Items where Author is "Kiss, Keve Tihamér"

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Ács, Éva and Bíró, Tibor and Béres Deák, László and Duleba, Mónika and Grigorszky, István and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Németh, Zoltán and Papp, András and Vadkerti, Edit (2023) Alkalmas-e a kavitációs vízkezelés az algavirágzások csúcsainak letörésére? = Is Cavitation Water Treatment Suitable for Breaking the Peaks of Algal Blooms? HADMÉRNÖK : KATONAI MŰSZAKI TUDOMÁNYOK ONLINE FOLYÓIRATA, 18 (3). pp. 19-32. ISSN 1788-1919

Duleba, Mónika and Földi, Angéla and Micsinai, Adrienn and Várbíró, Gábor and Mohr, Anita and Buczkó, Krisztina and Trábert, Zsuzsa and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Ács, Éva (2021) Applicability of diatom metabarcoding in the ecological status assessment of Hungarian lotic and soda pan habitats. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 130. ISSN 1470-160X

Abonyi, András and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Hidas, András and Borics, Gábor and Várbíró, Gábor and Ács, Éva (2020) Cell Size Decrease and Altered Size Structure of Phytoplankton Constrain Ecosystem Functioning in the Middle Danube River Over Multiple Decades. ECOSYSTEMS, 23 (6). pp. 1254-1264. ISSN 1432-9840

Trábert, Zsuzsa and Duleba, Mónika and Bíró, Tibor and Dobosy, Péter and Földi, Angéla and Hidas, András and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Óvári, Mihály and Takács, Anita and Várbíró, Gábor and Záray, Gyula and Ács, Éva (2020) Effect of Land Use on the Benthic Diatom Community of the Danube River in the Region of Budapest. WATER, 12 (2). ISSN 2073-4441

Grigorszky, István and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Szabó, László József and Dévai, György and Nagy, Sándor Alex and Somlyai, Imre and Berta, Csaba and Borics, Gábor and Pór, Gabriella and Ács, Éva (2019) Drivers of the Ceratium hirundinella and Microcystis aeruginosa coexistence in a drinking water reservoir = Efeito da flor de Ceratium hirundinella e Microcystis aeruginosa no reservatório de água potável. LIMNETICA, 38 (1). pp. 41-53. ISSN 0213-8409

Bolgovics, Ágnes and B-Béres, Viktória and Várbíró, Gábor and Krasznai-K., Eszter Ágnes and Ács, Éva and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Borics, Gábor (2019) Groups of small lakes maintain larger microalgal diversity than large ones. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 678. pp. 162-172. ISSN 0048-9697 (print); 1879-1026 (online)

Ács, Éva and Földi, Angéla and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Trábert, Zsuzsa and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Duleba, Mónika and Borics, Gábor and Grigorszky, István and Botta-Dukát, Zoltán (2019) Trait-based community assembly of epiphytic diatoms in saline astatic ponds: a test of the stress-dominance hypothesis. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2045-2322

Ács, Éva and Földi, Angéla and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Buczkó, Krisztina (2019) The first Hungarian record of a rare Gomphonema (Bacillariophyta) species from temporary ponds. STUDIA BOTANICA HUNGARICA, 50 (1). pp. 19-27. ISSN 0301-7001

Buczkó, Krisztina and Ács, Éva and Báldi, Katalin and Pozderka, Virág and Braun, Mihály and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Korponai, János (2019) The first high resolution diatom record from Lake Balaton, Hungary in Central Europe. LIMNETICA, 38 (1). pp. 417-430. ISSN 0213-8409

Abonyi, András and Ács, Éva and Hidas, András and Grigorszky, István and Várbíró, Gábor and Borics, Gábor and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (2018) Functional diversity of phytoplankton highlights long-term gradual regime shift in the middle section of the Danube River due to global warming, human impacts and oligotrophication. Freshwater Biology, 63 (5). pp. 456-472. ISSN 0046-5070

