Items where Subject is "Q Science / természettudomány > QR Microbiology / mikrobiológia > QR180 Immunology / immunológia"
Group by: Creators | Item Type Number of items at this level: 337. AAgod, Zsófia and Fekete, Tünde and Budai, Marietta and Varga, Aliz and Szabó, Attila and Bíró, Tamás and Lányi, Árpád and Bácsi, Attila and Pázmándi, Kitti Linda (2017) Regulation of type I interferon responses by mitochondria-derived reactive oxygen species in plasmacytoid dendritic cells. REDOX BIOLOGY, 13. pp. 633-645. ISSN 2213-2317, ESSN: 2213-2317 Agod, Zsófia and Pázmándi, Kitti Linda and Bencze, Dóra and Vereb, György and Bíró, Tamás and Szabó, Attila and Rajnavölgyi, Éva and Bácsi, Attila and Lányi, Árpád (2018) Signaling Lymphocyte Activation Molecule Family 5 Enhances Autophagy and Fine-Tunes Cytokine Response in Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells via Stabilization of Interferon Regulatory Factor 8. FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY, 9. p. 62. ISSN 1664-3224 Aleksza, Magdolna and Szegedi, Andrea and Antal-Szalmás, Péter and Irinyi, B. and Gergely, Lajos and Ponyi, Andrea and Sipka, Sándor and Zeher, Margit and Szegedi, Gyula and Dankó, Katalin (2005) Altered Cytokine Expression of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes in Polymyositis And Dermatomyositis. ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES, 64 (10). pp. 1485-1489. ISSN 0003-4967 Alföldi, Róbert and Balog, József Ágoston and Faragó, Nóra and Halmai, Miklós and Kotogány, Edit and Neuperger, Patrícia and Nagy, Lajos I. and Szebeni, Gábor and Puskás, László and Fehér, Liliána Z. (2019) Single Cell Mass Cytometry of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells Reveals Complexity of In vivo And Three-Dimensional Models over the Petri-dish. CELLS, 8 (9). ISSN 2073-4409 Andó, István and Bajusz, Izabella and Gyurkovics, Henrik and Honti, Viktor and Kari, Beáta and Kurucz, Judit Éva and Laurinyecz, Barbara and Márkus, Róbert and Mihály, József and Somogyi, Kálmán and Zsámboki, János (2012) A Drosophila melanogaster sejt-közvetítette immunitása = The cell mediated immunity of Drosophila melanogaster. Project Report. OTKA. Andó, István and Kiss, István and Kurucz, Judit Éva and Laurinyecz, Barbara and Márkus, Róbert and Matusek, Tamás and Mihály, József and Pataki, Andrea Csilla and Pénzes, Zsolt and Somogyi, Kálmán and Váczi, Balázs and Zsámboki, János (2009) A Drosophila melanogaster sejtes immunitása = The cellular immunity of Drosophila melanogaster. Project Report. OTKA. Andó, István and Kurucz, Judit Éva and Laurinyecz, Barbara and Márkus, Róbert and Váczi, Balázs (2009) A vérsejtképzés és a veleszületett immunitás funkcionális genomikai analízise Drosophilában = Functional genomic analysis of the hematopoiesis and the innate immunity in Drosophila. Project Report. OTKA. Andó, István and Morgan, G. and Levinsky, R. J. and Crawford, D. H. (1986) A family study of the x-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome: evidence for a B cell defect contributing to the immunodeficiency. Clinical & Experimental Immunology, 63 (2). pp. 271-279. ISSN 1365-2249 Antal-Szalmás, Péter and Dankó, Katalin and Sümegi, Andrea (2008) A természetes immunrendszer molekuláris komponenseinek (CD14, Toll like receptorok) vizsgálata autoimmun (polymyositises-dermatomyositises) és atherosclerosisos betegekben = Characterisation