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Abrankó, László and Mester, Zoltán and Fodor, Péter (2004) Fast and cost efficient semi-quantitative screening method for methylmercury determination from fish samples by solid phase microextraction-thermal desorption-atom fluorescent detection (SPME-TD-AFS). RMZ MATERIALS AND GEOENVIRONMENT, 51. pp. 1853-1856. ISSN 1408-7073

Ambrus, Mária and Mucsi, Gábor (2021) Possible Test Methods for the Examination of the Leaching Behaviour of a Geopolymer Raw Material. MULTIDISZCIPLINÁRIS TUDOMÁNYOK, 11 (1). pp. 15-21. ISSN 2786-1465

Aradi, László Előd and Bali, Eniko and Berkesi, Márta and Zanetti, Alberto and Szabó, Csaba (2019) Alkaline melt and fluid metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle below the Styrian Basin. In: Goldschmidt conference 2019, 2019. augusztus 18-23, Barcelona, Spanyolország.

Aradi, László Előd and Bali, Enikő and Patkó, Levente and Hidas, Károly and Kovács, István János and Szabó, Csaba (2020) Geochemical evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Styrian Basin (Western Pannonian Basin). LITHOS, 378. pp. 1-21. ISSN 0024-4937

Aradi, László Előd and Berkesi, Márta and Szabó, Csaba (2019) Felsőköpeny fluidumok összetétele és eredete fluidumzárvány vizsgálatok alapján a Stájer-medence egy amfibol-gazdag harzburgit xenolitjában. FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY, 149 (1). pp. 35-49. ISSN 0015-542X

Aradi, László Előd and Berkesi, Márta and Szabó, Csaba (2019) Unraveling a hydrous alkaline metasomatic agent beneath the Styrian Basin: an inclusion study from mantle xenolith. In: European Current Research on Fluid Inclusions-ECROFI 2019, 2019. június 23-27, Budapest, Magyarország.

Aradi, László Előd and Hidas, Károly and Berkesi, Márta and Kovács, István János and Szabó, Csaba (2017) A köpenylitoszféra fejlődése a Stájer-medence alatt. In: Ahol az elemek találkoznak: víz, föld és tűz határán: 8. Kőzettani és Geokémiai Vándorgyűlés., 2017.09.07-2017.09.09., Szihalom.

Aradi, László Előd and Hidas, Károly and Kovács, István János and Tommasi, Andrea and Klébesz, Rita and Garrido, Carlos and Szabó, Csaba (2017) Fluid‐Enhanced Annealing in the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle Beneath the Westernmost Margin of the Carpathian‐Pannonian Extensional Basin System. TECTONICS, 36 (12). pp. 2987-3011. ISSN 0278-7407

Arató, Balázs and Szányi, Zoltán and Flies, Christine and Schüler, Dirk and Frankel, Richard B. and Buseck, Peter R. and Pósfai, Mihály (2005) Crystal-size and shape distributions of magnetite from uncultured magnetotactic bacteria as a potential biomarker. American Mineralogist, 90 (8-9). pp. 1233-1240. ISSN 0003-004X

Arató, Róbert and Obbágy, Gabriella and Dunkl, István and Józsa, Sándor and Lündsorf, K. and Szepesi, János and Molnár, Kata and Benkó, Zsolt and Eynatten, H. von (2021) Multi-method comparison of modern river sediments in the Pannonian Basin System – A key step towards understanding the provenance of sedimentary basin-fill. Global and Planetary Change. ISSN 0921-8181

Arp, Gernot and Dunkl, István and Jung, Dietmar and Karius, Volker and Lukács, Réka and Zeng, Lingqi and Reimer, Andreas and Head, W. James (2021) A Volcanic Ash Layer in the Nördlinger Ries Impact Structure (Miocene, Germany): Indication of Crater Fill Geometry and Origins of Long-Term Crater Floor Sagging. JGR Planets. ISSN 2169-9100


Bajnóczi, Bernadett (2008) Ásványtani és geokémiai vizsgálatok karbonátokon, különös tekintettel talajok-paleotalajok és metamorf kőzetek karbonátfázisaira = Mineralogical and geochemical studies on carbonates, especially on carbonate phases of soils, paleosoils and metamorphic rocks. Project Report. OTKA.