Rusanov, Alexander G. and Ector, Luc and Morales, Eduardo A. and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Ács, Éva (2018) Morphometric analyses of Staurosira inflata comb. nov.(Bacillariophyceae) and the morphologically related Staurosira tabellaria from north-western Russia. European Journal of Phycology, 53 (3). pp. 336-349. ISSN 0967-0262 (print), 1469-4433 (online)

Földi, Angéla and Ács, Éva and Grigorszky, István and Ector, Luc and Wetzel, Carlos Eduardo and Várbíró, Gábor and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Dobosy, Péter and Trábert, Zsuzsa and K. Borsodi, Andrea and Duleba, Mónika (2018) Unexpected consequences of bombing. Community level response of epiphytic diatoms to environmental stress in a saline bomb crater pond area. PLOS ONE, 13 (10). pp. 1-34. ISSN 1932-6203

Solak, C. N. and Kulikovskiy, Maxim and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Kaleli, A. and Kociolek, P. J. and Ács, Éva (2018) The distribution of centric diatoms in different river catchments in the Anatolian Peninsula, Turkey. TURKISH JOURNAL OF BOTANY, 42. pp. 100-122. ISSN 1300-008X

Bolgovics, Ágnes and Ács, Éva and Várbíró, Gábor and Görgényi, Judit and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Földi, Angéla and Trábert, Zsuzsa and Borics, Gábor (2017) Benthic diatom-based lake types in Hungary. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 189 (2). pp. 105-116. ISSN 1863-9135

Ács, Éva and Wetzel, Carlos E. and Buczkó, Krisztina and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Nagy, Katalin and Trábert, Zsuzsa and Földi, Angéla (2017) Biogeography and morphology of a poorly known Sellaphora species. FOTTEA, 17 (1). pp. 57-64. ISSN 1802-5439

Trábert, Zsuzsa and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Várbíró, Gábor and Dobosy, Péter and Grigorszky, István and Ács, Éva (2017) Comparison of the utility of a frequently used diatom index (IPS) and the diatom ecological guilds in the ecological status assessment of large rivers. FUNDAMENTAL AND APPLIED LIMNOLOGY, 189 (2). pp. 87-103. ISSN 1863-9135

Ács, Éva and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Dobosy, Péter and Duleba, Mónika and Luc, Ector and Grigorszky, István and Trábert, Zsuzsa and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Wetzel, Carlos E. and Földi, Angéle (2017) Interesting diatoms from a special habitat. Acta Biologica Plantarum Agriensis, 5 (1). p. 46. ISSN 2061-6716

Ács, Éva and Földi, Angéla and Wetzel, Carlos E. and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Dobosy, Péter and Trábert, Zsuzsa and Grigorszky, István and Engloner, Attila (2017) Nitzschia austriaca Hustedt: a characteristic diatom of Hungarian inland saline waters including a morphological comparison with the type material. Phytotaxa, 308 (1). pp. 54-65. ISSN 1179-3155

Bolgovics, Ágnes and Várbíró, Gábor and Ács, Éva and Trábert, Zsuzsa and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Görgényi, Judit and Boda, Pál and Lukács, Balázs András and Nagy-László, Zsolt and Abonyi, András and Borics, Gábor (2017) Phytoplankton of rhithral rivers: its origin, diversity and possible use for quality-assessment. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 81. pp. 587-596. ISSN 1470-160X

Grigorszky, István and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Pór, Gabriella and Dévai, György and Nagy, Sándor Alex and Duleba, Mónika and Trábert, Zsuzsa and Ács, Éva (2017) Temperature and growth strategies as the essential factors influencing the occurrence of Stephanodiscus minutulus (Kützing) Cleve & Möller and Palatinus apiculatus (Ehrenberg) Craveiro, Calado, Daugbjerg & Moestrup. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 189 (2). pp. 167-175. ISSN 1863-9135

Bolgovics, Ágnes and Ács, Éva and Várbíró, Gábor and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Borics, Gábor (2016) Mely tényezők határozzák meg a Sajó fitoplanktonjának kovaalga összetételét? = What factors determine the diatom compositon of the Sajó river? HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY, 96 (ksz.). pp. 22-25. ISSN 0018-1323