of the molecular components of innate immunity (CD14, Toll-like receptors) in patients suffering from autoimmune disorders (polymyositis-dermatomyositis) and atherosclerosis. Project Report. OTKA. Arató, András and Dezsofi, Antal and Hidvégi, Edit and Madácsy, László and Vásárhelyi, Barna and Veres, Gábor (2008) Az intestinalis toll-like receptorok (TLR) expressziójának változásai és hatásuk az immunaktivációra immunpatogenezisű bélbetegségekben = Change of intestinal toll-like receptor expression an their effect on immune activation in immunopathogenetic intestinal diseases. Project Report. OTKA. Asha, H. and Nagy, István and Kovács, Gábor and Stetson, Daniel and Andó, István and Dearolf, Charles R. (2003) Analysis of Ras-induced overproliferation in Drosophila hemocytes. Genetics, 163 (1). pp. 203-215. ISSN 1943-2631 BBagi, Zs. and Hamar, Péter and Kardos, M. and Koller, Ákos (2006) Lack of flow mediated dilation and enhanced angiotensin II-induced constriction in skeletal muscle arterioles of lupus-prone autoimmune mice. Lupus, 15 (6). pp. 326-334. ISSN 0961-2033 (print), 1477-0962 (online) Bagyánszki, Mária and Dénes, Viktória and Dubravcsik, Zsolt and Horváth, András and Krecsmarik, Mónika and Román, Viktor and Velkei, Tamás (2008) GABA, glutamát és nitrogén monoxid tartalmú myentericus neuronok térbeli mintázatának ontogenetikus és pathológiás változása = Ontogenetical and pathological changes in the spatial pattern of GABA, glutamate and nitrogen oxide-containing myenteric neurons. Project Report. OTKA. Bajtay, Zsuzsa and Erdei, Anna and Prechl, József (2007) Mannóz-kötő lektin és C1q szerepe dendritikus sejtek és makrofágok funkcióiban és immunregulációs folyamatokban = The role of mannose binding lectin (MBL) and Clq on various functions of dendritic cells and macrophages and on immunoregulation. Project Report. OTKA. Balog, József Ágoston and Zvara, Ágnes and Bukovinszki, Vivien and Puskás, László and Balog, Attila and Szebeni, Gábor (2024) Comparative single-cell multiplex immunophenotyping of therapy-naive patients with rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, and systemic lupus erythematosus shed light on disease-specific composition of the peripheral immune system. FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY, 15. No.-1376933. ISSN 1664-3224 Balogh, Andrea and Kárpáti, Éva and Schneider, Andrea and Hetey, Szabolcs and Szilágyi, András and Juhász, Kata and László, Glória and Matkó, János and Than, Nándor Gábor (2019) Sex hormone-binding globulin provides a novel entry pathway for estradiol and influences subsequent signaling in lymphocytes via membrane receptor. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9. ISSN 2045-2322 Balogh, Andrea and Tóth, Eszter and Romero, Roberto and Paréj, Katalin and Csala, Diana and Kovács, Árpád Ferenc and Hupuczi, Petronella and Závodszky, Péter and Matkó, János and Papp, Zoltán and Pállinger, Éva and Than, Nándor Gábor (2019) Placental Galectins Are Key Players in Regulating the Maternal Adaptive Immune Response. FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY, 10. ISSN 1664-3224 Balázs, Viktória Lilla and Nagy-Radványi, Lilla and Filep, Rita and Kerekes, Erika and Kocsis, Béla and Kocsis, Marianna and Farkas, Ágnes (2021) In Vitro Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Activity of Hungarian Honeys against Respiratory Tract Bacteria. FOODS, 10 (7). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2304-8158 Banfai, Krisztina and Garai, Kitti and Ernszt, David and Pongracz, Judit and Kvell, Krisztian (2019) Transgenic Exosomes for Thymus Regeneration. FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY, 10. p. 862. ISSN 1664-3224 Bartis, Domokos and Csöngei, Veronika and Weich, Alexander and Kiss, Edit and Barkó, Szilvia and Kovács, Tamás and Avdicevic, Monika and Souza, Vijay and Rapp, Judit and Kvell, Krisztian and Jakab, László and Nyitrai, Miklós and Molnár, Tamás and Thickett, David and László, Terézia and Pongracz, Judit (2013) Down-regulation of canonical and up-regulation of non-canonical Wnt signalling in the carcinogenic process of squamous cell lung carcinoma. PLOS ONE, 8 (3). e57393. ISSN 1932-6203 Behrouzi, A. V. A. and Katebi, Asal and Riazi-Rad, Farhad and Mazaheri, Hoora and Ajdary, Soheila (2022) The role of microbiota and immune system crosstalk in cancer development and therapy. ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA ET IMMUNOLOGICA HUNGARICA, 69 (1). p. 87. ISSN 1217-8950 Bencze, Dóra and Fekete, Tünde and Pázmándi, Kitti Linda (2022) Correlation between Type I Interferon Associated Factors and COVID-19 Severity. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 23 (18). ISSN 1661-6596 Bencze, Dóra and Fekete, Tünde and Ágics, Beatrix and Pazmandi, Kitti (2020) A vírusok ellenségei: a humán plazmacitoid dendritikus sejtek. IMMUNOLÓGIAI SZEMLE, 12 (2). pp. 4-20. ISSN 2061-0203 Benczúr, Miklós and Petrányi, Győző (1977) Szövettenyésztés szerepe az immunológiai vizsgálatokban. Az MTA Biológiai Tudományok Osztályának Közleményei, 20 (3-4). pp. 429-438. ISSN 0025-0333 Benkő, Szilvia (2011) A Caterpiller molekulák szerepe a szaruhártya természetes immunitásának kialakításában = The role of Caterpiller molecules in the innate immunity of the cornea. Project Report. OTKA. Berencsi, K. and Gönczöl, Éva and Endrész, Valéria and Gyulai, Zsófia (1996) The N-terminal 303 amino acids of the human cytomegalovirus envelope glycoprotein B (UL55) and the exon 4 region of the major immediate early protein 1 (UL123) induce a cytotoxic T-cell response. VACCINE, 14 (5). pp. 369-374. ISSN 0264-410X Biri-Kovács, Beáta and Bánóczi, Zoltán and Tummalapally, Anitha and Szabó, Ildikó (2023) Peptide Vaccines in Melanoma: Chemical Approaches towards Improved Immunotherapeutic Efficacy. PHARMACEUTICS, 15 (2). p. 452. ISSN 1999-4923 Boda, Francisc and Banfai, Krisztina and Garai, Kitti and Kovács, Béla and Lambertne Sinkler, Reka and Csonka, Róbert and Czömpöly, Tamás and Kvell, Krisztian (2020) Effect of Bitis gabonica and Dendroaspis angusticeps snake venoms on apoptosis-related genes in human thymic epithelial cells. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, 1 (26). e20200057. ISSN 1678-9199 Bodó, Kornélia and Hayashi, Yuya and Gerencsér, Gellért and László, Zoltán and Kéri, Albert and Galbács, Gábor and Telek, Elek and Mészáros, Mária and Deli, Mária Anna and Németh, Péter and Engelmann, Péter (2020) Species-specific sensitivity of Eisenia earthworms towards noble metal nanoparticles: a multiparametric in vitro study. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-NANO, 7 (11). pp. 3509-3525. ISSN 2051-8153 Bodó, Kornélia and Nagyéri, György and Molnár, Zsófia and Sára, Levente and Posta, Katalin and Bodrogi, Lilla and Szőke, Zsuzsanna (2023) Baromfi-immunglobulinok lehetséges alkalmazásai a mikotoxin-környezetterhelések és a humánérintettség fókuszában. ORVOSI HETILAP, 164 (39). pp. 1527-1536. ISSN 0030-6002 Boros, Éva and Nagy, István (2019) The Role of MicroRNAs upon Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. CELLS, 8 (11). ISSN 2073-4409 Bovia, Fabrice and Salmon, Patrick and Matthes, Thomas and Kvell, Krisztian and Nguyen, Tuan and Werner-Favre, Christian and Barnet, Marc and Nagy, Mónika and Leuba, Florence and Arrighi, Jean-Francois and Piguet, Vincent and Trono, Didier and Zubler, Rudolf (2003) Efficient transduction of primary human B lymphocytes and nondividing myeloma B cells with HIV-1-derived lentiviral vectors. BLOOD, 101 (5). pp. 1727-1733. ISSN 0006-4971, eISSN 1528-0020 Budai, Marietta and Varga, Aliz and Milesz, Sándor and Tőzsér, József and Benkő, Szilvia (2013) Aloe vera downregulates LPS-induced inflammatory cytokine production and expression of NLRP3 inflammasome in human macrophages. Molecular Immunology, 56 (4). pp. 471-479. ISSN 0161-5890 Buzás, Edit Irén (2023) The roles of extracellular vesicles in the immune system. NATURE REVIEWS IMMUNOLOGY, 23. pp. 236-250. ISSN 1474-1733 (print), ISSN 1474-1741 (online) Buzás, Edit Irén and Budai, Lívia and Drahos, László and Holub, Marianna Csilla and Kittel, Ágnes and László, Valéria and Molnár, Viktor and Nagy, György and Nyitrayné Pap, Erna and Pállinger, Éva and Pollreisz, Ferenc and Szente-Pásztói, Mária and Vékey, Károly (2012) A sejtek közti kommunikáció újonnan azonosított mikrovezikulum-útjának vizsgálata = Analysis of cell-derived microvesicles that represent novel players in intercellular communication. Project Report. OTKA. Buzás, Edit Irén and László, Valéria and Szalai, Csaba (2008) Gliko-immunológiai vizsgálatok autoimmun folyamatok kialakulásának felderítésére = Glycoimmunological studies in search of the mechanism of autoimmune processes. Project Report. OTKA. Buzás, Edit Irén and Tóth, Eszter Ágnes and Sódar, Barbara and Szabó-Taylor, Katalin (2018) Molecular interactions at the surface of extracellular vesicles. SEMINARS IN IMMUNOPATHOLOGY, 40 (5). pp. 453-464. ISSN 1863-2297 Buzás, Krisztina and Kiss, Antal and Vizler, Csaba (2015) Current approaches of tumor immunotherapy. ACTA BIOLOGICA SZEGEDIENSIS, 59 (Suppl ). pp. 69-82. ISSN 1588-385X Bácsi, Attila and Csillag, Anikó and Magyarics, Zoltán (2012) A pollenek által indukált oxidatív stressz hatása a humán dendritikus sejtek működésére = Effects of pollen-induced oxidative stress on human dendritic cell function. Project Report. OTKA. Bárdos, Tamás and Czipri, Mátyás and Horváth, Gábor and Szabó, István and Vermes, Csaba (2009) A Proteoglycanok szerepe a Spondylitis Ankylopoeticaban = The Role of Proteoglycans in Ankylosing Spondylarthropathy. Project Report. OTKA. Böröcz, Katalin and Kinyó, Ágnes and Simon, Diána and Erdő-Bonyár, Szabina and Németh, Péter and Berki, Tímea (2023) Complexity of the Immune Response Elicited by Different COVID-19 Vaccines, in the Light of Natural Autoantibodies and Immunomodulatory Therapies. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 24 (7). No-6439. ISSN 1661-6596 CCherfils-Vicini, Julien and Iltis, Charlene and Cervera, Ludovic and Pisano, Sabrina and Croce, Olivier and Győrffy, Balázs (2019) Cancer cells induce immune escape via glycocalyx changes controlled by the telomeric protein TRF2. EMBO JOURNAL, 38 (11). ISSN 0261-4189 Cinege, Gyöngyi and Magyar, Lilla Brigitta and Kovács, Attila Lajos and Lerner, Zita and Juhász, Gábor and Lukacsovich, Tamás and Lukacsovich, David and Winterer, Jochen and Földy, Csaba and Hegedűs, Zoltán and Kurucz, Éva and Andó, István (2020) A sokmagvú óriás vérsejtek ultraszerkezetének vizsgálata és transzkriptom analízise. In: Magyar Immunológiai Társaság 49. Vándorgyűlése, 2020.10.7-8., On-line. Cinege Gyöngyi, Ilona and Lerner, Zita and Magyar, Lilla Brigitta and Soós, Bálint and Tóth, Renáta and Kristó, Ildikó and Vilmos, Péter and Juhász, Gábor and Kovács, Attila Lajos and Hegedűs, Zoltán and Sensen, Christoph W. and Kurucz, Judit Éva and Andó, István (2019) Cellular Immune Response Involving Multinucleated Giant Hemocytes with Two-Step Genome Amplification in the Drosophilid Zaprionus indianus. JOURNAL OF INNATE IMMUNITY. ISSN 1662-811X Constantin, Tamás and Ponyi, Andrea and Kálovics, Tamás and Orbán, Ilonka and Molnár, Katalin and Dérfalvy, Beáta and Dicső, Ferenc and Sallai, Ágnes and Garami, Miklós and Balogh, Zsolt and Szalai, Zsuzsanna and Fekete, György and Dankó, Katalin (2007) Juvenilis és felnőtt kori dermatomyositisben szenvedő betegek kórlefolyásának jellegzetességei, illetve a kezelés és a későbbi kórlefolyás kapcsolatának vizsgálata | Disease course, frequency of relapses and survival of patients with juvenile or adult dermatomyositis. Orvosi Hetilap, 148 (42). pp. 1989-1997. ISSN 0030-6002 (print), 1788-6120 (online) Crawford, D. H. and Andó, István (1986) EB virus induction is associated with B-cell maturation. Immunology, 59 (3). pp. 405-409. ISSN 1365-2567 Csepregi, Janka Zsófia and Orosz, Anita and Zajta, Erik and Kása, Orsolya and Németh, Tamás and Simon, Edina and Fodor, Szabina and Csonka, Katalin and Kövesdi, Dorottya and Gácser, Attila and Mócsai, Attila (2018) Myeloid-Specific Deletion of Mcl-1 Yields Severely Neutropenic Mice That Survive and Breed in Homozygous Form. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 201 (12). pp. 3793-3803. ISSN 0022-1767 Cserhalmi, Marcell and Papp, A. and Brandus, B. and Uzonyi, Barbara and Józsi, Mihály (2019) Regulation of regulators: Role of the complement factor H-related proteins. SEMINARS IN IMMUNOLOGY, 45. ISSN 1044-5323 Cserhalmi, Marcell and Uzonyi, Barbara and Merle, Nicolas S. and Csuka, Dorottya and Meusburger, Edgar and Prohászka, Zoltán and Józsi, Mihály (2017) Functional Characterization of the Disease-associated N-Terminal complement Factor H Mutation W198R. FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY, 8. p. 1800. ISSN 1664-3224 Csincsi, Ádám and Kopp, Anne and Zöldi, Miklós and Bánlaki, Zsófia and Uzonyi, Barbara and Józsi, Mihály (2015) Factor H-Related Protein 5 Interacts with Pentraxin 3 and the Extracellular Matrix and Modulates Complement Activation. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 194 (10). pp. 4963-4973. ISSN 0022-1767 Csuka, Dorottya and Munthe-Fog, Lea and Skjoedt, Mikkel-Ole and Kocsis, Andrea and Zotter, Zsuzsanna and Gál, Péter and Varga, Lilian and Farkas, Henriette and Füst, György (2013) The role of ficolins and MASPs in hereditary angioedema due to C1-inhibitor deficiency. MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY, 54 (3-4). pp. 271-277. ISSN 0161-5890 Czimmerer, Zsolt and Daniel, B. and Horvath, Attila and Ruckerl, Dominik and