Items where Author is "Kovács, András"

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Illés, Balázs and Skwarek, Agata and Hurtony, Tamás and Krammer, Olivér and Medgyes, Bálint and Szostak, Krzysztof and Harsányi, Gábor and Kovács, András and Pécz, Béla (2025) Risk of transition to lead-free in the space sector: Sn whisker growth in thermal vacuum conditions from submicron Sn layer. MATERIALS AND DESIGN, 250. ISSN 0264-1275

Kong, Deli and Kovács, András and Charilaou, Michalis and Altthaler, Markus and Prodan, Lilian and Tsurkan, Vladimir and Meier, Dennis and Han, Xiaodong and Kezsmarki, Istvan and Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E. (2025) Strain Engineering of Magnetic Anisotropy in the Kagome Magnet Fe<sub>3</sub>Sn<sub>2</sub>. ACS NANO, 19 (8). pp. 8142-8151. ISSN 1936-0851

Kovács, András (2024) A sötét univerzum felfedezése az Euclid űrtávcsővel. HADITECHNIKA, 58 (1). pp. 42-48. ISSN 0230-6891

Tankó, Károly and Kovács, András (2023) Celtic Plough and Land Use based on Agricultural Tool Finds from the Oppidum of Velem-Szent Vid. DISSERTATIONES ARCHAEOLOGICAE EX INSTITUTO ARCHAEOLOGICO UNIVERSITATIS DE ROLANDO EÖTVÖS NOMINATAE, 3 (11). pp. 215-231. ISSN 2064-4574

Kerpel-Fronius, Anna and Megyesfalvi, Zsolt and Markóczy, Zsolt and Solymosi, Diana and Csányi, Péter and Tisza, Judit and Kecskés, Anita and Baranyi, Beatrix and Csánky, Eszter and Dóka, Adrienn and Gálffy, Gabriella and Göcző, Katalin and Győry, Csilla and Horváth, Zsolt and Juhász, Tünde and Kállai, Árpád and Kincses, Zsigmond T. and Király, Zsolt and Király-Incze, Enikő and Kostyál, László and Kovács, Anita and Kovács, András and Kuczkó, Éva and Makra, Zsuzsanna and Maurovich Horvát, Pál and Merth, Gabriella and Moldoványi, István and Müller, Veronika and Pápai-Székely, Zsolt and Papp, Dávid and Polgár, Csaba and Rózsa, Péter and Sárosi, Veronika and Szalai, Zsuzsanna and Székely, András and Szuhács, Marianna and Tárnoki, Dávid and Tavaszi, Gábor and Turóczi-Kirizs, Róbert and Tóth, László and Urbán, László and Vaskó, Attila and Vigh, Éva and Dome, Balazs and Bogos, Krisztina (2023) HUNCHEST-II contributes to a shift to earlier-stage lung cancer detection: final results of a nationwide screening program. European Radiology, 34 (5). pp. 3462-3470. ISSN 1432-1084

Tóthné Taskovics, Zsuzsanna and Váradi, Gy. and Palkovics, András and Kovács, András (2023) Hajtatott paprikafajták biomassza növekedésének összehasonlítása. GRADUS, 10 (1). ISSN 2064-8014

Gajzágó, Éva and Kovács, András (2023) Online tartalomfogyasztás a dél-koreai popkultúra hazai rajongói körében = Online Content Consumption Among Hungarian Fans of South Korean Pop Culture. MULTIDISZCIPLINÁRIS KIHÍVÁSOK SOKSZÍNŰ VÁLASZOK : GAZDÁLKODÁS- ÉS SZERVEZÉSTUDOMÁNYI FOLYÓIRAT = MULTIDISCIPLINARY CHALLENGES DIVERSE RESPONSES : JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (3). pp. 24-58. ISSN 2630-886X

Váradi, Gy. and Tóthné Taskovics, Zsuzsanna and Kovács, András and Magyar, Á. and Hüvely, Attila (2023) A fotoszintetikus aktivitás őszi csökkenése három paradicsom és egy paprika hibrid leveleiben. GRADUS, 10 (1). ISSN 2064-8014

Kovács, András and Jeffrey, N. and Gatti, M. and Chang, C. and Whiteway, L. (2022) The DES view of the Eridanus supervoid and the CMB cold spot. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 510 (1). pp. 216-229. ISSN 0035-8711

Abbott, T. M. C. and Aguena, M. and Alarcon, A. and Allam, S. and Alves, O. and Kovács, András (2022) Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Cosmological constraints from galaxy clustering and weak lensing. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 105 (2). ISSN 2470-0010