Bajnóczi, Bernadett and May, Zoltán and Ridovics, Anna and Szabó, Máté Zoltán and Nagy, Géza and Tóth, Mária (2015) The tin content of the blue-glazed Hutterite and Haban ceramics - Implications for the production technology based on results of the handheld XRF and EMPA analyses. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica. ISSN 1216-9803 (Submitted)

Baják, Petra and Hegedűs-Csondor, Katalin and Tiljander, Mia and Korkka-Niemi, Kirsti and Surbeck, Heinz and Izsák, Bálint and Vargha, Márta and Horváth, Ákos and Pándics, Tamás and Erőss, Anita (2022) Integration of a Shallow Soda Lake into the Groundwater Flow System by Using Hydraulic Evaluation and Environmental Tracers. WATER, 14 (951). ISSN 2073-4441

Baják, Petra and Molnár, Bence and Hegedűs-Csondor, Katalin and Tiljander, Mia and Jobbágy, Viktor and Kohuth-Ötvös, Viktória and Izsák, Bálint and Vargha, Márta and Horváth, Ákos and Csipa, Emese and Óvári, Mihály and Tóbi, Csaba and Völgyesi, Péter and Pelczar, Krzysztof and Hult, Mikael and Erőss, Anita (2023) Natural Radioactivity in Drinking Water in the Surroundings of a Metamorphic Outcrop in Hungary: The Hydrogeological Answer to Practical Problems. WATER, 15 (9). ISSN 2073-4441

Balderer, Werner and Synal, H. Arno and Deák, József and Fórizs, István and Leuenberger, Fanny (2014) Origin of Thermal Waters in Budapest Based on Chemical and Isotope Investigations Including Chlorine-36. In: Thermal and Mineral Waters, Origin, Properties and Applications. Environmental Earth Sciences . Springer, pp. 49-60. ISBN 978-3-642-28824-1

Balázs, János and Bereczki, Zsolt and Bencsik, Attila and Székely, György V. and Paja, László and Molnár, Erika and Galbács, Gábor and Pálfi, György (2016) Partial mummification and extraordinary context observed in perinate burials: a complex osteoarcheological study applying ICP-AES, μXRF, and macromorphological methods. ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 8 (11). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1866-9557

Bankó, László and Tóth, Gergely and Marton, L. Csaba and Hoffmann, Sándor (2021) Hot-Water Extractable C and N as Indicators for 4p1000 Goals in a Temperate-Climate Long-Term Field Experiment: A Case Study from Hungary. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 126. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1470-160X (print); 1872-7034 (online)

Baricza, Á. and Bajnóczi, Bernadett and Szabó, Máté Zoltán and Szabó, Cs. and Tóth, Mária (2015) Különböző korú Zsolnay épületketámiák összehasonlító anyagtani vizsgálata. ARCHEOMETRIAI MŰHELY, 12 (1). pp. 33-49. ISSN 1786-271X

Batki, Anikó and Pál-Molnár, Elemér and Dobosi, Gábor and Skelton, Alasdair (2014) Petrogenetic significance of ocellar camptonite dykes in the Ditrau Alkaline Massif, Romania. Lithos, 200-20. pp. 181-196. ISSN 0024-4937

Batki, Anikó and Pál-Molnár, Elemér and Jankovics, Mária Éva and C. Kerr, Andrew and Kiss, Balázs and Markl, Gregor and Heincz, Adrián and Harangi, Szabolcs (2017) Insights into the evolution of an alkaline magmatic system: An in situ trace element study of clinopyroxenes from the Ditrău Alkaline Massif, Romania. Lithos, 4490. pp. 1-65. ISSN 0024-4937 (Unpublished)

Beke, Barbara and Szőcs, Emese and Hips, Kinga and Schubert, Félix and Petrik, Attila and Fodor, László (2021) Evolution of deformation mechanism and fluid flow in two pre-rift siliciclastic deposits (Pannonian Basin, Hungary). GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, 199. pp. 1-19. ISSN 0921-8181 (print); 1872-6364 (online)