Ács, Éva and Ari, Eszter and Duleba, Mónika and Dreßler, Mirko and Genkal, Sergei I. and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (2016) Pantocsekiella a new centric diatom genus based on morphological and genetic studies. FOTTEA, 16 (1). pp. 56-78. ISSN 1802-5439

Borics, Gábor and Ács, Éva and Boda, Pál and Boros, Emil and Erős, Tibor and Grigorszky, István and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Lengyel, Szabolcs and Somogyi, Boglárka and Vörös, Lajos (2016) Water bodies in Hungary – an overview of their management and present state. HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY, 96 (3). pp. 57-67. ISSN 0018-1323

Duleba, Mónika and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Földi, Angéla and Kovács, József and Borojevic, Koraljka Kralj and Tóth, Bence and Ács, Éva (2015) Morphological and genetic variability of assemblages of Cyclotella ocellata Pantocsek/ C. comensis Grunow complex (Bacillariophyta, Thalassiosirales). DIATOM RESEARCH, 30 (4). pp. 283-306. ISSN 0269-249X

Duleba, Mónika and Luc, Ector and Horváth, Zsófia and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Molnár, Levente Farkas and Pohner, Zsuzsanna and Tóth, Bence and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Várbíró, Gábor and Ács, Éva (2014) Biogeography and Phylogenetic Position of a Warm-stenotherm Centric Diatom, Skeletonema potamos (C.I. Weber) Hasle and its Long-term Dynamics in the River Danube. PROTIST, 165 (5). pp. 715-729. ISSN 1434-4610

Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Genkal, Sergei I. and Ector, Luc and Molnár, Levente and Duleba, Mónika and Bíró, Péter and Ács, Éva (2013) Morphology, taxonomy and distribution of Stephanodiscus triporus (Bacillariophyceae) and related taxa. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY, 48 (4). pp. 363-379. ISSN 0967-0262

Kiss, Á. K. and Török, Júlia Katalin and Ács, Éva and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (2009) Pseudodifflugia klarae nov. spec., Bereczkya minuta nov. gen. nov. spec. and Paramphitrema muelleri nov. spec.: three new filose testate amoebae from the plankton of the river Danube. ACTA PROTOZOOLOGICA, 48 (2). pp. 97-110. ISSN 0065-1583

Ács, Éva and Morales, E. A. and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Bolla, B. and Plenković-Moraj, A. and Reskóné Nagy, M. and Ector, L. (2009) Staurosira grigorszkyi nom. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) an araphid diatom from Lake Balaton, Hungary, with notes on Fragilaria hungarica Pantocsek. NOVA HEDWIGIA, 89 (3-4). pp. 469-483. ISSN 0029-5035

Kiss, Á.K. and Ács, Éva and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Török, Júlia Katalin (2009) Structure and seasonal dynamics of the protozoan community (heterotrophic flagellates, ciliates, amoeboid protozoa) in the plankton of a large river (River Danube, Hungary). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PROTISTOLOGY, 45 (2). pp. 121-138. ISSN 0932-4739

Ács, Éva and Borsodi, Andrea K. and Kiss, Éva and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Szabó, Katalin Éva and Vladár, P. and Várbíró, Gábor and Záray, Gyula (2008) Comparative algological and bacteriological examinations on biofilms developed on different substrata in a shallow soda lake. Aquatic Ecology, 42 (4). pp. 521-531. ISSN 1386-2588 (print), 1573-5125 (online)

Szabó Katalin, Éva and Makk, Judit and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Eiler, Alexander and Ács, Éva and Tóth, Bence and Kiss, Áron Keve and Bertilsson, Stefan (2008) Sequential colonization of river periphyton analysed by microscopy and molecular fingerprinting. FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, 53 (7). pp. 1359-1371. ISSN 0046-5070

Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Ács, Éva and Szabó, Katalin Éva and Miracle, M. R. and Vicente, E. (2007) Morphological observations on Cyclotella distinguenda Hustedt and C. delicatula Hustedt from the core sample of a meromictic karstic lake of Spain (Lake La Cruz) with aspects of their ecology. Diatom Research, 22 (2). pp. 287-308. ISSN 0269-249X (print), 2159-8347 (online)

Szabó, Katalin Éva and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Tóth, Bence and Metzeltin, Ditmar and Ács, Éva (2007) Navicula novaesiberica Lange-Bertalot; a new record of the species from the Danube River in Hungary. Diatom Research, 22 (2). pp. 497-502. ISSN 0269-249X (print), 2159-8347 (online)

Szabó-Taylor, Katalin and Ács, Éva and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Eiler, A. and Makk, Judit and Plenkovic-Moraj, A. and Tóth, Bence and Bertilsson, S. (2007) Periphyton-based water quality analysis of a large river (River Danube, Hungary): exploring the potential of molecular fingerprinting for biomonitoring. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. Supplement-Band: Large Rivers, 17 (Su 161). pp. 365-382. ISSN 0945-3784

Várbíró, Gábor and Borics, Gábor and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Szabó-Taylor, Katalin and Plenkovic-Moraj, A. and Ács, Éva (2007) Use of Kohonen self organizing maps (SOM) for the characterisation of benthic diatom associations of the River Danube and its tributaries. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. Supplement-Band: Large Rivers, 17 (Su 161). pp. 395-404. ISSN 0945-3784

Várbíró, Gábor and Ács, Éva and Borics, Gábor and Érces, K. and Fehér, G. and Grigorszky, István and Japoport, T. and Kocsi, G. and Krasznai, Enikő and Nagy, K. and Nagy-László, Zsolt and Pilinszky, Zs. and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (2007) Use of Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) for characterization of riverrine phytoplankton associations in Hungary. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. Supplement-Band: Large Rivers, 17 (Su 161). pp. 383-394. ISSN 0945-3784

Burić, Zrinka and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Ács, Éva and Viličić, Damir and Caput Mihalić, Katarina and Carić, Marina (2007) The occurrence and ecology of the centric diatom Cyclotella choctawhatcheeana Prasad in a Croatian estuary. Nova Hedwigia, 84 (1). pp. 135-153. ISSN 0029-5035

Grigorszky, István and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Béres, Viktória and Bácsi, István and Mikóné Hamvas, Márta and Máthé, Csaba and Vasas, Gábor and Padisák, Judit and Borics, Gábor and Gligora, Marija and Borbély, György (2006) The Effects of Temperature, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus on the Encystment of Peridinium cinctum, Stein (Dinophyta). HYDROBIOLOGIA, 563 (1). pp. 527-535. ISSN 0018-8158 (print), 1573-5117 (online)

Ács, Éva and Szabó-Taylor, Katalin and Kiss, Á. K. and Tóth, Bence and Záray, Gyula and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (2006) Investigation of epilithic algae on the River Danube from Germany to Hungary and the effect of a very dry year on the algae of the River Danube. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. Supplement-Band: Large Rivers, 16 (3). pp. 389-417. ISSN 0945-3784

Ács, Éva and Reskóné, N. M. and Szabó, Katalin Éva and Taba, Gy. and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (2005) Application of epiphytic diatoms in water quality monitoring of Lake Velence - recommendations and assignments. ACTA BOTANICA HUNGARICA, 47 (3). pp. 211-223. ISSN 0236-6495

Szabó, Katalin and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Taba, Györgyi and Ács, Éva (2005) Epiphytic diatoms of the Tisza River, Kisköre reservoir and some oxbows of the Tisza River after the cyanide and heavy metal pollution in 2000. Acta Botanica Croatia, 64 (1). pp. 1-46. ISSN 0365-0588

Ács, Éva and Szabó-Taylor, Katalin and Tóth, Bence and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (2005) Investigation of benthic algal communities, especially diatoms of some Hungarian streams in connection with reference conditions of the water framework directives. ACTA BOTANICA HUNGARICA, 46 (3). pp. 255-278. ISSN 0236-6495