Hamaus, N. and Aubert, M. and Pisani, A. and Contarini, S. and Verza, G. and Kovács, András (2022) Euclid : Forecasts from redshift-space distortions and the Alcock–Paczynski test with cosmic voids. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 658. ISSN 0004-6361

Kovács, András and Beck, Róbert and Smith, A. and Rácz, Gábor and Csabai, István (2022) Evidence for a high-z ISW signal from supervoids in the distribution of eBOSS quasars. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 513 (1). pp. 15-26. ISSN 0035-8711

Sikos T., Tamás and Molnár, Dóra and Kovács, András (2022) The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Retail Sector – Policy-Strategy-Innovation. ÉSZAK-MAGYARORSZÁGI STRATÉGIAI FÜZETEK. GAZDASÁG-RÉGIÓ-TÁRSADALOM : TÉRGAZDASÁGTANI ÉS ÜZLETI KUTATÁSOK LEKTORÁLT TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRATA, 19 (4). pp. 76-85. ISSN 1786-1594 (nyomtatott); 2560-2926 (elektronikus)

Tóthné Taskovics, Zsuzsanna and Váradi, Gy. and Hüvely, Attila and Kovács, András (2022) Különböző paprika fajtatípusok palántakori sóstressz vizsgálata = Investigation of Salt Stress of Seedlings of Different Pepper Varieties. GRADUS, 9 (1). ISSN 2064-8014

Kútvölgyi, Gabriella and Brabender, Kristin and Andersson, Magnus and Javkhlan, Ariuntungalag and Nagy, Szabolcs Tamás and Egerszegi, István and Hidas, András and Kovács, András (2021) Andrological and cytogenetic investigations of an infertile Przewalski’s stallion. ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA, 69 (2). pp. 189-193. ISSN 0236-6290

Homlok, Renáta and Kiskó, Gabriella and Kovács, András and Tóth, Tünde and Takács, Erzsébet and Wojnárovits, László and Szabó, László (2021) Antibiotics in a wastewater matrix at environmentally relevant concentrations affect coexisting resistant/sensitive bacterial cultures with profound impact on advanced oxidation treatment. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 754. ISSN 0048-9697

Hüvely, Attila and Pető, Judit and Váradi, Gy. and Kovács, András and Palkovics, András (2021) Az üvegházi paprikatermesztés szezonalitása és a vírusfertőzés hatása. GRADUS, 8 (2). pp. 41-46. ISSN 2064-8014

Vielzeuf, P. and Kovács, András and Demirbozan, U. and Fosalba, P. and Baxter, E. (2021) Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: the lensing imprint of cosmic voids on the cosmic microwave background. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 500 (1). pp. 464-480. ISSN 0035-8711

Jeffrey, N. and Gatti, M. and Chang, C. and Whiteway, L. and Demirbozan, U. and Kovács, András (2021) Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Curved-sky weak lensing mass map reconstruction. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 505 (3). pp. 4626-4645. ISSN 0035-8711

Kovács, András (2021) Inverse optimization approach to the identification of electricity consumer models. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 29. pp. 521-537. ISSN 1435-246X

Eniszné Bódogh, Margit and Dobrádi, Annamária and Jakab, Miklós and Korim, Tamás and Soósné Balczár, Ida Anna and Boros, Adrienn and Kovács, András and Kristófné Makó, Éva (2021) Nemfémes szervetlen funkcionális anyagok és nanoszerkezetek fejlesztése a Pannon Egyetemen. MAGYAR KÉMIAI FOLYÓIRAT - KÉMIAI KÖZLEMÉNYEK (1997-), 127 (3-4). pp. 153-159. ISSN 1418-9933

Kis, Tamás and Kovács, András and Mészáros, Csaba (2021) On optimistic and pessimistic cases of bilevel electricity tariff optimization. Energies, 14 (8). p. 2095. ISSN 1996-1073

Sikos T., Tamás and Papp, Vanda and Kovács, András (2021) Panic Buying in Hungary During Covid-19 Pandemic. THEORY METHODOLOGY PRACTICE: CLUB OF ECONOMICS IN MISKOLC, 17 (1). pp. 53-65. ISSN 1589-3413 (print); 2415-9883 (online)

Tipary, Bence and Kovács, András and Erdős, Ferenc Gábor (2021) Planning and optimization of robotic pick-and-place operations in highly constrained industrial environments. Assembly Automation, 41 (5). pp. 626-639. ISSN 0144-5154

Sikos, T. Tamás and Papp, Vanda and Kovács, András (2021) A hazai vásárlói magatartás változása a COVID-19-járvány első hullámában. TERÜLETI STATISZTIKA, 61 (2). pp. 135-152. ISSN 0018-7828 ; Online: 2064-8251