Beltran Torres, Silvana and Petrik, Attila and Szabó, Katalin Zsuzsanna and Jordán, Győző and Yao, Jun and Szabó, Csaba (2018) Spatial relationship between the field-measured ambient gamma dose equivalent rate and geological conditions in a granitic area, Velence Hills, Hungary: An application of digital spatial analysis methods. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY, 192. pp. 267-278. ISSN 0265-931X

Benkó, Zsolt and Jáger, Viktor (2017) Meddig maradhat konszolidálatlan állapotban mélytengeri mésziszap? Peperit képződés a mecseki kora-krétában. In: 8. Kőzettani és Geokémiai Vándorgyűlés, 2017.09.07-2017.09.09., Szihalom, Magyarország.

Benkó, Zsolt and Molnár, Kata and Obbágy, Gabriella and Palcsu, László and Balogh, Kadosa (2019) Új mintafeltáró – gázkezelő rendszer és nemesgáz tömegspektrométer az MTA ATOMKI K-Ar laboratóriumában. In: Kőzettani és Geokémiai Vándorgyűlés, 2019. szeptember 5-8., Mátraháza.

Benkó, Zsolt and Molnár, Kata and Palcsu, László and Czuppon, György and László, Elemér (2018) A Földköpenytől a paleoklímáig: folyadékzárványok nemesgáz izotópanalitikai vizsgálata. In: 9. Kőzettani és Geokémiai Vándorgyűlés, 2018. szeptember 6. - 2018. szeptember 8., Szentkút, Magyarország.

Benkó, Zsolt and Molnár, Kata and Rinyu, László and Czuppon, György and Magna, Tomas and Futó, István and Palcsu, László (2020) Karbonatitok: magmás vagy hidrotermás képződés? In: 11. Kőzettani és Geokémiai Vándorgyűlés, 2020 szeptember 10-12., Sopron.

Benkó, Zsolt and Nagy, Dávid and Jáger, Viktor and Szepesi, János and Pécskay, Zoltán and Ott, Ulrich and Kocsisné Pető, Mária (2017) A Cassignol-Gillot módszer bevezetése az MTA ATOMKI IKER központjában. In: 8. Kőzettani és Geokémiai Vándorgyűlés, 2017.09.07-2017.09.09., Szihalom, Magyarország.

Berardi, Gabriele and Vignaroli, Gianluca and Billi, Andrea and Rossetti, Federico and Soligo, Michele and Kele, Sándor (2016) Growth of a Pleistocene giant carbonate vein and nearby thermogene travertine deposits at Semproniano, southern Tuscany, Italy: Estimate of CO2 leakage. TECTONOPHYSICS. pp. 1-21. ISSN 0040-1951

Bercea, Rãzvan-Ionut and Balc, Ramona and Tamás, Alexandra and Filipescu, Sorin and Tamás, Dan Mircea and Guillong, Marcel and Szekely, Szabolcs Flavius and Lukács, Réka (2023) In sights into the palaeoenvironments, structure and stratigraphy of the lower Miocene of the Eastern Carpathians Bend Zone, Romania. GEOLOGICAL QUATERLY. ISSN 16417291

Bercea, Rãzvan-Ionut and Balc, Ramona and Tamás, Alexandra and Filipescu, Sorin and Tamás, Dan Mircea and Guillong, Marcel and Szekely, Szabolcs Flavius and Lukács, Réka (2023) In sights into the palaeoenvironments, structure and stratigrapy of the lower Miocene of the Eastern Carpathians Bend Zone, Romania. GEOLOGICAL QUATERLY, 62 (2). pp. 1-26. ISSN 16417291

Berkesi, Márta and Czuppon, György and Szabó, Csaba and Kovács, István János and Ferrero, S. (2018) Pargasite in fluid inclusions of mantle xenoliths from northeast Australia (Mt. Quincan): evidence of interaction with asthenospheric fluid. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY. pp. 1-15. ISSN 0009-2541 (In Press)

Berkesi, Márta and Pintér, Zsanett and Czuppon, György and Kovács, István János and Silvio, Ferrero and Boiron, Marie-Christine and Szabó, Csaba (2017) ASZTENOSZFÉRA-EREDETŰ FLUIDUMOK SPINELL LHERZOLITOKBAN: ESETTANULMÁNYOK ÉSZAKKELET- AUSZTRÁLIÁBÓL ÉS KAMERUNBÓL. In: 8. Kőzettani és Geokémiai Vándorgyűlés, 2017.09.07-2017.09.09., Szihalom, Magyarország.