Nagy, Gergely and Nagy, Béla and Póliska, Szilárd and Bankó, Csaba and Bacsó, Zsolt and Benkő, Szilvia and Nagy, László (2018) The Transcription Factor STAT6 Mediates Direct Repression of Inflammatory Enhancers and Limits Activation of Alternatively Polarized Macrophages. IMMUNITY, 48 (1). pp. 75-90. ISSN 1074-7613 Czimmerer, Zsolt and Nagy, László (2023) Epigenomic Regulation of Macrophage Polarization: Where do the Nuclear Receptors Belong? IMMUNOLOGICAL REVIEWS, 317 (1). pp. 152-165. ISSN 0105-2896 (print); 1600-065X (online) Czimmerer, Zsolt and Varga, Tamás and Póliska, Szilárd and Német, István and Szántó, Attila and Nagy, László (2012) Identification of novel markers of human alternative macrophage activation including potential endogenous PPARγ ligand production mechanisms. IMMUNOBIOLOGY, 217 (12). pp. 1301-1314. ISSN 0171-2985 Czirják, László and Berki, Timea and Kumánovics, Gábor and Nagy, Zoltán and Nusser, Nóra and Süto, Gábor and Varjú, Cecília (2008) Klinikai - immunológiai vizsgálatok szisztémás autoimmun kórképekben = Clinical-epidemiological studies in systemic autoimmune diseases. Project Report. OTKA. DDankó, Katalin and Aleksza, Magdolna and Bodolay, Edit and Constantin, Tamás and Ponyi, Andrea and Semsei, Imre and Sümegi, Andrea and Szűcs, Gabriella and Zeher, Margit (2008) A polymyositis/dermatomyositisben alkalmazott terápia hatásának tanulmányozása a patomechanizmusban szerepet játszó kóros immunválaszok egyes elemeire. Sejtes és humorális elemek, valamint az NF- B szignalizációs útvonal vizsgálata = Studying the effect of the therapy of polymyositis/dermatomyositis on the pathological immunological responses. Project Report. OTKA. Deák, Magdolna and Hornung, Ákos and Novák, Julianna and Demydenko, Dmytro and Szabó, Enikő and Czibula, Ágnes and Fajka-Boja, Roberta and Kriston-Pál, Éva and Monostori, Éva and Kovács, László (2015) Novel role for galectin-1 in T-cells under physiological and pathological conditions. IMMUNOBIOLOGY, 220 (4). pp. 483-489. ISSN 0171-2985 Dobozy, Attila and Bata, Zsuzsanna and Belső, Nóra and Garaczi, Edina and Gyulai, Rolland and Kemény, Lajos and Nagy, Nikoletta and Szabó, Kornélia and Szegedi, Krisztina and Széll, Márta (2009) Sejtbiológiai, immunológiai és genomikai kutatások pikkelysömörben = Cell Biology, Immunology and Genomics Studies in Psoriasis. Project Report. OTKA. Dobra, Gabriella and Gyukity-Sebestyén, Edina and Bukva, Mátyás and Harmati, Mária and Nagy, Valentina and Szabó, Zoltán and Pankotai, Tibor and Klekner, Álmos and Buzás, Krisztina (2023) MMP-9 as Prognostic Marker for Brain Tumours: A Comparative Study on Serum-Derived Small Extracellular Vesicles. CANCERS, 15 (3). ISSN 2072-6694 Dobó, József and Pál, Gábor and Cervenak, László and Gál, Péter (2016) The emerging roles of mannose-binding lectin-associated serine proteases (MASPs) in the lectin pathway of complement and beyond. IMMUNOLOGICAL REVIEWS, 274. pp. 98-111. ISSN 0105-2896 Domokos, Apolka and Varga, Zsofia and Jambrovics, Karoly and Caballero-Sánchez, Noemí and Szabo, Eniko and Nagy, Gergely and Scholtz, Beata and Halasz, Laszlo and Varadi, Eszter and Bene, Krisztian P. and Mazlo, Anett and Bacsi, Attila and Jeney, Viktoria and Szebeni, Gábor J. and Nagy, Laszlo and Czimmerer, Zsolt (2023) The transcriptional control of the VEGFA-VEGFR1 (FLT1) axis in alternatively polarized murine and human