Klecska, Eszter and Bíró, Bálint and Egerszegi, István and Fábián, Renáta and Hiripi, László and Oláh, János and Kovács, András and Bodó, Szilárd (2020) Ivari kromoszómák arányának vizsgálata interszex kecske kiméra szöveteiben. Animal Welfare, Etológia és Tartástechnológia, 16 (1). pp. 37-44. ISSN 1786-8440

Kaposi, Ambrus and Kovács, András and Lafont, Ambroise (2020) For Finitary Induction-Induction, Induction is Enough. 25th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES 2019). (In Press)

Kovács, András (2020) Bethlen Gábor fejedelem újonnan előkerült címerköve Fogarasban = The Recently Found Carved Stone, Bearing Prince Gabriel Bethlens’ Coat of Arms from Făgăraș (Fogaras). MŰVÉSZETTÖRTÉNETI ÉRTESÍTŐ : A MAGYAR RÉGÉSZETI ÉS MŰVÉSZETTÖRTÉNETI TÁRSULAT FOLYÓIRATA, 69 (1). pp. 5-14. ISSN 0027-5247 (nyomtatott); 1588-2802 (elektronikus)

Tóthné Taskovics, Zsuzsanna and Kovács, András and Pető, Judit and Palkovics, András (2020) Changes in the Quality and Nutrient Content of Sweet Pepper and Tomato After Phosphite Foliar Fertilizer Treatment in Hydroculture in Different Growing Seasons. GRADUS, 7 (2). pp. 186-190. ISSN 2064-8014

Tóthné Taskovics, Zsuzsanna and Kovács, András and Hüvely, Attila and Pető, Judit (2020) Changes of Lettuce Zinc Content in Hydrocultural Cultivation. GRADUS, 7 (2). pp. 191-194. ISSN 2064-8014

Tóthné Taskovics, Zsuzsanna and Kovács, András and Palkovics, András and Japundzic-Palenkic, Bozica (2020) Effects of phosphite foliar fertilizers on the nutritional value of protected tomato. GRADUS, 7 (3). pp. 18-21. ISSN 2064-8014

Tsutsumi, Daisuke and Gyulai, Dávid and Kovács, András and Tipary, Bence and Ueno, Yumiko and Nonaka, Youichi and Fujita, Kikuo (2020) Joint optimization of product tolerance design, process plan, and production plan in high-precision multi-product assembly. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 54. pp. 336-347. ISSN 0278-6125

Kovács, András and Beck, Róbert and Szapudi, I. and Csabai, István and Rácz, Gábor and Dobos, László (2020) A common explanation of the Hubble tension and anomalous cold spots in the CMB. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 499 (1). pp. 320-333. ISSN 0035-8711

Kardos, Csaba and Kovács, András and Váncza, József (2020) A constraint model for assembly planning. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 54. pp. 196-203. ISSN 0278-6125

Tóthné Taskovics, Zsuzsanna and Kovács, András and Hüvely, Attila and Palkovics, András (2019) Effect of phosphite foliar fertilization on the nutrient content of forced sweet pepper. GRADUS, 7 (1). pp. 44-47. ISSN 2064-8014

Tóthné Taskovics, Zsuzsanna and Kovács, András and Pető, Judit and Palkovics, András (2019) Nutrient content of champignon mushrooms cultivated on 2 different substrates. GRADUS, 7 (1). pp. 72-74. ISSN 2064-8014

Kovács, András (2019) Bilevel programming approach to demand response management with day-ahead tariff. Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy. ISSN 2196-5625 (In Press)

Kovács, András (2019) Bilevel programming approach to demand response management with day-ahead tariff. Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy, 7 (6). pp. 1632-1643. ISSN 2196-5625

Kovács, András and Síkos T., Tamás (2019) Black Friday Shopping in Hungary. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice – Series D, 46 (2). pp. 18-29. ISSN 1211-555X (print); 1804-8048 (online)

Fang, Y. and Hamaus, N. and Jain, B. and Pandey, S. and Pollina, G. and Kovács, András (2019) Dark Energy Survey year 1 results: the relationship between mass and light around cosmic voids. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 490 (3). pp. 3573-3587. ISSN 0035-8711

Taskovics, Zsuzsanna and Kovács, András and Mihálka, Virág and Hoffmann, Zita (2019) Hajtatott paprika termésmennyiségének és minőségének alakulása foszfit tartalmú lombtrágyázás hatására = Changes in the Yield and Quality of Greenhouse Pepper as An Effect of Phosphitecontaining Foliar Fertilization. GRADUS, 6 (2). pp. 59-63. ISSN 2064-8014