Berkesi, Tibor and Guzmics, Tibor and Szabó, Csaba and Hidas, Károly and Ratter, Kitti (2012) The role of CO2-rich fluids in trace element transport and metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle beneath the Central Pannonian Basin, Hungary, based on fluid inclusions in mantle xenoliths. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 331. pp. 8-20.

Biondi, Joăo Carlos and Polgári, Márta and Gyollai, Ildikó and Fintor, Krisztián and Kovács, Ivett and Fekete, József and Mojzsis, Stephen J. (2020) Biogenesis of the Neoproterozoic Kremydilite Manganese Ores from Urucum (Brazil) – A New Manganese Ore Type. PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH. pp. 1-60. ISSN 0301-9268

Biró, Katalin T. and Szakmány, György and Szilágyi, Veronika and Kovács, Zoltán and Kasztovszky, Zsolt and Harsányi, Ildikó (2021) THE FIRST GREENSTONE AXE IN HUNGARY. MATERIALE ŞI CERCETĂRI ARHEOLOGICE (serie nouă), SUPPLEMENTUM 1, 2021, p..

Biró, Lóránt and Pál-Molnár, Elemér (2015) A bakonyi primer oxidos mangánércek nyomelem- és ritkaföldfém-geokémiai vizsgálata. FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY, 145 (2). pp. 119-125. ISSN 0015-542X

Biró, Tamás and Kovács, István János and Karátson, Dávid and Stalder, Roland and Király, Edit and Falus, György and Fancsik, Tamás (2018) „Száraz” kvarc feonokristályok ignimbritekben – a kitörési folyamatok, a nagy hőmérsékletű lerakódás és a kristályok jellemzőinek hatása a névlegesen vízmentes ásványok dehidratációjára. In: Ahol az elemek találkoznak: víz, föld és tűz határán: 8. Kőzettani és Geokémiai Vándorgyűlés, 2017.09.07-2017.09.09., Szihalom.

Biró, Tamás and Kovács, István János and Király, Edit and Falus, György and Karátson, Dávid and Bendő, Zsolt and Fancsik, Tamás and Sándorné Kovács, Judit (2015) 'Water' content of quartz from various rhyolitic ignimbrite horizons: results from unpolarized micro-FTIR analyses on unoriented grains. European Journal of Mineralogy. ISSN 0935-1221 (Submitted)

Biró, Tamás and Kovács, István János and Király, Edit and Falus, György and Karátson, Dávid and Bendő, Zsolt and Fancsik, Tamás and Sándorné Kovács, Judit (2015) 'Water' in quartz from various rhyolitic pyroclastic horizons: A new correlation tool? In: Goldschmidt Conference, 2015. augusztus 15-21., Prága, Csehország.

Bodor, Sarolta and Polgári, Márta Piroska and Szentpétery, Ildikó and Földessy, János (2016) Microbially mediated iron ore formation, Silicic Superunit, Rudabánya, Hungary. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 72 (P1). pp. 391-401. ISSN 0169-1368

Bodor, Sarolta and Szakmány, György (2009) A felső-permi Cserdi Konglomerátum Formáció kavicsanyagának kőzettani és geokémiai vizsgálati eredményei (XV. szerkezetkutató fúrás, Ny-Mecsek) | Petrology and geochemistry of the gravels of the Upper Permian Cserdi Conglomerate Formation (borehole No. XV, W Mecsek Mts). FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY, 139 (4). pp. 325-340. ISSN 0015-542X