macrophages. FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY, 14. No-1168635. ISSN 1664-3224 Dániel, Bence and Czimmerer, Zsolt and Halasz, Laszlo and Botó, Pál and Kolostyák, Zsuzsanna and Póliska, Szilárd and Tzerpos, Petros and Nagy, Gergely and Horváth, Attila and Hajas, György and Szatmári, István and Bácsi, Attila and Nagy, László (2020) The transcription factor EGR2 is the molecular linchpin connecting STAT6 activation to the late, stable epigenomic program of alternative macrophage polarization. GENES & DEVELOPMENT, 34 (21-22). pp. 1474-1492. ISSN 0890-9369 (nyomtatott); 1549-5477 (online) Dülk, Metta and Kudlik, Gyöngyi and Fekete, Anna and Ernszt, Dávid and Kvell, Krisztian and Pongracz, Judit E. and Merő, Balázs and Szeder, Bálint and Radnai, László and Geiszt, Miklós and Csécsy, Dalma and Kovács, Tamás and Uher, Ferenc and Lányi, Árpád and Vas, Virág and Buday, László (2016) The scaffold protein Tks4 is required for the differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) into adipogenic and osteogenic lineages. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 1 (6). e34280. ISSN 2045-2322 EEndrész, Valéria and Kari, L. and Berencsi, K. and Kari, C. and Gyulai, Zsófia and Jeney, Csaba and Gönczöl, Éva (1999) Induction of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV)-glycoprotein B (gB)-specific neutralizing antibody and phosphoprotein 65 (pp65)-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses by naked DNA immunization. VACCINE, 17 (1). pp. 50-58. ISSN 0264-410X Engelmann, Péter and Hayashi, Yuya and Bodó, Kornélia and Ernszt, Dávid and Némethné Somogyi, Ildikó and Steib, Anita and Orbán, József and Pollák, Edit and Nyitrai, Miklós and Németh, Péter and Molnár, László (2016) Phenotypic and functional characterization of earthworm coelomocyte subsets: Linking light scatter-based cell typing and imaging of the sorted populations. DEVELOPMENTAL AND COMPARATIVE IMMUNOLOGY, 65. pp. 41-52. ISSN 0145-305X Engelmann, Péter and Hayashi, Yuya and Bodó, Kornélia and Molnár, László (2016) New aspects of earthworm innate immunity: novel molecules and old proteins with unexpected functions. In: Lessons in immunity: from single-cell organisms to mammals. Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam; Boston; Heidelberg, pp. 53-66. ISBN 978-0-12-803252-7 Erdei, Anna and Bajtay, Zsuzsa and László, Glória and Prechl, József (2009) Az adaptív immunválasz kialakulása és szabályozása fiziológiás és kóros körülmények között: dendritikus sejtek, hízósejtek és a komplementrendszer szerepének vizsgálata = Regulation of adaptive immune responses under normal and pathological conditions; role of dendritic cells, mastocytes and the complement system. Project Report. OTKA. Erdei, Anna and Sándor, Noémi and Mácsik-Valent, Bernadett and Lukácsi, Szilvia Zsófia and Kremlitzka, Mariann and Bajtay, Zsuzsanna (2016) The versatile functions of complement C3-derived ligands. IMMUNOLOGICAL REVIEWS, 274 (1). pp. 127-140. ISSN 0105-2896 Erdős, Melinda and Garami, Miklós and Rákóczi, É. and Zalatnai, Attila and Tóth, Beáta and Maródi, László (2008) Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Associated with X-linked Hyper-immunoglobulin M Syndrome: Report of Four Cases and Review of the Literature. CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, 129 (3). pp. 455-461. 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