Kovács, András and Sanchez, C. and Garcia-Bellido, J. and Elvin-Poole, J. and Hamaus, N. (2019) More out of less: an excess integrated Sachs-Wolfe signal from supervoids mapped out by the Dark Energy Survey. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 484 (4). pp. 5267-5277. ISSN 0035-8711

Kovács, András and Sikos T, Tamás (2018) A Black Friday jelenség Magyarországon. MARKETING ÉS MENEDZSMENT, 2017 (4). pp. 26-38. ISSN 1219-0349

Chang, C. and Pujol, A. and Mawdsley, B. and Bacon, D. and Elvin-Poole, J. and Kovács, András (2018) Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: curved-sky weak lensing mass map. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 475 (3). pp. 3165-3190. ISSN 0035-8711

Abbott, T.M.C. and Abdalla, F.B. and Alarcon, A. and Aleksic, J. and Allam, S. and Kovács, András (2018) Dark Energy Survey year 1 results: Cosmological constraints from galaxy clustering and weak lensing. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 98 (4). ISSN 2470-0010

Abbott, T. M. C. and Abdalla, F. B. and Allam, S. and Amara, A. and Annis, J. and Kovács, András (2018) The Dark Energy Survey: Data Release 1. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 239 (2). ISSN 0067-0049

Friedrich, O. and Gruen, D. and DeRose, J. and Kirk, D. and Krause, E. and Kovács, András (2018) Density split statistics: Joint model of counts and lensing in cells. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 98 (2). ISSN 2470-0010

Kovács, András (2018) The part and the whole: voids, supervoids, and their ISW imprint. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 475 (2). pp. 1777-1790. ISSN 0035-8711

Sanchez, C. and Clampitt, J. and Kovács, András and Jain, B. and Garcia-Bellido, J. (2017) Cosmic voids and void lensing in the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 465 (1). pp. 746-759. ISSN 0035-8711

Mackenzie, Ruari and Shanks, Tom and Bremer, Malcolm N. and Cai, Yan-Chuan and Gunawardhana, Madusha L. P. and Kovács, András (2017) Evidence against a supervoid causing the CMB Cold Spot. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 470 (2). pp. 2328-2338. ISSN 0035-8711

Kovács, András and Sanchez, C. and Garcia-Bellido, J. and Nadathur, S. and Crittenden, R. (2017) Imprint of DES superstructures on the cosmic microwave background. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 465 (4). pp. 4166-4179. ISSN 0035-8711

Fábián, Renáta and Kovács, András and Stéger, Viktor and Frank, Krisztián and Egerszegi, István and Oláh, János and Bodó, Szilárd (2017) X- and Y-chromosome-specific variants of the amelogenin gene allow non-invasive sex diagnosis for the detection of pseudohermaphrodite goats. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 65 (4). pp. 500-504. ISSN 0236-6290

Tóth, András József and Rózsavölgyi, Beáta and Haszon, Boglárka and Kovács, András and Haáz, Enikő and Mizsey, Péter (2017) Ártalmatlanítási eljárások kőolajiparban keletkező MEROX lúgokra. KÖRFORGÁSOS GAZDASÁG ÉS KÖRNYEZETVÉDELEM / CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, 1 (2). pp. 5-20. ISSN 2560-1024

Kovács, András (2017) A tér a marketingben = Space in marketing. Tér és Társadalom, 31 (1). p. 70. ISSN 2062-9923

Kovács, András and Sikos T, Tamás (2017) A vasárnapi zárvatartás megszűnése Magyarországon – vásárlói vélemények és várakozások. FÖLDRAJZI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 141 (2). pp. 139-151. ISSN 0015-5411

Kovács, András and Bátai, Roland and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Dudás, Péter and Háy, Borbála and Pedone, Gianfranco and Révész, Tibor and Váncza, József (2016) Intelligent Control for Energy-Positive Street Lighting. ENERGY, 114. pp. 40-51. ISSN 0360-5442

Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Kovács, András and Váncza, József (2016) Online Learning for Aggregating Forecasts in Renewable Energy Systems. ERCIM NEWS. pp. 40-41. ISSN 0926-4981

Makó, Éva and Kovács, András and Katona, Richárd and Kristóf, Tamás (2016) Characterization of kaolinite-cetyltrimethylammonium chloride intercalation complex synthesized through eco-friend kaolinite-urea pre-intercalation complex. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 508. pp. 265-273. ISSN 09277757

Kovács, András and García-Bellido, Juan (2016) Cosmic troublemakers: the Cold Spot, the Eridanus Supervoid, and the Great Walls. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 462 (2). pp. 1882-1893. ISSN 0035-8711