Botka, Dániel Bálint and Magyar, Imre and Csoma, Vivien and Tóth, Emőke and Sujan, Michal and Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger, Zsófia and Bartha, István Róbert and Szabó, Márton and Silye, Lóránd (2019) Integrated stratigraphy of the Gusterita clay pit: a key section for the early Pannonian (late Miocene) of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania). AUSTRIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, 112 (2). pp. 221-247. ISSN 0251-7493

Braun, M. and Hubay, K. and Magyari, E. and Veres, D. and Papp, I. and Bálint, M. (2013) Using linear discriminant analysis (LDA) of bulk lake sediment geochemical data to reconstruct lateglacial climate changes in the South Carpathian Mountains. Quaternary International, 293. pp. 114-122. ISSN 10406182

Brlek, M and Richard Tapster, S and Schindlbeck-Belo, J and Gaynor, S P and Kutterolf, S and Hauff, F and Georgiev, S V and Trinajstic, N and Suica, S and Brcic, V and Wang, K-L and Lee, H-Y and Beier, C and Abersteiner, A B and Misur, I and Petcheva, I and Kukoc, D and Németh, B and Trajanova, Mirka and Balen, D and Guillong, Marcel and Szymanowski, D and Lukács, Réka (2023) Tracing widespread Early Miocene ignimbrite eruptions and petrogenesis at the onset of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region silicic volcanism. GONDWANA RESEARCH (116). pp. 40-60. ISSN 1342-937X

Bódai, Barbara and Kele, Sándor and Kármán, Krisztina and Czuppon, György and Móga, János (2015) A Bakonyi Csurgó-Kút vizének és forrásmészkövének stabilizotóp-geokémiai vizsgálata = Stable Isotope Geochemical Study of Water and Freshwater Tufa of Csurgó Spring (Bakony Mts., Hungary). KARST DEVELOPMENT / KARSZTFEJLŐDÉS, 20. pp. 49-62. ISSN 1585-5473


Claes, H. and Degros, M. and Soete, J. and Claes, S. and Kele, Sándor and Mindszenty, Andrea (2016) Geobody architecture, genesis and petrophysical characteristics of the Budakalász travertines, Buda Hills (Hungary). QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL. pp. 1-23. ISSN 1040-6182

Cseh, Németh József and Konda, József and Grasselly, Gyula and Szabó, Zoltán (1980) Sedimentary Manganese Deposits of Hungary. In: Geology and Geochemistry of Manganese. Akadémia Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 199-221. ISBN 9630516675

Cserepes, Barbara and Szemerédi, Máté and Harangi, Szabolcs and Erdmann, Saskia and Bachmann, Olivier and Dunkl, István and Seghedi, Ioan and Mészáros, Katalin and Kovács, Zoltán and Virág, Attila and Ntaflos, Theodoros and Schiller, David and Molnár, Kata and Lukács, Réka (2023) Constraints on the pre-eruptive magma storage conditions and magma evolution of the 56–30 ka explosive volcanism of Ciomadul (East Carpathians, Romania). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (178). No-96. ISSN 1432-0967

Czirbus, Nóra and Nyilas, Tünde and Bozsó, Gábor and Kiss, Klaudia and Biró, Lóránt (2013) THE ORIGIN OF HEAVY METAL CONTENT IN SOILS OF AGGTELEK KARST (NE HUNGARY). In: The 19th International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems, 2013. Szeptember 23., Szeged.

Czömpöly, Ottó Sámuel and Szabó, Fruzsina and Fábián, Margit and Kolonits, Tamás and Fogarassy, Zsolt and Zámbó, Dániel and Aertsens, Marc and Osán, János (2024) Retention of Nickel and Cobalt in Boda Claystone Formation. MINERALS, 14 (12). ISSN 2075-163X


Demény, Attila and Berentés, Ágnes and Czuppon, György and Kovács, Richárd and Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs and Surányi, Gergely (2021) Nyitni vagy nem nyitni? – Pilisi barlangok szellőzöttsége a geokémiai adatok tükrében. FÖLDRAJZI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 145 (3). pp. 224-231. ISSN 0015-5411