Szabó-Taylor, Katalin and Ács, Éva and Pápista, É. and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Barreto, Sára and Makk, Judit (2005) Periphhyton and phytoplankton in the Soroksár-Danube in Hungary. I. Periphytic algae on reed stems. ACTA BOTANICA HUNGARICA, 43 (1). pp. 13-35. ISSN 0236-6495

Péterfi, L. S. and Momeu, L. and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Ács, Éva (2005) Recent occurrence of Mallomonas intermedia Kisselev (Synurophyceae, Chrysophyta) in Transylvania (Romania), based on scanning electron microscopy. ACTA BOTANICA HUNGARICA, 47 (1-2). pp. 145-149. ISSN 0236-6495

Szabó, Katalin and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Ector, Luc and Kecskés, Mihály and Ács, Éva (2004) Benthic diatom flora in a small Hungarian tributary of River Danube (Rákos-stream). ARCHIV FÜR HYDROBIOLOGIE SUPPLEMENTBAND ALGOLOGICAL STUDIES, 111 (1). pp. 79-94. ISSN 0342-1120

Ács, Éva and Kériné Borsodi, Andrea and Makk, Judit and Molnár, Piroska and Mózes, Andrea and Rusznyák, Anna and Reskóné, Mária N. and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (2003) Algological and bacteriological investigations on reed periphyton in Lake Velencei, Hungary. HYDROBIOLOGIA, 506-50 (1-3). pp. 549-557. ISSN 0018-8158 (print), 1573-5117 (online)

Ács, Éva and Szabó-Taylor, Katalin and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (2003) Benthic algal investigations in the Danube river and some of its main tributaries from Germany to Hungary. Biologia (Bratislava), 58 (4). pp. 545-554. ISSN 0006-3088 (print), 1336-9563 (online)

Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Hegewald, E. and Ács, Éva (2002) Cyclotella hispanica a new dimorphic centric diatom species (Bacillariophyceae). ARCHIV FÜR HYDROBIOLOGIE SUPPLEMENTBAND ALGOLOGICAL STUDIES, 106 (Su 144). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0342-1120

Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Ács, Éva and Barkács, Katalin and Borics, Gábor and Böddi, Béla and Ector, L. and Solymos, G. K. and Szabó-Taylor, Katalin and Varga, A. and Varga, Imre (2002) Qualitative short-term effect of cyanide and heavy metal pollution on phytoplankton and periphyton in the Rivers Tisza and Szamos (Hungary). Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. Supplement-Band: Large Rivers, 13 (S 141). pp. 47-72. ISSN 0945-3784

Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Iserentant, R. and Ács, Éva and Ector, L. (2002) Thalassiosira gessneri HUSTEDT and T. lacustris (GRUNOW) HASLE in the rivers Moselle (Luxembourg), Rhône, Saone (France), Danube (Hungary) and the channel Main-Danube (Germany). ARCHIV FÜR HYDROBIOLOGIE SUPPLEMENTBAND ALGOLOGICAL STUDIES, 107 (Su 145). pp. 17-37. ISSN 0342-1120

Beszteri, B. and Ács, Éva and Makk, Judit and Kovács, G. and Márialigeti, Károly and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (2001) Phylogeny of six naviculoid diatoms based on 18S rDNA sequences. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 51 (4). pp. 1581-1586. ISSN 1466-5026

Grigorszky, István and Borics, Gábor and Padisák, Judit and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Borbély, György and Dévai, György and Nagy, Sándor and Kiss, Béla and Müller, Zoltán and Bárdosi, Erika and Iványi, Enikő and Pór, Gabriella and Sára, Zoltán (2000) PEG-modell (Plancton Ecological Group) alkalmazhatóságának vizsgálata a Kecskés-zugi Holt-Körösön. HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY, 80. pp. 300-302. ISSN 0018-1323

Ács, Éva and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Szabó-Taylor, Katalin and Makk, Judit (2000) Short-term colonization sequence of periphyton on glass slides in a large river (River Danube, near Budapest). Acta Botanica Croatia, 100 (136 su). pp. 135-156. ISSN 0365-0588

Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Ács, Éva and Kovács, A. (1994) Ecological observations on Skeletonema potamos (Weber) Hasle in the River Danube, near Budapest (1991-92, daily investigations). HYDROBIOLOGIA, 289 (1-3). pp. 163-170. ISSN 0018-8158 (print), 1573-5117 (online)

Ács, Éva and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (1993) Colonization processes of diatoms on artificial substrates in the River Danube near Budapest (Hungary). HYDROBIOLOGIA, 269-27 (1). pp. 307-315. ISSN 0018-8158 (print), 1573-5117 (online)

Ács, Éva and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (1993) Effects of the water discharge on periphyton abundance and diversity in a large river (River Danube, Hungary). HYDROBIOLOGIA, 249 (1-3). pp. 125-133. ISSN 0018-8158 (print), 1573-5117 (online)

Ács, Éva and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (1991) Investigation of periphytic algae in the Danube at Göd (1669 river km, Hungary). ARCHIV FÜR HYDROBIOLOGIE SUPPLEMENTBAND ALGOLOGICAL STUDIES, 62 (Suppl.). pp. 47-67. ISSN 0342-1120

Book Section

Hidas, András and Duleba, Mónika and Grigorszky, István and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (2015) Tavaszi kovaalga (Centrales) vízvirágzás a Dunán Gödnél. In: XXXIII. Országos Vándorgyűlés: Szombathely, 2015. július 1-3. Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság (MHT), Budapest, pp. 1-17. ISBN 978-963-8172-34-1

Cabrol, Nathalie A. and McKay, Chris P. and Grin, Edmond A. and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Ács, Éva and Tóth, Bence and Grigorszky, István and Szabó-Taylor, Katalin and Fike, David A. and Hock, Andrew N. and Demergasso, Cecilia and Escudero, Lorena and Galleguillos, P. and Grigsby, Brian H. and Román, Jebner Zambrana and Tambley, Cristian (2009) Signatures of Habitats and Life in Earth’s High-Altitude Lakes: Clues to Noachian Aqueous Environments on Mars. In: The Geology of Mars: Evidence from Earth-Based Analogs. Cambridge Planetary Science (5). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 349-370.

Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Ács, Éva and Szabó, Katalin Éva (2007) Algák és anyagforgalmi kapcsolataik. In: "A Dunának, mely múlt, jelen s jövendő...": 50 éves az MTA Magyar Dunakutató Állomása (1957-2007): szemelvények az állomás tudományos eredményeiből. MTA ÖBKI-MDÁ, Vácrátót - Göd, pp. 33-49. ISBN 978 963 8391 36 0

Ács, Éva and Borics, Gábor and Kiss, Gábor and Reskóné Nagy, Mária and Várbíró, Gábor and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (2007) Fitobenton vizsgálatok tanulságai a Balaton és vízgyűjtője patakjainak példáján. In: Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság XXV. Országos Vándorgyűlés. Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság, Budapest, pp. 1-27. ISBN 978-963-8172-20-4

Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Ács, Éva and Szabó, Katalin and Tóth, Bence and Kiss, Áron Keve (2006) Alteration in the summer phytoplankton abundance from a medium to low water level conditions in the River Danube. In: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference of IAD: 50 Years International Association for Danube Research. Austrian Committee Danube Research / IAD, Bécs, pp. 210-214. ISBN 978-3-9500723-2-7

Ács, Éva and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Szabó, Katalin Éva (2006) Innovative algological investigations related to the Water Framework Directive. In: Recent research results supporting sustainability. Institute of Ecology and Botany of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Vácrátót, pp. 51-54. ISBN 963-8391-32-4

Ács, Éva and Szabó-Taylor, Katalin and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (2002) Nature conservation oriented algal biodiversity monitoring investigations in the main arm and some dead arms of the River Tisza I. Benthic diatoms. In: Proceedings of the 34th conference in Tulcea, Romania, 2002. Limnological reports (4). Academiei Romane, Bukarest, pp. 111-120. ISBN 9789732709153

Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Ács, Éva (2002) Nature conservation oriented algal biodiversity monitoring investigations in the main arm and some dead arms of the River Tisza II. Phytoplankton. In: Proceedings of the 34th conference in Tulcea, Romania, 2002. Limnological reports (34). Academiei Romane, Bukarest, pp. 163-171. ISBN 9789732709153

Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Pápista, É. and Ács, Éva and Makk, Judit (2000) Comparison of phytoplankton of 80s and late 90s in a large side arm of the Danube River (Soroksár-Danube/Hungary). In: Limnologigal Reports. Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the IAD: The Danube and its Tributaries: Antropogenic Impacts and Revitalisation. Josip Juraj Strossmayer University, Faculty of Education, Osijek, pp. 103-110. ISBN 9536711117

Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Schmidt, A. and Ács, Éva (1996) Sampling strategies for phytoplankton investigations in a large river (River Danube, Hungary). In: Use of algae for monitoring rivers II : proceedings of an international symposium held at the Volksbildungsheim Grillhof, Vill near Innsbruck, 17 - 19 September 1995. STUDIA Studentenförderungs GmbH, Innsbruck, pp. 179-185. ISBN 0395000902


Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Ács, Éva and Szabó-Taylor, Katalin Éva and Tóth, Bence (2013) Magyarország Centrales fajainak florisztikai felmérése összefüggésben a természetvédelemmel = Floristical studies on centric diatoms in Hungary concerning the nature conservation. Project Report. OTKA.

Conference or Workshop Item

Ács, Éva and Terenyei, Eszter and Grigorszky, István and Plenkovič-Moralj, Andjelka and Várbíró, Gábor and Földi, Angéla and Kiss, Keve Tihamér (2013) Magyarországi és horvátországi karsztos vízfolyások kovaalga közösségének vizsgálata összefüggésben az EU VKI-val. In: XXXI. Országos Vándorgyűlés : Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság, 2013.07.03-2013.07.05., Gödöllő.

Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Horváth, Zsófia and Tóth, Bence and Földi, Angéla and Barreto, Sára and Szilasy, Zsuzsanna and Ács, Éva (2013) A fitoplankton és a fitobentosz diverzitása az ócsai Öreg-turján néhány vízterében. In: XXXI. Országos Vándorgyűlés : Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság, 2013.07.03-2013.07.05., Gödöllő.

Ács, Éva and Borics, Gábor and Fehér, G. and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Reskóné, N. M. and Várbíró, Gábor (2009) Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive to assessment the water quality in Hungarian running waters with diatoms. In: The joint 40th Meeting of the Dutch-Flemish Society of Diatomists (NVKD) and 3rd Cetral Europen Diatom Meeting (CE-DiatoM), 2009.03.26-2009.03.29, Utrecht.

Puky, Miklós and Ács, Éva and Bódis, Erika and Borza, Péter and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Tóth, Adrienn (2009) Invasive algae, plant, bivalve and crustacean species along the Hungarian Danube section: arrival time, colonisation characteristics, relative importance. In: 37th IAD Conference, 2008.10.29-2008.11.01., Chisinau, Moldova.

Grigorszky, István and Borics, Gábor and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Schnitchen, Csaba and Béres, V. and Gligora, M. and Padisák, Judit and Borbély, Gy. (2005) Seasonal variation of organic compounds in a eutrophic oxbow lake. In: SIL XXIX. Congress, 2004. augusztus 8-14., Lahti, Finland.

Grigorszky, István and Nagy, Sándor and Krienitz, L. and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Hamvas, M. M. and Tóth, A. and Borics, Gábor and Máthé, C. and Kiss, B. and Borbély, György and Dévai, György and Padisák, Judit (1998) Seasonal succession of phytoplankton in a small oligotrophic oxbow and some consideration to the PEG model. In: 27th Congress of the International-Association-of-Theoretical-and-Applied-Limnology, 1998. augusztus 9-15., DUBLIN, IRELAND.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 15:03:33 2025 CET.