Kovács, András and Sikos T., Tamás (2016) The Impact of Sunday Closure on Consumer Behavior. ROMANIAN REVIEW OF REGIONAL STUDIES: JOURNAL OF THE CENTRE FOR REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY, 12 (2). pp. 39-50. ISSN 1841-1576 (print); 2344-3707 online

Nagy, Szabolcs and Polgár, Péter J. and Andersson, Magnus and Kovács, András (2016) Quick cytogenetic screening of breeding bulls using flow cytometric sperm DNA histogram analysis. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 64 (3). pp. 372-379. ISSN 0236-6290

Finelli, F. and Garcia-Bellido, J. and Kovács, András and Paci, F. and Szapudi, I. (2016) Supervoids in the WISE-2MASS catalogue imprinting cold spots in the cosmic microwave background. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 455 (2). pp. 1246-1256. ISSN 0035-8711

Kovács, András and Sikos T, Tamás (2016) A vasárnapi zárvatartás hatása a fogyasztói magatartásra Magyarországon. FÖLDRAJZI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 140 (3). pp. 229-244. ISSN 0015-5411

Kovács, András and Granett, Benjamin R (2015) Cold imprint of supervoids in the cosmic microwave background re-considered with Planck and Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey DR10. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 452 (2). pp. 1295-1302. ISSN 0035-8711

Hahn, Herwig and Pécz, Béla and Kovács, András and Heuken, Michael and Kalisch, Holger (2015) Controlling the interface charge density in GaN-based metal-oxide-semiconductor heterostructures by plasma oxidation of metal layers. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 117 (21). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0021-8979 (print); 1089-7550 (online)

Szapudi, István and Kovács, András and Granett, Benjamin R. and Frei, Zsolt and Silk, Joseph. (2015) Detection of a supervoid aligned with the cold spot of the cosmic microwave background. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 450 (1). pp. 288-294. ISSN 0035-8711

Pécz, Béla and Tóth, Lajos and Tsiakatouras, George and Adikimenakis, A. and Kovács, András and Neumann, Péter Lajos (2015) GaN heterostructures with diamond and graphene. SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 30 (11). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0268-1242

Kovács, András and Martial, Duchamp and Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E. and Yakimova, Rositza and Neumann, Péter Lajos and Pécz, Béla (2015) Graphoepitaxy of High-Quality GaN Layers on Graphene/6H–SiC. ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES, 2 (2). p. 1400230. ISSN 2196-7350

Cséfalvay, Edit and Benkő, Tamás and Valentínyi, Nóra and Tóth, András József and Tukacs, József Márk and Gresits, Iván and Kovács, András and Mizsey, Péter (2015) Kell-e aggódnunk, ha ráfolyik a benzin az autógumira? IPARI ÖKOLÓGIA, 3 (1). pp. 3-16. ISSN 2063-3254

Kovács, András and Szapudi, István (2015) Star-galaxy separation strategies for WISE-2MASS all-sky infrared galaxy catalogues. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 448 (2). pp. 1305-1313. ISSN 0035-8711

Kovács, András and Szapudi, István and Granett, Benjamin R. and Frei, Zsolt and Silk, Joseph (2015) Supervoid Origin of the Cold Spot in the Cosmic Microwave Background. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION, 10 (306). pp. 269-272. ISSN 1743-9213

Chang, C. and Vikram, V. and Jain, B. and Bacon, D. and Amara, A. and Becker, M. R. and Bernstein, G. and Bonnett, C. and Bridle, S. and Brout, D. and Busha, M. and Frieman, J. and Gaztanaga, E. and Hartley, W. and Jarvis, M. and Kacprzak, T. and Kovács, András and Lahav, O. and Lin, H. and Melchior, P. and Peiris, H. and Rozo, E. and Rykoff, E. and Sanchez, C. and Sheldon, E. and Troxel, M. A. and Wechsler, R. and Zuntz, J. and Abbott, T. and Abdalla, F. B. (2015) Wide-Field Lensing Mass Maps from Dark Energy Survey Science Verification Data. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 115 (5). ISSN 0031-9007

Vikram, V. and Chang, C. and Jain, B. and Bacon, D. and Amara, A. and Becker, M. R. and Bernstein, G. and Bonnett, C. and Bridle, S. and Brout, D. and Busha, M. and Frieman, J. and Gaztanaga, E. and Hartley, W. and Jarvis, M. and Kacprzak, T. and Kovács, András and Lahav, O. and Leistedt, B. and Lin, H. and Melchior, P. and Peiris, H. and Rozo, E. and Rykoff, E. and Sanchez, C. and Sheldon, E. and Troxel, M. A. and Wechsler, R. and Zuntz, J. and Abbott, T. (2015) Wide-field lensing mass maps from Dark Energy Survey science verification data: Methodology and detailed analysis. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 92 (2). ISSN 2470-0010