Demény, Attila and Berentés, Ágnes and Rinyu, László and Kovács, Ivett and Surányi, Gergely and Virág, Magdolna (2024) Subaqueous Carbonate Speleothems as Paleotemperature Archives – Clumped Isotope Thermometry and Stable Isotope Compositions of Inclusion-hosted Water. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPELEOLOGY, 53 (1). pp. 25-37. ISSN 0392-6672 (print); 1827-806X (online)

Demény, Attila and Czuppon, György and Kern, Zoltán and Hatvani, István Gábor and Topál, Dániel and Karlik, Máté and Surányi, Gergely and Molnár, Mihály and Kiss, Gabriella Ilona and Szabó, Máté and Shen, Chuan-Chou and Hu, Hsun-Ming and May, Zoltán (2024) A Speleothem Record of Seasonality and Moisture Transport Around the 8.2 ka Event in Central Europe (Vacska Cave, Hungary). QUATERNARY RESEARCH : AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL. pp. 1-45. ISSN 0033-5894 (print); 1096-0287 (online) (In Press)

Demény, Attila and Czuppon, György and Kern, Zoltán and Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs and Németh, Alexandra and Szabó, Máté Zoltán and Tóth, Mária and Németh, Tibor and Óvári, Mihály (2016) Recrystallization-induced oxygen isotope changes in inclusion-hosted water of speleothems - Paleoclimatological implications. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, 415. pp. 25-32. ISSN 1040-6182

Demény, Attila and Kern, Zoltán and Czuppon, György and Németh, Alexandra and Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs (2017) Stable isotope compositions of speleothems from the last interglacial e Spatial patterns of climate fluctuations in Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews, 161. pp. 68-80. ISSN 0277-3791

Demény, Attila and Kern, Zoltán and Hatvani, István Gábor and Torma, Csaba and Topál, Dániel and Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs and Czuppon, György and Surányi, Gergely (2021) Holocene hydrological changes in Europe and the role of the North Atlantic ocean circulation from a speleothem perspective. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, 571. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1040-6182

Demény, Attila and Nagy, Géza (2007) Óceáni kéregmaradványok stabilizotópos vizsgálata = Stable isotope studies on ocean crust remnants. Project Report. OTKA.

Demény, Attila and Schöll-Barna, Gabriella and Siklósy, Zoltán and Bondár, Mária and Sümegi, Pál and Serlegi, Gábor and Fábián, Szilvia and Fórizs, István (2010) Az elmúlt ötezer év éghajlat-változási eseményei a Kárpát-medencében és társadalmi hatásaik. KLÍMA 21 FÜZETEK, 59. pp. 82-94. ISSN 1789-428X

Devouard, Bertrand and Pósfai, Mihály and Hua, Xin and Bazylinski, Dennis A. and Frankel, Richard B. and Buseck, Peter R. (1998) Magnetite from magnetotactic bacteria: Size distributions and twinning. American Mineralogist, 83 (11-12,). pp. 1387-1398. ISSN 0003-004X

Di Capua, Andrea and Barilaro, F. and Szepesi, János and Gál, Péter and Norini, G. and Sulpizio, R. and Soós, Ildikó and Harangi, Szabolcs and Gropelli, G. (2021) Correlating volcanic dynamics and the construction of a submarine volcanogenic apron: An example from the Badenian (Middle Miocene) of North-Eastern Hungary. MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY. p. 126. ISSN 0264-8172

Dobosy, Péter and Vizsolyi, Éva Cseperke and Varga, Imre and Varga, József and Láng, G. Győző and Záray, Gyula (2016) Trichloroethylene removal from water by ferrate treatment. Microchemical Journal, 127. pp. 74-78. ISSN 0026-265X

Dunkl, István (1990) Fission track dating of tuffaceous Eocene formations of the North Bakony Mountains (Transdanubia, Hungary). ACTA GEOLOGICA HUNGARICA, 33 (1-4). pp. 13-30. ISSN 0236-5278

Dunkl, István and Árkai, Péter and Balogh, Kadosa and Csontos, László and Nagy, Géza (1994) A hőtörténet modellezése fission track adatok felhasználásával - a Bükk-hegység kiemelkedéstörténete. FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY, 124 (1). pp. 1-24. ISSN 0015-542X

Dégi, Júlia and Török, Kálmán and Schuster, Ralf (2015) Distinction of Variscan, Permo-Triassic and Alpine events in andalusite-biotite-sillimanite schists from Sopron area, W-Hungary. In: CETEG 2015, 13th Meeting of the Central European Tectonic Groups, 22-25 Apr 2015, Kadaň, Csehország.

