Reduction Theorem for Lattice Cohomology. INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES, 2015 (11). pp. 2938-2985. ISSN 1073-7928

László, Tamás and Némethi, András (2014) Ehrhart theory of polytopes and Seiberg-Witten invariants of plumbed 3-manifolds. GEOMETRY AND TOPOLOGY, 18 (2). pp. 717-778. ISSN 1465-3060

Némethi, András and Braun, Gábor and Stipsicz, András (2012) Algebrai szingularitások topológiai tulajdonságai = Topological properties of algebraic singularities. Project Report. OTKA.

Szamuely, Tamás and Domokos, Mátyás and Frenkel, Peter and Küronya, Alex and Némethi, András and Stipsicz, András and Szabó, Endre and Szendroi, Balázs and Szilárd, Ágnes (2011) Algebrai geometria és határterületei = Algebraic Geometry and Its Neighbouring Fields. Project Report. OTKA.

Stipsicz, András and Juhász, András and Lippner, Gábor and Némethi, András and Szilárd, Ágnes and Szőke, Róbert and Szűcs, András and Tóth, Árpád and Vértesi, Vera (2009) Szingularitások vizsgálata és holomorf geometria = Study of singularities and holomorphic geometry. Project Report. OTKA.

Böröczky, Károly and Braun, Gábor and Frenkel, Péter and Némethi, András and Szabó, Endre and Szamuely, Tamás and Szenes, András (2007) Algebrai Geometria = Algebraic Geometry. Project Report. OTKA.

Szamuely, Tamás and Domokos, Mátyás and Gerlits, Ferenc and Némethi, András and Szabó, Endre and Szendrői, Balázs and Szilárd, Ágnes (2007) Algebrai geometria és határterületei = Algebraic geometry and related fields. Project Report. OTKA.

Némethi, András (2005) On the Ozsváth-Szabó Invariant of Negative Definite Plumbed 3-Manifolds. GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 9 (2). pp. 991-1042. ISSN 1465-3060 (print); 1364-0380 (online)

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