Granett, B. R. and Kovács, András and Hawken, A. J. (2015) The integrated Sachs-Wolfe signal from BOSS superstructures. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 454 (3). pp. 2804-2814. ISSN 0035-8711

Tóthné Taskovics, Zsuzsanna and Pető, Judit and Hüvely, Attila and Kovács, András (2014) Funkcionális élelmiszer előállításának lehetősége a zöldségtermesztésben = The possibility of the production of functional food in vegetable growing. GRADUS, 1 (2). pp. 37-43. ISSN 2064-8014

Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Háy, Borbála and Kovács, András and Pedone, Gianfranco and Révész, Tibor and Váncza, József (2014) Monitoring and Controlling Energy-positive Public Lighting: the E+grid System. ERCIM News (Journal of the European Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics), 98. pp. 36-37.

Yoon, Mijin and Huterer, Dragan and Gibelyou, Cameron and Kovács, András and Szapudi, István (2014) Dipolar modulation in number counts of WISE-2MASS sources. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 445 (1). L60-L64. ISSN 0035-8711

Egri, Péter and Kis, Tamás and Kovács, András and Váncza, József (2014) An Inverse Economic Lot-sizing Approach to Eliciting Supplier Cost Parameters. International Journal of Production Economics, 149. pp. 80-88. ISSN 0925-5273

Taskovics, Zsuzsanna and Schmidt, Attila and Gölöncsér, Tibor and Kovács, András (2014) Pótmegvilágítás hatása a paprikapalánták növekedésére = Effect of Supplemental Light on Pepper Seedling Growth. GRADUS, 1 (1). pp. 269-273. ISSN 2064-8014

Hüvely, Attila and Pető, Judit and Taskovics, Zsuzsa and Kovács, András (2014) Szabadföldi paradicsom arzén felvétele humuszos homoktalajon. GRADUS, 1 (1). pp. 232-240. ISSN 2064-8014

Kovács, András and Egri, Péter and Kis, Tamás and Váncza, József (2013) Inventory control in supply chains: alternative approaches to a two-stage lot-sizing problem. International Journal of Production Economics, 143 (2). pp. 385-394. ISSN 0925-5273

Kis, Tamás and Kovács, András (2013) Exact solution approaches for bilevel lot-sizing. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 226 (2). pp. 237-245. ISSN 0377-2217

Pécz, Béla and Tóth, Lajos and Barna, Árpád and Tsiakatouras, George and Ajagunna, Adebowale Olufunso and Kovács, András and Georgakilas, Alexandros (2013) Structural characteristics of single crystalline GaN films grown on (111) diamond with AlN buffer. Diamond and Related Materials, 34. pp. 9-12. ISSN 0925-9635

Kovács, András (2013) Gábor Bethlen and the Construction of the New Seat of the Transylvanian Princedom. HUNGARIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW: NEW SERIES OF ACTA HISTORICA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARIUM HUNGARICAE, 2 (4). pp. 880-900. ISSN 2063-8647

Máté, Gabriell and Kovács, András and Néda, Zoltán (2013) Hierarchical Settlement Networks. Regional Statistics : journal of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 3. pp. 30-40. ISSN 2063-9538

Kovács, András and Szapudi, István and Frei, Zsolt (2013) Phase statistics of the WMAP 7 year data. ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN, 334 (9). pp. 1020-1023. ISSN 0004-6337

Pécz, Béla and Baji, Zsófia and Lábadi, Zoltán and Kovács, András (2013) ZnO layers deposited by Atomic Layer Deposition. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONFERENCE SERIES, 471 (1). ISSN 1742-6588

Sikos T, Tamás and Kovács, András (2011) Retail competitiveness in a middle sized border town (Komárno, Slovakia). HUNGARIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN (2009-), 60 (3). pp. 285-306. ISSN 2064-5031

Sikos T, Tamás and Kovács, András (2011) A kiskereskedelmi versenyképesség egy határ menti városban (Komárno) = Retail competitiveness in a border town (Komárno). TÉR ÉS TÁRSADALOM, 2. pp. 180-195. ISSN 0237-7683

Somlyai, Gábor and Molnár, Miklós and Laskay, Gábor and Szabó, Mariann and Berkényi, Tamás and Guller, Imre and Kovács, András (2010) A természetben megtalálható deutérium biológiai jelentősége: a deutériumdepletio daganatellenes hatása = Biological significance of naturally occurring deuterium: the antitumor effect of deuterium depletion. Orvosi Hetilap, 151 (36). pp. 1455-1460. ISSN 0030-6002

Kovács, András (2008) Kalandos kirándulás változó falvainkban. TERÜLETI STATISZTIKA, 48 (3). pp. 372-373.