Dódony, István and Németh, Tibor and Kovácsné Kis, Viktória (2016) Report on the natural occurrence of a silica-clay nanocomposite. RESOLUTION AND DISCOVERY, 2016. pp. 1-6.


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Újvári, Gábor and Kele, Sándor and Bernasconi, Stefano M. and Haszpra, László and Novothny, Ágnes and Bradák, Balázs (2019) Clumped isotope paleotemperatures from MIS 5 soil carbonates in southern Hungary. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 518. pp. 72-81. ISSN 0031-0182

Újvári, Gábor and Klötzli, Urs (2015) U‒Pb ages and Hf isotopic composition of zircons in Austrian last glacial loess: constraints on heavy mineral sources and sediment transport pathways. International Journal of Earth Sciences = Geologische Rundschau, 104 (5). pp. 1365-1385. ISSN 1437-3254, ESSN: 1437-3262

Újvári, Gábor and Klötzli, Urs and Horschinegg, Monika and Wegner, Wencke and Hippler, Dorothee and Kiss, Gabriella Ilona and Palcsu, László (2021) Rapid Decomposition of Geological Samples by Ammonium Bifluoride (NH4HF2) for Combined Hf-Nd-Sr Isotope Analyses. RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY. pp. 1-26. ISSN 0951-4198 (print); 1097-0231 (online) (In Press)

Újvári, Gábor and Klötzli, Urs and Kiraly, Franz and Ntaflos, Theodoros (2013) Towards identifying the origin of metamorphic components in Austrian loess: insights from detrital rutile chemistry, thermometry and U e Pb geochronology. Quaternary Science Reviews, 75. pp. 132-142. ISSN 02773791 (Submitted)

Újvári, Gábor and Molnár, Mihály and Páll-Gergely, Barna (2016) Charcoal and mollusc shell 14C-dating of the Dunaszekcső loess record, Hungary. QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY, 35. pp. 43-53. ISSN 1871-1014 (Submitted)

Újvári, Gábor and Molnár, Mihály and Páll-Gergely, Barna (2015) High-precision loess chronologies by 14C-dating of small molluscs. In: XIX INQUA Congress, 2015.07.26-08.02., Nagoya, Japán.

Újvári, Gábor and Stevens, Thomas and Molnár, Mihály and Demény, Attila and Fabrice, Lambert and Varga, György and Páll-Gergely, Barna and Kovács, János (2017) Coupled European and Greenland last glacial dust activity driven by North Atlantic climate. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 114 (50). pp. 10632-10638. ISSN 0027-8424

Újvári, Gábor and Stevens, Thomas and Svensson, Anders and Klötzli, Urs Stefan and Manning, Christina and Németh, Tibor and Kovács, János and Sweeney, Mark and Gocke, Martina and Wiesenberg, Guido and Markovic, Slobodan and Zech, Michael (2016) Two possible source regions for central Greenland last glacial dust. Geophysical Research Letters, 42 (23). pp. 10399-10408. ISSN 0094-8276

Újvári, Gábor and Varga, Andrea and Raucsik, Béla and Kovács, János (2014) The Paks loess-paleosol sequence: a record of chemical weathering and provenance for the last 800 ka in the mid-Carpathian Basin. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, 319. pp. 22-37. ISSN 1040-6182

Újvári, Gábor and Wegner, Wencke and Klötzli, Urs and Horschinegg, Monika and Hippler, Dorothee (2018) Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Analysis of <10 mg Dust Samples: Implications for Ice Core Dust Source Fingerprinting. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19. pp. 60-72. ISSN 1525-2027

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