Sikos T, Tamás and Kovács, András (2008) Kiskereskedelmi hálózatok, vásárlási szokások, határmentiség Dél−Szlovákiában. FÓRUM TÁRSADALOMTUDOMÁNYI SZEMLE: A SZLOVÁKIAI MAGYAR TUDOMÁNYOS MŰHELYEK FOLYÓIRATA, 10 (4). pp. 103-114. ISSN 1335-4361

Sikos, T. Tamás and Kovács, András (2008) Új trendek a határ menti kiskereskedelemben Délnyugat-Szlovákiában. TERÜLETI STATISZTIKA, 48 (6). pp. 724-733.

Kovács, András (2008) A kiskereskedelem területi jellegzetességei a szlovák–magyar határtérségben. Tér és Társadalom, 22 (3). pp. 97-107. ISSN 0237-7683

Pepó, Pál and Kovács, András and Tóth, Szilárd and Bódi, Zoltán (2007) Investigation of maize hybrids based on direct and reciprocal crosses. Cereal Research Communications, 35 (2). pp. 913-916. ISSN 0133-3720

Kovács, András (2006) Részlegesen algoritmizálható épületszerkezet-tervezési feladatok támogatása CAAD rendszerekkel. Építés - Építészettudomány, 34 (3-4). pp. 309-322. ISSN 0013-9661

Kovács, András (1995) Előítéletes projekció-e a becslés? REPLIKA (17-18). pp. 241-245. ISSN 0865-8188

Kovács, András (1994) Szimbólumok valósága : Hozzászólás Körösényi András tanulmányához. POLITIKATUDOMÁNYI SZEMLE, 3 (3). pp. 146-151. ISSN 1216-1438

Book Section

Horváth, Gergely and Kardos, Csaba and Kovács, András and Pataki, Balázs and Tóth, Sándor (2021) Worker Assistance Suite for Efficient Human-Robot Collaboration. In: Advanced Human-Robot Collaboration in Manufacturing. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 1-18. ISBN 978-3-030-69177-6 (print); 978-3-030-69178-3 (eBook)

Pósfai, Mihály and Nyirő-Kósa, Ilona and Rostási, Ágnes and Bereczk-Tompa, Éva and Cora, Ildikó and Koblar, Maja and Kovács, András (2016) Mg‐calcite formation in a freshwater environment (Lake Balaton): nucleation, growth, structure and composition. In: European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Lyon, pp. 1176-1177. ISBN 9783527808465; 9783527342976

Radnóczi, György Zoltán and Dodony, Erzsébet and Battistig, Gábor and Vouroutzis, N. and Stoemenos, J. and Kovács, András and Pécz, Béla (2015) Electron microscopy study of Ni induced crystallization in amorphous Si thin films. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES AND EXHIBITION ON NANOTECHNOLOGIES & ORGANIC ELECTRONICS (NANOTEXNOLOGY 2014). AIP Publishing, Thessaloniki, pp. 31-37. ISBN 978-0-7354-1285-9

Kovács, András and Pécz, Béla and Duchamp, Martial and Yakimova, Rositza and Neumann, Péter Lajos (2015) HIGH QUALITY GALLIUM NITRIDE HETEROSTRUCTURES GROWN ON GRAPHENE. In: 12th Multinational Congress on Microscopy. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 146-148. ISBN 978-963-05-9653-4


Bottyán, László and Barna B., Péter and Dézsi, István and Fetzer, Csaba and Kovács, András and Major, Márton and Merkel, Dániel and Sajti, Szilárd Mihály and Tanczikó, Ferenc and Vértesy, Gábor (2011) Merőleges anizotrópiájú ötvözetfilmek és a mágneses szerkezet ionsugaras kialakítása = Perpendicular anisotropy multicomponent films and ion beam tailoring of their magnetic structure. Project Report. OTKA.

Takács, Erzsébet and Borsa, Judit and Földváry, Csilla Magdolna and Hargittai, Péter and Kovács, András and Rácz, Ilona and Sáfrány, Ágnes and Wojnárovits, László (2011) Nagyenergiájú sugárzással iniciált reakciók monomer oldatokban = High-energy radiation initiated reactions in monomer solutions. Project Report. OTKA.

É. Kiss, Katalin and Bartos, Huba and Bende Farkas, Ágnes and Egedi, Barbara and Kovács, András and Kováts, Zsófia and Márkus, Andrea and Pál, Alexandra and Peredy, Márta Dóra and Surányi, Balázs and Ürögdi, Barbara (2009) Az adverbiumok mondattani és jelentéstani kérdései = The syntax and syntax-semantics interface of adverbial modification. Project Report. OTKA.

Kovács, András and Bindorffer, Györgyi and Mandel, Kinga (2009) Etnikai sztereotípiák a mai Magyarországon = Ethnic stereotypes in contemporary Hungary. Project Report. OTKA.

Barna B., Péter and Czigány, Zsolt and Deák, Róbert and Kovács, András and Kugler, Sándor Lóránt and Néda, Zoltán and Radnóczi, György and Sáfrán, György (2009) Felületi atomi kölcsönhatások szerepe többfázisú vékonyréteg nanomorfológiák kialakításában = Role of surface atomic interactions in the preparation of thin film multicomponent nanomorphologies. Project Report. OTKA.

Balázs, Sándor and Balázs, Andrea and Győrfi, Júlia and Hodossi, Sándor and Jan I, Lelley and Kovács, András and Kovácsné dr. Gyenes, Melinda and Máthé, Ákos and Vetter, János (2007) A legismertebb termesztett gombafajok környezetkímélő, korszerű táptalajainak kidolgozása = Preparing up-to-date, environment friendly substrates for the best known cultivated mushroom species. Project Report. OTKA.

Csukovits, Enikő and Jakó, Zsigmond Pál and Kovács, András and Lupescu, Mária Magdolna (2007) Erdélyi okmánytár III. (1340-1359) = Charters illustrating the History of Transylvania III. (1340-1359). Project Report. OTKA.

Lábár, János and Bene, Erika and Kovács, András and Pécz, Béla and Radnóczi, György and Vörös, György (2007) Kvantitatív elektronmikroszkópia = Quantitative transmission electron microscopy. Project Report. OTKA.

Takács, Erzsébet and Dajka, Katalin and Földváry, Csilla Magdolna and Hargittai, Péter and Kovács, András and Sáfrány, Ágnes and Wojnárovits, László (2007) Nagyenergiájú sugárzással iniciált polimerizáció kinetikai együtthatóinak meghatározása = Determination of the kinetic parameters of high energy radiation initiated polymerization. Project Report. OTKA.

Wojnárovits, László and Dajka, Katalin and Földváry, Csilla Magdolna and Kovács, András and Sáfrány, Ágnes and Takács, Erzsébet (2007) Sugárzással iniciált gyökös reakciók kinetikája = Kinetics of radiation induced radical reactions. Project Report. OTKA.

Váncza, József and Kis, Tamás and Kovács, András and Márkus, András (2007) Új projekt ütemezési módszerek a termelés-tervezés támogatására = New project scheduling approaches for production planning. Project Report. OTKA.

Kovács, András and Baranyai, Gyula Bence and Bodó, Szilárd and Gócza, Elen and Tóth, Szabolcs (2006) Kiméria-technikák kidolgozása klónozás, hímesítés és genetikai manipulációk céljára = Elaboration of chimera techniques for cloning, masculinisation and gene manipulations. Project Report. OTKA.

Conference or Workshop Item

Homlok, Renáta and Kiskó, Gabriella and Kovács, András and Tóth, Tünde and Dobó, Viktória and Takács, Erzsébet and Mohácsi-Farkas, Csilla and Wojnárovits, László and Szabó, László (2022) Effect of electron beam irradiation and the presence of antibiotics on the population ratio of resistant/sensitive bacterial cultures in model wastewater matrix. In: Recent Achievement on the Removal of Biohazardous Pollutants by Radiation 3rd RESEARCH COORDINATION MEETING, 2022.01.31-2022.02.04, Online.

Németh, Balázs and Kovács, András (2021) Robot path planning over a sequence of points specified in task space. In: ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics (PlanRob2020), Nancy, France.

Kovács, András and Kaposi, Ambrus (2020) Large and Infinitary Quotient Inductive-Inductive Types. In: The 35th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science.

Kaposi, Ambrus and Kovács, András and Kraus, Nicolai (2020) Shallow embedding of type theory is morally correct. In: 26th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES 2020).

Kovács, András (2019) Parameter elicitation for consumer models in demand response management. In: Proc. of the IEEE Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM 2019).

Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Kovács, András and Váncza, József (2014) Adaptive Aggregated Predictions for Renewable Energy Systems. In: IEEE Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning (ADPRL); part of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), December 9-12, 2014, Orlando, Florida.

Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Kovács, András and Váncza, József (2014) Prediction and Robust Control of Energy Flow in Renewable Energy Systems. In: 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), August, 24-29, 2014, Cape Town, South Africa.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 08:41:00 2025 CET.